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Chapter 230: Building a hospital

Li Xihua, who got off the car, almost had the impression that it was the population of his Xiji base! He came here to kick the people's house, and Lao Wo over there was actually a mess. Li Xihua had a pain in his chest. Unfortunately, he did n’t spray blood, otherwise he could be regarded as a historical celebrity.

"My last name is Chu! I share everything with you!" Li Xihua had been holding the pistol in his hands, and suddenly he jumped towards Chu Xiang, at the same time, pulled the trigger, Li Xiaoming raised his hand and fired a bullet. He and Xu Huai's gun During this month, precision improvements were made. The firepower and accuracy were greatly increased. Although it was late, it was made first. The two bombs collided in the air and fell to the ground.

"Dare you!" Alas, Song Jun threw out a steel arrow, the arrow was right in the middle of Li Xihua's forehead, and thumped. This evolutionist, known by the old name of Xiji Base as bad to poisonous smoke, lost his life, Although he was fortunate to step into the door of evolution, but unfortunately did not go the right path, otherwise it may also achieve a career, Chu Xiang has never been a killer, hoping to save some seed for the evolutionary team, but now it seems that Li Xihua is obsessed There is no turning back.

Ma Ming and Sun Ge ran over, "Hey, what you said today will be all right today, what we mean now, now we understand, thank you for saving us, your Yutai base is really as good as the ad says Will you accept us? We promise to work hard and not ask for anything else, as long as we have enough food for one day. "

Chu Xiang smiled and stood up high and said, "Friends, our Yutai base welcomes you. We have clean and bright single dormitories here, as well as bathrooms and toilets. You do n’t have clothes. We provide you. You did n’t eat. We take care of you, we can give you medical treatment if you are sick. As long as you work here with peace of mind, you can use your expertise to make this your real home. Let us create a beautiful home together! "

Chu Xiang said that other people didn't understand clearly, but they understood the word "satisfaction", and some people cried out: "To say a thousand words and ten thousand, we just want to eat and eat, and we take them out. As long as we are full, you let us go and fight the zombies. "

To kill zombies in these people's minds is a matter of death. They just want a meal and then they are willing to die. It can be seen what kind of starvation Li Xihua was, and Chu Xiang didn't talk nonsense, shouting to the people below: "First lock up the rest of the Xiji base, and then raise the **** to everyone."

The next scene was a mess. The hoes were looted as soon as they lifted out of the house, and the people in the Xiji base who were being held in custody also began to roar, and many people called for injustice. He said he was forced to the ground, and Chu Xiang had to run to see Xiao Zhen and asked Chu Xiang to have porridge at that time. Chu Xiang was quite moved. He would do his best to help.

Yutai Grain Depot has its own infirmary. The common cold and fever can cope with it. However, if the disease is larger, it will go to the urban hospital. After the virus riot, all the doctors in the infirmary were infected and died. Health has always been the responsibility of Zhang Jingyao, a medical student. She has asked Chu Xiang several times for someone who really knows to take over, and now Hao Jianshu is a good candidate.

Chu Xiang dragged Hao Jianshu from the crowd. He pinched a half of a **** with one hand and his own trousers. It turned out that just now people patronized the **** to squeeze his belt. Chu Xiangyi Time sweats endlessly. It seems that people are hungry and can really do anything.

"President Hao, do you still recognize me?" Chu Xiang knew yesterday that Hao Jianshu was the president of a nearby county-level city hospital. He has made great achievements in medicine. At the same time, he has accumulated rich leadership positions in the hospital for many years. Management experience.

Hao Jianshu looked at Chu Xiang while gorging on his hoe, "I know. I just don't know that you are the leader of the Yutai base. Can we really live here in the future. You won't exploit us here."

Chu Xiang laughed: "Don't you know if you live here for a few days? I want you to help Xiaozhendi's mother to see the sick."

Hao Jianshu carefully hid his hoe. "I do n’t see how you are really interested. Go. The two of them are still in the car. I used to check Xiaozhendi's mother at the Xiji base. But there is no condition for surgery. I do n’t know Yutai What's going on. "

Xiaozhen really lay on the window and watched the scene outside. Chu Xiang was helpless. These people are really starving. Otherwise many of them were once glorious white-collar gold-collar workers. Who wants to do these big things. Even the head of the former courtyard squeezed the **** to seize it and tore the belt off. Not to mention ordinary people. Wait for them to fill their stomachs and then discipline them.

Thanks aloud and took the **** to the mother's mouth. "Mom. I have a bun."

Xiaozhendi's mother painfully inadvertently saw where her daughter came from. All he could do was bite his teeth and said, "Xiao Zhen. Don't grab it. You are so young. You will be trampled."

Chu Xiang said: "Well, do n’t worry, Xiaozhen will live very well in the base. Let ’s take you to the grain bank medical room to check it. Hao Hospital presumably knows you too. Do n’t be afraid to make this your home. All right."

Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan came to help, Song Jun drove another car, and quickly sent Xiaozhen's mother to the grain depot's infirmary. After a while, Hao Jianshu came out. He temporarily found a wire to tie his pants. It ’s just that the wires are always uncomfortable, so I have to loosen them and pull two from time to time. If someone in his hospital sees them, they will laugh out big teeth, but if the people in his hospital are also there, I do n’t think there will be time Come on jokes, all go grab a bun and eat.

Hao Jianshu shook his head: "It is necessary to have surgery, but Ms. Zhang took me to look at the conditions of the infirmary just now. You are really backward here. The hardware equipment is not even one-level of our city hospital. Not to mention the wide variety of medicines. "

Chu Xiang glanced at Xie Shanshan. Actually, Chu Xiang didn't have no personal purpose. Zhang Jingyao repeatedly proposed to speed up the medical and health construction of the base, because this is crucial for the survivors. Do not escape the t virus and die from other diseases. If the treatment is not timely, sometimes a cold will kill you, not to mention what the world has said about the tiger's discoloration and swine flu.

However, it is difficult for Chu Xiang to find a person who understands medicine and has leadership skills. Now it ’s hard to encounter one. This is why he is cautious in treating the Xiji base. As long as Xie Shanshan scans the old Hao, it is true. , Chu Xiang will reuse him.

Xie Shanshan nodded to Chu Xiang secretly, and Hao Jianshu's thought at the moment was indeed related to Xiaozhen's mother's illness. From this point, it can be determined that the basic skills of others as a doctor are absolutely there. As for the leadership skills, the president can say more than Zhang Jingyao.

Chu Xiang said: "Dean Hao ..."

Hao Jianshu took half a **** from his arms and sighed: "Don't mention this title, you see me like this, it's almost like a beggar. I am ashamed to make you cry as the dean."

Chu Xiang said: "You can rest assured to eat boldly, and you will not be hungry in the future, in fact, I have something to discuss with you."

Hao Jianshu yelled: "Discuss things with me? I can be a troubled old man now

Chu Xiang laughed: "You are not too old, I think we should use the residual heat to make more contributions to the medical and health undertakings at our Yutai base."

Hao Jianshu stunned again: "What does the leader Chu mean?"

Chu Xiang said: "You can just call me Chu Xiang. The word" Leader "is awkward. I want to establish Yutai Base Hospital. How about you as the director? You are solely responsible for the medical work of the base. Of course, this Not for nothing. At present, the monetary system has collapsed. Otherwise, let's use food instead of wages, and give you forty kilos of fine grains and ten boxes of canned food per month. Can't you see it? "

Hao Jianshu didn't even notice that the **** on the ground fell to the ground. He grabbed Chu Xiang's hand and said, "Leader Chu ... No, it's true. Forty kilograms of fine grain plus ten boxes of canned food every month. ? "

Chu Xiang said: "Really, if you feel a little less waiting for the conditions at our base to be better in the future, we can consider increasing the supplementary food for you, and you can have chicken, duck and fish."

Hao Jianshu said excitedly: "No, no, as long as there are steamed buns, I will be satisfied now. You said that before, someone would invite you to dinner every day, I really hate those mountain and sea food, but now why I see steamed buns, I can even hide my face Do n’t have it, just eat buns, I do n’t care about anything else. But Comrade Xiao Chu, I know you are a good leader. You want to benefit the surviving humans in the base and improve everyone ’s medical environment, but the Yutai base You must know more about what's going on in me ... "

Chu Xiang said: "You don't need to worry about these. As long as you agree to come to be the director of Yutai Base Hospital. What medicine and equipment are you missing? Please list it to me tonight. Anyway, I will also go to Jishi Office Other things will be brought back to you at that time. In addition, I plan to rebuild a building in the hospital. I hope that you can help me with the reference design for the structure. We will run the hospital as soon as the equipment and medicine are pulled back. "

Hao Jianshu thought he was making his **** stupid, and he patted his chest to make sure that he was angry. "What medicine and medical equipment do you need to get it back?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, you should list me according to the level of your hospital. We can't start low, otherwise it will not be worth repeating construction."

Hao Jianshu looked at Chu Xiang from left to right. Chu Xiang knew that Hao Jianshu did not believe in his strength. In this case, no one would doubt if he said to any member of the eschatology team, but as Hao who just entered Yutai base, Jianshu, he thinks that finding medicines and relocating medical equipment outside is just a joke about life.

In any case, Hao Jianshu can only do as Chu Xiang said. He said, "Well, I'll write after a full meal. As long as you can get those things, I can help Xiaozhen's mother to do the surgery. Now, the spread of cancer cells is not so great. It may be possible to do it early. "

Now that Hao Jianshu's work has been arranged, Chu Xiang leaves the infirmary with peace of mind. Anyway, he has to go to Jishi to find people and research equipment. It is not difficult to dismantle which hospital together, but it is to transport the convoy. The scale of the land will be expanded. In addition, the five-color liquid will be busy after returning. It is necessary to build an underground scientific research room and a medium-sized hospital. I am afraid that there are not so many zombies nearby for it to eat.

For a while, Chu Xiang was funny for his concerns. I used to see zombies dodging away, but I ca n’t wait for a generation to stop encountering them, but now I look forward to seeing a large group of zombies that will cause the five-color liquid to scourge. It's hard to run into zombies.

When Chu Xiang returned to the square, the order was much better. Song Jun asked: "What about the soldiers at the base of Xiji? There are some people we do n’t want to stay there. Would you like to bring them over to the base of Xiji?" Cancel? "

Chu Xiang thought for a while and thought, "Let's go to the conference room for an ad hoc meeting. It's more appropriate to think about some things together."

Chu Xiang's high IQ does not mean that he has leadership skills. In fact, he also considers himself a small molder in that tire factory. Especially after many times of life and death, he understood the importance of a team, and now he has an advantage over other evolvers is that he has a strong team, even if the opponent's strength is higher than himself. But they are not likely to be their own opponents, because their backing is hard!

Several principals in charge of the base participated in the meeting, and even Fang Guo, who was usually unwilling to show up, came. It seems that the second person who suddenly appeared has also attracted his attention. Chu Xiang first said: "Yesterday to today, everyone must already know the process, and I won't talk about it too much. Let's talk about how to settle this number of people."

Zhang Hongbing has always been a first mover. He first stood up and said, "Chu team. Yesterday we knew that there were many maintenance workers, about twenty of them, all of whom Li Xihua purposely left behind at that time. I used it for repairing welding posts. I want these people. "

Wang Bin said: "Bing Bing said that there are several people who know computers, but I am still unclear about their level. I will go to them to find out when they are dispersed. If they are almost, I will stay in the information department. This will also slow down my side It's understaffed. "

Song Jundao: "The battalion of the base does not need to increase manpower. Now we need to increase the weapons, so I can't digest these people for the time being."

Fang Sudao: "Although there is no shortage of manpower in the grain depot, the second person is struggling to maintain such a large grain depot. If possible, give us 50 and give everyone a break. If you are tired, you may be accidentally prone to work."

Chu Xiang nodded, "Well, that's the case, but the grain depot is very important to us. These 50 people were selected from our original people, and the remaining gap was filled by the people from the Xiji base. . "

Fang Su nodded and understood that she would negotiate with Lin, who manages the household registration, and Fang Guo suddenly spoke at this time, "Captain Chu. I know you are interested in building a large and first-class base. But all of the countries we make are You know, we're already using war preparations. If the state makes it harder for us, it won't be easy. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "It's okay, the director in charge of combat preparations dared to ask you for trouble to let me cope. Anyway, they are all eating. As long as it is not a foreign ghost, there is no outflow of this food. You can always rest assured, don't be afraid to get me back Local people will increase their food consumption. As long as we get the new agriculture done, it won't be long before we can make up for it. "

Fang Yadao: "Dad, don't worry about it. You see, Brother Chu resolved the survival crisis facing our grain depot as soon as he came. Now you can see that there is no zombies in dozens of miles, and we also have vegetables. It ’s edible. It wo n’t take long for the grain to be planted. Do n’t you want us to starve to death in a pool of grain. ”

Fang Guo whispered: "I just remind you not to patronize the scale of development, but to think about all the issues that arise. After all, we can't grow crops at present, and sometimes we should save."

Chu Xiang said modestly: "Thank you Uncle Fang for reminding us that we will pay attention to this, but those people who are here today must always take care of them first. After that, we will implement the monthly quota. Go back to Wang Bin and you will print some food stamps. Tickets, really not work. We also issue a set of banknotes internally and pay wages every month according to the amount of labor. "

Xie Shanshan said: "This idea is feasible, it can mobilize everyone's accumulation, otherwise it is easy to cause waste when eating a large pot of rice. Well, it is very difficult to regulate the issue of banknotes, and we do n’t understand finance here. The votes are gone. "

Wang Bin said: "Okay, I'll design a ticket sample for the Chu team to review."

Chu Xiang said: "Then we will discuss the Xiji base. Zhang Hongbing, Wang Bin and Fang Su can go to the tenth person, and one civilian and one soldier. Do you have any other opinions?"

Wang Shaohui frowned and said, "Would you like to send it to the wasteland team on my side, but most of them are still idle at the moment. I am afraid they will have to eat empty grain for a while."

Although Wang Shaohui is a hunter, China is no longer hunting, so his true identity is a farmer, so he is responsible for the wasteland farming at Yutai Base. Li Xiaoming was a greenhouse before his soldiers. After eating Zhang Hongbing ’s experimental dishes, he He took the initiative to take the lead of the vegetable greenhouse in Yutai Base, but his manpower is currently okay and no additional increase is needed.

Chu Xiang said: "There will definitely be many more bases to be merged in the future, so even if our Yutai base is expanded, it will not be enough. I ca n’t see it this way. Make the Yutai base an all-around core and develop here. High-precision project, and build a few small bases with a single function around it, put some poor survivors in the bases outside first, and let them serve the Yutai base. Yutai base. "

Xie Shanshan said: "This method is absolutely feasible, even if we dispersed our defensive forces, for example, in our current situation, there is not much coal in Zaoshi, but we lack coal and less oil. The base must not be abandoned, and it must be expanded to make it an auxiliary base for our coal sources. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Yes, that's what I mean, or it's easier to understand."

Everyone wanted to agree that the ten trucks of coal pulled back today will be used up shortly, and then they will go to Zaoshi to pull coal. There will be a coal supply department at Yutai base for a long time in the future. It is necessary to set up a base there to manage coal.

Now that everything is easy to handle, Zhang Hongbing, Wang Bin, and Fang Su split their heads to pick people. After a quarrel of one afternoon and one night, the staff who stayed at Yutai and assigned to Xiji finally decided, considering the Xiji base The current situation is very chaotic. Chu Xiang sent Song Jun to the past for temporary management. However, without Song Jun going to Jishi, Chu Xiang felt uncomfortable, but currently sending others to Xiji Chu Xiang is not at ease.

Early the next morning, Hao Jianshu came to Chu Xiang and saw two girls in Chu Xiang's room combing their hair together. Lao Hao was startled, but he was very quiet and took out from his pocket overnight. The list came out to Chu Xiang ~ ~ Chu Xiang opened it for a look, well, there are more than 20 papers of a4, isn't it thicker than it should be.

"Dean Hao, I don't know what these devices look like. Do you know who will follow us and start with us? If nothing unexpected happens, I plan to leave for Jishi today."

Hao Jianshu said: "Comrade Xiao Chu, you want me to help you build a hospital, but now I am a bare pole commander, you want to help me find someone."

Chu Xiang didn't expect people to come but reminded Hao Jianshu to ask for himself. He could only say, "The person in the base, Dean Hao, just pick it, it's really impossible for your old people to cultivate a group of students, but there are so many things. I'm afraid that the English letters alone will be enough for me. It's better for President Hao to take a trip with us this time. "

Hao Jianshu said: "Comrade Xiao Chu, let's take care of people first, but I don't think it is necessary to go to big cities to find these medicines and equipment. Yutai City Hospital can fully meet our needs."

Chu Xiang patted his thigh and said, "Yeah, I'm so stupid. I just wanted to find people and scientific research equipment, so the plan to go to Jishi was delayed one day. Today we go to Yutai City to get the medicine and equipment first."


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