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Chapter 264: Violent attack

The first wave of creeper attacks was repelled in this way. The most unbelievable result is Tian Lei and his soldiers. Recently, they have been fighting with the creepers almost every day. Often the two creepers have to waste. A large amount of ammunition, otherwise the tank and artillery will not be exhausted. For Wu Junhao, it is completely normal to achieve a phase victory so quickly, but he did not expect that Chu Xiang ’s strength has grown so much than before.

Now is not the time to sit down and pull, because the creepers seem to have gained experience. They gave up small-scale attacks and gathered outside forces to prepare for the stumbling blocks to snip them. At this moment, nearly 1,000 people have gathered in the square Only creepers, they hummed together, and finally they launched a strong impact from the front towards Chu Xiang, like an unstoppable whirlwind, trying to flatten all obstacles!

Song Jun worried about Chu Xiang with a communicator: "The creeper has a great impact. Can it be blocked?"

Chu Xiang also shouted, "I'll try it, but if you can eliminate this wave of attack on them, it's almost enough. I don't believe that the old creeper behind the scenes hasn't come out yet."

Song Jundao: "I'm here to disperse people to help you. Their main attack direction is you, but we have nothing to do on our side."

The evolutionaries in the other two directions have also adjusted their manpower. Even Gao Yu has come here. His tall figure is quite outstanding in the crowd. No wonder those girls like him. It is really prestigious. He didn't like it, and Gao Yu could only confuse the underage girl.

Boom boom, the creeper's running sound has reached his ears, Chu Xiang dare not care, do not stop the creeper's impact first, they can quickly defeat the evolutionary forces, Chu Xiang stepped on the ground, he The two plants were dropped, and they quickly spurred them to spread outward, banging, and the creeper slammed into the rattan. The rattan was broken one by one, but it also blocked the crawler's speed, but the creeper's followers did not care whether the following stepped on the same kind, quack, quack, and the sound of rattan continued to break affects the hearts of all evolvers.

Zhang Jingyao had seen Chu Xiang's fault, and she immediately stepped forward and held Chu Xiang's hand. Chu Xiang angered and injected the energy into the plant again, and the rattan became denser again. Thousands of creepers rushed into the rattan group to make a mess. They did not expect such a strange thing to happen on the charge. Obviously there is nothing in front of them, but they are suddenly trapped in the tree bars, and the changes are so fast that they cannot respond at all.

Song Jun also rushed over, leaving only a few people on his side to guard, and saw the crawler impact and was stopped. He pulled a bow and yelled, "Attack!" Alas, a chain of arrows shot and killed a creeper. Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming also took the opportunity to shoot the creeper who had his head out of the rattan. Their strength is strong, and Chuxiangdi rattan formation is in danger of breaking.

Among the players brought by Gao Yu, the minder also showed a strong lethality, and a crawler even let him crush with the mind! It ’s just that his working process is a bit slow, and he always needs to be slowly licked one by one. This skill is insufficient for large-scale attacks. Fortunately, the creeper is entangled in the rattan, which creates opportunities for his attack. .

Bang, finally a creeper broke through the rattan restraint, and Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao had no choice but to help. More than a thousand creepers attacked the rattan formation at the same time, which was several times more difficult than trapping a thousand evolutionaries. The growing rattan frame could not withstand the powerful impact, and the creeper could only let it out.

At this time, Gao Yu and others are good at close-field combat evolutionaries. Everyone cried to fight with the creepers. Although it is an asphalt horse. But it still stirs up the sun and the earth. At this moment, even Gao Yu didn't dare to relax. Getting hurt is still a small matter. It would be deadly if the head let the creeper go. So only by killing them can they survive.

The rattan array could not stop the creeper. Chu Xiang removed the power attached to the plants and joined the team. The melee has begun. Ultrasound is no longer available. Lest you hurt yourself. This is the time to fight for strength. Let's see who can stick it out in the end.

Chu Xiang's bone knife rushed to the left and right. Creepers' limbs landed one after another. Song Jun's bows, arrows and hidden weapons were not useful at this time. His weapon was an iron rod. The head was sharpened. puff. Punch into the creeper's belly. Song Jun yelled at the creeper. Alas. The creeper was opened. A pile of internal organs flowed out. Other operations are blocked. He was quickly trampled to death by the creepers behind him.

Gao Yu is taller than a creeper because of his size. One foot smashed the head of a creeper. Then he punched a creeper with a punch. However, the teammates behind him were not so lucky. Two ordinary evolvers were hunted by the creepers one after another. The body was torn apart by the angry creeper!

The battle gets tougher. Five people from Wu Junhao also came to help. But soon they retreated. They don't come in handy without a gun. But the scene is getting more and more chaotic. Using a gun may injure yourself by mistake. However, Wu Junhao dispatched his soldiers to replace other evolutionaries to help. So the situation on the court is only slightly stable. However, this is equivalent to putting all the forces of the evolved side into full play. But the creeper still has part of the power not in combat. In case they then launch a group charge. It is foreseeable that evolutionists must lose.

Chu Xiang was extremely anxious. After slaying several creepers, he jumped up to check the situation on the field. Several or even a dozen creepers surround an evolutionary. There have been many casualties. Most are two evolution teams sent by the country. Their strength is really weak. Even Gao Yudi people suffered heavy casualties. Fighting like this is not the way.

"Retreat! Retreat to the entrance and exit bases and suppress them with fire!" Chu Xiang can not ignore the life of the evolutionary. Now he can only temporarily retreat and rely on the fire to suppress the creepers. Although the damage to them will not be great, the evolutionary will always be able to breathe. Tone, or else the rest of the battle will be exhausted.

Everyone quickly took over the firepower after taking over. Although the machine gun shells did not let the creepers die, the dense firepower net finally suppressed their attack temporarily. Chu Xiang took advantage of this time to plant the outside. A circle of trees, and a piece of grass was planted on the periphery of the tree, which consumed nearly half of his energy, but thinking of the creeper repeatedly attacking the six external entrances and exits, one who could n’t keep it would fall behind Old name, so no matter how tired you have to do it.

These trees and grass are the last strength of Chu Xiang's defense. After building the villa group a few days ago, he made time to go to Xigou, where he studied for two days and two nights before he found that the shooting tree and the blade were transformed. Seeding method. Then I collected a few bags and stored them in the space ring. I didn't expect to use them so soon.

The grass and trees mentioned above consume Chu Xiang's energy, because in addition to clearing the ground out of the soil, Chu Xiang must also grow them all, and the trees and grass that grow in this mode will not last long. , To deliver energy every half an hour. Otherwise, it will wither, and the creeper will attack in a few minutes, so it is necessary to get one more defensive force for one point. These tree lands are necessary.

Everyone has been accustomed to it, but they have speculated about the usefulness of the fruit that suddenly comes out of the tree. Some people say it is poison and wait for the creeper to eat it. Some people say you pigs. Let them eat them. I thought that it was a human head. Some people said that the grass was planted to catch the creeper. After all, Chu Xiang had performed in this regard before. But such a large area of ​​species does not know if he can control it.

At the time when everyone was speculating, the creepers passed through a short team and they decided to launch a thunder attack on the east, north and south entrances, which was to break through the firepower net by speed and impact. Although the west defense was weak, it was not The main direction of the creeper's attack is that when they get around, the evolver has already transferred, so it is completely unnecessary.

Seven or eight creepers rushed forward with the sound of hoofs and hooves. Zhang Jingyao was nervous and had to deliver energy for Chu Xiang. She clutched Chu Xiang's hand tightly, her palms were all sweaty. Why didn't everyone else do that? So many reptiles rushed quickly, and the bombs didn't work at all. They rushed in and it was just a blink of an eye.

Uh ... the creepers who rushed to the front suddenly made a cry of pain. They stepped into a piece of green grass, but the soft grass suddenly stood up like a steel knife, not inferior to the creeper's skin. Alas, the rottenness of the four-hoofed creepers! Creepers touched the ground with their four hoofs, which caused their abdomen to be close to the ground. The front crawlers were injured, but the rear crawlers didn't care at all and continued to rush on the same body. This made them only injured by the four hoofs. The creepers fell to the ground, and the grass-turned steel knife pierced their abdomen again!

This ten-meter-wide plant strip quickly turned into a hedgehog and wild fruit, with creepers all over it. Because most belly ruptures. The dark blood flowed out along the horse, and turned into a small river before entering the sewer. And the first creeper who got into the knife array was stepped on one after another, and the flesh became blurred into a pile of rotten meat. However, this pile of rotten meat is also good. It paves the way for the later creepers. The meat filling was able to move on.

It's crackling. The fruits on the firing tree have been sensed to be close to the ground. Alas, these fruits do not distinguish between humans and creepers. Except for the person who made them, Chu Xiang, as long as the creatures entering its attack range are firing. Subjects, and the fruit arrows from these shooting trees spawned by Chu Xiang ’s power increased greatly, and hard skins like creepers were also difficult to resist, and they wailed to leave a pile of corpses in front of the woods.

Under two powerful blocking lines, these seven or eight creepers dropped half of their bodies and withdrew. They could break through the knife array, but their strength was greatly damaged, and then they hit the firing tree array and seemed to be inadequate. At this time, they were like When he received the order, he turned around and withdrew, leaving no slaughter.

Chu Xiang was relieved. Fortunately, he kept his hand. Otherwise, I do n’t know if I can hold it this time. Tian Lei and Wu Junhao were shocked by the magic of Chu Xiang's endless stream of magic. While the soldiers replenished the ammunition and strengthened the bunker, the two came to find him. Chu Xiang said: "Chu team, how many babies do you have yet to use? With these magical things to help us, this time I will definitely defeat two thousand creepers. I think you have created another miracle."

Chu Xiang said: "Don't imagine the optimistic imagination. I have no more skills to do it. Creepers will certainly not retreat from this. They must be waiting for support. Maybe their leaders will soon appear, so the hard battle is still behind."

Tian Lei said: "Then you can plant a lot of trees and grass, and shoot them all."

Zhang Jingyao said: "Most of the power of Chu Xiang has been consumed in order to plant those plants. If the creepers brought them to deal with them? I think these two plants can never stop the creepers from getting them."

Everyone was silent. Even Gao Yu and the two captains of the National Evolution Squad, who also planned to talk about this matter, closed their mouths, because they could not dare to assume the heavy responsibility of hunting the creepers. If Chu Xiang expends energy to increase protection In case Chuxiang's strength drops, it will be more troublesome.

Tian Lei also stopped talking and began to look at the wounded. Because most of the previous battles were fought by the evolutionists, so they were all injured, and there were a lot of deaths. Fifteen evolvers were killed. The national evolution team accounted for the majority, and Gao Yudi was the team member. Some people in Chuxiang are injured but there is no danger. To this level, t virus has taken root in the body. Judging from Chuxiang ’s evolutionary experience, the most re-infection is evolutionary mutation, which is generally not life-threatening.

Zhang Jingyao continued to deliver energy to Chu Xiang. Originally, Chu Xiang could release five-color liquids to **** outside. However, it is temporarily unclear what the strength of those creepers is compared to the five-color liquids. If the five-color liquids are released, he must follow the observations to respond at any time. But now Chu Xiang doesn't have any spare time, so he connects Zhang Jingyao's energy while still contacting Yutai base.

Li Haipeng was busy. He made several trips to the Yutai base to pick up Chen Kai and Wu Zhenghang. After all, they are evolutionaries. One more person has more energy. Although it is dangerous to let them participate in the battle, evolution is a danger. To grow up, you must accept the test of battle. In addition, Chu Xiang also called He Yaohui. .

He Yaohui learned that Chu Xiang and others were desperate, and immediately asked Li Haipeng to pick him up. He also brought two good players, both of whom were b-level lieutenant colonels. However, they have no skills and belong to the normal evolutionary, but with their powerful physical value is no weaker than the skilled evolutionary.

Although there was endless words for everyone to meet, at this time, no one said more, hurriedly entered the combat position, and closely watched the situation outside. The leader of the National Evolution Organization also proposed to Chu Xiang to accept another player to come to be Chu Xiang. Declined, their casualties are already very serious, and the strength is indeed low. Secondly, most of these people were not soldiers at first, and they worked hard together. They often fought individually. This led to a high casualty rate. The country originally had few evolutionaries, and it was not justified to give them all.

"Look, there is a colorful creeper there!" Tian Lei handed the telescope over, he forgot that Chu Xiang didn't need it anymore, and Xu Huai had already seen it through the sight. The colorful creeper has colorful skin. It looks like a mottled leopard, standing high on the roof of a mobile phone store. On the ground was a group of creepers around it's obedient posture, and everyone sighed, and finally waited for OSS to debut.

Bang, Xu Huai fired a shot, and shouted at the colored creeper. Who knows that it just lifted a forefoot and grabbed Xu Huai's high-powered sniper bomb in his hands! It doesn't seem angry, it just walked a few rounds on the roof, and the number of creepers under the room is increasing, it is estimated that it is the same as the number of wave attacks, which is literally their final strength. No wonder the boss finally appeared. At this time, the colored creeper roared, and the army began to attack again!

Chu Xiang loosened Zhang Jingyao's hand and said, "I'm gone!"

Zhang Jingyao said: "Be careful! I let Song Jun answer you side by side. If it doesn't work, don't desperately let Li Haipeng take you away."

The creepers are impacting on humans, and Chu Xiang is impacting on the colored creepers. This is the time for the decisive battle. Everyone gathers the last troops. You will live or die now! If Chu Xiang defeated the creeper group dragons, as long as they give them a little hit, they will be withdrawn. If the colored creepers win, I am afraid that Chu Xiang ’s life is in danger. Every time duel, Chu Xiang feels a bit like Xiang Yu breaking the boat. It's like Zhang Jingyao's escape from the battlefield hasn't been done yet.

Boom, finally a creeper rushed to the shooting tree in front of a fierce shot. It broke a shooting tree at one end. This method was used by Chu Xiang before, but he cut the shooting tree with bone wings, but the same reason Now, the effect of the creepers is still there. A large number of creepers rushed to the front when the shooting tree was less than killing. Originally, Chu Xiang did not have the energy to plant more trees, so the defense line was quickly broken, and the evolver jumped. Out, the melee started.

On the square, Chu Xiang and the colorful leopard face each other ~ ~ The two are weighing each other's strength, Song Jun has already caught up, he tried to shoot a steel arrow for Chu Xiang first, you must know the creeper You can wait, but Chu Xiang can't drag it. The soldiers behind are desperately trying to solve this monster as soon as possible.

Om, the steel arrow shot towards the creeper with a thunderous potential. It was originally facing Chu Xiang. Suddenly Houyi swept over the tail, and the steel arrow was swept down by its tail! Song Jun was taken aback. I am afraid that this strength is definitely above Chu Xiang!

"No need for temptation!" Chu Xiang screamed loudly, and the colorful creeper greeted Chu Xiang without showing any weakness. When Song Jun's eyes followed the mud and his eyes raised his eyes, he could no longer enter the battle group. The sound may be that Chu Xiang's fist hits the multicolored creeper, maybe its tail is pumped to Chu Xiang, or maybe both will break the stone on the ground.

At this time, Song Jun completely believed that he couldn't help. He immediately returned to the battlefield over the supermarket to help. The battle between Chu Xiang and the colorful creepers was absolutely ancient. No one would believe that they were just using the oldest fighting method. The two hugged and rolled on the ground constantly. Whoever rolls on it can take advantage. Chu Xiang has more bone knives and bone spurs, but creepers have more tails. The other is that the mouth is longer. Chu Xiang Although the strength is weaker, but he does some small moves from time to time, and sometimes the bone fins will help, so that he won the match.


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