
Vol 2 Chapter 2603: Dead road


Absolute fear.

This fear is both innate and ingrained.

Can't resist, can't resist, and can't even bear it.

It feels like an ant meets a mortal, a mortal meets a fairy, it is not a question of resistance at all.

The ancestors who cultivated the original sin itself are so, and the ancestors who cultivated the original sin itself are no exception, including the master rat and the **** operator who cultivated the true body of the original sin. Although their consciousness is still there, the mind has already been deterred and disappeared. Can't help shaking.

Even the eight-armed Yan Luo, who had been immersed in the blood of the original sin, and even the ancestor of the green robe, who had been immersed in the essence of the original sin, had a panic in his eyes.

Even formidable existence such as the old demon of Montenegro, the old distressed queen, the blue lantern ghost emperor, facing the rolling black smoke emerging from the whole body of the ancient Qingfeng, they all have a gloomy face, frowning into the river, holding their breath.

Arrogant and arrogant, the bipolar yin and yang of the dragon and the phoenix are infinite, and neither dare to speak or act rashly.

Miao Ru, the so-called Xitian Buddha Emperor, is still sitting cross-legged on the palm of the sacred Buddha, his eyes are already open, staring at the ancient breeze.

The breath of the original sin is still burning like fire, boiling like water.

The light of the original sin is still thunderous in Thunderbolt, and the ridiculous space of the palace is still exploding.

Nine kinds of taboos are still devouring each other, fighting for hegemony here.

The billowing black smoke that contained the spirit of extreme original sin also spread here.

far away.

Wuyue Niangniang stared at the ancient Qingfeng. With a beautiful face, her expression was extremely complicated. There were shock, remorse, helplessness, and unhappiness.

Different from others.

No one else could detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng, let alone what Gu Qingfeng wanted to do.

And Wuyue Niangniang once planted a causal seed on Gu Qingfeng, and because of her causality, she could not only sense the existence of Gu Qingfeng, but also the changes on Gu Qingfeng.

Daxing Monk speculated quite well, Gu Qingfeng was indeed letting go of himself.

Wuyue Niangniang can feel it, and it feels very clear.

But there is something wrong with the big monk.

At this moment, the ancient breeze is not only ego, but also affection and sorrow, anger, sorrow, consciousness, will, mind, mind, consciousness, sage, including his creation, soul, etc. It was being released little by little by the ancient breeze.

Wuyue Niangniang just looked at it like this, after a long time, she said, "Why! Why!"

Gu Qingfeng looked at each other and said lightly: "Isn't this what you ... want?"

"I don't know what they want, and I don't want to know, but this is not what I want!"

"Exactly, this is not what I want."

"Since it's not what you want, why are you ..."

While talking, Wuyue Niangni suddenly thought of what Gu Qingfeng said before, he said whether it should happen, he didn't know, he only knew that it should happen.

And he let go of everything he had, which was something that shouldn't have happened.

This caused Wuyue Niangni to collapse to the extreme.


As she said, this was not the result she wanted.

The purpose of planting a causal seed on Gu Qingfeng was not to protect any avenue, but also to yearn for the era of injustice, but a hope.


A hope.

Instead of planting a causal seed on Gu Qingfeng, she planted a seed of hope on Gu Qingfeng.

But there are too many causal seeds on Gu Qingfeng's body, and it will inevitably affect Gu Qingfeng's mind.

The loss of ancient Qingfeng is doomed.

Because he couldn't bear so many causal seeds at all, these causal seeds were also doomed to crush the ancient Qingfeng and make him lost.

When Wuyue Niangni found that Gu Qingfeng not only had causal seeds planted by herself, she already knew that Gu Qingfeng would be lost.

She even knew that even if she did not stand up and ignite the lost fuse of Gu Qingfeng, there would be other people standing out. Even if no one stood out, Gu Qingfeng would be lost sooner or later.

But she finally chose to stand up and ignite the lost fuse.

Because she hoped that Gu Qingfeng was lost more than anyone.

Only lost, the ancient breeze will not be affected by those causal seeds.

Only when lost can Gu Qingfeng get rid of the net of cause and effect that envelopes him.

Only when lost can Gu Qingfeng find his true self after awakening the self, and awaken the true self.


No one can guarantee to find the true self after being lost.

Not to mention this person is still the ancient breeze.

He has a terrible existence such as Abi Inferno Evil Shura, Shangqianbi falling down Huangquan, swallowing the heavens and the blood, and the ancient Capricorns ’delusions of spiritual knowledge are not good intentions. Nameless, even Supreme Master.

Once the ancient Qingfeng is lost, these existences will inevitably make waves, and take this opportunity to devour the ancient Qingfeng's consciousness.

This is a trick game.

For Gu Qingfeng, yes.

For Wuyue Niangniang too.

If Gu Qingfeng did not find the true self in the loss, then his consciousness would never appear again.

If the ancient Qingfeng disappears, then the hope that Wuyue Niangang put on the ancient Qingfeng will also be destroyed!

despite this.

Wuyue Niangniu still decided to bet on this one.

She has no retreat. She has to bet on this one, and she has to bet on it.

She is very clear that Gu Qingfeng has no retreat, and this Gu Qingfeng must also bet.

Various layouts, various causes and effects have forced Gu Qingfeng into this dead end, and he must go.


What made Wuyue Niangniu never think of was that she came forward to ignite the lost fuse of Gu Qingfeng, and at the same time forced him to the lost road.

But Gu Qingfeng didn't choose to get lost, nor did he embark on this dead end.

He chose to let himself go, letting go of love and anger, letting go of anger and sorrow, letting go of consciousness, will, letting go of creation, and even letting go of his soul.

He is ready to release everything.

Flying is not the same as getting lost.

These are totally two concepts ~ ~ Lost yet there is hope for the true self. Although the hope is very small, there is always hope.

Even if the physical body is broken, the spirit collapses, and the consciousness disappears, even if the soul dies, there is hope for survival, even if the consciousness is swallowed after the ancient Qingfeng lost, he also has hope for survival.

The ancient Qingfeng released everything, like dust to dust, soil to earth, all of his seven emotions, six desires, his consciousness, will, consciousness, divine thought, mind, mind, and so on, all will lose the ancient Qingfeng. My control.

In other words, the sentimental passions are no longer owned by Gu Qingfeng.

Freed-up consciousness, will, God's knowledge, and so on are not part of the ancient Qingfeng.

His physical body will become lost, and his soul will become a lonely ghost.

Everything will become a state of no ownership.

Because Gu Qingfeng released everything, it ’s equivalent to release ‘I’

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