
Vol 2 Chapter 2662: Entrusted

"You can't suppress, you can't plot, and you can't control the gods and gods in You You."

It's not others who say this, it's Tianzong Niangniang.

"Ha ha."

Dugu Fengyun smiled and said, "Mo said that it is only to suppress the magical knowledge of Youdi. Even if you suppress Youdi, how difficult is it for me?"

The words of Dugu Fengyun are not arrogant.

The arrogant even Tianzong Niangniang didn't bother to respond again.

At this time, Xuanyuan waited and said, "Originally, I was confident of suppressing the gods and demons on Youdi. Although Xuanyuan waited for time, I was confident, but the appearance of the damsels made me full of confidence. Absolutely grasp the suppression of the consciousness and magic in You Emperor. "

The sounds of Dugu Fengyun and Xuanyuan waiting, at first glance, they seemed to be bluffing.

But if you taste it carefully, especially if Xuanyuan waits for a while, you feel quite reasonable.

The first Emperor was born, and now is the Emperor Tianzong. They all said that the magical knowledge of Yu You could not be suppressed, and they even said who touched and died.

If that's the case, why would the Emperor of Life come forward to stop it? Why did Tianzong and other maids come forward to stop it?

Isn't it redundant?

Perhaps the bluff is not at all lonely situation and Xuanyuan waiting, but the floating emperor and your mother-in-law.

In a sense, the more they stopped, the more they could show that they were afraid of the delusions of the Emperor You being conspired.

After thinking about this, the ancestors started to move again.

Lao Taishan changed his previous decadence, and was rather excited and yelled, "If the gods and gods in Youyou really can't touch them, why are you so much to stop me from waiting? You shouldn't be afraid to wait for you Is the consciousness of demon suppressed? "

The emperor who was facing him gazed at him and said, "Lao Taishan, I said, I stop you, not to worry or not to be afraid of you suppressing the magical knowledge of You Emperor. I also said that the magical knowledge of You Emperor Read, you ca n’t touch, whoever touches and who dies, the reason why I stopped is because I ca n’t bear to see you in danger, and you are in danger. ”


Lao Taishan laughed loudly, pointing at the floating emperor, Shen Sheng Li shouted: "Do you think I will believe the evil words of the traitors on your avenue?"

"I should have said it. Belief or unbelief is your business."

The voice of the Emperor of the Floating Emperor had just fallen, and a lazy voice came from the void: "Lao Taishan, I advise you to better believe what the Emperor of the Floating Emperor said. As far as I know, he is one of the few who really cares about your life One of you, if you do n’t stop talking about the floating emperor, then you are really close to death. "

The crowd looked around and found that the speaker was Na Cangyan.


She sat on the stone bench next to Suzaku's long post, holding half a glass of fine wine in her hand, slightly lowering her head, staring at half a glass of fine wine, and said quietly: "In addition to the floating emperor, there are three who care about your life and death. One is Nai Xiaoyao, and the other is Nai Daxing.

"Many of you are friends of Emperor Xiaoyao. He is here to protect a friend like Youdi and to save you as well."

"As for the monk who is a monk, haha, the monk who is living, travels through the world, hanging pots, and pursuing sentient beings, it is not just a legend. I do n’t think he looks like a Buddha on the surface, but I dare say that his heart is better than the field Any Buddha, Arhat, or Bodhisattva within is compassionate, even more compassionate than King Peacock. "

As soon as Cangyan finished speaking, there came the voice of abusive monks, who saw that he was standing on the bowl of Prajna-like sin, like a mountain, holding a big compassion mountain, flushed and drunk. Looked like, drinking: "I said Cangyan, your mother is talking nonsense here, the old woman is never compassionate, never mind the life and death of these cubs, their life and death have a relationship with the old woman? Old woman Can't wait to kill them one by one. "

Cangyan didn't bother about the Daxing renju, but looked up at the Peacock Emperor and said with a smile: "The King Peacock Daming traveled three thousand avenues, not to seek the true Buddha or to keep the avenues, but to save beings. He can do anything to save sentient beings. If he kills your so-called ancestors, he can save sentient beings. I think he will kill you without hesitation. Am I right? King Ming? "

The peacock emperor folded his hands, but just read Amitabha.

"King Ming, don't mind if I ask more?"

"Of course I don't mind."

Cang Yan asked, "Why do you come forward to stop them? Are you worried that they are trying to conceal the magic of the Emperor?"

"The gods of Youyou know the magic, they can't figure it out."

"Why do you stop them?"

"I'm not blocking them, I'm just blocking the eight sects of Buddhism."

"Why only stop the eight Buddhism?"

"As you have just said, they are no longer in the eyes of all sentient beings in my eyes. On the contrary, they are the source of harm to all sentient beings. I don't care about their life or death. As for why the eight Buddhist sects are only blocked, it is my selfishness . "

"What selfishness?"

"I don't want the eight sects of Buddhism to fall completely in this catastrophe, and I don't want my Buddha to be left unattended."

The meaning of the peacock emperor is no longer obvious, but the purpose of stopping the eight Buddhist sects was just that he did not want the Buddhas of the eight Buddhist sects to send him to death, so that Xitian completely fell, and nothing more.

"it is good!"

Cang Yan responded well, took half a glass of fine wine, brought it to her mouth, and then drank it. She continued, "Sacred monk, do you hear me clearly?"

The holy monk and the eight Buddhas of Buddhism did not respond, and they did not know how to respond.

Cangyan didn't seem to expect their response at all ~ ~ When he was about to continue to speak, Lao Taishan finally couldn't bear it, and stood up angrily and shouted: "One nonsense! Simply nonsense! Cangyan! , Old warns you, don't want to ... "

Cang Yan was relentlessly interrupted before his words were finished.

Cangyan looked up with a smile, stared at Lao Taishan, and said seriously: "Lao Taishan, believe me, if it is not entrusted, I will never say a nonsense to you, even a word, I'm too lazy to say! "

"What a joke! Still entrusted?" Lao Taishan yelled, "Who can you entrust?"

"Oh! Ancient! None! Name!"

Cang Yan said four words mercilessly.

When she said these four words, Lao Taishan's entire person was as if struck by lightning. He was dumbfounded on the spot, not only Lao Taishan was dumbfounded, all the ancestors present, whether they were original sin ancestors or Dadao ancestors, were dumbfounded. , Including heaven, and the Cause is no exception.

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