
Vol 2 Chapter 2614: Mysterious true meaning

what's the situation?

The baffling Gu Qingfeng not only has the three overlords of Abi Inferno Evil Shura, but also the gods of ancient ancestry, and other terrible existence? Or that Gu Qingfeng has begun to let go of all his original sins.

Do not!

it's not true.

The ancestors who were present have been staring at the ancient Qingfeng here. Although the existence of the ancient Qingfeng is empty and impossible to detect, there are nine taboo avenues previously released by the ancient Qingfeng, as well as three overlords and even ancient people. Not only can they detect, but also perceive that it was released by Gu Qingfeng.

The sudden power of the original sin that came out this time did not come from Gu Qingfeng, and it seemed to have nothing to do with him.

But who would it be if it were not ancient breeze?

Who can offer such a powerful power of original sin?

The most important thing is, what is the intention of the other party to sacrifice such a powerful original sin power at this juncture?

Is it difficult to stop Gu Qingfeng from flying himself?

Just when everyone was in doubt, the mighty original sin might sweep like a tsunami and thunder from all directions, and the entire space of the palace was enveloped in an instant!


When the power of original sin began to shroud the palace space, it immediately caused the backlash of the nine types of taboo avenues, as incompatible with water and fire, confrontation, and the palace space was immediately chaotic.

This one.

The ancestors also knew each other's purpose, and they definitely wanted to stop Gu Qingfeng from letting himself go.

They all know that at this moment, the ancient Qingfeng and the three overlords as well as the ancient people's consciousness and demon are starting a tug-of-war between the wills. The nine taboo roads somehow are also disconnected from the ancient Qingfeng. The confrontation between the nine taboo roads will certainly affect the spirit of Gu Qingfeng. As long as the mind is in chaos, it will inevitably affect its will.


A figure passed, not others, it was Wuyue Niangniang.

I saw her raising her finger, and a light beam was emitted from her fingertips. The light beam bloomed in the void, like a mysterious flower blooming, an endless mysterious flower blooming. The sky is full, and it looks like the sky is shining. The stars are average, gorgeous and mysterious.

A burst of crackling sounds, such as the twinkling stars, blooming like a mysterious flower, and then, an amazing scene happened, and the mighty original sin power disappeared like this.



It's like never before.

Looking at this scene.

All the ancestors present were dumbfounded and stunned. They all knew that Wuyue's maiden was the queen of heaven destiny, and the queen of destiny was also the emperor of Xiandao.

Those who know also know that since Wuyue Niangniang is able to lay out the heavens and create nature and plant a causal seed on the ancient Qingfeng, her existence is absolutely powerful beyond imagination.

Even so, when the public witnessed Wuyue Niangniu's move of mysterious flowers, the powerful original sin might disappear, but they still couldn't believe it.

You should know that the original sin power that suddenly appeared just came from an original sin variable.


Definitely a ghost that the original sin variable engages in secret.

When the power of original sin appeared, many ancestors probed it, but nothing was detected. Because no one was detected, everyone knew that the other party was an original sin variable, because only the original sin variable was ancient and modern. Undetectable.

It is also because the other party is the original sin variable that cannot be detected by God. Naturally, it is not known which ghost is the original sin variable.

There are only four original sin variables appearing on the field, one Weiyang Demon Emperor, one Happy Emperor, one white worry, one poor strange, even if Miao Rulai and Taiji immeasurable are added, these two are not only original sin variables but still There should only be six digits.

As many as possible should be determined, there are many original sin variables.

The fixed numbers appearing on the field include the floating emperor, the peacock emperor, the Changfeng emperor, and the xuanyang emperor, as well as the holy land nine emperors, the heavenly path nine emperors, and as many as twenty-two, which means that the original sin variables are also at least Twenty-two of them, except for the six who showed up, more than a dozen did not show up.

In the void.

Many ancestors were marveled at the strength of Wuyue Niangniang.

One of them is Chiba Fairy King. She looked at the moonless mother here, and said to herself incredibly, "How does the moonless mother exist? How do I feel about her ..."

Talking, King Chiba Xian looked at Xuantian Jiuxian who could not see far away.

At the feet of Xuantian Jiuxian, it is the mysterious and wonderful mysterious flower that is ever changing.

She faintly felt that there was a connection between the existence of Wuyue Niangniang and the mysterious flower that guarded the origin of Xiandao.

Next to him, the Emperor Changfeng said: "The mysterious flower is the essence of the mysterious Taoist gods, which is condensed from the essence of heaven and earth, and the true meaning of the mysterious Tao is also mysterious. , The origin of Xiandao can also be called the mysterious origin. "

After a pause, Emperor Changfeng said, "Is there any connection between Wuyue Niangniang and Mysterious Flower? I don't know, but one thing is certain, her perception of the word" Xiandao Mystery "is far beyond my imagination. Among the ancestors present, I am afraid that only the two elder veterans and the mysterious elders who are too mysterious can match them. "

"This ... okay!"

King Chiba asked: "Changfeng, did the original sin's power really come from a variable of original sin?"

"should be."

"You don't know who it is?"

The Emperor Changfeng shook his head. He really didn't know.

"You Emperor let go of himself ~ ~ Whether it is for the guardian avenue or for those ancestors who seek original sin God, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? I do n’t know why I want to stop You Emperor releases himself? And it is still a variable of original sin, what benefit can he get from preventing You Emperor from releasing himself? "

Emperor Changfeng's expression seemed to be a little embarrassed, his eyebrows frowned, and a kind of embarrassment appeared in his eyes, sighing: "This is a mystery, no one knows the mystery."

King Chiba didn't speak, just listening.

The Great Emperor Changfeng continued: "Is the emperor letting himself go, for the original sin, does the pros really outweigh the disadvantages? Maybe it is, or it may not be."

"It depends on whether the You Emperor God is recorded in the book of fate."

"If he is, the benefits of the avenue for the original sin outweigh the disadvantages."

"But if he is not the original sin in the book of destiny, then for the original sin, the avenue is more harmful than good."

"The disadvantages outweigh the advantages?" Chiba's immortal asked something, "Why do you say that?"

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