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Chapter 215: Lost and found

Zhou Wang was mad. Although he was ingenious in scientific research, how can Chu Xiang be rich in social experience? First, he was deceived to lose the enhanced f binder. He wanted to avenge Chu Xiang. He wanted Drink up Chu Xiang's blood. However, Chu Xiang's body is by no means comparable to ordinary people, so Zhou Wang exhausted the entire strength of Roshan and only drilled a few eyes on his skin, which was not as numb as smoking another human body just now.

Chu Xiang just kept looking for opportunities for his own time delay. After Zhou Wang was taken in, he found that it was not easy to escape. Since this is not as good as fighting with Zhou Wang to die a net, since he could not get the adhesive, Zhou Wang also Don't think about what it does again, destroy it!

The colorful adhesive powder mixed with blood stains penetrated into Chu Xiang's chest. Chu Xiangjue's chest was itchy. He was taken aback. Inferring from Fang Qian's words, this adhesive seemed to only be suitable for growth in water. Contamination with other liquids will lead to the death of that magical microbe, but Zhou Wang improved the adhesive. He said that injecting it into his body gave him a body of meat, which means that the adhesive does not It will be killed by human blood. Now that I am infected with this kind of microorganisms, oh my God, will I become Zhou Wang's ugly body? It would be better to let myself die immediately.

Anxious Zhou Wang didn't notice that Chu Xiang had been infected by the microorganism of adhesive. He just kept drilling holes with his tentacles. As long as he could insert the sucker deep into Chu Xiang's body, he could Chu Xiang sucked up Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang's body was not easy to break through, Zhou Wang shouted anxiously.

Chu Xiang's body was bleeding, and he noticed that there was a feeling of stuffiness in his chest. This kind of stuffiness did not come out because he was entangled with tentacles. This feeling seemed to be acting from the inside to the outside. He felt stuffy. His limbs were stiff and his breath was a little petrified. There was a pressure from the heart to the veins of his limbs, which caused his body's blood to spray from the wound like a mist.

Zhou Wang uses his tentacles to drill holes, but the more he drills, the more he feels that he can't move. The soft skin was petrifying. This petrification is not to say that it turned into stone, if it was purely stone. Zhou Wang is completely confident in smashing it, but Chu Xiang's body surface is harder than diamond, and Zhou Wang's rapid drilling caused friction!

The wound on his body was healing fast. Chu Xiang didn't know whether the body healed itself or the microorganisms that had invaded the body were controlling himself. Anyway, he was gradually losing leadership over the body, and his limbs were stiff and unable to move. The whole body became so heavy that Zhou Wang could still hang himself in the air, but now his tentacles have to put his body on the ground.

To be honest, Chu Xiang was scared. He felt dead this time. Even if he was not drunk by Zhou Wang, he was also killed by a strange microorganism like adhesive. Even if he was lucky, he would not die. Like Wang, he himself urged himself to commit suicide, and must not let the women see him.

Zhou Wang is still drilling. He refused to give up on hunting Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang had no thought now, the dull rigidity spread from his chest to his limbs and finally did not let his brain go. Chu Xiang has begun to give up thinking, so he lay on the ground in large letters, regret it? He is not a person who likes to regret his work. He can only blame himself for slowing down, otherwise, grab the binder and then crush the nuclear reactor, and let Zhou Wang, the dead meat mountain, go to hell.

"Asshole! What the **** did you do! Give me my glue!" Zhou Wang yelled. But now he knows what it means to say nowhere. Chu Xiang's body is stiffer than a solid steel bullet. This kind of toughness is not something he can deal with. Now let alone drill a hole in his body. India is a problem.

Chu Xiang suddenly wanted to laugh, and this was also very good. At least Zhou Wang had no way of taking himself. He had the ability to bite me? Chu Xiang blinked and gave a dismissive look to Zhou Wang.

what. Can I still think and blink? Chu Xiang suddenly realized that there was still a glimmer of hope. Only then did he notice the changes in his body. It seemed like the dull feeling was melting. Soon his fingers could move. After a while, he even got up from the ground.

Zhou Wang was startled. He didn't understand what was going on. Later he also found that the bottle was broken. But he is the inventor of this reinforced adhesive. He knew that enhanced adhesives would not survive in the blood. If you want to inject, you must first separate and transform the human blood. Direct injection would only kill that kind of microorganism. But now the adhesive infiltrating Chu Xiang's body seems to be working.

Chu Xiang waved. He noticed that his body became heavy and heavy. It was more boring than letting him smoke on a pound of steel. It was this dull feeling that he was still messing with him. Chu Xiang could not wait to open his mouth to vomit all this feeling. It's as if a person with a cold has an upset stomach and is dizzy.

Although Chu Xiang was in pain. But he did not dare to delay his escape. Zhou Wang is sinking in wonder. He gave up his entanglement for a while. However, Chu Xiang takes into account Zhou Wangdi's tentacle speed. He thinks it's very unlikely that he will run away. So Zhou Wang must be killed.

Chu Xiang stepped on the ground with his feet. boom. It's as if Transformer Steel is taking off. The concrete floor was sinking deep. And Chu Xiang fired at Zhou Wang like a shell. Zhouwang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He reacted immediately. Behind the tentacles came out like a swarm.

Chu Xiang was immediately entangled in the tentacle array. But this time Zhou Wang don't want to hurt Chu Xiang any more. Of course, it is not easy for Chu Xiang to get rid of the tentacles. Everyone just holds on. Chu Xiang suddenly thought of his ability to deform. So he quietly stretched out a hand. Zhou Wang didn't notice it at this time. boom. Suddenly he punched out and hit Zhou Wang's fat pig.

Zhou Wang screamed, his Roshan body is not afraid of being beaten, but his head is a fatal weakness. Originally, no one could attack his head with the protection of countless tentacles, but now he is fighting Chu Xiang with all his strength, and I thought that it would be impossible for anything to attack Chu's head by holding Chu Xiang firmly, but who knew that Chu Xiang's arms exceeded many ordinary people and quietly stretched out and gave himself a hard punch.

Zhou Wang was stunned and banged. His tentacles were thrown around, and Chu Xiang broke free. Hey, a dip of liquid was sprayed from Zhou Wang's navel to Chu Xiang again. Chu Xiang was shocked. Why? Forget this thing. Isn't this miserable, although Zhou Wang can't hurt himself. But sooner or later, being wrapped in something like marshmallows will choke.

Chu Xiang was struggling in the mucus. He continued to use the bone weapon to cut, but this kind of weapon made of soft steel was feminine. Even if he deformed the mucus, it would deform and stick to the limbs, leaving Chu Xiang helpless. Is it a by-product of the f binder. If this glue is used to stick things, this is the real invincible adhesive, I rely on, maybe this is just the stool of those microorganisms, it is really disgusting.

Chu Xiang originally wanted to vomit. He thought about vomiting even when he thought of something bad, but there seemed to be nothing in his stomach to let him vomit. Chu Xiang realized that the feeling of vomiting actually originated from his body. This messy liquid wanted to run out, but Chu Xiang's skin was hardened, unless Chu Xiang gave it a subconscious mind when he urged the bone weapon to break.

At this time Chu Xiang had lost air. He felt uncomfortable all over and was unwilling to make his body uncomfortable anymore, so his bone knife was scratched on the other arm, the first time it was not cut. Chu Xiang knew that it could be cut, because his bone knife could be urged just now, but there must be a knack for controlling it.

Chu Xiang slowly relaxed the muscles on his arm, and slowly became softer there, suddenly, the defense on his arm relaxed the chaotic fluid in the body and attacked here. The skin was leaping from top to top, Chu Xiang thought that most of them were microbes that had penetrated into his body. Perhaps his discomfort would disappear when he released them, so Chu Xiang cut it without hesitation.

Alas, a burst of colorful blood spewed out, Chu Xiang's heart was loose, and the sullen feeling of nausea was much lighter, and the strange blood sprayed out swallowed crazy after meeting the mucus of Zhouwangdi, and then their bodies quickly expand. Zhou Wang doesn't know what happened. He saw that the mucus trapped in Chu Xiang had disappeared, so he surrounded his tentacles again. But the blood even took shape after swallowing the mucus. It proactively pounced on the tentacles, and the tentacles quickly melted and disappeared as soon as they were stuck.

Zhou Wang was startled: "What's going on? What's going on?"

Chu Xiang is also confused now, but he just figured out a reason, remembering that Fang Qian said that the f adhesive was successful, it was all because of finding a special zombie, and extracting from it an invisible one The t virus variant, which is why the adhesive cannot be reproduced, unless one such zombie is found, but where to find it at sea.

Since the origin of f-adhesive is t virus, and Chu Xiangdi ’s body has also evolved because of t-virus, Bai Xiaowei ’s test shows that the content of t-virus in Chu Xiang ’s body is not low, then t virus encounters t-virus, even if it is in f-adhesive. T virus has not been found, but after all, everyone is still the same ancestor, since it is not a harm to Chu Xiang with a bit of relatives.

lucky! Fortunately, Chu Xiang is an optimistic person. Otherwise, once he was trapped in the mucus, he gave up his resistance mentally, then he would definitely not care how uncomfortable the body is, and of course he would not let this blood run out. Running out, how can you escape and you can watch Zhou Wang disappear a little bit.

When Chu Xiang recalled this truth, the colorful blood was getting bigger and bigger. It was swallowed down by Zhou Wang's tentacles. Although Zhou Wang had many tentacles, the colorful blood expanded infinitely after swallowing. It can almost wrap Zhouwang's Roshan, and Zhouwang cannot move after losing his tentacles. He can only watch as he is covered by his head.

That lively and colorfully swallowed down, Zhou Wang constantly twisted Roshan, but he was powerless to resist, just as he was after trapping Chu Xiang with mucus, but after a while the colorful blood worked the whole body Shan ate with that countless tentacles.

Chu Xiang turned around and was about to run. The thing turned out to be a gluttonous guy. If it ’s not full, then I ’m probably going to eat myself. After taking off the tiger, I ca n’t send myself into the wolf den. .

Huh, huh, huh, Chu Xiang suddenly heard a sound behind him. He stopped curiously and looked backwards, but saw a five-colored liquid pop out from the big foam formed after swallowing the meat mountain. The wound on Chu Xiang's arm was faint when it first came out, and now it is a bright and shining color. Explained by Zhou Wang's words, its energy is now full! It hovered in the air a bit pitifully facing Chu Xiang. Presumably it can adjust its density, as long as it is thin enough, it also meets the known laws of physics.

Chu Xiang touched Roshan in the past, but it was just a pile of foamy Roshan now that it is harder than steel, and it still has some characteristics of f adhesive. Amazing, what exactly is t virus? How could it have so many weird changes.

Alas, the five-color liquid running out of Roshan suddenly flew to Chu Xiang's body, and Chu Xiang's heart moved. Does this guy want to return to himself? Presumably just now it has swallowed Zhouwang's Roshan, so it is still loyal, but isn't it okay to ask it for yourself if you go back again.

Chu Xiang decides to ignore it, so he shakes off the five-color liquid and walks out. If the five-color liquid is an enhanced f binder, it is analyzed from Fang Qian's research. It is a microorganism, and now this microorganism seems to have some wisdom. After being thrown away by Chu Xiang, it looks like an abandoned place. Baby, weeping on Roshan.

Chu Xiang pretended not to hear his teeth. He just stepped out of the two-step harsh alarm sounded suddenly in the power room. It turned out that Zhou Wang had been hurt by Chu Xiang's head just now. One part, the reaction furnace is abnormal now. A warning sound has been heard.

"Warning, the reactor temperature is too high, warning. The reactor temperature is too high, and the reactor will explode in five minutes ..."

Chu Xiang scattered his feet and ran out. This is not a good thing. His body is no longer afraid to let the nuclear explosion explode. Let's escape, the reactor is in the deepest laboratory. Just run to the ground to avoid this disaster.

Alas, the five-color liquid is lying sadly on Roshan. It doesn't know what to do, just like an abandoned pet dog. It only sits on the feces it makes, and it ignores any warnings. It only Know that the host doesn't want it.

Chu Xiang ran out of the two corridors and the poor snoring sound was still ringing. He sighed, *. What evil did he hit? Why did you encounter some weird things? I thought it was all over to get Fang Yuxuan's parents to get the adhesive. Who knows that first met the ghost killer on the top, as soon as he chased to the northern Xinjiang grassland, he never knew that there is a creature that can reach the speed of the flames, and now he came out with another strange food like eating, its appetite is really good Now, if you let it be eaten, I am afraid that several Roshan are not enough.

Chu Xiang knocked on the door, and his voice awakened the five-colored liquid lying on the mountain in wailing noise. He looked up and saw Chu Xiang, and flew into Chu Xiang's arms with a bang.

Chu Xiang didn't know if it understood human language, "Do you want to follow me?"

The five-color liquid nodded quickly, Chu Xiang said, "Do you still want to get into my body?"

The five-color liquid nodded again, and was still rubbing around Chu Xiang ’s arm, like a coquettish puppy. Chu Xiang suddenly felt that there was a warm electric current in his arm, just like Zhang Jingyao was so amazing when he replenished his energy. .

Chu Xiang said: "If I let you in, you can't hurt me."

The five-color liquid shook his head quickly, Chu Xiang said, "But if you put me into my body, I will feel sick and vomit. You must make sure that I don't feel that way, otherwise I won't let you get into my body . "

The five-color liquid nodded again. Chu Xiang relaxed his muscles, and then cut a mouth with a bone knife. The five-color liquid penetrated into it happily. Chu Xiang cursed himself, silly b. What should I do if my body hardens again? Alas, I am really kind. Its pitiful appearance is really unbearable.

Fortunately, Chu Xiang's worry did not appear, but the body suddenly seemed to be injected with chicken blood. He felt that his eyes were golden, his whole body was rattling, and a powerful and incomparable force spread across his body. , Bang, Chu Xiangqing couldn't help but punch, the thick reinforced concrete wall was punched! Chu Xiang hurriedly punched at that Roshan again. You must know that Roshan's hardness was much higher than that of reinforced concrete.

Alas, the cracking sound came from Chu Xiang's fist, and the huge ground Roshan broke into half! My God, Chu Xiang jumped up, and the five-color liquid brought the energy after it swallowed into his body!

"Warning, explosion in minutes ..."

"Chu Xiang! Chu Xiang! Where are you ..." There was a faint shout from outside. Chu Xiang heard that Song Jun had come to take care of himself. He couldn't help but patted the blade that had disappeared from his arm. Little things, I don't think you have this ability, as long as you don't make trouble, live here later. "

Chu Xiang's arm jumped a few times. It seems that guy is really intelligent and has received praise and commitment from Chu Xiang. As happy as finding a homeless child, there is nothing wrong with being dependent on each other.

Chu Xiang ran out in response to Song Jun's shout. Song Jun did not know where Chu Xiang was dragged. He could only run around in the underground laboratory. Chu Xiang quickly found the location of Song Jun along with his voice. He pulled Song Jun: "Run, here is going to explode!"

The speed of Chu Xiang and Song Jun is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. They quickly climbed the wellhead. Fortunately, Fang Yuxuan and others had got into the shaft while Chu Xiang and Zhou Wang were in the entanglement. They started the car and waited for Chu Xiang to return.

"Hurry up!" Chu Xiang yelled at Xu Huai, and Xu Huai could not ask too much. As soon as the throttle blasted to the end, the car flew out, and Chu Xiang led the little red horse with a whistling. Red horse rushed out of town.

boom! The explosion of the reactor formed a small-scale earthquake in the ground. Fortunately, Chu Xiang and others fled the central zone. The explosion did not cause casualties. Then everyone embarked on their way home safely. Although Fang Qian was sullen, but he was able to return to Beijing alive, which made him quite touched. The outside world was not as simple as originally thought. People without strength don't want to survive, this is by no means as simple as having a drinking party, drinking and dancing.

Without the conspiracy, the simple zombie interference attack did not pose any threat to this team. Two days later, everyone successfully entered the Beijing base ring road. When they broke up, Fang Qian held Chu Xiang's hand: "Chu Xiang, thank you. Although We didn't find the adhesive, but this trip made me understand a lot of the truth. I will ask the central government to resign and ask for punishment. You are the best anyway. "

Chu Xiang did not know how to explain the f adhesive. He only told everyone that Zhou Wang had been deformed, but was killed by him. Before he did not understand the specific nature of the five-color liquid, he did not want to let many people know about this. I still have the opportunity to talk to Fang Qian in the future. It wouldn't help to say it anyway.

"Uncle Fang. You're kind, and I couldn't help you in the end. I feel guilty, and I will compensate you if I have a chance."

Fang Qian said: "It should be me who compensates you. Okay, let's break up. Let's go, light rain."

Fang Yuxuan quietly said in Chu Xiang's ear: "I'll go to play with you at night, you and my sisters wait for me."

Everything resumed normal operation. Xiaosi waited for Chu Xiang to hug him happily for a few laps. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan were naturally very happy. Zhang Hongbing and others were clamoring for a big meal at night, and lived again. Back to the previous track, bland and happy.

These days, the Beijing base is immersed in a beam of joy. It turned out that the grassland posted a good news. It was learned that the 2,000 tanks that threatened the border were destroyed. Everyone was very excited, but the front did not specify the reason. A few days under the influence of the sand storm Yuwei, a cloud of satellites over the sky could not observe the situation at the time.

The Central Committee held several meetings in succession, affirming the major achievements made on the Sino-Russian border, and also approved the expansion and supplementary soldiers proposed by the border station, and issued a notice to Mongolia. In view of the emptiness of the Mongolian force, in order to prevent zombies from doing again In order to chaos, the local herders should ask the Chinese side to send condemned troops to enter x12 and several nearby bases, and the Mongolian side will take over after the border corpses have been eliminated.

The Russians were just defeated. They passed the news back to China. They learned that they had destroyed several defensive bases one by one. Everyone would not believe it, but they also had their own satellite system. It is known, but they know that China has not sent additional troops before and after, so there must be a special reason for the failure of the China-Mongolia border.

The failure of Matwei et al. Shocked everyone else, and no one dared to enter the grassland again to grab food, so he did not express any opinion on the Chinese side that the Russians should be stationed at the x12 base by the herders, and even did not mention the losses suffered. After all, this matter could not be brought to the table. The Chinese side provided strong evidence of tens of thousands of zombies to make a mess. At that time, it is entirely possible to use the reason of zombies to stop the Tang Dynasty. Mongolia had no strength at present. Now the situation in their country is too busy. Go and help.

The border station on the grassland was originally scattered. With the help of the x12 base, they moved closer to this place. It didn't take long for the x12 base to expand to thousands of people. There were a large number of weapons left by the Russian army. Although the food is not sufficient, the troops are self-sufficient. They worked with herders to develop animal husbandry.

Although it was difficult to live in the development area at first, as the flocks multiplied, life became stable step by step, and these veterans Ding Yishan quickly improved, and soon rose to the positions of regiment commander, battalion commander and company commander. The presence of support units and the stability of the northern Xinjiang grassland appeared, although there were harassment of zombies from time to time. However, most of them are scattered in unfavorable conditions. The troops still have the strength to assist the Mongolian corpses in the north, and Mongolia will not even oppose the Chinese troops.

Fang Qian's mistakes caused him to lose his job. He is now at home, but he has no regrets. He often comes to Chu Xiang to discuss problems. Fang Yuxuan is very happy. Even her mother Du Qinglei acquiesced to stay with Chu Xiang. You should know that due to the precociousness of Fang Yuxuan's body, Du Qinglei took strict control of her. If she approached the man too close, her mother would be scolded to death, but now Du Qinglei still seems to be willing to condone Fang Yuxuan's approach to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang didn't go out to work after returning to Beijing from the Zhangjiakou underground laboratory, not because he was lazy. It was because he didn't have time. After sharing this experience with Bai Ming, he cooperated with Bai Xiaowei to conduct research on the body according to her instructions. From the point of view of the physical fitness value, the values ​​exceeded thousands. .

Chu Xiang thought he had come to an end. But Bai Xiaowei said, "Evolution will not stop."

Chu Xiang asked: "Your theory has come to an end. Just wait for us to set up a laboratory and start analyzing and studying anti-t virus fluid."

Bai Xiaowei said: "The end of my theory does not mean that your evolution has also come to an end. Although the pda system that I am now in can no longer analyze and analyze your thousands of physical fitness values, from the perspective of your evolution, you should have In the evolutionary space, I have predicted a set of data from the development of your level, so the level standard has changed.

Chu Xiang said: "Do you mean that I must continue to fight with those monsters, and then continue to evolve in battle? Don't tease, although I don't like living in Beijing bases like this. But I will not be fine Ask yourself something. "

Bai Xiaowei said: "Can you fight without a fight? Do you think the Beijing base is safe? In fact, I have received several warnings. Don't hide from you that the Beijing base is surrounded."

Chu Xiang was taken aback: "What's going on? The Beijing base is so big. Who can surround it?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "I don't know what happened, but judging from the satellite signals I intercepted, a large number of zombies are moving closer to the Beijing base. They have formed the first encirclement 50 kilometers away. The government has never disclosed this. One thing is fear of causing panic among the people, but Beijing bases have missile defense, so their siege will not be taken seriously. "

Chu Xiang patted his forehead and said, "This is a matter for the government. Tell me about your new grade standard."

Bai Xiaowei said: "This is the case. When considering the possibility of someone breaking through the thousand value when formulating the final evolutionary ground, we have also reserved major generals, lieutenants, and generals. They are aa, s, and ss ~ ~ The highest level is ss level, and each of the physical fitness values ​​must exceed 10,000. It can be said that this is only a numerical goal, because I can't imagine it is ten times stronger than you. "

Chu Xiang said: "Also, from the monsters I encountered, they often only perform well in certain abilities, but the overall data is not necessarily high."

Bai Xiaowei said: "So I am very happy and proud, because you have been fully evolving, and from your narrative experience, you currently have several superpowers such as deforming bones and muscles and controlling iron elements. Maybe One day you can have all the abilities of other evolvers. You are the **** in my heart, and you do n’t want me to pay you so much. "

Chu Xiang looked at Bai Xiaowei charmingly and said, "I really hope I can rescue you right away. Can I open Lab 8 with my current ability?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "It should be no problem, in fact, why don't I want to recover myself early? There are more and more girls around you. I'm really afraid that you will be divided up by then."

Chu Xiang clapped his chest and said, "No, I promise to leave you an important place in my heart."


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