
Vol 2 Chapter 592: Gemstone

That night.

The moon was bright and the stars were bright.

After Ouyang Ye returned to the manor where she lived with Gu Qingfeng, she left to pick up the rough stone, leaving the winter to entertain.

Hall interior.

In winter, I brought a plate with a delicate white jade bottle and three cups on it. Then I opened the white jade bottle. The inside was frosty and mist-like crystal clear water. She poured a glass gently and raised her hand. The jade hands throbbed, Tao Tao Ling Jue condensed out, and the water in the cup was instantly frozen and turned to boiling again. It looked like ice was burning, quite mysterious.

Gu Qingfeng admired with interest, nodded his praise, praised the skill of this winter, and praised the girl's skill. The judging method of the condensed spirit alone is enough to show that the girl's future achievements are inestimable He could see that Han Dong was making a kind of jade dew, and he was curious and asked, "What the **** is this?"

"Yu Lu, Binghuo Xinlu."

Han Dong whispered softly, and then passed a glass of ice-cold frost dew, and said, "My son, please taste."

Gu Qingfeng was not polite. He smelled it while holding the cup. The taste was not bad. He took a sip and suddenly felt a wonderful feeling. It was like a cold breeze blowing in the summer and a cold winter moon. The sun, and this feeling, straight into my heart, is very comfortable ... and very different.

Without hesitation, drink a glass of Binghuo Xinlu, and nodded: "It is worthy of Binghuo Xinlu, it is good ..."

Han Dong poured another cup for Gu Qingfeng. Gu Qingfeng was idle and bored, and asked, "I heard that you are the treasurer of the demon moon palace?"

Winter nodded.

Regarding the cold winter, when Gu Qingfeng was in the secret place of peach blossoms, I heard about it more or less. People who knew that the monster moon palace had been crowding out the cold winter.

of course.

Gu Qingfeng was not interested in these. The purpose of his trip was only for the wind to go month by month. I wanted to ask about the situation of the wind from month to month. Later I thought about it and it was fine. When the wind left month by month, the girl had not been born yet. How can you know that the wind is going from month to month, but her master, Gu Qingfeng, has some impressions.

"Your master is Feiyan Taoist from the Moon Palace?"

Perhaps Gu Qingfeng asked in a suspicious tone, and Han Dong asked, "My son knows my master?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, raised a glass of ice and fire to reveal it, drank his head and drank it, responding: "Have heard of it."

In fact, he not only heard about it, but also knew, or should say, that the whole demon moon palace, except for the wind and the moon, Feiyan Taoism is his most impressive person.

When he took refuge in Yaoyue Palace that year, in addition to the wind knowing his identity month by month, Feiyan Daozong also knew.

Not only that, at that time, his identity was exposed, and the elders of the demon moon palace decided to obliterate him, but Feiyan Taozun did not, although Gu Qingfeng was very clear that Feiyan Taozun wanted to protect himself for the sake of the wind month by month, but Anyway, it is also guaranteed.

In the impression, it was a woman with a good heart and a good heart. She was able to recover so quickly when she took refuge in Yaoyue Palace, thanks to the care of Feiyan Tao.

This is also a kind of kindness.

In the secret place of the peach blossom, I heard that Feiyan Taozun was seriously injured during the catastrophe and has not recovered. I do n’t know what the situation is now. Gu Qingfeng pondered to find a chance to see if it could help. Calculate the gratitude of the care of the year.

"Yes, why don't you see the Chiyan boy?"

Perhaps it was not expected that Gu Qingfeng would suddenly ask such a question, and Han Dong slightly hesitated, and responded softly: "The boy Chi Yan has to do something before going back."

"Is that so?" Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and asked, "I heard that you are still fellows?"

Han Dong hesitated for a moment, but eventually nodded, in response, and asked, "Do you know Chiyan?"

Gu Qingfeng smiled narrowly and responded, "Have heard of it."

When I learned that someone was posing as myself, Gu Qingfeng knew that this must be Ouyang Yezhen's cricket moth. After listening to the discussion in Peach Blossom Secret, Gu Qingfeng could guess how much, I wanted to say something, this time Ouyang Ye broke in.

"Yo, sister Ouyang, did you get anything?"

Ouyang Ye flung her eyes in a bad mood, she was not used to this guy calling herself Ouyang sister, because it always made her think of that person three years ago.

"Well! Let me show you."

Ouyang Ye thought about it, and then a big fist rock appeared on the palm of her hand.

At first glance, the stone is very ordinary, and it is almost no different from the stone on the mountain, but when Ouyang Ye pulled out the stone from the storage bag, the dark and deep eyes of Gu Qingfeng still scratched an imperceptible eye. Suspicious, he took the stone calmly and took a closer look.

"Hey, Miss Ben didn't lie to you, is this a rough stone of nature?"

See Gu Qingfeng nodded.

"What is the rough stone in nature, and you must know, don't you say more? Miss Ben can also tell you, this is still a natural rough stone that belongs to ancient times, how about it? I didn't expect it?"

The rough stone of nature is called the most precious spar in the world, because it contains the most primitive aura and the purest aura in nature. This kind of rough stone is not conceived by the endless calendar days or nature's mutation, but a large It was born at the time of natural recovery, so it will contain the most primitive and pure aura.

When will nature recover?

There is only one situation, that is, the change of times after the catastrophe, as in ancient and modern times.

This rough stone belongs to the ancient times. In other words, it was born at the end of the ancient times, at the beginning of the ancient times ~ ~ at the time of nature's recovery.

Such rough stones are absolutely worthless among priceless.

However, the premise is that the original stone contains the original spirit, and the original aura in this original stone is no longer pure, but not pure, but rather turbid.

"This ... Lao Jiu, I don't want to deceive you either. Although this rough stone belongs to ancient times, its primitive spirit is already impure."

Ouyang Ye knew that the turbidity of the original stone could not be concealed, but anyone who was not a fool could see it. She simply said it, and then the words turned, and she said: "But ... this original stone is turbid, but But there is a mysterious power in it. If you do n’t believe it, you can sacrifice it to investigate! ”

It was found that Gu Qingfeng lowered his head, and stared at the rough stone intently. Ouyang Ye was very embarrassed in the heart, for fear that this guy would not look down. After thinking about it, the little girl decided to take advantage of the opportunity and flicker a little, said.

"Lao Jiu! I saw that you were pretty good, so I changed this rough stone with you. Think about it, this is a natural rough stone that belongs to ancient times. In ancient times, it ’s beautiful. The great age of practice. "

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