
Chapter 341: Situation

When Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, the palm vortex condensed out, and with a loud whisper, the elder of Bowen was immediately sucked in.

"Rabbit, today I will let you experience the means of evil repair!"

The words fell, Gu Qingfeng punched in the elder's abdomen with a bang. The elder's abdomen was suddenly punched by him in a **** hole, and he reached in. When he came out, his hands were stained with blood, and his palm was a bit extra A golden candid!

Jin Dan!

Elder Bowen's Jin Dan was taken out by him ...

"Everyone knows what his mother's evil cultivation is, so you dare to shout the demon guardian? You have cultivated for more than a thousand years. You really cultivated it on a dog. What else is Jin Dan doing!"

Gu Qingfeng held Jin Dan, the elder of Bowen, with five fingers and one force, click! A thick Jindan just disappeared into his hands and dispersed into ashes.

"Hold up the banner of justice and buckle the hat of evil repair. This is what you call the demon-defending way!"

Gu Qingfeng clutched Elder Bowen's head, clicked, and threw it on the ground. Elder Bowen flew flesh with shocked legs!

Seeing this scene, everyone was frightened and flabbergasted, running wildly and crawling wildly, and the spirit wanted to escape.

"A group of rabbits, when you start, you are indiscriminate, you can fight if you can beat it, but you can run if you can't beat it. How can there be such a good thing in the world!"

The ancient Qingfeng stepped out one step, the turbid Guanghua erupted from the whole body, and the spiritual power was as vast as the sea, and instantly swallowed up like a tsunami.

"Lao Tzu has never had the habit of being beaten, dare to do it, no one wants to run today! Get off all of me!"

With a prestige, the wind rises and blasts! Bang!

The turbid spiritual power exploded with thunder, lightning and thunder. More than two hundred people in the field were erected by shaking hair, their clothes were broken, Qiqiao bleeding, and they were paralyzed on the ground.

"Open your deficit head."

As soon as Gu Qingfeng raised his hand, an elder with a cloud and a rudder was sucked by him, scratching his head, clicking, his legs shattered, and he knelt on the ground.

"Closed deficit head!"

Another elder with a cloud of rudder shattered his legs and knelt on the ground.

"When did the deficit head become an umbrella for your dog stuff!"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

In the blink of an eye, all nine elders of Huoyunfen Rudder were ripped open, dug out Jin Dan, crushed their legs, and knelt on the ground.

"And you!"

Between the ancient Qingfeng waving his hand, the elder Xuanhua who was at the helm of the storm was also sucked by him.

"No I ... I I ... I didn't, I didn't say you were a cult! I didn't!"

The nine elders who saw Huoyun's rudder with their own eyes were persecuted, and the elder Xuanhua was scared.

"Ha ha ha ha! Did you change your mouth when you were dead? Just your courage is worthy of claiming a deficit head? It is simply an insult to the first three words of the deficit!"

"Gu Qingfeng, you ... don't!"

After all, Lan Feier was a stubborn person, and now watching Elder Xuanhua fall into the hands of Gu Qingfeng, she also frightened to stop her. When she attacked, she was swept by Gu Qingfeng on the spot When she went out, she looked around again, and saw Gu Qingfeng slap on the head of Elder Xuanhua, and the head of Xuanhua Elder shattered immediately.

"Gu Qingfeng, how can you ... how can you kill me ... guys, I fight with you!"

Lan Feier was panicked, sacrificing her natural power, and congenital treasure. Jin Dan turned eighty to fight with the ancient Qingfeng, but she just moved, and the ancient Qingfeng came instantly, holding her neck.



Shui Yun also struck, however, when she appeared, she was also held in the neck by Gu Qingfeng, and the two were struggling in the air by Gu Qingfeng, struggling violently. Unfortunately, it was useless at all.

"Little girl, I'll kill you like slaughtering pigs and dogs. You can stand just because you didn't do it just now, that's all, don't know why!"

Gu Qingfeng waved a hand, and the two girls flew out like a kite with a broken line.


The second woman was furious and lost her mind. She wanted to do it again!

Gu Qingfeng glared angrily, raised his fingers at the two, and shouted, "Just move again, I'll kill you! Give me a roll!"

The words rolled down, and Shui Yunruo and Lan Feier were tormented by the blood of the word, their faces were pale, their mouths and noses were sprayed with blood, their chests were covered, and they were paralyzed on the ground.


The muddy spiritual power was burning here like a sea of ​​fire, and there were dense thunderbolts flashing inside, more than two hundred people lying on the ground, wounded, dead, trembling, afraid, afraid.

In the gazebo.

Fei Kui lowered her head and stood silently. He didn't speak, and even when Gu Qingfeng unbuttoned his collar before, he never looked up.

Just stand there.

Not far away, Chen Yue also stood, holding Xia Paner in her arms tightly.

She was scared.

Scared to death.

She never thought of a person who seemed idle and lazy, so angry that it was so terrible that it was so terrible.

Words and deeds, lonely and wild.

Flick to kill instantly.

He stood here, like the sword of Qingtian, like the lonely peak of the sky, more like the **** of war who arrogant to the world, and the staring eyes, as if not putting everything in heaven and earth in his eyes.


Frosty twilight.

Just like the twilight when the sun is falling, it is terrible, as if darkness would come at any time, it would appear at any time when it was put into the end.

Chen Yue wanted to leave, but she found that she didn't even have the guts to run, yes, no, she was afraid that she would be killed by this terrible person before she left.

Chen Yue is so.

And the people lying on the ground are afraid of trembling, whether they are elders of various majors or masters of three holes and five mountains, no one is exception, all paralyzed on the ground, every one of them The hairs were shaking in fear.

Feng Hui sent the disciple, Jin Can.

Zhu Fan, a disciple of disciples Xiao Fan ~ ~ Liu Renshan, disciple of disciples Ren Shen.

Feng Yun Jiu Ling, Huo Yun Jiu Zi, these innate geniuses who have the natural color spirit, are scared in incontinence at this moment, they are full of feces and urine, and they have not cultivated for a long time, only a few decades Maybe they have experienced danger and also encountered crisis, but they have never experienced such downright fear, which directly crushes their minds, penetrates the heart, and penetrates the soul.

There was only one person on the field who was not injured, and that was Master Shitong's big disciple Feihe.

He was not injured because he didn't do anything, that's all.

He was not injured, but was paralyzed on the ground.

He was not deterred or suppressed. Neither Gu Qingfeng's prestige nor the vast spiritual power had affected him in any way.

But he was paralyzed on the ground.

I was scared. I did n’t dare to breathe, I did n’t dare to speak, I did n’t even look up.

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