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Chapter 248: Ghostly Doom

On this day, Chu Xiang is watching the progress of the scientific research building. In recent days, in order to catch up with the scientific research building, most people have come here to dig pits. Now building a building is very simple. As long as the remaining part of the underground part is dug, all the work is done by Chu. Xianghe uses five-color liquids to make it. This research building is troublesome in the underground part, so it takes a lot of time.

Du Qinglei is in charge of the scientific research building project. Fang Qian and Bai Xiaowei are busy doing other research and have no time to pay attention to the construction. Du Qinglei has long been accustomed to having her daughter follow Chu Xiang every day. She even strongly encouraged her daughter to strengthen the relationship with Chu Xiang. Compared with the past, Chu Xiang's strength made everyone dare not to underestimate. In this troubled world, his strength is the hope of survival.

"Captain Chu, Lao Fang and Professor Bai have some experiments that can't be delayed. I suggest that we build the scientific research building with the first phase of the project, install and debug the equipment as soon as possible, and then proceed with the second phase of the project in an orderly manner." Du Qinglei looked at Digging the slow scene towards Chu Xiang Road.

In fact, you can't blame the workers for not doing their best. The main reason is the lack of excavation equipment. All the excavators that can be found here are coming, and some can't be transported further. If the helicopter can fly, you can try hooking, but it's fine now. Don't mess with the sparrows.

Chu Xiang's probe looked down at the foundation and said, "This will also work. Free up manpower to speed up the construction of the underground shelters at the two bases. Anyway, our future scientific research area will increase, and we will use this one first."

The dictatorship is as simple as that, no application is required and no report is required. Du Qinglei handed over the drawings of the scientific research building to Chu Xiang. The matter was finalized. The next day, after a simple closing, the workers evacuated to the underground hideout. The construction went, while Chu Xiang went out looking for luxury to take a meal with five-color liquids, and after returning, he completed the underground part of the scientific research building.

After repeatedly absorbing energy from the zombies, and then spit out foam building materials from the five-color liquid, the main body of the scientific research building was constructed according to the drawings in Chu Xiang's brain. The scientific research building was completed a few days later, and there was no time to cut ribbons and firecrackers. Fang Qian Waiting for the installation of the device. Chu Xiang embarked on the journey to Xinxiang with the convoy.

The Japanese government has been very busy recently. The Emperor and the Prime Minister are both dying. Not because of elsewhere, it is not a day or two for Tokyo to be under siege by zombies. Their defenses have moved back and forth, and there is only one fart left. Already. The Japanese Self-Defense Force sacrificed heavily, and advanced weapons could not exert their power in the face of zombies. In order to kill a t4, they had to pay dozens of times or even twice as much. Even with the help of creepers, the zombies attacked more and more fiercely. .

"Sir, our situation is not optimistic. I think I should take the royal family to the Kawaguchi base, and the task of staying in Tokyo to lead the struggle needs to be entrusted to you." The emperor finally made up his mind and decided to stay in Tokyo with peace of mind. It was all bullshit, and life was important. The emperor had been very depressed. Who lives with them now.

His face was grim: "Her Majesty, you can't leave. The Emperor's face changed and said:" Why? I am the emperor, I want to go and leave, no one can order me. "

Sato: "If you escape from the face of our great Japanese empire, we are still seeking to dominate the heroic industry, but at this time you will shrink back, which will make your people think of this matter."

The Emperor said: "Sir. You don't deceive me with those nonsense things. I'm not a child of age. What a grand plan. You can hold on to Tokyo. Then you want to step on the springboard. If it weren't for you 2b to coax the deployment of troops to South Korea. Do we need to be so embarrassed now? You tell me what the ghost forces are going to do. When the empire needs them, they hide. I seriously doubt you are right Empire loyalty

Angrily said: "Her Majesty. I am loyal to the Empire Land and I can learn from it! For the Empire Land to rise. I have to plan ahead. The ghost army is sent out to do a very important thing. This matter is about the future of our Empire Prosperity. If they are not allowed to do it now, it may be too late when we want to do it. "

Emperor said: "Okay. For our empire not to perish. I ask you to bring them back. Let them destroy the zombies. Return us to peace! Then I will support you in any hegemony you plan. But now. Please wash the pig's brain and think about it. Once we have a small life. Do you want a **** bully to eat shit? Your face looks like a pig's liver. I have sent a submarine to the ghost forces. I believe they are already returning home. Please be calm and impatient. We can currently solve sailing in the ocean. We are at the forefront of all countries on this point alone. I believe the future of the Empire is brilliant. Temporary difficulties can't scare us! Not to mention that our country is not under siege. Even Americans, who have always been proud and arrogant, are self-conscious. What discouragement do we have? Compared to them. Our situation seems to be more optimistic. "

Xiangfan suddenly fluttered again. Yeah anyway. No other country has the ability to sail at sea. But the Great Japanese Empire did. This alone is enough to esteem the United States and Russia. Wait until the siege of the mainland is cracked. The Imperial Fleet pulled out. Haha. The Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Circle is not a dream this time.

The secretary poked her head in panic. Seeing that the emperor was also in the office, he wanted to shrink back. Xiangxiang said unpleasantly, "Since you have come in, say it. What's the matter? Remember to knock on the door next time!"

The secretary submitted a telegram: "Just received the news. The submarine we sent to South Korea for the mission is already on its way home. We will reach Tokyo Bay tonight."

With a raised eyebrow, "Oh, is the ghost army going back to China? Presumably, the mission is very good, not bad. Her Majesty the emperor can rest assured this time. The zombies are besieging us in such an anxiety that they have to direct them, etc. Sawada returned to his country with his ghost army to destroy the zombies, and those young men would disperse, and the siege of Tokyo would be dissolved, and then our heroic hegemony could begin. "

The secretary said pale: "Master, you better read the electricity carefully, things ... something is difficult to say, but please and His Majesty the emperor must be calm, your two bodies are the hope of our empire."

Xiang Xiang couldn't understand what the secretary meant, and he turned the electricity hurriedly: "All the members of the ghost unit donated their lives to the empire, and Captain Zetian asked the empire to plead guilt!"

Xiang said the word of electricity again, yes. All that was said was that the ghost forces were destroyed. Only Zetian fled back. He lived up to the expectations of the empire. Now he asked the emperor and the prime minister to approve him for a caesarean. . Did n’t you just ask Xiangli to kill him?

The emperor is still unknown, so he is still immersed in the beautiful fantasy just now, and he happily confronts him: "This time, I finally hope to return them. Tokyo has been saved. Only mature evolutionaries can deal with zombies, our ghosts. Shadow forces are invincible! "

The whisperer reminded the Emperor: "Your Majesty, something unexpected happened."

The emperor glared at each other and said, "What do you mean, what tasks will you send them to perform. This time as the emperor, I will order you, and let them come back anyway to escape! Otherwise, you will deal with the zombies! "

It's not high strength, so it's difficult to deal with his wife. Not to mention dealing with zombies, he said, "Your Majesty, the ghost forces were all killed, and only Sawada escaped."

Well, the emperor's glasses fell to the ground, and he turned his ears to prove: "I have got ears recently. You can say it again, if you want to make it clear."

Sato: "I said that there were 28 masters of the Haunted Army, and only Zetian escaped. He lived up to the expectations of the empire and requested suicide by caesarean."

The emperor stunned for a while, and Jier ran out of the office like a gust of wind. The secretary stared at the emperor's back in confusion: "Master, what's the matter with His Majesty? Has he stimulated the nerves? Our mental hospital was early Let the zombies be torn down, there is nowhere to send them now. "

Xiang Xiang sighed first: "He is about to run away, and he won't stay behind when the sky is falling." Xiang Xiang's anger shot: "Sawada! You let me down, 28 mature evolutionaries, you How could it be possible to bury me all? How could this be possible! No one can hurt them, they are Superman, what is going on? "

The secretary reminded Xiangdao: "Master, you should look at the attachment, there is a detailed description of the incident."

Looking at the attachment, he asked anxiously: "How is Professor Inoue Haruki? Did you pick him up?"

The evolutionist can no longer be cultivated, but there is only one talent like Haruki Inoue. Without his agriculture in Japan, I don't know how many years it will be delayed if he is brought back to Japan safely. Then the value of twenty-seven evolvers is dead!

The secretary's face was embarrassed: "Lord, Lord. Captain Sawada saw Professor Haruki Inoue killed without hope, but ..."

They were startled: "Kill? Suda is so daring now. He even killed Professor Inoue Haruki? What about our agricultural research without that old thing? Originally, our scientific research force was not strong. , Just expect that old ghost to come and pick it up, what now? What are we going to give up?

Secretary said, "Sir, please listen to what I have said. Here is another piece for you to read. This is a post circulated on the Internet a few days ago. If this is true, Professor Inoue Haruki should be alive."

Xiang Xiang took it over two pages in a hurry, his face was no longer a pig's liver, and he became a pig urinary bubble. "Who did this? This is a serious slander to the image of our empire!"

The secretary said: "But this also confirms the failure and death of our ghost army ..."

Xiang Xiang raised his hand and slapped the secretary, "Why did you not notify me of such a big thing now!"

The secretary hurriedly argued, "The post was released by invading the central computers of various countries. At first, everyone thought it was a hacker prank. Moreover, the situation outside the Tokyo base during this time deteriorated. We dare not let such a small thing disturb the Lord."

One by one, **** photos, a personal base was ruthlessly destroyed. What is even more inhumane is that the intruders did not let any survivor follow the policy of killing, robbing, and scorching all the ground, and they swarmed across the land of China in all their sights. Wicked, but in the end they still planted. They annoyed an organization called the End of the World Fleet. This organization issued a killing order and destroyed the base of the human base. The latter is the ghost army. They will destroy the ghost army at all costs. Eliminate clean!

The attached photo is the tragic situation of several ghost army members after their death. At present, only one of the members of the ghost army that secretly invaded China is Zetian, but he is a grasshopper after the autumn. He can't jump for a few days, and he must escape to the ends of the earth. Be hunted down. Sawada is a shameless villain who even stabbed his compatriot Haruki Inoue. Now Mr. Haruki Inoue has issued a public statement and has since retired from Japanese citizenship. He will never enter the island again in this life.

Looked at each other and said: "Apocalyptic team? Are they even more powerful than our ghost army? They dare to let out such arrogant words."

The secretary is nice. Then the situation was confirmed before and after, and this post posted in various countries is true, so they are really better than our ghost army. "

I know that the things that Sawada has acknowledged seem to be false. This matter is a foregone conclusion. The results cannot be changed, so at this moment, it is not the former that is pursued, but the future, because after all, the plan of the ghost army is approved by him, and he ca n’t escape if something goes wrong. Responsibility, but he did not expect Sawada to act so brazenly, otherwise he should have told him a few words before leaving.

The relative secretary said, "I have recently patronized Zombies. Instead, I have left everything else behind, and you must take responsibility for me in the future, and you must notify me in the first instance if there is such a thing! "

The secretary nodded in earnest. Xiang Yan said: "What is the reaction of all countries?"

The secretary said: "Everyone is busy dealing with zombies, so the international response is not large. Only a few small countries that have nothing to do have expressed their attachment to them, but the Chinese government has responded very strongly, saying that they are trying to find all the evidence. If the survivor base is indeed killed by the ghost forces of our country, as the eschatological team said, they must avenge the dead. "

Xiang Lengheng said: "Revenge? They dare to think, they can't fly. How can you get revenge? We seem to be trapped in an isolated island, but our empire has just broken the sea blockade, and the land and sea are not responsible. Travel by us? How do they get revenge? Do they dare to use nuclear weapons? The United States and Russia must agree! "

The secretary concurred: "Yes, yes, the adults are wise, even if they get evidence, the eschatological team is purely blind, and it's just shit."

Xiang Dao: "It's not necessarily, I know the strength of the ghost forces is the best. The broken team can destroy them. I'm surprised that they must be superior."

The secretary said, "However, there is nothing better than them. They can't survive the sea or in vain. The most urgent task is how to bring Professor Inoue Haruki back from China."

The phase nodded: "You think about it right, but if we ask people at this time, will we let China think that the guilty conscience is the flaw."

The secretary said: "No, Lord, we should now ask for someone. If we don't want people now, we will make them feel guilty. From the photos they posted. There is no evidence of ghost forces' operation. That is to say They can't come up with evidence to prove that China's survivor base is the work of our ghost forces. We can push things on to others. A bright and upright person can show our integrity. "

"High," compared with Thumbs. "This is called retreating. You are responsible for doing this. At the same time, a statement is issued, saying that we will crumble the Yamashi Empire's reputation in the last days."

The secretary yelled, "Sir, don't you say that they are great, and our current strength is enough to fight them?"

Xiangdao: "You do n’t understand it. You said just now that they ca n’t come and report revenge, and we wo n’t be stupid enough to go to their country to openly make trouble, just talk about it and show us Indignation, but when it comes to our strength, although the ghost forces are indeed the strongest, it does not mean that without them our empire will perish. Draft orders for me and mobilize other base evolutionaries to come to Tokyo to defend the war! " When he saw the announcement issued by Japan, he was already in Xinxiang. He almost did not scold the eighteen generations of Japanese ancestors. Zhang Hongbing encouraged the left-base Wang Bin to hack Japanese satellites. Knowing that it was not realistic at all, he could only start swearing, from Xu Fudongdu to Jian Zhendongdu, from Astro Boy to Yixiu, and from Altman.

The Japanese said in the announcement that there were no ghost forces in Japan at all. They were intentionally fabricated to slander Sino-Japanese friendly relations. Japan was besieged by the sea and Kyoto was repeatedly subjected to large-scale zombies. Now he does n’t even have the ability to protect himself. He wo n’t go to China to do such an angry thing. It must be someone else ’s mischief. It reminds China of Mozambique ’s mischief. He also hopes that China will send Professor Inoue Haruki back to Japan. It is a valuable property of Japan. The Japanese are determined to swear to defend their property.

Zhang Jingyao frowned and looked at the printed announcement. "These little ghosts are really cunning, knowing that we have no real evidence. This is called no coffin and no tears. Now we push the responsibility to the ground, but those little ghosts we killed No corpses were kept, otherwise they would not be taken for granted. "

Xie Shanshan quickly turned her head, she said, "Who said that the Japanese had taken it for granted. Isn't Haruki Inoue the best witness? Let him come forward and pierce the Japanese lie, and say that he was besieged by the ocean. Some time before the siege, I went to South Korea to help kill the corpses? Unexpectedly, they also have Tokyo today. It is best to be trapped by zombies, which can be regarded as an outrage for us. "

Song Jun and others set their sights on Chu Xiang. The meaning is obvious. Go to Japan to fight. You ca n’t let the dogs get away with it like this. You ca n’t kill Little Japan and you have to blow them. , Who knows that Chu Xiang laughed and said, "Hurry up, take the weapon and talk."

Chu Xiang's performance puzzled Zhang Jingyao. She thought that Chu Xiang would fly to Japan immediately, but when Chu Xiang was down all day, it was time to talk and laugh, and even eat two extra buns at night. Zhang Jingyao really believed that Chu Xiang was going to suppress this matter. Post-processing, but woke up early in the morning and startled everyone, Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng were missing!

In fact, Zhang Jingyao and others did not think that Chu Xiang would sneak away, but Shi Zhengqian was driving, and besides, he was severely told by several women that he was not allowed to drive helicopters without a joint order; it was not because Li Haipeng was not taken into account. However, it seemed difficult to cross the sea with Li Haipeng's transmission distance, so he did not pay attention to his whereabouts, but the two disappeared together, and they had to think together. Chu Xiang is likely to use Li Haipeng's second knife Moved away.

"Will it be that you did n’t come back to the toilet, Zhang Hongbing, open the horn and broadcast it," Zhang Jingyao still said to Zhang Hongbing unhurriedly. Yesterday Chu Xiang behaved normally, and even checked the condition of the base car before going to bed. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan did not share the bed with Chu Xiang when they were out of the mission. Otherwise, the two caught him left and right, still afraid that he would run away?

Zhang Hongbing said: "No need to broadcast. They must have gone to Japan. The Chu team is really not interesting. I do n’t want to be together for such a big thing. An af celebrity, sign a picture and leave a picture ... "

Xie Shanshan walked into the base car and said to Zhang Jingyao: "No need to broadcast, we have already searched all around, they must have left, call and shut down, isn't it obvious that it was really installed yesterday, this time it is not No punishment for him. "

Xiao Si said angrily: "How can my brother do this without even taking me."

On the other hand, Song Jun is quite normal, he said: "Let's pack up and go, Xinxiang is not far away, and strive to go there overnight tonight, and return with a weapon tomorrow."

Suddenly, the water splashed on the sea calmly, "Oh! It really is seawater! The Chu team is flying fast! It seems that there are strange fishes below!"

Chu Xiang fanned his bones haphazardly, but still hit his feet, and a few flying fish jumped out. Fortunately, there was no damage other than the torn trouser tube. "Li Haipeng, aren't you saying that there is no problem? This is only a few kilometers. You come up with your skills! "

Li Haipeng touched the seawater on his face: "Chu team, I said that I have not been to Japan, and now it is also foolish, you point me in the direction, I don't know where."

Chu Xiangfei is even higher ~ ~ Looking around to see whether it is seawater or seawater, he has no choice but to follow his finger and say, "Just be there."

嗖 …… 嗖 …… 嗖 ……

"Oh ... Damn, oh, I used to think it was seawater. I didn't expect it to be land. You are so good at the Chu team. I thought we were still spinning around in the sea ... Well, why is there still seawater?"

Chu Xiang fanned the seawater with his bones and winged Li Haipeng soberly. "This is a reef plate that is exposed from the sea surface. We still have to pass on. Is your energy enough? I still have a **** here."

Li Haipeng said: "Forget it, I still keep it. In case we are lost, we will transfer to the sea for the next year, this gimmick is the only hope."

Chu Xiang said: "You can't think of something good, pass it there this time."

Li Haipeng said: "Why do I think that direction is a bit familiar, let's go backwards."

"Have you been there? Try it backwards ... maybe you can try it around ..."


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