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Chapter 222: Ultimate battle

Fang Yuxuan is not the first time to enter the sky with Chu Xiang, but the last time he was blown by the wind, he could n’t help it. "Brother Chu, you are great, you will finally fly! I love your wings, I really want to I also need a pair, but my evolution is a flame. "

Chu Xiang said: "Would you like to fly and take you? Why would you want wings?"

Fang Yuxuan hugged Chu Xiang's neck and said, "Then you have to take me for a lifetime, my body has been seen by you, you must be responsible to me!"

Chu Xianghan said: "You are so young, why are there so many weird ideas."

Fang Yuxuan said on Chu Xiang's back, "I am young, am I young, Sister Shanshan is not as old as me."

Chu Xiang sweated aloud: "Who compares this to you, don't make a fuss, the flocks of birds are coming, do you have the confidence to deal with them?"

Fang Yuxuan said: "It depends on my performance. I can now condense the flames into a line to increase the distance. The lethality is amazing."

Huh, the two sides have met in the sky. Many people have seen the power of mutant birds, but they are most afraid of flames. Some zombies are burned for a while and a half. They ca n’t die, and they even hug humans. However, once the wings of the mutant birds are burned, they only fall to the ground. If they are lucky, they will not die. If they are unlucky, they will land on the ground.

The violent flames spread out from around Chu Xiang's body, and the bird's feathers were a little bit. They were also afraid of the fire now, and immediately retreated as soon as they made contact. However, because of their dense heights, they were still severely damaged. If it can fly, it must have turned into a bird and joined the war.

He Er roared and directed the zombies to launch another attack on the ring line. Because almost half of the high-level zombies had just gathered on the battlefield just now, it was impossible to keep here, and the zombies quickly broke the line.

Chu Xiang revolved a few times and later said: "The birds have receded. We will stop jetting and stop the zombies from entering the Beijing base."

Fang Yuxuan said: "Continue to shoot them with bullets. It's easier than going down and fighting with them."

Chu Xiang certainly understands this truth. Now he has enough energy. And the waste iron on the bone wings has not been used up. Go on for a few more laps and talk. boom. boom. boom. The fighter fired again. The t3 battlefield below issued serious chaos. He could not suppress it. Because they cannot control the ground, they can only be shot and killed one by one as targets for hunting. Lots of t3 defeats. Their riots drove t2 to retreat. At the same time, the human garrison launched a vigorous counterattack. It was only half an hour. There were few zombies left on the ring road. In the end, only He Er and dozens of t4 remained. Chu Xiangdi fired very accurately. He hit two rows of projectiles. The dozens of t4 finally escaped. If you do n’t run, you will die.

This is a ridiculous scene. One person turned the tide. T2 lost more than 20,000 yuan to Beijing. Unless more powerful zombies come out to organize them. Otherwise, they will only slosh and bravely hunt and end up hunted by humans one by one.

The reason. The zombies were attacked by Chu Xiang just now. T3 and T4 are not willing to sacrifice for their high ability and wisdom. The higher the wisdom, the more they use strategy. But they also have fear. Chu Xiangdi's slaughter caused them a lot of ground pressure. A large number of them is like a fire in Kashihara. It was difficult for Ho Er to control them with his own power. Defeated. He could only watch the general situation pass away.

boom. Chu Xiang landed with Fang Yuxuan. Fang Yuxuan quietly ducked aside from Chu Xiang's back. She knew it was a battle between two men, one dead body. She can't participate nor has the strength to participate. No matter how hard ultrasound and high voltage currents are in the bones. I'm afraid the flames have little effect on it.

He Er looked back at the defeated army of zombies. If it is Gao Yu, I'm afraid to vomit blood again. The wound on the back has healed quickly. He was unwilling to organize and the results disappeared for nearly a month. It decided to launch a final battle against Chu Xiang.

Tong, Tong, Tong, the two masters of strength will not use any dazzling fancy, or strength against strength, two people stepped on the ground with four feet strong, bang, two punches collided but did not People backed up, banged, and two punches collided, but no one backed off, but the feet of the two were already deep into the ground! You know how hard the torus is!

He Er does not die. Chu Xiang will not be unsafe for a day, but the Beijing base may be dangerous, that is, the Yutai base he will build in the future will also be dangerous.

He Er is a highly intelligent zombie. As for how it evolved, it is not known. Its great achievements failed because of all the people in front of it. He was originally without fear. Now it is even more Fighting for the determination to die, Boom, Boom, the four fists of the two kept colliding, the flesh smashed the bones against the bones, and even sparkled!

Hua Fuqiang and others watched, and the night was quite dark. Most of the searchlights were destroyed in the war just now. Their eyesight was not evolutionaries such as Chu Xiang. Now they can only see flashes on the screen. The ground sparked, everyone's heart sank.

Chu Xiang's amazing performance just aroused Hua Fuqiang and others. The army of zombies has already retreated, and the Beijing base has survived the crisis. Maybe it will usher in the spring of its reconstruction. But the winners of all the credits are still desperate! Everyone also speculated that the zombie man in front should be the mastermind of all incidents. If he is not killed, there will be no real tranquillity in the future.

Du Chengen's eyes started to wet, and he has seen many iron men in his years of Rong Ma's career, but this tragic scene of using a bone to spark sparks is unheard of. Boom, boom, punch after punch, neither side refuses to admit defeat. Maybe the one who finally exhausts and fails will fail. If He Er finally falls, with his strength, he is fully capable of making a comeback! Du Chengen choked, "Chairman, we have to help him!"

Hua Fuqiang said: "Look at the buildings around them. Their shock waves are too strong, and ordinary people can't get near!"

Du Chengen said: "Using a bazooka ... No, no, that will hurt Chu Xiang. Never do this. The hard bones of the zombies may not be shot through by machine guns. What should we do? Can we really do nothing? ?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "We can only pray for Chu Xiang to defeat the zombies safely. This is a battle between evolutionaries and evolutionaries. We humans have heart but are weak."

A staff officer reminded: "Chairman. Should we send a fighter, in case Chu Xiang fails, we must also respond to the big plan for humanity, and we must not let the zombie go."

Du Chengen said: "Although I hate this idea, we have to make the worst plan, but the fighter must not be able to stand up.

The staff member said: "We just saw Chu Xiang's flying process. We can equip the fighter with flamethrowers for defense. Those mutant birds are definitely afraid to attack the aircraft again."

Hua Fuqiang said: "It's that simple. Is the goal of a fighter comparable to that of a single person. Those mutant birds are pervasive. We cannot arm the fighter to our teeth. This is simply unrealistic. As soon as Chu Xiang has an accident, we can cope with him and do our best. "

This is a very strange battle. There may have been only one such battle in the past and probably will not happen again in the future. Chu Xiang and He Er have already fought more than one punch. This multi-punch fist did not fail, Chu Xiang had lost his sensory system, and he could not detect the pain. It was just a mechanical flick of Bone Sensen's fist again. The bodies of the two had not reached the waist. It was like two smashing machines. You hit me and I hit you.

"No!" Lin finally rushed over, and she rushed up desperately, banging. Shooting while rushing, no one is more uncomfortable than her heart at this moment. She feels that she was so stupid that she had to go online in everything. If it wasn't for her stubbornness preventing Chu Xiang from making a shot on Ho Er's head, maybe not Will appear today.

Huh, a shock wave that collided with two punches threw Lin out. She got up from the ground and couldn't wipe the blood off the corner of her mouth and rushed forward again. The corners of Chu Xiang's mouth were bleeding. At this moment Lin felt guilty and hated to let himself die!

In fact, there may be Li Er and Wang Er without He Er. Chu Xiang has never complained about Lin in this matter, but Lin's feelings for Chu Xiang are not a day or two. Although she has been pretending to be a strong woman, at this moment she can no longer cover up her feelings and loves remorse.

Bang, Lin was thrown out again, Fang Yuxuan rushed to hold Lin: "Sister Bo, don't do this, you will kill yourself!"

Lin shook Fang Yuxuan away, and her stubbornness was used here again at the moment, slamming, and being thrown out again, Lin couldn't remember spitting out some blood, but suddenly she found that the shockwave could be taken by the two to do The scope of the battle has increased, because her power suddenly increased!

Lin surprised and kicked at He Er! Om, as if kicked on an iron plate, the bone of the forest was almost broken. This time, she fell back by herself. Fortunately, someone behind her caught her, otherwise she would hit a stone. It seems that her strength is already Greatly increased, but far worse than He Er.

Lin looked back. It turned out that everyone at the outpost had lifted the danger, and Song Jun was the one to catch her. Lin Dao said, "Save Chu Xiang, they are desperate!"

He Yaohui and Song Jun rushed one step ahead: "Let's do this old pervert together!"

Needless to say, everyone is also anxious. Xie Shanshan and Xiao Si jointly control Ho Er's thinking. Xu Huai and Liming Xiao aimed at Ho Er's eyes and ears fired angry bullets. Zhang Jingyao's high voltage current and Zhou Muqing's ultrasound , Fang Yuxuan's flame ...

He Yaohui cut his sword to He Er, and Song Jun took the opportunity to pull Chu Xiang out of the deep pit. He was blocked by He Yaohui's two swords, and the punch that fell again fell to the ground. Those huge numbers of t3 and t4 had already been scattered as birds and beasts, and the other party's sudden surge of power left it unable to cope.

"Hmm ..." He Er roared violently. Just now it had consumed most of the energy with the strength of Chu Xiang. Now it has been attacked by many evolutionists. It even has the opportunity to pull the body out of the deep hole No!

Chu Xiang was like a dead man. Everyone rushed to let him breathe a sigh of relief, and the flower fell in front of him. The five-color liquid suddenly flew from the wound on his hand. It quickly flew to the top of He's head. Under the hood of the ear, everyone knew that the five-colored liquid was going to consume Ho's energy. So everyone stopped, He Er's energy at this time is not the same as before, the melting of the five-color liquid can no longer resist. Soon his head was disintegrated, and there was not a large bubble of kung fu in front of his eyes.

Huh, the five-color liquid flew out of the foam with brighter colored light. Although He's energy is not as good as before, its ground level is there, the same energy, but its energy is definitely different from ordinary t2. This can be distinguished from the luster of the five-color liquid.

The five-color liquid turned proudly in the air for a small half circle, then plunged into Chu Xiang's wound, and saw that the colored light of the wound was rotating and the muscle tissue was growing at a high speed visible to the eye. Huh, Chu Xiang suddenly opened his eyes and climbed up, everyone Startled by him, Lin Gang vomited the weakest blood and even squatted on the ground.

"Wow, so strong energy, this old pervert. It tastes good!" Chu Xiang said in the first sentence, he has noticed the Heer energy brought back by the five-color liquid, although it is not much, it is absolutely powerful!

Zhang Hongbing arrived the latest. Because he was weak, he almost spit out when he heard what Chu Xiang said, "Chu, don't you like to eat zombies?"

Zhou Muqing stepped on Zhang Hongbing and said, "Go to your land, you like to eat zombies. Chu Xiang is talking about energy."

Zhang Hongbing said: "You really uphold him. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan have no opinions yet."

Zhou Muqing said: "I like to defend him. What can you do to me?"

Zhang Hongbing said: "How dare I treat you like this, but you don't look like a big star."

Chu Xiang got Ho Er's energy and spirit recovered quickly. He stood up and glanced around: "Everyone is all right?"

Everyone said: "It's okay, this battle has improved our strength, Chu team looks like you're not small."

Chu Xiang laughed: "Basically I am very satisfied except that I almost gave a small life. We can eliminate this old perversion of He Er by sincerity and solidarity. We must have a chance to celebrate it as if Comrade Lin had just evolved. Just I do n’t know what her evolutionary direction will be. At the same time, we have our comrade Li Xiaoming. Let us congratulate them! "

A warm and sincere applause sounded. Lin was very embarrassed. She stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, Chu team. It was all caused by me. If you killed Ho Er completely then, there would be no disaster today."

Chu Xiang said: "You think more, we humans are evolving, why are n’t zombies evolving? I believe that not only is there a zombie like He Er, even if this place is not it, other zombies can make waves, but I hope that our zombies in China are no more powerful than Ho'er. As for foreign countries, it is better to be as powerful as possible, so as to save the ghosts from feeling destructive. "

Several girls comforted Lin and congratulated her at the same time. Lin felt better in her heart, but she tried it secretly, but found that in addition to the increase in physical fitness than before, even a super power was not found. This time let She was sadly disappointed.

The battle on the battlefield here is too fierce, and most of the soldiers guarding died. However, after a lot of exchanges, a large number of soldiers rushed from elsewhere. They didn't do anything else. They just wanted to see the heroic style. It's fast, the dangerous alarm has been lifted, and although military orders are restricting them, they still come in desperately.

Song Jun jumped off the roof of the outpost and said, "Chu team, I think we should go. Yesterday I and Zhang Hongbing, Sun Gaoqiang, and Wang Bin have rushed to repair the base car, and the fuel is already in place. Maybe we will stay there. To be left in Beijing. "

Chu Xiang waved his hand and said, "Leave! There is no place for others to leave here. Let's create our own world!"

There is a lot of right and wrong in defending the battle. Some people think that the existence of the small silk land caused the crisis of the Beijing base and killed many innocent soldiers. However, the rapid development of the Beijing base will cause wisdom zombies even if there is no small silk land. This has been proven in many large cities abroad before and after. Zombies have been planned and planned, and very few large bases can survive the crisis like Beijing. Even if several large bases defeated the zombies , But the price they paid also exceeded the Beijing base several times!

There is another question: Is Lin's mistake the source of the crisis? Chu Xiang believes that life will always be found, and zombies are also a kind of life! Evolvers are constantly appearing among human survivors, and so are evolving ones among zombies. As for who led the zombies to the big city to make this revolution, it is not important anymore.

The Beijing Base Military Commission served as the command room for the celebration, and Hua Fuqiang and Du Chengen even secretly hid to tears. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved, and those soldiers who died in the battle did not die in vain! The Beijing base still stands on the earth, and it will be more brilliant and splendid in the future!

boom! Du Chengen hit the table fiercely. "Chairman, I can't hold my breath."

Hua Fuqiang stunned: "Xiao Du, you suddenly startled, what happened?"

Du Chengen said: "What a great opportunity, if we keep Chu Xiang them, what are we afraid of in Beijing base!"

Hua Fuqiang said, "Yeah, but we can't keep him. No, but Ke Wu can't do it, because he shows amazing strength, we can't keep him forcibly at our Beijing base, let alone those soldiers worship them to the point now If at this time they were asked to forcibly retain people, I'm afraid it would cause riots. "

"Chairman, there is a signal to cut in, and we have a strong ability to invade. We have nothing to do! The operating system has been controlled by it!" A technician from the command room quickly came to report.

Hua Fuqiang and Du Chengen looked at each other. The two of them could not tell the truth, allowing the technicians in the command room to say so, it is estimated that such a powerful invasion ability was also Chu Xiang's people. This is not the first time he has done so, entering and leaving the central computer room is almost like his own back garden.

The screen in the command room quickly changed, and Chu Xiang appeared on the screen. He seemed to be looking for something. "Are Chief Gao not here? Go and say hello to him."

Chu Xiang's words made many people blush, and some people shouted that he was superman. Hua Fuqiang walked into the scope of the video and said, "I am Hua Fuqiang, Comrade Chu Xiang. First of all, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of people in Beijing base, thank you for your help!"

Where did Chu Xiang see such a big scene, he thought that the battle was under the command of Gao Yu and others. After getting on the base car and rushing out of the fifth ring, he let Wang Bin cut into the computer room from the satellite. Guo Yanyi turned Gao Yuqi into vomiting blood like that, that * actually arrested himself, and it was considered polite to take his life.

"This ..." Chu Xiang scratched his head awkwardly. "I haven't figured out what to say yet. Suddenly I saw that your leadership was so unexpected."

Hua Fuqiang and others couldn't help laughing, "Comrade Chu Xiang. You are good. Before, there may have been misunderstandings between us because of certain things. Now I send you a sincere invitation on behalf of the country, come back!"

Chu Xiang said decisively this time: "Forget it, I don't think Beijing is suitable for me. It's a place of qualification and identity. I think it's more free outside. Since Chief Gao is away, I won't say hello to him. Now. "

Du Chengen pushed Gao Yu, the head of the thief and the head of the thief to listen to the news. He said, "Don't worry, don't you think he's here?"

Gao Yu felt deeply at this moment what life is better than death, and he did not dare to open his mouth easily. Now he is a street mouse and Chu Xiang is a people ’s hero. It is estimated that at this time, who said a bad thing about Chu Xiang could immediately be used by Beijing base people. Drooling.

"Chu, Captain Chu ~ ~ I know I have made a serious ideological mistake and ask you to forgive me." Gao Yu had to lower his noble head, and now he asked Gao Yudi's ancestors eight generations several times If not for that dead pig, how could he be mixed up today.

Chu Xiang said, "Director Gao, you are so quick to change. I do n’t even know what to say. I originally wanted to spit out your blood. It seems that your current state is impossible. It ’s really meaningless, but anyway, thank you for giving me the courage to leave the base in Beijing, everyone, goodbye, bye ... "

When Gao Yuxi was sitting on the ground, Chu Xiang's last sentence clearly framed him. A great hero left like this, and all this turned out to be his reason for Gao Yudi. If you think about it, you will know what he will do in the future. Gao Yu I didn't vomit blood on the spot, but I vomited twice when I got home, which was a compensation.

The wheels of victory rolled away. In addition to Su Yulian, Zhang Debing and He Yaohui, members of the eschatology team marched towards new goals, while Zhou Muqing and Fei Fei returned to Hong Kong under the **** of Chu Xiang, but the matter between them was not over, maybe It's just the beginning. It's like the sun at 1:00 in the morning, the hot rise. It's time to wear a skirt. Isn't it a man's eyes? Is there a small suspender and mini skirt this summer?


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