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Chapter 213: Go underground

Matvey is an adventurer. He hopes to realize his great ideals through his adventures. He wants to be a pioneering hero, and he thinks that his previous work is better than any of his peers, but Just when he thought his career was about to reach its peak, suddenly a puddle of cold water poured down, and Mattaway lost everything in an instant.

The x12 base is a huge system. It took him a long time to get familiar with and adapt after taking over. Now all the materials and soldiers that will play an invaluable role in his future are destroyed, and all are destroyed by the strange man riding a red horse. When it fell, Red Horse ’s fast speed, Matve, has seen it. The winged freak did not look at any zombies by virtue of the speed of the little red horse. He slaughtered the members of the base like chopping vegetables and melons. But All his hopes for the future.

Matve shed tears and watched his hope disappear. He was powerless, and even dared not to come back to the idea of ​​blocking it. The weird was terrible. It seemed like a rumor over Vasily. He was the **** of death from heaven. There is only one dead end to anyone who offends!

Matvi turned his head hard to stop looking at the base, and he told the guard: "Let's go, we're returning here. This place is never our place, and we will never return."

A guard asked strangely, "General, we still have so many tanks, maybe we can come back."

Matve said weakly: "It's useless, he is not afraid of the alienated and improved zombies, and the dead steel is even more useless. If I can subdue him, I think Sergey will come to the good news, but he hasn't returned yet It must have been the thought of those evolutionaries who had met God. Fortunately, we had taken a step back early, otherwise we would have been killed by him. "

The guard said, "Who is he? How can he be so powerful that a single person can ride the city and sweep the ground. If he hits Moscow, we don't have to live."

Mattwei said: "I don't think he will go to Moscow. I know the Chinese. They are usually very gentle. They will only shoot if they really anger them. He kills the people in the base. Hands. Otherwise, the Chinese would have dominated the world. "

The guards didn't understand this. Some of them were originally ordinary herders on the grassland. Now Matvi is going to take them to Moscow to enjoy the blessing. They are not sad but joyful, so everyone goes northwards with their own hearts. It is still a question of being able to return to Moscow alive, but Matvey would not dare to stay on the China-Mongolia border anyway. He didn't want to come back in this generation. He was afraid. He was deeply afraid from the bottom of his heart. He never wanted to remind himself of the little red horse and the weird man with wings.

Matvi's encounter is just the beginning. As he left several other bases around and was destroyed one after another, many adventurers from the north who fortunately escaped returned, and they brought back horrible legends. There is a slaughter **** on the prairie. He is not afraid of killing people like corpses. If you meet him, the only thing you can do is to shoot a shot on your own brain to pray for a whole body. Not to mention the invasion of the steppe, if you are to cause him to be unhappy, it may lead to the killing of the body. If you want to be safe, you must stay away from that steppe. Avoid him far before he appears, the farther you can, the better, it is best not to step into the grasslands.

In fact, Chu Xiang was a casual person. After leveling the x12 base, he learned that there are several Russian bases around, so he immediately rushed to the horse. This killing made him bear the title of God of slaughter again. . In the next few decades, people in Russia and Mongolia often had to run for dozens of miles before they saw him. They were not assured. As long as Chu Xiang appeared, there was no need for explanation and negotiation, and Mongolians immediately compromised.

Chu Xiang doesn't care about fame. At the Copper City base, he was given the title of a god. Now facing the ground is a group of alien bandits. He has no need to talk about mercy. The more you kill, the better. The harder you kill the better. In this way, they will remember the lesson and never dare to cross Leichi again! And this wish was indeed fulfilled.

A few days later, the border post was beaming. After winning the x12 base, everyone got enough food. So no need to starve to eat grass roots anymore. Moreover, Li Meidi's flock has been taken back. As long as there are flocks to breed on the grassland, it will soon be revitalized.

"This first glass of wine everyone would like to thank Chu Xiang for bringing us peace. I think those Russians dare not come back in a few years. We should toast for Chu Xiang being a Chinese!" Ding Yishan raised Cup Road. Fortunately, Chu Xiang is Chinese. If he were Russian then these people can't drink and celebrate today.

Let's drink this glass of wine together. The wine is strong. Not suitable for Chinese tastes. But soldiers are bold people. Everyone now feels that only this spirit can match a hero.

"The second glass of wine is to bless the hero who traveled a long way. I hope he has a good wind!" Ding Yishan raised his glass again.

Chu Xiang said: "Everyone is free. I think this wine is really spicy. I will fall to the ground for two more glasses."

Wang Xiaoyang came to hug Chu Xiang's thigh and said, "Uncle, then you don't have to go, just stay."

Chu Xiang said: "No, lamb. Uncle still has very important things to do, but the uncle promised that you will come to see you later. You have to grow up quickly, and you can see your uncle yourself when you grow up.

He Shan came over and patted Chu Xiang's shoulder and said, "Although we don't know where you are sacred, but I think that if you stay, you will have a better future than leaving. There is a vast steppe here, which is very suitable for your development. "

Chu Xiang shook his head: "I'm here to kill Yakov's wicked ghost killer. Now that he and his party are dead, I have to go back to find a companion after completing my mission. They are still waiting for me to do it. Something else. "

He Shan nodded: "Then you will not be left, a breeze!"

Chu Xiang shook hands with He Shan and others. These soldiers are terribly adored by Chu Xiang. Everyone can hope for evolution like Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang also hopes that they can evolve, so that they will guard the land more firmly. It is just that evolution needs opportunities and opportunities, and sometimes it does not follow people's wishes at all.

Inside the house, the wine was flourishing. Chu Xiang quietly left the table and came to a small hill. The grassland was so beautiful under the night. Chu Xiang stood in the heavens and earth with a kind of grandeur. The great motherland was rich in land and products. Longdi inherited, has the obligation and responsibility to build her, restart her inheritance of the Ming Dynasty, and it is time to do something right after finishing the matter of Fang's family.

"What are you thinking, so absorbed?" Ding Yishan appeared behind Chu Xiang with a smile. "I don't want a girlfriend, the girls on the prairie are also very beautiful. We rescued a lot from those bases, should we introduce you?"

Chu Xiang smiled: "Thank you for your kind thoughts, Mr. Ding, you want to find some beautiful women to leave me in the grassland, but there are other things waiting for me to do, anyway I must go, in the future What's your plan, should I help you send a letter back to the army? "

Ding Yishan Road: "We have contacted the troops using Russian radio. The commander instructed us to establish a grassland base here to contain and help the survivors on the grassland to strengthen the border defense."

Chu Xiang said: "But there is no danger in this area. Before, Matwei and others were collecting zombies. As a result, almost no zombies could be found here, but with his failure, distant zombies will inevitably come over. , Your defense will be difficult. "

Ding Yishan said: "Long said that let us enter the x12 base, but this is not aggression. We are at the request of local herders in Mongolia to help them build a survivor base to defend against zombies."

Chu Xiang smiled. With the x12 base, it is natural to do more with Ding Yishan's work. Previously, Chu Xiang was afraid that he would obey the rules and refuse to enter the x12 base. Now it seems that he is not so immutable. The Mongolian herdsmen's request is good for this reason.

Chu Xiang left at noon in the early hours of the morning. Everyone sent a few kilometers away. Chu Xiang said, "Go back, don't send it, and then you can accompany me back home."

Flip. The horse's hoof sounded, and Wang Xiaoyang drowsily jumped off the horse's back. "Uncle, why don't you say goodbye to me and leave, not because the little red horse might wake me up and miss you."

Chu Xiang said: "You stay at home and rest, your uncle does not know."

Wang Xiaoyang handed the little red horse to Chu Xiang's hands, "Uncle, here's your little red horse."

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you, Lamb. Uncle is going to leave this time. It's all up to you to kill the ghost killer. You can also evolve like your uncle."

Wang Xiaoyang solemnly said, "Uncle. I want to give you the little red horse. I know it will be more useful in your hands than in my hands."

Chu Xiang hesitated. He didn't think about getting this BMW. He even claimed to give the red horse a domineering name-Lie Yan, but Chu Xiang knew that Xiao Hongma was Wang Xiaoyang's best friend. How can he do what he loves? Besides, the ghost killer is dead, and the evolutionist who is worthy of his use of Little Red Horse has not yet met, so Little Red Horse is not so necessary for him.

"Lamb, uncle, thank you, but Little Red Horse is your treasure. Uncle now has completed the task and no longer needs it. You can use it to be a prairie hero."

Wang Xiaoyang said: "Uncle, you have completed our task here, but there are other places that need your help. With the little red horse, I think you can better help everyone. I am still a little older if I grow up one day. , My uncle can return the little red horse to me. "

Li Mei came out and said, "Chu Xiang, this is the wish of the lamb. You can bring a little red horse. It will help you better than the lamb."

Ding Yishan also said: "Yeah, the most indispensable thing on our grassland is horses. Maybe there will be a little white horse and a little black horse. If you are tired by walking, you can relax with a little red horse. If you want to come back to see us in this way, or if we have any urgent matters, you can come back to help at any time. As long as you ride a little red horse around the grassland, I'm sure no one dares to think of the grassland. "

Chu Xiang thought for a while and thought, "Okay, the little red horse follows me first, and waits for the lamb to grow up before sending him back."

Wang Xiaoyang hugged Xiao Hongma's neck and said, "Little Red Horse, you have to follow Uncle Chu in the future, and listen to him. He will take you to see me when he has time." Little Red Horse whistled and seemed to beep twice He understood Wang Xiaoyang's instructions.

Everyone said nothing, Chu Xiang's horse disappeared at the end of the grassland instantly. With the current strength of Chu Xiang, the role of the little red horse may not be obvious, but as a means of transportation, Chu Xiang really needs a type that does not require maintenance and is everywhere to be found. The fuel-fueled ride helped him to run around, but Chu Xiang decided that when Wang Xiaoyang needed a little red horse, he would bring it back.

When Chaoyang lifted to the ground, Chu Xiang even arrived at Zhangjiakou, but it was faster than flying. Little Red Horse walked leisurely and didn't seem to be tired of the rush. After successfully entering the Zhangjiakou base, Chu Xiang found the contact mark left by Song Jun. The Zhangjiakou base was not small. However, for security reasons, there are only two entrances and exits. Song Jun only needs to make a secret in the vicinity of these two entrances.

The Zhangjiakou base was also built on the basis of an old city site. It took a lot of troops to clear the zombies in the city, otherwise there would not be a shortage of troops. Not long ago, the Russian tanks concentrated on the Mongolian border. Everyone thought that it was going to fight. The people inside the base were heartbroken, but suddenly two days ago A front-line report was received saying that the Russians had run away. Except for more than a thousand tanks that were captured, the rest were destroyed.

Zhangjiakou is the main way to enter Beijing. It will be affected in the event of a fight, so I heard the good news that the two days in the base were as colorful as the New Year. The Chinese are not afraid of war, but the Chinese are unwilling to fight. Land, war is about to die, and no one wants to see their relatives and friends on the battlefield. Under this fear, a big victory suddenly occurred at the frontier. This can be written into history.

Song Jun and others lived in a small school. They were very happy to see Chu Xiang return, and Fang Yuxuan flew directly into the arms of Chu Xiang. "Brother Chu, we are worried about dying you."

Fang Qian and Du Qinglei also said, "Just come back, just come back, as long as you're okay, it's more important than getting f adhesive. Xiaoyu is thinking about you every day, we are really worried that she will run out of some bad news. The base is looking for you. "

Chu Xiang said: "Let everyone worry about me. Finally I live up to expectations, the ghost killer has been killed by me, I think the soldier's revenge is counted."

Fang Yuxuan remembered the sacrifices of the soldiers, and her tears couldn't help falling, but she learned that the invisible killer had finally died and her guilt was only slightly relieved.

Chu Xiang again said: "We should set off immediately to find the f binder, or Beijing will be anxious to the other side's uncle."

In the past, Chu Xiang called Fang Qian to call his uncle, but Professor Fang was not enthusiastic about Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang changed his name to Mr. Fang, but experienced a danger. Fang Qian and Du Qinglei's impression of Chu Xiangdi has changed. Their enthusiasm for this meeting was enough to illustrate this point, so Chu Xiang changed his mind. After all, they are Fang Yuxuan's parents, and they also want to shout Uncle on the ground of Fang Yuxuan.

Fang Qian said: "Okay, thank you Xiao Chu for keeping remembering this thing, and we are ready to set off today."

Song Jundao: "Entering the base is easy, but getting out of the base is a bit more troublesome. I went to Hu Hao and Yu Hai to help me find a way."

Hu Hao and Yu Hai learned that Chu Xiang had returned safely. The two hurried over and heard that the abominable invisible man had been killed. The two shed tears of relief: "The soldiers should also stare at you!"

Chu Xiang said: "We're going to the base to go to Professor Fang's laboratory to do something. You help us figure out a way to get out."

Hu Hao said: "No problem. My soldiers are on duty at noon. You can leave the base at that time, but you need to pay more attention. Since the last war, the hairy zombies in this area have increased. They are very powerful. , ... hehe, look at me, it's impossible to be afraid of them based on your ability, but beware of any conspiracy they will play. "

After lunch, Chu Xiang, Song Jun, He Yaohui, Xu Huai, Fang Yuxuan, Fang Qian, and Du Qinglei went out of the Zhangjiakou base together. Chu Xiang found a little red horse leisurely eating grass, Fang Yuxuan was so cute at first sight The animal is happy to hug it.

Little Red Horse sprayed his nose with his hoof and pulled Fang Yuxuan aside, and angry Fang Yuxuan muttered with sulking. In fact, Wang Xiaoyang was easier to communicate with than Wang Xiaoyang when he was absent, but Wang Xiaoyang was the owner who raised the little red horse. Sometimes the relationship between them was deeper than the so-called similar ones. Now that Wang Xiaoyang is not there, Chu Xiang becomes Xiaohong The horse is really the owner.

Chu Xiang took Fang Yuxuan and got on the horseback, the others took the bus. Everyone ran to the location of the laboratory. Yu Xuan was excited and sent a kiss to Chu Xiang, regardless of the speed of the car. Little Red Horse always followed It's next to it, and there are pits and pits, and it will avoid it. It is really more comfortable than riding a car. The main thing is to pull the wind.

There is no danger on board. Occasionally encountering zombies is not a climate, and it does not pose a threat to the team. The car stopped in front of a small town two hours later. In fact, this is not a small town at all. It is the laboratory staff and their families who live on the surface. After the virus riot, the surface personnel died and evacuated. Only the underground laboratory is still running.

Chu Xiang dismissed the other party and said, "The rest of the work may be done by Uncle Fang."

Fang Qian nodded, and he led everyone into the town. In the middle of the town was a large pavilion, which could be used for vehicles on all sides. The floor is made of thick steel plates. Fang Qian went to the southernmost pavilion and opened a hidden door. Inside was a touch screen password disk. Fang Qian entered a bunch of passwords on it, and then asked for fingerprints and retinal scans. Even if the virus is not strict before, it has changed after the virus.

Alas, the red light turned on, Du Qinglei walked to her husband with a doubt, "What's going on?"

Fang Qian said: "The password is wrong. If one of the key is wrong, the door cannot be opened."

Du Qinglei said: "Maybe you made a mistake, try again."

Fang Qian nodded, and in a hurry, he might have missed his hand. After wiping his eyes, Fang Qian carefully entered it again, but the red light was still on. Even Chu Xiang was strange this time. As a rigorous science scientist, Fang Qian could not remember the important passwords. Fang Yuxuan was even more anxious, she said directly: "Dad, did you set this password, why did you enter it wrong twice?"

Du Qinglei told her husband: "There is another chance. Think about it before you try again."

Fang Qian was sweating on his face. He faintly noticed that something was wrong. He remembered the password clearly and never made mistakes, but he only passed two security procedures. As long as the password could not pass the pass, it would not open. Lifts in the laboratory.

Fang Qian said to himself: "It can't be wrong. I remember it clearly. There is no other password besides this password, strange. How could this be the case, I will try again."

Du Qinglei stopped Fang Qian and said, "But if the computer refuses us, it will be dangerous."

Fang Qian naturally understood the security procedures of the laboratory. He told everyone: "You all leave here, I will try again. If it is still wrong, the computer will automatically start protection. Anyone standing in this hall will be in danger. . "

Chu Xiang glanced up and down, his counterpart Qian said: "Uncle, think about it, can this secret code be allowed to change?"

Fang Qian said: "The fingerprint and retina of the security program that opens the lift port cannot be changed once it is set, but the password can be changed as long as it has super administrator privileges, but only me in the base has this privilege. How can others change me? Do you set a secret? "

Chu Xiang said: "There is no absolute thing in this world. Since the secret code is allowed to be changed, there is only one possibility. I am afraid there is a problem below. Someone has changed your password setting."

As soon as Fang Qian's face was dark, he waved to the crowd. "You go out and try again. If there is something wrong, there will be a hidden firing port to fight back automatically."

The crowd didn't leave, Fang Yuxuan said: "Dad, how can we let you take the danger alone, you try it, there is something Brother Chu will take care of you."

Fang Qian knew the strength of Chu Xiang and others, so he no longer insisted, took out a handkerchief and wiped the glasses carefully, Fang Qian again carefully input his password into it, alas, after the alarm sounded, A row of muzzles popped up on the four kiosks of the kiosk, and it fluttered in a cross way covering the entire kiosk space. At the same time, the password disk began to be pulled up and no longer allowed to operate.

Chu Xiang's bones and wings shielded the crowd at an exhibition, and his arms were stretched out, the barrels were a little hot, but Chu Xiang pulled it out without fear, and the four rows of firing mouths were all in a row. The fire was dumb, and the shooting inside was done electrically. After being broken, it crackled and sparkled.

Fang Yuxuan originally liked Chu Xiang's bone wings. Now she sees that Chu Xiang's bone wings have become bigger than before. She even touched it. Even Chu Xiang's arms suddenly stretched like gluten. Instead, Song Jun laughed and said, "It turns out that you've had an adventure these days."

Chu Xiang said: "It's not an adventure. In the past, our bones could shrink freely, and muscle skin tissue could grow and heal quickly. But at that time, the shrinkage was limited to a few bones, but now the scope is expanded. , Huh, huh. This can only be regarded as strengthening. If it is really an adventure, it may be the attraction and utilization of iron by my body. We will talk about this later, or let ’s talk about it in the advanced laboratory. "

Fang Qian and Du Qinglei are not surprised at Chu Xiang's bone and wings, and they have not responded to Chu Xiang's extended arms to tear off the hidden automatic machine gun. In their opinion, Chu Xiang may have stronger strength than this. You know that the ghost killer who can hide and run like a blast is killed by him. What else is Chu Xiang unable to do? It's not a problem to get f adhesive.

The password control panel was locked and not allowed to be used. Chu Xiang stepped forward and slashed the alloy plate with a bone knife. Then he smashed the control panel with a punch, but facing the dense line behind, Chu Xiang was dumbfounded Fang Qian looked at him and shook his head. This is not something that two wires can be connected to each other. I am afraid that Sun Gaoqiang will be able to figure it out.

Chu Xiang found that there was a gap in the steel plate under his feet. The password control panel should be used to control its opening. Chu Xiang first squeezed the gap with a bone spur. Then the bone knife stretched in and cut open a large mouth. The cold wet wind rushed forward, and below it was an empty shaft. Rows of dimly lit lights extended deep.

Fang Qian looked at it: "The password control panel has failed and cannot be lifted up."

Chu Xiang pointed at the steel and maintenance escalator on the wellhead wall: "Let's go small."

Song Jun took the lead in front, while Chu Xiang looked after Fang Qian's family behind him. After He Yaohui and Xu Huai broke off, everyone started to climb down the escalator. The laboratory building on this surface, which belongs to a private enterprise, is no less good than Bai Xiaowei. It is located in the laboratory, which is buried a few meters deep. The lifting platform in the shaft was the only way to get in and out at the time, but now the controller is broken and only climbs down step by step.

I do n’t know if the central air conditioner is also broken. The cold humidity below is constantly rising, and everyone is fighting the cold war again and again. Fang Yuxuan looks down and sees that the dark abyss makes people seem to be swallowed. Her teeth snorted coldly.

It was more than half an hour, although everyone was tired and tired. Fortunately, he arrived at the platform safely. The lights in the hallway flickered, Chu Xiang frowned: "Are there no guards underneath?"

Fang Qian said: "Absolutely. There are at least one more staff here, but it seems that something is wrong now."

Du Qinglei was also palpitated. This has never been the case in the laboratory. This corridor was once the busiest channel. Even when the surface t virus flooded, no figure has disappeared in this corridor, and now it is under the lights of flickering. Not even ghosts.

Song, Song Jun smashed an emergency window on the wall, there was fire extinguishing equipment, a fire axe and a few bright flashlights, and eight sets of protective clothing, throwing the flashlight to everyone, Song Jun took the fire axe "I'll go check it out."

Fang Qian pointed to the right and said: "Zhou Wang prefers to stay in the laboratory. I think it is more likely to find him there, but I recommend wearing protective clothing. I'm afraid there are virus samples in the laboratory. leakage."

Chu Xiang and Song Jun are in front, Fang Qianren is in He Yaohui, Xu Huai is behind, the team moves forward slowly, and the lights suddenly make the atmosphere more weird. Chu Xiang stops suddenly, Song Jun Looking back in doubt, Chu Xiang reached out and touched the wall. It was a pool of blood, but it had solidified. It seems that time is not short.

Fang Qian was cold and knew that something had happened to the base, but the base was in a sealed underground place, and there was a perfect disinfection system on the lifting platform. There were even five disinfection spouts in the shaft. There was no reason for the t virus to come in, especially to leave. At that time, the entrance and exit of the base were closed with a password, and it was impossible for zombies to come in to spread the t virus.

Huh, Chu Xiang is studying the blood on the wall. A thick human arm suddenly came across from the other end of the corridor like a wind. Song Jun accidentally got entangled in it, like a monster like a long one. Then he pulled back and threw Song Jun to the ground. He didn't have time to shoot the steel arrows, and the fire axe came out.

Chu Xiang's response was very fast ~ ~ He grabbed a fire axe flying from the volley, slammed it, and the axe cut off the monster that entangled Song Jun, and the two-meter-long thing loosened Song Jun and fell on the ground. There was no movement after a few clicks, but the other end was retracted into the darkness at the end of the corridor.

Song Jun got up and kicked the thing, not like a zombie like a tongue. There was a dark liquid in it, and the fibrous tissue was well developed. If it wasn't for Chu Xiang's strength, ordinary people use a fire axe. It may not be cut off, and then flashed to the end of the corridor with a flashlight, but the other end of it has disappeared, and the speed of action should be fast.

Du Qinglei asked tremblingly: "What is this? There is no such thing in the laboratory at all, what about those staff?"

Chu Xiang threw the fire axe back to Song Jun, and he continued on the road: "I'm afraid there are too many people here. Let's be careful. There are no samples of various germs in the laboratory. Who knows what kind of monsters will appear here. It's a good idea to find the adhesive and leave. "

Everyone was on alert, but the long monster did not appear again. Maybe it was injured. Maybe it was hiding in the dark and was looking for a sneak attack. After two closed valves, it finally entered the core of the laboratory. Several sealed hatches in the X-shaped laboratory were wide open, and the interior was messy, and the computer was destroyed.


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