
Vol 2 Chapter 597: Aunt Xue

Over the past few days, Ouyang Ye has been indulging in the joy that cannot be extricated. With the more I know about the sword of Caiyun, the more I like it, I can't help it. Even before I rest, I have to touch it several times to sleep peacefully.

In order to express my gratitude to Lao Jiu, the little girl has been serving deliciously and deliciously. As long as it can be named, the little girl will find a way to get it, even if it costs more. The spirit stone is also at his disposal.

Of course, doing this is not just expressing gratitude to Lao Jiu, the little girl is also thinking about her own abacus in her heart, that is, observing, observing whether this person is credible or unbelievable.

Because with these days of contact, Ouyang Ye more and more found out that this guy named Lao Ji and Chi Yan's son are really too much, all so lazy, all so casual, all so seemingly indifferent to anything , It is so giving people a sense of incompetence.

Not only the tone of the words, but also the behavior of the words.

Especially these days, this guy is lying on a chair while basking in the sun and drinking a little wine, which is exactly the same as that of Chiyan.

The little girl almost mistaken Lao Ji as Gu Qingfeng several times.

If it wasn't for three years ago to witness the ancient Qingfeng flying out of smoke, Ouyang Ye was very suspicious that this old nine might be disguised by the guy of the ancient Qingfeng.


She knew it was impossible.

Although she hoped it was true, it was just hope.

She knew that Gu Qingfeng was dead, dead, and impossible to survive.

This day.

The sun is setting, and the sunset is dusk.

Ouyang Ye waited until the winter came back, and immediately said what was in her mind, persuading the winter to let the old nine pretend to be the ancient breeze, but before he finished speaking, he was opposed by the winter.

"Sister, this guy, Lao Jiu, is definitely the best candidate to pretend to be Gu Qingfeng. If you do n’t know that Gu Qingfeng died out three years ago, I doubt this guy is disguised by Gu Qingfeng, and through the observations of these days, I think Lao Jiu is also a trustworthy person. If we speak, he should not refuse. "

Han Dong shook her head slightly. She didn't think that the old nine was not suitable for posing as an ancient breeze, nor was she a believer. However, although it is not known who the old nine is actually, she did so to repay Ou Yangye for his life-saving grace. Doubt his character.

She objected, but didn't want to let more people get into her own trouble, and didn't want to affect other people. She said, "Yeah, I know you're good for me, but I won't mention it later. When you asked for Ling I didn't agree when I was posing as a Chiyan boy, and my heart has always been very self-reproached. Now it's hard to persuade Sister Ling back, my sister begged you, don't look for someone else to pretend to be a Chiyan boy. "

"Sister, now that things have come to this point, don't you think about it so much?"

Ouyang Ye persuaded: "What's more, the current situation does not allow us to have other choices. We must continue to find someone to pretend to be an ancient breeze. Otherwise, the elders of the demon moon palace will soon be suspicious. This is not the most important thing. How did your teacher explain it? Since the elderly knows that you became a lover with Chiyan, your spirit is much better, and your injuries are slowly recovering. If you tell her now, the Chiyan is fake, say If it's not good, you are stifling the hope of the elderly. If the elderly can't bear it ... it is likely that they will ... "

Ouyang Ye's words made Han Dong very tangled, and her cold face became painful.

She is not unaware that the situation is nowhere to go.

As Ouyang Ye said, if you don't find someone to continue posing as Chiyan, the elders of the demon moon palace will be doubtful, and her palm reserve will be in crisis again.

This is not the most entangled and tangled by her, the most tangled by her own master.

Han Dong was very clear in her heart. Since last time she took Master Ling, posing as the son of Chiyan, to visit the master's fire, the master's energy was obviously much better. What surprised her most was that the master's injury was gradually improving. She You know, all of this is because the son of Chi Yan, the son of Chi Yan let the master see the hope and the hope of regaining control of the demon moon palace.

Winter is not unaware.

on the contrary.

She knows the importance of Chiyan than anyone else.


She was worried that she would get deeper and deeper.

If it is someone else who pretends to be, it is the Chiyan son who pretends to be the predecessor, who is known as the King of Xiaoxiao.

Find someone who pretends to be the emperor of the Qixiao King. What consequences will it cause at that time? The winter is impossible to imagine. For the time being, it is not true whether the real Chiyan boy is the heir of the Chixiao King. If it is false, then it is true. Yes, what should I do? Wouldn't it hurt the hearts of the Qixia people all over the world? She couldn't bear the price, and didn't dare to bear it. Most importantly, she couldn't bear the conscience.

To hurt others for your own business.

Winter doesn't want to do this.

And Ouyang Ye seemed to know what Han Dong was worried about, and continued to persuade him, "Sister, things are not as serious as you think. There are so many scammers posing as the king of the red sky, not to mention us, let alone I have I greeted Ziyang and their seniors, and they all agreed, as well as Father Huo De, he agreed, and said there was any need, even if he told him. "


Han Dong was about to say something. At this time, a erratic voice suddenly came, saying: "Winter, you said it well every night, at this time you should not think so much."

The sound came ~ ~ Both Han Dong and Ouyang Ye showed surprise expressions on their faces, and then looked at the bracelet that Ouyang Ye was wearing.

The bracelet is a bluish green bracelet that looks ordinary. When the sound comes, the bracelet blooms with dazzling brilliance, and the brilliance flashes away, followed by a blurred figure in front of the two.

This person looks like a virtual, real, vague and vague, giving a very illusory feeling, she looks like a noble woman, with long hair and high coiled hair, sophisticated and beautiful, giving a very dignified and very beautiful Elegant feeling, just like a royal concubine.

"Aunt Xue!"

Ouyang Ye and Han Dong both shouted Aunt Xue in surprise.

Aunt Xue is not a human, but a spirit ghost, to be precise, an inscrutable spirit.

It was half a year ago that the two met in an ancient cave house. At that time, Aunt Xue was dying. Fortunately, the two took the help to help Aunt Xue overcome the difficulties. In order to repay the two, Aunt Xue has been pointing for the past six months. For them, the cultivation of Han Dong and Ou Yang Ye can make rapid progress, and it is also inseparable from Aunt Xue's instructions.

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