
Chapter 111: His hegemony

"Jingshan !!"

Looking at a piece of flesh and blood that belongs to Wen Jingshan on the ground, Jin De's face is as dead as grey, only feels the sky spinning, dizzy.

Wen Jingshan can be said to be a disciple that he has exhausted over a hundred years of hard work, in order to be able to one day let Wen Jingshan ascend to the position of Yunxia faction, and use this method to control Yunxia faction curve. The effort has spent countless resources, but now it has become a pool of flesh and blood. It has been spent for hundreds of years, and most importantly, once Wen Jingshan died, he never had any hope to take charge of the Yunxia faction.

Kinder couldn't accept such a cruel scene. He was shaking with anger, pointed at Gu Qingfeng angrily, and shouted: "You demon! Dare to kill my apprentice ..."

The voice didn't fall. As soon as Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, the palm vortex condensed out, and Kinder was suddenly inhaled.

"Nothing to kill you, even if it kills you!"

Gu Qingfeng struck Jin De's abdomen with a single palm. Jin De suddenly bleeds, fleshes his skin, and his hair falls out. He screams and screams madly, and wants to struggle.

Gu Qingfeng suddenly slaps, Kinder's meridians are broken, blood rushes out of the pores of the whole body, and instantly becomes a blood man.

"Ah!-Demon, I fight with you!"

Jin De's face was dumbfounded, and he wanted to detonate the Jin Dan in his body, but his thoughts just started, and Gu Qingfeng hit him with a severe blow on his belly.

"Fight me? You don't have that qualification yet!"

With such a palm, Jinde ’s Dantian Purple Mansion completely collapsed, and a Jindan who practiced for seven or eight hundred years was also collapsed by the earthquake.

"The demon--"

Jin De wants to burn the spiritual power in his body and share it with Gu Qingfeng. Unfortunately, he does not have this opportunity, and Gu Qingfeng will not give him this opportunity.

"Kneel down to die!"

Gu Qingfeng drank swiftly, clasped his palm in Jinde ’s heavenly cover, slammed, Jinde ’s legs were blurred by the flesh and blood of the earthquake, the foundation was completely destroyed, Dantian collapsed, kneeled on the ground, covered with blood, there was only air, no air .

At this moment Kinder finally realized a terrible fact.

That is Gu Qingfeng's hegemony.

In front of him.

Struggling crazy.

Can't detonate Jin Dan!

Burning Spirits won't work either!

As long as he does not nod, you are not even eligible for suicide!


Kinder realized it, but it was too late. He was abolished, completely abolished.

"Save me ... Save me ... Uncle ... Save me ..."

Kinder was scared, the terrified soul was convulsing, he desperately called for help, his voice was very weak.


Who dares to save?

Who has the power to save?

This man in white is extremely abnormal, powerful and terrifying. Everyone just saw him slap down and shattered Wen Jingshan's Jin Caizhen, who would dare to save?

No one, absolutely none.

There is one in the field, either a group of lords, or even a group of leaders who dare not say that they dare not, even if they have been practicing on the stage for nearly a thousand years, Yunxia Sanlao who has survived the calamity, Hong Xuanzhen, and Antarctica Real people dare not.

All five have survived life robbery.

Jin Dan in the body is more than ten times more refined than Kinder, and so is his strength.

But they still didn't dare. They were afraid, fearful, and even less confident.

After all, five people have cultivated for thousands of years, and they are all mature and well-informed. They can live to this day and survive life and calamity. They do not rely on qualifications or perceptions, nor do they cultivate, but they are cautious!

They are very powerful.

But in the face of a mysterious unknown, the body is strange and strong, unfathomable, and no one knows how strong his strength is. No one among the five has the courage to test, because they all know that once the test fails That means death.

After a thousand years, they have been very cautious. If they are not absolutely sure, they will never rush.

If not, they would not host a banquet to invite all celebrities in the Qingyang Realm to test the attitude of the Jiuhua Alliance, because they knew that even if the temptation failed, it would be a big deal to surrender to the Jiuhua Alliance.

And if it is to test the failure of Gu Qingfeng, no one knows what the consequences will be.

Not far away, Wei Qing was still sitting upright, facing away, he didn't look, lowered his head, never turned around and looked at it, carrying fragrant tea in his hand, but there was no more handsome face The previous indifference, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and his expression was full of horror. The cup of fragrant tea in his hand was still warm, but he did not drink it anymore, but closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but still suppressed. Be shocked and startled.

Beside him, Shui De was already scared and shivered, couldn't stop shaking, and the old gray beside him was also bowing, bowing his head, afraid to speak, even breathing. Hold on, the four men who were like giants were about two meters and five in height. Although they were still standing resolutely at this moment, holding their handles, their faces were no longer fierce, only nervous, yes An insidious tension.

far away.

Ouyang Feiyue's face was not very good. She stood up early and hid far away, just watching and looking at it.

She is so, and Huo De's situation is not very good. He stood behind and tried to persuade him several times, but he swallowed every time he spoke.

He knew Gu Qingfeng's identity, and he was afraid to speak because he knew it.

He knew better than anyone how terrible Gu Qingfeng was in silence.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Here, the tree has a shadow, and the person is nameless.

No one knows who Gu Qingfeng is, where it comes from, or what it wants to do.

Nobody knows.

Above the sky, the scorching sun is shining.

The Yunxia faction is as cold as frost. This cold is a kind of cold that penetrates the bone marrow and erodes the soul.

The man in white was standing with his hands in his arms, standing here, like the sky above the earth, and like a solitary monument under the sky, a breeze blew, his clothes moved and his hair fluttered gently. Zhang Lengjun's face was expressionless, his expressions were cold and silent, and between the eyebrows was the countless arrogance. A pair of gloomy eyes swept open, staring at the sky, daring the world, no one dared to stare at him. With his domineering glance, everyone on the field was not shaking.

"You ... how can you kill me like this in Yunxia ..."

Above the platform, Yun He's real face was blue, staring at Gu Qingfeng, trying to get angry, but he couldn't get angry.

"Kill and kill, what do you do?"


Yun He lived for a while, with a terrified expression on his horrified face, and he asked, "What do you want?"


Two words.

Very simple two words.

Yun He looked at him from side to side, then glared at Gu Qingfeng and took a deep breath, but trembled and shouted, "Why should I let you be so presumptuous ..."

"What can you do?"


Yun He was really angry and angry, but he was just angry.

He didn't dare to do it.

He didn't dare, neither did Yun Fa or Yunzheng. The real Hong Xuan and the Antarctic real were also afraid.


What can you do?

"His Excellency ..." Hong Xuan really wanted to say something, but also used the title of His Excellency, except that he had just spoken, and the quiet ancient Qingfeng across from him suddenly burst into rage.

"Shut up for me! When I do the business, let's talk about you guys!"

Gu Qingfeng raised a hand, pointed at Shui De, and snarled, "Shui De! Come over and die!"

The voice fell down ~ ~ With his five fingers open, the turbulent swirl of his palm condensed out, and the frightened Shuide was suddenly sucked in.

"Young Master ... Save me ... Save me ..."

Shuide was terrified and shouted in horror.

"I want to kill you, no one can save you!"

Gu Qingfeng hit Shui De's abdomen with a slap, and Shui De's skin flickered and Qiqiao bleeding.

"Your young master can't!"

boom! Another hand, Dan Tian collapsed in Shuide's body, Kinder collapsed!

"Jiuhua Alliance is not OK!"

boom! Another palm, Shuide covered all the meridians and bones!

"Even if Lao Zi is here!"

boom! The last palm fell, Shui De was violent on the spot!


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