
Chapter 390: go to hell

Su Shi has been intolerable. If he doesn't make a decision again, once the mind is completely shrouded, it will be over and he will be conquered and do what he wants to do.

The last time she tried to summon consciousness, it was still useless.

No way.

Can only give up.

She decided to disconnect her consciousness. Although this would cause great trauma to her mind, there is no other way to go now. If not, waiting for her would be a terrible thing.

With this in mind, Su Shi didn't hesitate.

However, at the moment she decided to disconnect, she suddenly noticed that there was something different on the side of God's consciousness, and seemed to touch the edge of the mind of ancient Qingfeng. The feeling was like wandering in the endless darkness for thousands of years and suddenly found Just like the light, Su Shi didn't even think about it. At the moment, he summoned God's knowledge.

After the return of the consciousness, she sat cross-legged for the first time, and her heart moved. The brilliance of the whole body flashed madly. The pure and holy brilliance formed a white lotus in her body. The solemn Brahma sounded like the sound of Bodhi, very deep.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but nodded, secretly saying good things.

To say that Su Shi's ability is in front of her. The work of a holy lotus blooming, her mind has been purified by her, but this tossing down, the energy and spirit have been exhausted, exhausted, plus The body has just been occupied again, and it takes a while to adjust your breath to recover.

"Miss, your sense?"

"Already ... no problem ..."

Su Shi ’s beautiful face was still delicate and charming. She tried to stand up, she was weak, and was supported by Qian Shan, and barely stood up. She stared at Gu Qingfeng with a very complicated look, with embarrassment, regret, and count Endless doubts and strong anger.

She just burned herself and was embarrassed in the face of so many people.

She regretted breaking into Gu Qingfeng's mind.

What is doubtful is that she still can't understand what the mind of this guy is, why it is endless, what is the dark red light cluster inside, why is her **** ’s consciousness covered by acacia, and why Stuck inside, why did he suddenly return, and this guy really doesn't know what's going on with him? Too many doubts made her wonder.

What made her angry was that she was burned just now, almost ...

And this guy is still sitting on a chair, eating red leaf demon fruit, drinking a little wine, and even more shameful, this guy is very innocent, as if he really doesn't know anything.

Although Su Shi did not know what happened to Gu Qingfeng's mind, one thing is certain, this guy is absolutely impossible to know nothing about his mind, absolutely impossible!

"Did you already know?"

In the face of Su Shi's doubts, Gu Qingfeng shook his head and responded very sharply: "Sister, didn't you say that, I don't know anything."


Su Shi didn't think about it. She directly denied it. She was sure that this guy must know, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt wrong, and the more she thought about it, the more the whole thing had problems.

"Big sister, what do you say?" Gu Qingfeng stood up, looked at Su Shi, and said, "Can you blame me? When you searched earlier, I already told you plainly that when I failed to build the foundation , My mind has changed, it ’s weird. Someone has probed my mind and has died, and I advise you to better not probe. "

Gu Qingfeng raised the too-empty cup and drank it. He continued to say, "How about you, do n’t believe this evil, you have to investigate it. You also have a sense of your own, and it makes me rest assured. Why now I blame me instead? coming?"

"You, the tall girl, also said that your deity is as vast as the sea, as strong as a rock, you can peep into the heavens, and you can gain insight into the hexagrams. No one in this world can shake your gods. I thought it was true. "

"Little sister Ouyang also said that you were a fairy of nine days before, and even if it was a sword and a sea of ​​fire, you couldn't help it."

Gu Qingfeng's words made Qianshan very embarrassed, also made Ouyang Ye embarrassed, and made Su Shi himself want to cry without tears.

If you think about it, it is true.

This guy did say that his mind was weird, and he really said that someone had probed his mind, and he died violently. He even advised himself not to probe.

They blame themselves for being too confident and almost causing a disaster.


Su Shi regretted it and regretted holding her hair and yelling.

However, she thought deeply and felt wrong. She still clearly remembered that when she was preparing to investigate, this guy kept persuading herself and stated that if she had a problem, she could not blame him. At that time Su Shi had some doubts. She felt more and more problematic.

"Did you already know that my consciousness would be trapped?"

"Sister Su, what do you mean? Shouldn't you just plant it yourself and blame me? Let's say it in advance. If you have a three long and two short, you can't blame me. The sister of the month and Master Wenzhu can prove it. "

Ouyang Feiyue and Master Zhu take a look at Gu Qingfeng and Su Shi. They really don't know what to say.

Su Shi looked at the ancient Qingfeng, and his heart was silent.

She really couldn't tell whether Gu Qingfeng really knew anything, or she was innocent.

If you don't know anything about this, Su Shi will admit it.

But if this guy pretends to be innocent, then ... it's horrible.

Su Shi tried to reason for a while. She thought that she seemed to be transferred to the trap that this guy had already designed, and it was still a trap to eat her. Even if she ate it, she even questioned Not much, this is a boring loss, a great boring loss.

Is this really the case?

do not know.

Su Shi only knew that if that was the case, then this guy was not only horrible, but even terrible.

The boundless and infinitely extended mind, somehow acacia without signs, this method is simply weird.

Su Shi really can't think of what kind of existence can achieve.

Will he?

Not like.

At least it doesn't look like it.

It is absolutely impossible for a person who is neither reincarnation nor godsend to understand this mysterious and strange method.

Is he really innocent?

Nothing like that.

At least it doesn't feel like it.

What is it ~ ~ Su Shi really don't know.

And she is not in the mood to think about this problem, and giving this guy a massage has made her very embarrassed. Now she is burned, and she is embarrassed. It is no longer embarrassing but shameful. Su Shi really has no face to stay here. The doubling of the avatar has to find a place to adjust the rate as soon as possible.

"During my investigation, my mind was affected. I must go back and adjust my interest rate.

Qian Shan wanted to leave with Su Shi, the voice of Gu Qingfeng came.

"Big sister, you'll have to adjust your interest rate in Yunxia. After you adjust your interest rate, I'll let you investigate."

Su Shi froze, only felt a headache, closed her eyes, and shook her head slightly: "No need ... I'll go back and adjust my breath."

"Ah, that's really a shame. I also expect you to tell me what's going on."

Su Shi turned around and stared at Gu Qingfeng. Her eyes were full of doubt and resentment. She wanted to point at this guy and swear, go to death!

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