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Chapter 217: New mutation

From the perspective of the mutated humans and animals that Chu Xiang came into contact with, the t virus is no different from the common cold virus. It is just more powerful. The t virus is also adapting to the human body and the external environment. It is beyond human imagination that the eyeballs formed at the end of t3 have now cracked. Is this t5?

However, according to the discussion with Bai Xiaowei, t5 was developed on the basis of t4. Although it can restore the appearance of walking upright and some humans, its head still has an ugly one-eye. So how does this person look back? thing? It is probably an evolutionary alternative.

In Chu Xiang's consciousness, zombies are all very ugly. So although Chu Xiang was an old **** just now, it was facing t3, but now he is vigilant, throwing away the backpack in his hand, and the whole **** is alerting to these two t4.

These two t4s also seem to have some scruples. They turned around Chu Xiang for a few times on their limbs, and they didn't seem to dare to start easily. They kept roaring whispering, perhaps to brave themselves, but it was not ruled out. To greet his companion, Chu Xiang decided to take the initiative to launch an active attack. In the event of several zombies of this level, he had to ride a horse and run away.

boom! Chu Xiang's m500 revolver fired. Considering that he was looking for Persian cats to buy ammunition, he brought the gun with him. At that time, the Persian cat could use it as a reference for his own ammunition. Now use it as a tentative After the attack, save the bone weapon to expose the power of the m500 revolver. The elephants were killed. Magnum hit the t4 that burst into the eye. It seems that it sensed that the bomb brought air. Strong fluctuations, so instead of hitting hard, but for the first time avoided the bomb. Chu Xiang was a bit surprised. To dodge bombs, this is by no means an ordinary t4. Only the deeply evolved t4 has this ability.

Bang, Chu Xiang fired his guns one after another, and the two t4s were provoked. An injured left chest hurt and rushed up, hitting it and smashing half of his chest. But when it fell in front of Chu Xiang, its wound had recovered almost half of it miraculously, and had a strong ability to heal itself!

Alas, Chu Xiang's bone knife suddenly attacked, hit t4 and was caught off guard, one arm was cut off! It seems that the ability of this t4 is at most balanced with Chu Xiang, and it may not be faster than Chu Xiang. However, the arm that broke the ground also grew rapidly, it just grew another arm in a moment, this speed of self-healing is by no means comparable to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang is completely shocked. If this is the case, this t4 is simply an indestructible monster. It seems that their weakness should still be in the head. Even if you cut off a part of its body, it can't achieve the purpose of hurting it. It's evolving fast, why aren't these zombies? The competition for the survival of the fittest is also applicable to zombies.

Chu Xiang patted on his arm. Then cut the skin with a knife, the five-color liquid exhaled, although it was very tired. But Chu Xiang had an order, and besides that the two t4s in front of him were indeed very powerful, and one of them was worth five zombies just now. It wouldn't be a waste to take this opportunity.

Besides, although Chu Xiang also wanted to kill the two T4s as soon as possible, he wanted to know how strong the five-color liquid was, so he asked it to come out and help deal with one. After the five-color liquid came out of Chu Xiang's body, he rushed to the t4 that cracked his eyes. The t4 was unknown, so he was covered by the five-color liquid.

The five-color liquid is very volatile. It turns into a thin net to cover t4, but t is desperately trying to lift it down. It may not be possible for the five-color liquid to melt this t4 in a short time, so the two are deadlocked. For the first time since Chu Xiang saw the five-color liquid, it has shown such difficulty in swallowing. It is inferred from this point that it is simply impossible for Chu Xiang to use it to win every battle. Zombie five-color liquid with too powerful energy can't deal with it!

Let's say Chu Xiang himself. His energy is strong enough. This is why the five-color liquid can survive in its own body. Otherwise, the energy in his body is not absorbed by the five-color liquid?

By this time, Chu Xiang had a deeper understanding of f adhesive and its reinforced type. If you do a comparison. The ordinary type f adhesive has its advantages. That's easy to use. As long as there is water, it can grow quickly. As for how far it can grow. Fang Qian has no data at this point.

But according to the laws of physics. Presumably it will not survive indefinitely. That does not conform to the laws of nature. The disadvantage of this common type of f adhesive is that it cannot be freely constructed as imagined. A water model environment must be artificially created first. Then it will grow along the water. And it does not have the ability to bring energy to Chu Xiang and kill the zombies.

Compared to ordinary adhesives. Reinforced ground adhesive has high ground intelligence. Construction can be carried out according to the ideas of the owner. The ground hardness of the building is much higher than that of ordinary type f adhesive. And it can also provide motivation and kill low-level zombies at key moments. If Chu Xiang was chosen, he would still prefer the latter. Besides, even if he wanted ordinary f adhesive, it was impossible.

Chu Xiangdi's thoughts just flashed in his head. After releasing the five-color liquid, take advantage of it to entangle a t4. Chu Xiang himself immediately attacked the other. Bone wings swept past like Dapeng. That t4 seemed to be the first to see such a scene. Scaredly took two steps backwards. These two steps left it exposed. Chu Xiang's bone knife stabbed at it immediately.

4 A little flustered. Chu Xiangdi's bones and wings extended to cover a large area. The bone wing cut off t4 and retreated. The sharply boned wing end as long as t4 dare to back up to make it dead. The bone knife stabs at t4. If it does not dodge, it will only be cut in two!

Probably it was the moment of life and death. This t4 quickly adjusted his expression after a brief panic. A roar from the abdomen turned out to be fierce and slammed into Chu Xiang. This is to smash Chu Xiang to death, Chu Xiang had some confidence, as he did in the supermarket just now, he didn't dodge or dodge, but let T4 tore his own abdomen, but his bone knife was swung out in the air.

Huo Huo, t4's body was cut in half, and Chu Xiang's abdomen was also in great pain. T grabbed Chu Xiang's skin, Chu Xiang's fierce strength, and a clatter. The sharp claw of t4 was broken! This is something t4 million did not expect, Chu Xiang's skin is hard and it can't be attacked. The same result is undoubtedly turned into death!

The broken upper body is constantly growing, but such a large area of ​​incompleteness does not complete healing in a short while, but anyway, Chu Xiang now knows the new mutation of t virus, this mutation has strong Self-healing ability, but after leaving the head (or round eyeball), its body loses this self-healing ability.

Chu Xiang shouted, he pointed to the five-color liquid and pointed to the t4 that was growing fast on the ground. The five-color liquid is also a highly intelligent living body. It immediately gave up its entanglement with another t4, and quickly flew over the t4 with its lower limbs broken. Alas, the colored net was covered by the head. The t4 was busy living and healing itself. Its strength After the big loss, where is the opponent of the five-color liquid, quickly melted from top to bottom.

The other t4, whose eyeball turned into a skull, was surprised by what was happening in front of her. This was beyond their zombies' understanding of human beings, but it rushed forward without fear. The figure of Chu Xiang stopped in front of it. At this time, Zheng Huan, who was swallowed by the five-color liquid, could allow it to bother.

4 Anxious upset. Its two front claws kept tearing on its own head. The original half-opened eyeball was broken and thrown aside, and a tender human head appeared, and the human head looked like normal. Humans have the same nose and eyes, but they are weird in how they look, as if they are not the race of the earth.

Chu Xiang certainly didn't have time to bother with these. His bone wings twirled a strong wind to kill him. T4 knew that he was avoiding the side, and then it jumped up and hurled at Chu Xiang. He screamed with a scream in his mouth. Alas, Chu Xiang's bone spurs suddenly came from below. It pierced into the new brain of t4 without warning.

After getting the fusion of the enhanced f-adhesive and the body, Chu Xiang's muscles and bones were hardly improved. It was not that simple, and at the same time, he continued to cooperate with the flame horse to attack. Speed ​​has also become extremely fast. In addition, this is a sneak attack, t4 did not expect Chu Xiang's hands to move, there are other ways to attack it. So in one hit, the weapon hidden in the body was really powerful.

Fluttering, t4's body was thrown out by Chu Xiang's bone spurs. At this time, the five-color liquid had finished swallowing. Chu Xiang pointed at the distant t4 body. The five-color liquid shook his head. Chu Xiang said: "You are full ?"

The five-color liquid pointed at the colored light on the body and pointed at the distant t4 corpse and shook his head, Chu Xiang said: "You mean that zombie has died, and it has lost the power you need?"

The five-color liquid nodded this time, Chu Xiang sighed, it ’s really amazing. Once the zombies died, the energy in the body was lost. It seems that the cooperation with the five-color liquid will be honed later, although the higher the level of energy in the zombies, The stronger it is, it is really difficult to make them into a state of being immortal. Although the five-color liquid is overbearing, it has many disadvantages. It can only be used as an auxiliary and architectural function. Of course, it can also be used at critical moments. Come out surprisingly.

The process of processing these two t4s is a bit simple, but Chu Xiang himself knows that this is because they do n’t understand their own strength, they are all successfully attacked. The first is because they do n’t know that Chu Xiang ’s skin is so hard. The second is just to ignore the hidden weapons in Chu Xiang's body. If the zombies know these changes of Chu Xiang, I am afraid it will be more troublesome to deal with them in the future.

It is also worth noting that there has been a change in the first t that Chu Xiang encountered in the supermarket just now. It knows how to use weapons. This is a big improvement for zombies who only used their bodies to work hard. The threat to humanity will also become more serious! If zombies are equipped with weapons, even the most primitive weapons, human security will presumably be greatly reduced.

"Let's go," Chu Xiang said to the five-color liquid.

The five-color liquid was drilled back into Chu Xiang's body, and Chu Xiang also noticed an energy entering the body together. If the analysis of the physical energy value at this moment is expected to increase a lot, it seems that who will fight with him in the future can let the five-color liquid be full, which is equivalent to playing a game. In China, he wore a prop to enhance his effectiveness. With the current energy, he would have to deal with the t4 just now, even if the strength of the two sides is not a big problem.

Chu Xiang hit a roar and called the flame horse, then picked up his backpack on the ground and left. In the distance, several t4s showed their shadows. They stared at Chu Xiang's back for a long time. The round one-eyed eyes looked like a light bulb and looked weird and horrible.

Chu Xiang first returned part of the food to the base car, then let the flame horse let it eat grass, and then returned to the Beijing base from the original. With the space ring, he was not afraid of the checkpoint. Chu Xiang smoothly brought a lot of luxury to the fourth ring. Persian cat phone shop.

The Persian cat is still so elegant sitting in the shop. After seeing Chu Xiang, she was surprised for a while, but then ran out of the counter to greet them with a sigh of anger. "Brother, you want your sister to die. Where did you go during this time, why don't you come to see her?"

Chu Xiang pushed the Persian cat. He wasn't interested in this woman. Everyone was just a relationship in business. "Sister Cat. I'm in the ring. I will come to see you if I don't have time."

The Persian cat is also a clever woman. She no longer entangles Chu Xiang, and said, "Brother really cares, let's say, what surprises my sister this time."

Chu Xiang said: "I have some goods that I want Cats to sell. I don't want money this time."

The Persian cat said: "You want to change food and weapons. Chu Xiang tried the Persian cat before, so the Persian cat guessed that Chu Xiang's purpose was nothing. Chu Xiang said:" Yes, I came to the Beijing base just to send a few friends. Now that they are safe, I think it's time to leave, so I need to prepare a batch of food and defensive weapons. In addition, I need a lot of fuel. It is best to help me find a tanker full of oil. The bigger the better. "

The Persian cat frowned: "Brother, it's not my sister who refuses to help you. This is really difficult. I'm afraid I'm not good enough ..."

Chu Xiang put the big bag prepared in his hand on the counter. The Persian cat took a look and said, "Yeah, Panda, Su Yan, Huang Helou, Chivas, Remy, Champagne, xo, good things, all the best famous cigarettes, where did you get it ... this What, my God, is high-end makeup. Great. I also dream of having a set. "

Chu Xiang took out a few bottles and threw them on the counter. "These are for you, cat sister. You can give me a price for the rest, don't ask for cash, you just have to consider your own ability, and get me out of the ring. Batch of food and fuel, weapons. "

The Persian cat showed a embarrassed look, but when she saw the pile of luxury on the counter, her eyes were full of madness, and the makeup made by Chu Xiangbai was really tempting. She said, "OK, I help you, these things It ’s enough to change the food for a car. As for the fuel and weapons, my sister tells you the truth. I can only do my best to help. If it succeeds, I hope my brother can help me to get a batch of medicine. If it is not successful, then the sister is right. Can't hold you back. "

Chu Xiang also knows that this is not easy to do. If it does n’t work, he can only find a gas station by himself, but the gas stations around Beijing are almost empty, so the best Persian cat can help with this matter, first Fill up the base vehicle's fuel tank, and it will be easy to find gasoline when it is out of the Beijing base area.

"Okay, I hope Sister Cat can do my best to help me with this matter. I'll leave you here. If you have any news, please call me."

The Persian cat smiled and brought things under the counter. She stopped Chu Xiang and said, "Don't hurry, brother. I have a few satellite phones here for you. The communication service is really bad now, or satellite phones. The signal is enough, even in the far south and the cold north, it is still correct. "

When Chu Xiang heard something so good, he immediately returned, "Oh, how many cats does this cat have?"

The Persian cat said: "I got a total of ten because no one wanted it in the fourth ring."

Chu Xiang said: "How much is it? I want all ten."

The Persian cat snapped: "Ah, you want so much, satellite phone bills are very expensive, and there is not a low monthly rental fee. This is the product of our country ’s launch of Beidou satellites. The market is not wide and the cost is expensive. . "

Chu Xiang didn't care about the tunnel: "The price is not a problem. The land is just worth the money of the ten satellite phones. In addition, it is used as a deposit for booking fuel, weapons, and food. As for the payment of such materials, I will use other things to trade. "

The Persian cat gave a thumbs-up thumbs up: "Brother, you ’re in the field, you ’re really rich, this is the real big money, okay, my sister ca n’t be stingy, are you? Take the satellite phone, and I ’ll take another one You do n’t need to add another exchange if you give me a thousand yuan in phone bill. As long as you make a batch for me according to the medicine on the list, we are even two clear. And my sister owes you personal information, and I will definitely repay it if I have a chance. . "

Talking Persian cat pulled a piece of paper from the counter. There are more than a dozen medicine names written on it. Chu Xiang also knows several kinds. They are some ordinary hospitals that do not use local medicines, and some are affected by the storage environment. If the power of the hospital pharmacy is cut off, I am afraid those medicines will Couldn't save until now.

Chu Xiang put the note away. "I'll give it a try. The power supply near Beijing has not been interrupted. I think the probability of success will be high."

The Persian cat said happily, "That's all right, I haven't really hoped much, but don't wait long, just within five days, can be better in advance, you wait for me to get you a satellite phone."

After receiving the satellite phone, Chu Xiang refused the Persian cat's request to eat. He hurried to the ring checkpoint and entered the ring inspection procedures very strictly, but Chu Xiang already had proof of living in the ring. Therefore, he only needs to be inspected for disinfection and other items. He does not need to register the work experience and assign work as he did last time, and it is safe to hide in the space ring. Don't be afraid to be detected.

The tedious disinfection check took more than an hour. After confirming that Chu Xiang did not show any signs of illness, the checkpoint was released. Chu Xiang followed the flow of people to the front door, and several off-road vehicles behind him drove past. Suddenly a car stopped and quickly reversed.

"Hurry up, that person is following him." The man in the car said quickly.

The driver was puzzled: "High Chief. Who is that person, it is worth your anxiety."

It turned out that this person was Gao Yu, the former chief of the combat department. Now he has been promoted to the position of chief of the combat department. The large number of human deaths has led to a shortage of talents in all walks of life. The department is now responsible for the planning and guidance of zombie wars across the country.

Gao Yu said to the driver, "Who is this? He is Chu Xiang who is wanted by No. 1 after the military commission issued a virus! Don't think that he has changed into a man-like dog, he just turned into gray, I knew it. He thought he was far away You can get away with it in the border area. Now he has come to the base in Beijing. Don't try to escape military disposal! "

The driver suddenly realized that Gao Yu had a serious problem. He was once fainted by people. Many people in the General Staff knew this. Now that he has encountered his own enemy in the Beijing base, how can he not be excited.

The off-road vehicle chased quickly, but there were a lot of masters. Although Gao Yu was in an important position, he did not dare to run rampant like an ancient official. In the end, he could only say to the guards: "Hurry up and follow him and find that he is standing. Notify me immediately after the order. Remember, do n’t strike the grass. Once this guy runs out of the base in Beijing, it will be very difficult for us to arrest him. We ca n’t let him go anyway. ”

The guard nodded and ordered to go away. Gao Yu's car turned back to continue the original situation. The situation at the base has been unstable these days. He did not dare to make a martial arts arrest on the street, let alone how capable the person is. Gao Yu's heart is still a little bit low, otherwise he will not escape from the corpses.

It is too late for Chu Xiang to return home. After listening to Bai Xiaowei ’s narration, Zhang Jingyao has informed everyone that this evening is to discuss the construction of the base in Yutai Grain Depot, so almost all the people who can come are here, even on weekdays. Zhang Debing who was out of the barracks tried to slip out.

Chu Xiang handed pork ribs to Zhang Jingyao. "Let's make something delicious in the evening to supplement your body."

Zhang Hongbing jumped forward: "Wow, it's pork hoof ribs, good stuff, these luxury are not seen in the market recently, Chu team, where did you get it from."

Chu Xiang said: "I just went out and ran into an uninterrupted supermarket, as well as ice cream and frozen dumplings. Everyone has a mouth-watering tonight. I also left a few bottles of good wine. Let's drink and talk later."

I heard that there was ice cream, all the women came around, Chu Xiang opened the space ring for them to choose, and they ate in the living room for a while. Zhou Muqing said: "I do n’t want to stay in Beijing. It ’s better to follow Chu Xiang. Drink and be happy. "

Fatty said: "Mu Qing, you can't have this idea, aren't we going to return to Hong Kong, why are you going to Yutai again? Your parents are still waiting for you to reunite."

Zhou Muqing said: "I just think about it, okay, let Chu Xiang send us back to Hong Kong, you will not refuse."

Zhou Muqing said that of course to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang did n’t like to eat cold things. Before, he had stomach troubles at work in the tire factory, so he rarely ate cold things like ice cream. After plugging the box of ice cream, I can only slowly dig a few mouthfuls of taste. Although the storage time is slightly longer, the taste is basically unchanged. The human immunity that can survive is very high, even if it is slightly deteriorated, it will not eat. Diarrhea.

"Are you going back to Hong Kong? I think the Beijing base may be safer." Chu Xiang said.

Zhou Muqing said: "But I also miss my parents."

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Okay ~ ~ when do you go to Hong Kong, I will ride you on a blaze, and will arrive soon."

Fang Yuxuan asked, "What should I do, you will leave me in Beijing when you are gone? No, I will also go to Yutai Grain Depot. Last time Fang Ya promised me to let me play."

Wang Bin and Yu Xuan said, "Don't think about it, will your parents agree? Stay in Beijing honestly."

Fang Yuxuan said angrily: "Death Wang Bin, who said that my parents didn't agree, and they have been bored recently, and I can't see it as I go home and urge them to follow along."

Bai Xiaowei said: "Okay, if Xiao Yu can get Professor Fang to Yutai base, I think this is a great thing."

As soon as Chu Xiang thought about it, Fang Qian was a family member. He had some research in the field of biology and physics, and he was there to help. Perhaps the anti-t virus solution was more promising.

Bai Xiaowei's words made Fang Yuxuan excited: "I'll go back and do their work after eating. If I don't succeed, I'll be benevolent!"


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