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Chapter 220: Defend the capital

Many civilians were temporarily armed, most of them were the original cleaners. Some of them did not even fire their guns. No one escaped eggplant, cucumber, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. They were all sent to the front. No one cares about personal life and death anyway, anyway, today we can't keep the base. Everyone is dead. If we keep a lot of relatives, we can survive.

There are several grenades inserted into the waist of the eggplant. It is a glorious bomb reserved at the critical moment. No one wants to be buried in the body of the zombie. They would rather die at the same time. Qia's gun is not in the correct position, but no one has to correct him. In the face of thousands of zombies, as long as you can pull the trigger, there is almost no waste of ammunition.

Shoot, shoot, or shoot, but the zombies eventually came up with amazing strength, the barbed wire of the outpost was squeezed out, the bombs around the eggplant were already lit, and he threw a grenade and shouted: "Fight with them Here! Take the man who killed him back! "

At this time, everyone was red-eyed, and the caller took out a grenade and bombarded it. The corpses flew and the gapped zombies were finally repelled. Then the sack filled with sand immediately closed the gap and the new machine gun was erected Get up, Da Da Da, the fire snake sprayed on the corpse again.

Bang, a t4 suddenly fell from the sky, it kicked two machine guns in one kick, and then tore up several soldiers surrounding it. The eggplant saw that the zombie was unusual, and he knew that the chance of escape was not good. Kill this zombie and let him die as a hero.

Wow, Qiaola sounded a grenade, but the t4 just kicked the eggplant off the heel. If there weren't many people attacking around, it might just go up and kick the eggplant's life. Kick out, but the grenade in his hand is still smoking, and will soon explode.

After the eggplant shouted, this time the hero should not be sacrificed in vain, and he wanted to quickly throw out the thunder. But my arm can't move at all because of dislocation! Seeing that there are other comrades next to him, the eggplant can only turn his body once, and he will not affect others even if he is dead. At most, he blocked his own grenade like Comrade Huang Jiguang. When someone was a kid, someone once asked the eggplant what he was when he grew up. At that time, the eggplant was intoxicated in the hero's dream. At that time, he said he wanted to be Huang Jiguang. Now the eggplant is deeply regretful. Better to be Dong Cunrui. It is definitely more prestigious to hold an explosive package.

Huh, the eggplant suddenly noticed that it was pulled up by one, and then kicked a grenade on the ground with smoke. The grenade exploded in the corpse. The eggplant looked up. The life-saving benefactor was familiar. Damn, isn't that just taking the **** into the ring and living in the tiger?

Clicking, Chu Xiang connected the arm mortar for the eggplant. The bitter mouth with eggplant pain, "Tiger, you came here. I thought you were going to be completely detached from our organization. Fortunately, everyone got together this time. Our vegetables and wild game can be stewed in a pot, but it must not taste wrong, but I'm really reluctant to eat these inhuman zombies. "

Chu Xiang said: "You step back. It's my turn!" Cao didn't understand what Chu Xiang was going to do. At this time, a t3 broke the blockade and took a slap with a slap on the eggplant. How can the eggplant fight it? He didn't have a gun in his hand, and now he could only stupidly watch the ugly slap incite him, maybe it could even tear one arm off.

boom! T3's eyeballs were broken by a boxing, and the body fell back a few meters before landing. Chu Xiang blocked in front of the eggplant and said, "Retreat! You are not their opponents!"

Qiao said incredibly: "Oh my God. I read that right. Did you hit the ground just now? Tiger. Are you really a tiger? How fast and powerful does this need? Tianma Meteor Boxing?"

The t4 that rushed in just now had the upper hand. It wounded famous soldiers one after another. Everyone was pushed back a dozen steps by it. Someone has reloaded and fired at it. But he lifted his forefoot in front of his eyes. Then the leap forward will take the lives of these shooting fighters!

boom! A bullet hit t4's eyeball from behind in an arc. puff. Dark red splattered blood. thump. t4 fell to the ground and could no longer move. That round eyeball is more than just its visual system. Also equivalent to its brain.

Li Xiaoming stepped out of the crowd. He didn't want to blow out the gun smoke and yelled at everyone: "Everyone plug the gap immediately. Never let the zombies rush in again!"

Chu Xiang shouted. The flame horse rushed for a moment. Chu Xiangyue jumped on the flame horse and compared Li Xiaoming with his thumb to show his encouragement for his achievements. After all, Xu Huai has evolved for a long time. Li Xiaoming was already anxious. The bullet he just fired had heralded the evolutionary start.

"I'll help elsewhere. You stay to help everyone!" Chu Xiang said to Li Xiaoming.

Li Xiaoming said: "Relax, Chu team, I will never step into the ring from here with me!"

Eggplant looked at the red flame that suddenly disappeared, and he didn't understand, "Who is he? Is it the tiger I knew before, my God, is that flying?"

Chu Xiang came to the downstairs of Qianmen. Zhang Jingyao and Zhou Muqing were rushing around. "How come back, and the Beijing base will fall down later!"

Chu Xiang said: "We can't easily take the shot before the timing, otherwise we will fall into the trick of the zombies."

Zhou Muqing said puzzledly: "Is the zombies so smart? I heard that the human casualties are very large, and we will not be able to persist if we don't take any action."

Chu Xiang said: "There is no way, the war is so cruel."

Zhou Muqing said: "No matter how cruel we are, we must do our best to help, how much we can help, and we should not delay here, it makes me feel guilty."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, then I ask you, how long can you maintain your strength?"

Zhang Jingyao and Zhou Muqing thought for a while: "If you continue to work for a maximum of half an hour."

Chu Xiang said: "Do you think you can wipe out t2 in half an hour?"

Zhou Muqing and Zhang Jingyao both shook their heads. It is impossible to give them a few more hours and a half. T2, which is more than two hundred thousand, is an amount they have never seen before. If you want to destroy them by force, I ’m afraid You have to be exhausted and live a few times.

Chu Xiang pulled the second daughter on the horse: "So our role is not to help kill t2. If we do that, we will just hit the zombie trick. When we have no strength to fight again, they will break through the Beijing base, Little Silke is gone! And the Beijing base will not even have a chance to come back! But we will wait until the zombie bosses appear. Just kill them, and t2 will not retreat! "

Zhou Muqing and Zhang Jingyao suddenly realized that the war was like this. It is not simply whoever has more force that can win, otherwise the ancestors also created the "Sixteen Measures".

Second Women's Road: "Now the time is ripe. Several of them have already gone to the ring battlefield. Let's go find the Zombie Leader! Sister Jing Yao and I will **** you around. I hope we can kill the Zombie Leader as soon as possible, otherwise More people died as a result. "

Why would Chu Xiang be willing to watch the soldiers fall one by one, but experience told him. If he hits when t2 launches an attack, congratulations, not only may not be able to save the Beijing base, but also the members of the eschatology team, unless there are tens of thousands of evolvers in the Beijing base, then that may be OK Eliminate all t2.

The outpost on Zuo'an was broken. Six t3 menacing. They rely on each other to continuously bite the soldiers trying to retake the outpost. They are agile and the artillery cannot be aimed at. Light machine guns hit them at all to no avail. The commander of the outpost threw the helmet, "Mom. Explosive pack! Didn't you prepare an explosive pack, bring it!"

A soldier picked up the dynamite bag first, "Chairman, let me go! You have to command everyone to retake the outpost!"

Alas, as soon as the soldier rushed out, a t3 tore off his head! However, his determined will caused the soldier to explode the explosive packet instantly when he lost his head. Boom, one life to one life, a t3 turned into a corpse and landed on top of the soldiers.

"I'm going!" Another warrior carried the explosives bag without any thought, but there were many t3, not one or two people can handle it. Several soldiers around him silently picked up the explosives bag on the ground. At this time, no one took his own Life is so noble to look at, the bodies of comrades on the ground pile after pile, and everyone is in pain. If you can change your life. It's worth it! Someone took the testament from his arms and stuffed it into the company commander, who was a tall man. Now he couldn't cry, he cried, he grabbed a dynamite pack and jumped onto the public outpost first.

"Mum came to bite me!" The company commander yelled. He hoped that he could kill two of them at once and earn back. Indeed, two t3 found the company commander who shouted and gave up. In order to chase a soldier, Teng jumped over.

The company ’s long fingers are fastened on the pull ring. This explosive pack was originally used for glory. When it is pulled, it will not give the zombie a chance to escape. Alas, the company leader thought that the zombie had bit himself. His finger pulled back, and he yelled, "Mother! Forgive me, I will kill the zombies!"

Plop, plop, two beeps, the company commander suddenly noticed that something was wrong, the dynamite pack didn't go off, his heart sank, his sacrifice wasted for nothing, abominable dynamite pack, how could it be dumb at this time, two T3, you can sacrifice one comrade by killing two by yourself.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed, go and direct your men to retake the Left Ansout post!" Someone said loudly in the company's ears.

The company commander opened his eyes, and an ugly face appeared in front of him. If he wasn't talking, the company commander would take him out as a zombie and give him a pistol, and then lowered his head. The ring on his finger broke. The dynamite pack is not dumb or broken!

3 broke through the outpost t2 and attacked them. They were unstoppable like a tide. At this time, they had already attacked the front. I saw the ugly man waving his arms quickly, and he saw that t2 in front was like a wheat. Falling down, there must be a steel arrow nailed to the forehead of each t2!

"Be careful with t3!" The company commander suddenly saw a t3 pounced on the ugly man from behind, he shouted aloud and pulled out a pistol to shoot at the same time, but he was not a sharpshooter.

Alas, the ugly man turned his head back, a steel arrow quickly hit the t3 brain, it flew in mid-air momentum, and threw it to the ground. At this time, the company commander found that the two t3s who had failed to take their own explosives. Two steel arrows are dead! This ugly man is so handsome! This was the only idea of ​​the company commander at the time. He not only saved himself but also killed t3 as soon as he shot. Niucha, mother, and you have the opportunity to obey you old.

Lian Changxing hurriedly shouted behind him, "Boys, rush me up. Take back the Zuo An outpost and kill the mess!"

The soldiers who were pushed back to the public by t3 rushed to the outpost. Once t3 was suppressed, as long as the firepower organized, those t2 would be beaten back. The crisis at Zuo'an outpost was finally temporarily lifted.

There was chaos on the outer streets of Yongding. The outpost was smashed by the company. The company was almost completely annihilated, and the reserve forces were all wiped out. Now the largest officer turned out to be a deputy squad leader. He still had a dozen soldiers. Looking at the outpost at t2, they want to cry without tears.

"Squad leader. Ask for missile support. It is impossible for us to recapture the outpost with firepower." A soldier said hard, he had been fighting all day and all night, and his lips were hot enough to bake egg cakes.

Another soldier said: "Once bombed with missiles, the outpost will be razed to the ground. We will be more secure and rush again. In case we recapture this time, as long as we organize the firepower, those t2 will rush. Not on the ring. "

Another soldier said: "But there are still four t3s guarding the outpost. We can't even aim at them. They are fast. All of us in a squad have died in their hands, even the commander and platoon leader. They were torn apart alive. Wow ... "When the soldier cried, the others started to sob, and the scene was miserable. Even if the heart-hearted people came, they could not remain indifferent.

"What a cry!" The deputy squad leader shouted loudly, "No one is allowed to cry for me! Who plays the sissy old one and killed him! Isn't it just some walking dead, they can't defeat us humans, for the time being they occupy The upper hand. Does n’t mean they will win. Bring the rocket launcher, I will lead t3 out. Second, you will be able to shoot with the marksmanship. As long as the four t3s are killed, we can retake the outpost! "

A soldier wiped his tears and said, "Leader, let me go. If you sacrifice us, we will not even have a backbone."

The deputy squad leader said: "If I sacrificed Er You to be the monitor, Er sacrificed Xiao Chen to you. Xiao Chen sacrificed Xu Hu to you. Even if we fight to the last one, we must retake the Yongding Outer Street Outpost! This is us We will die here, too. Understand! "

The crowd yelled, "Understand!"

The deputy squadron jumped on the bus, two anti-tank rocket launchers, and he fired in time when t3 appeared, but everyone didn't know, t3 was fast, they were fully capable of evading rockets, but there were other Any other method, maybe they will be blown to death when they collide? I always have to try before I know the result.

The zombies did not need to advance without the heat weapon. The deputy squadron bypassed t2 and ran to the outpost. He yelled and tried to pull out the t3 inside, but there were a few t2. Fortunately, soldiers hiding behind Shoot them in time to dispose of them.

Finally, the four t3s were startled. Huh, they all jumped out together. The roaring person in front of them seemed to make them angry. The four t3s rushed at him together. The deputy squad was ecstatic. Mother, this is a good thing. , I just stand here and let them bite, and they can kill them all in one shot!

"Second, avenge me!" The deputy squad shouted and closed his eyes, come on, come on, bite more violently, if the shouting pain is always raised by the turtle king bastard! Blow you up in the air for a while and let you taste the pain!

Om, huh, huh, a messy sound in the ear, the deputy monitor is very strange, is t3 biting like this, haven't two of t3's heads been knocked off by the eyeballs, can it bite people with eyeballs? But it doesn't hurt.

The deputy monitor finally couldn't control the curiosity and opened his eyes. He was surprised to find that four t3s had been split into eight halves. Two t3s had not yet fallen to the ground. The two halves were still biting on the ground. However, their impulse has dissipated, and soon they broke into two pieces and fell to the left and right.

"Knife fast!" The deputy squad leader couldn't help shouting. The man in front of him had quickly retracted the double knives. He turned back and smiled, "Thank you all, I'm He Yaohui of the 106th Regiment of the Copper City Base. You can organize your troops Regaining the outpost, I will help you stick to it. Don't be afraid of t3 and t4. They are not without flaws. As long as everyone calms down and hits his head, they will also die. "

The deputy squad leader nodded ecstatically, god, there are such masters, and it will be no problem to have him help outpost. But it was the effort of blinking his own eyes, his double sword actually split the four t3 into two halves, which is cool!

The Lize outpost had been tugged back and forth. After two losses, they finally recaptured. The cost was that the reserve forces were all used up. The crowd was staring at t2, their hearts were shaking. Those t2s were followed by a t4 and two t3s. These things were fatal It is often necessary to sacrifice dozens of soldiers to kill one of them. And now the remaining people are not enough to consume it like this.

Huh, everyone suddenly felt hot around, I wonder when a young girl has joined their camp, she even sprayed flames to those t2 who rushed up! The zombies were originally flesh and blood. Although it cannot be said that they burn instantly, the flames cannot be extinguished when sprayed on them, and they are densely packed. They soon burn to the ground and they do not form a formation. Jumped across the sea of ​​fire and rushed over the post. Wow, the roof ruptured and they volleyed towards the fire-breathing girl.

Bang, bang. Bang, the girl suddenly jumped out of two men next to them. They fired left and right to shoot two t3s and escaped. Although their marksmanship may not be successful, speed and accuracy are by no means comparable to these ordinary soldiers.

The girl set up a wall of fire in front of the outpost, and any high-level zombies who attacked her across the wall of fire let her fight with him. The girl laughed: "Brother Shao Hui, Ying Jie, you have made great progress in shooting. I'm afraid you can't stand it."

Wang Shaohui took advantage of Li Yingjie's shooting and filled his gun with bombs, and said, "Joke, following the Chu team for so long, if you haven't grown a bit, it's really a shame, you can't stand it, just in case nothing happens. Tell us in advance. "

Fang Yuxuan said proudly: "Relax, my evolution is different from Jingyao and their sisters. Their ability to use them immediately disappeared. You see those zombies are the best fuel, the fire will only burn more and more. As long as you guys I live with it. "

Du Chengen, commander of the Beijing Military Region, ran over to report the situation: "Chairman, good news, good news."

Hua Fuqiang's white hair seemed to pop up suddenly. He stared at the large map of China in the command room, "Cheng En, what good news, can we let the zombies run wild? I don't Be willing. "

"Chairman, we have received many battle reports from critical outposts. They suddenly received the support of powerful forces. They had lost the ground post and recaptured it. The ring line is expected to be held!"

Hua Fuqiang, already aware of the critical battle reports at the outposts, but all the forces he could send, he thought he was hopeless, and now seeing Du Chengen, who has always been famous, yelled, Hua Fuqiang's eyes flashed out immediately Glorious, "Oh, what's going on?"

Du Chengen said: "They are evolutionaries. They should all be evolutionaries. According to the battle report, they have superhuman powers. Killing t3 and t4 is like chopping vegetables and melons. Those who see t3 and t4 are hiding away when they are scared. Far away, the war situation is gradually turning around, as long as the zombies no longer have new land forces to fight, we have every hope to fight them back! "

"Okay!" Hua Fuqiang shot the table. "Finally wait until they do it! I know that a great country is never worse than a foreigner. There is an evolutionary among them. It is even more impossible for our descendants born in the 5,000 years of China. Were weaker than them! If I had contacted them, I would speak to Chu Xiang myself. "

Du Chengen said: "The battle report said that most of them did not disclose their surnames to the soldiers, and they did not let the outpost report. As for Chu Xiang, who has not been found so far, it may be that he has appeared but the whistle The soldiers at the station did not know. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "The evolvers must be with him. His companions have shot, and why he hasn't seen the action. Is he waiting?"

Du Chengen said: "I have finally realized the power of our final evolution. I am so excited, Chairman. The more people they have, the better. Only then can we have hope."

Hua Fuqiang said: "Yeah, there is hope, but he can't help us if he can't see us. Fortunately, Professor Bai has contacted him, otherwise, depending on what Gao Yu did, they might just let go."

Du Chengen said: "It is necessary to punish severely. Gao Yu always does not care about the consequences of doing things, and falsely reports his achievements. We must not tolerate adultery!"

Hua Fuqiang said: "Yes, this matter must not stop there, but the most important task now is to immediately organize the counterattack force, and take advantage of the help of the evolutionary to defeat the zombies!"

"Chairman, come and see!" Shouted a staffer who had been in charge of monitoring.

After Hua Fuqiang and Du Chengen arranged the staff to do their best to organize a counterattack, they hurried over. From the videos returned from the outposts, weird things happened. I saw a group of red flames rushing along the ring. You can Seeing that t2 couldn't get near the red flame body, and some high-level t3 and t4 were slashed and thrown out of the body once they rushed forward.

"Oh my God, what weapon is that!" Everyone exclaimed.

Huh, the red flame suddenly stopped, and everyone screamed again, "Yeah!" It turned out to be a bay horse with a camel on it, a man and two women, the man was very masculine, and the two women were charming. Each has its own characteristics.

"It's Zhou Muqing!" Many people recognized one of them.

"There was a large zombies going up, and quickly sent troops to reinforce them!" There was a staffer loudly, it seems that he also admired Chow.

Alas, alas, alas, everyone saw Zhou Muqing opened his mouth, and the zombies that surrounded him suddenly exploded. Hua Fuqiang and Du Chengen looked at each other. Both thought in their hearts that she was also an evolutionary!

"There are still a bunch of zombies coming up from behind! Be careful!" Someone reminded, just shouting there is a fart, there is no way to hear it.

Alas, a lightning-like light lit up, and saw the zombie sneaked from behind being charged to smoke. A sharp-eyed person sees the electric light emitted by the woman with a plump breast ~ ~ It seems that her strength is even more simple!

"T4! It's t4!" Someone yelled as if they found a new continent. This is not to take the command room for a while. Hua Fuqiang frowned, but he was still hanging in his heart. I wonder if they should not cope.

Alas, when the man immediately jumped up, suddenly his back grew like a pair of wings, and the wings were cut to two t4 like two rotating saws. They are not idlers. They were unaware of being attacked, but their retreat gave the two girls right away. One t4 was exploded alive, and the other was turned into a coke!

Wow, there was a warm applause in the command room. They have never seen such a happy killing of zombies, let alone t4. It is difficult for them to kill several t3, but now these t4 are like t2. Massacre, how can everyone be upset!

"What's that?" Someone pointed at the screen and saw a pale, burly man coming out of the zombies. He was facing the masculine man. The eyes of the two were full of hostility. Many people just looked at the screen. He couldn't bear the sight of the zombies.


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