
Vol 2 Chapter 524: The Legend of the Immaculate Conception

"This ... hehe!"

The Daxing epic smiled a little awkwardly. Although he didn't want to, he had to start the topic of cause and effect on the premise of Gu Qingfeng, because this time he came for this matter, and he took a sip of wine and said, "If It is a bit nonsense to say that my Buddha is worried about you, so I let you give up cause and effect ... To tell you the truth, my Buddha is not worried about you, but afraid of you. "

"Afraid of me?" Gu Qingfeng chuckled and said, "Is the Buddha still afraid?"

"When everyone is afraid, my Buddha is no exception, especially now that the origins of heaven and earth are being reborn, all the rules are being reorganized, and no one knows exactly what will happen. Similarly, I do n’t know, because I do n’t know, so It must be prevented before it happens ... And brother, you, the Buddha and his elders have named the surname that must be prevented beforehand. "

"This is what you said, I believe." Daxing nodded heavily and said, "But ancient brothers, you should know that once something has begun, you are destined to be unable to turn back, and the development of this stuff is often left to others. ... like cause and effect. "

"Cause and effect ..."

Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes slightly, as if helpless, and said, "Dahang, there is a problem that I have been wondering, I ask my cause and effect, no matter what you do? Why jump out one by one and let me give up! "

"Ancient brother, presumably you should know the so-called causal black hole. This thing is terrible. The cause and effect of many people are involved in it. The more people fall into it, the more terrible the consequences will be."

"Now the causal law is being reorganized, and the causal black hole continues to sweep like a tornado, and more and more people, more and more cause and effect are involved ... It will most likely affect the law of cause and effect, and cause and effect Once the rules are confused, the consequences are unimaginable. "

"You must know that everything in heaven and earth is in cause and effect. If the law of cause and effect is chaotic, then the whole world will be chaotic ... Then there must be another catastrophe. The mysterious era known as the mystery from ancient times to the end is not so end . "

Mysterious times?

It was a distant and unknown era. It was an era after the ancient times. It was short and short. After the end of the ancient times, a new era had just begun. It did n’t take long for a catastrophe to happen. A new era ended like this ... ...

The cause of the end of that new era has always been the biggest mystery between heaven and earth. No one knows it yet. Everything in that era is also unknown, as if it had never existed before. No one knows anyone about the mysterious era. Things, so everyone calls that era the mysterious era.

When it comes to mysterious times, you have to mention the six mysterious legends that are so famous between heaven and earth.

Legend of God.

No legend

Causal legend

Burial ancient legend.

The legend of truth.

Black hole legend.

The so-called legend of the gods is said to have been born in the mysterious age. He cut down the immortals and slaughtered the demons, defeated the heavens and the earth, and finally asked the true god. After becoming the gods era, he was the first person to become the god.

The so-called legend of innocence is said to have opened a new avenue from the Three Thousand Avenues, named Wudao, with superb understanding. It is said that the mystery of the law of innocence encompasses everything and contains the mystery of all things in the world.

The so-called causal legend, it is said that this person changed his own cause and effect, cut off his own cause and effect, and became the first person in history to cut off his own cause and effect and take his destiny in his own hands.

In the so-called ancient burial legend, it is said that this man buried the origin of heaven and earth with his own fury when the catastrophe occurred, and buried the heaven and earth, and also buried an era.

Of course, there is another so-called truth legend opposite the ancient burial legend.

It is said that the stranger discovered the real mystery of heaven and earth and was obliterated by the gods. The gods launched a catastrophe to end the mysterious era and cover up all the truth that belongs to the mysterious era.

The last is the so-called black hole legend. It is said that after the strange man was obliterated by the gods, he did not know what magical means he used to transform into a causal black hole. This causal black hole is eternal, not restricted by any avenue, and no longer in the heavens and earth. They are spinning, and they appear in almost every age ...

These are the six mysterious legends that are so famous between heaven and earth. Because no one knows the name of the strange man, future generations call this "wonder" created by this strange man. Supreme Supreme.

But, after all, legends are just legends.

No one knows the truth.

Even after the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, everything in the mysterious era and the infidelity is still an unknown mystery that no one knows.

However, one thing is undeniable.

The so-called six mysterious legends have opened a big cause and effect era.

Because in the mysterious era, he has cut off cause and effect and became the first person to hold his destiny in his own hands. Therefore, future generations have followed suit and want to cut off cause and effect and not be bound by cause and effect. Destiny, truly fulfilling my life, I can't help it.

Why control your own destiny?

The reason is simple, because in the legend, only by cutting off his own cause and effect can he be the true god.

This is why so many ancient times have fallen into the cycle of cause and effect. After losing themselves, countless people still try to cut off cause and effect ...

Because they all want to grasp their own destiny, UU reading they all want to ask the true god.

Anyone who has been to Heaven knows almost all the six mysterious legends of the so-called noble respect, and the ancient Qingfeng is no exception.

But he never believed in legend, he only believed in what he saw with his own eyes.

He seeks cause and effect, neither wants to hold destiny in his own hands, nor does he want to ask the true God, but simply wants to know his cause and effect.

"Ancient brother, the person who has cause and effect with you has fallen into the black hole. In other words, one of your feet has fallen into the black hole. If you give up the cause and effect, everything is too late." Speaking of the cause and effect black hole, Daxing The monk is also a face of a puppet, and it seems to be especially painful, sighing: "There are too many people who have fallen into the black hole. Although I tried to stop it, it was too late."

"Ancient brother, in order to give birth to the world, you give up cause and effect. My Buddha said, as long as you are willing to give up, you can leave at any time, not only you can leave, but you can also leave with Jun Xuanyuan, and from now on, you I will never take care of anything, any! Remember! Anything, even if you make a hole in the sky, my Buddha will still open his eyes and close his eyes. "

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