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Chapter 274: End of battle

It ’s a little bad to have a dozen or four situations. Although only one of these four is truly powerful, this true hou is not fixed at all. If you try to eliminate this hou, the other hou will suddenly become strong again. Attacking you, Chu Xiang can't handle it for a while, but it is not easy for the four hous to defeat Chu Xiang.

Looking at Zhang Jingyao again, after more than a dozen battles of all sizes, she already has certain experience in using current defense. This is like a hedgehog. Although the hedgehog does not work, it is full of thorns. You want to take the initiative to hurt It ’s not easy. Zhang Jingyao is like this. Even if she is standing still, others will not dare to come forward to attack easily, because now she is full of electricity, you will have contact even if the sneak attack is as fast as possible. Fortunately, no one has thought of it. With weapons, otherwise Zhang Jingyao would be difficult to cope with.

Jin Yi and Zhang Jingyao's opponent were exhausted at the moment, and Song Er's opponent Jin Er was spraying more flames. At this moment, the old cow was panting. Only Li Haipeng and Jin Si were still hiding, quickly dazzled, others There is no way to get started. Besides, other evolutionists let Chu Xiangbing live. At this moment, they have been captured by the garrison in Hong Kong. Only these four are still fighting the trapped beast.

Jin Yijiu could not fight, and the more troops stationed in Hong Kong, the more he gathered, he sent a fierce leap to Zhang Jingyao, and decided to fight against the danger of being electrocuted, and also to kill Zhang Jingyao here, otherwise he would always be in a passive situation, sooner or later If it continues to be a death.

Zhang Jingyao was thrown on Jin Yi. She was aware of the danger and immediately released all the electrical energy in her body. Jin Yi's body shivered and smoky, and his hands caught Zhang Jingyao's neck. The two fought desperately on the ground. The soldiers next to me wanted to come forward to help, but before being approached, they were beaten back by the high-voltage current on the ground. They could only watch the two men on the ground desperately, and even did not dare to shoot, fearing to accidentally hurt Zhang Jingyao. Not afraid of bombs.

Copper skin and iron bone can not be penetrated. However, there was nothing he could do about the current. Jin Yi's sturdy body was shrinking rapidly. This was because of the rapid loss of water in the body due to the long-term attack of the high voltage current. His copper skin and iron bone were becoming skinny and then coke.

Zhang Jingyao was also taken lightly by Jin Yiyao, and almost fainted. Fortunately, her current is very strong, Jin Yi eventually died on her hands, kicked Jin Yi's dry body to one side, Zhang Jingyao coughed twice before slowly recovering. It was really a lifeline just now. If Jin insists repeatedly In ten seconds, Zhang Jingyao could not breathe and win by him. This is Zhang Jingyao's most suspended battle since its evolution, but this one was won by herself. In the past, there were always others who helped in critical times.

At the moment Jin Er is also at the end of his strong bow. Song Jun initially dodged his flames. When he saw that the flames were weak, he launched an active attack. Jin Er was similar to evolutionaries such as Zhang Jingyao and Zhou Muqing. Unlike Chu Xiang and Song Jun, they have sufficient self-protection ability. Their self-protection is an active attack, which makes the opponent tired of coping. However, the energy is always limited, and the momentum of active attack is weakened. The opponent has the opportunity to take advantage of Song Jun.瞅 Hit a mask on time to cover, and then quickly untied the steel bow on his back, 嗖, a steel arrow shot out. Jin Er was busy melting the hidden weapon hit by Song Jun with fire, and a cold steel arrow suddenly flashed in the flame. He added that the flame was too late, and he fell to the ground in the middle of his chest.

Li Haipeng is still running. He always escapes just before the danger. Although Jin Si will disguise himself, he is not letting him escape now. If he escapes, I am afraid no one will be able to catch him. Now that his boss is desperately trying to escape it, it is not justified, so he can only use his camouflage skills to pursue, Li Haipeng did not even think of defeating him, as long as he delays him, so the two continue to stand still.

Song Jun settled Jin Er and Zhang Jingyao settled Jin Yi. The two immediately came forward to assist Chu Xiang, and it was not a problem to kill the evolutionist with Chu Xiang's strength. The problem is that Hou's evolutionary level is not weak. And now he has a clone clone, Chu Xiang is attacked by him quickly and very passive. Many skills are too late.

Alas, Song Jun fired a steel arrow at a Hou. This Hou's action was immediately blocked. Zhang Jingyao also released a power grid to stop a Hou. Chu Xiang got pressure from two helping hands and immediately launched a counterattack. Alas, bone knife. One Hou's neck was cut off, and the other Hou saw that the situation on the field was not good. He just turned around but was caught by Chu Xiang's bones and wings. Alas, the whole body shattered in the air!

Since these two Hou were so vulnerable. That must be false. After Song Jun's steel arrow was hidden by Hou. He fired arrows one after another. This arrow will die back. puff. Hou also hung up. Only Zhang Jingyao faced the ground. The combined forces and forces attacked the last one.

This Hou must be true even if it is not true. Because other prostheses are gone. He was energized by the invisible power grid. Suddenly, my body became inflexible. However, he can resist the Zhang Jingyao power grid, which proves that his level is not low. Chu Xiang waved the bone knife to attack. Song Jun pulled up his steel bow and prepared to attack at any time. Without the other Hou doing side response. The last Hou shot left in a panic. Chu Xiang stabbed his shoulder with a stab. Hou Mo stood up with a hum. He wants to escape!

The cumulonimbus clouds that Chu Xiang called just now are still floating in the sky. Click. A lightning split down. Hou can't wait to be dodged. But high-level evolutionaries are very resistant to this blow. So Hou rolled down on the ground and was ready to flash again. Chu Xiang has long been ready to pierce Hou's heart.

Hou yelled and exploded. He actually blew himself up. This makes Chu Xiang's plan to use his energy unable to perform. Hou is desperate. A well-planned plan collapsed because of a female star. Abominably English. By this time they could not hide. He also said that he would provide himself with weapons after navigating at sea. It seems that it is only based on the successful premise of his dominance. Now their own evolutionary forces have been captured. It's strange that they don't go to battle; abominably Chinese soldiers. If they do not advance, the military power would have controlled him. hateful……

Jin Si saw his brother and boss killed. Disheartened, he disguised himself to leave. Although Li Haipeng was chased by Jin Si. But many times he just kept feeling teleporting in the surrounding space. It really made him look for the whereabouts of Jin Sidi at all. Chu Xiang and Zhou Muqing came over. But I couldn't find the shadow of Jin Sidi, so I could only worry.

boom. A sudden explosion stunned the four people who were looking for Jinsi. But he saw a colonel out of the crowd carrying a bazooka. A corpse appeared in the flowerbed not far away. It was Jinsi who escaped in disguise. The colonel dropped the rocket launcher and said to Chu Xiang: "You are Captain Chu. I am Fan Tianming, the infantry brigade commander of the Hong Kong Garrison. Although the camouflage is wonderful, the body is hot after all. An infrared guided rocket You can take his life. "

Everyone was a little sweaty, it was so simple. Chu Xiang thought sooner or later to find an evolutionary with such eyes. What invisible people and ninjas will be regarded as farts in the future, but this Hou is really powerful. Half the sky, a large number of evolutionaries were summoned, with his skill. If it is not already joined together, I am afraid that it is still difficult to win, which shows that our strength needs to be improved.

Chu Xiang said to Fan Tianming: "I heard the alarm. Is there an invasion of foreign enemies?"

Fan Tianming nodded: Published on ㄧ 6k "May be a mutant marine life, Zhu Qingsong political commissar has already rushed, I will go to reinforcements immediately."

Chu Xiang told Li Haipeng: "Take Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao back to the Yutai base and change back for a little silk. Let's go and see the mutant marine life. She has been noisily going to the sea. This is an opportunity."

Li Haipeng heard what he said. Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao knew that Hong Kong ’s enemies had gone. No matter how powerful the mutant sea creatures were, they would not be able to live on land for a long time. This is just harassment. This kind of scene makes Xiao Si come to practice the best, so the two have no objection.

When Chu Xiang came to Causeway Bay with Fan Tianming, the battle here was fierce, the wall collapsed for a long time, and the sea creatures were attacking from outside the wall. The commander of the battle first appeared in the garrison command building. The former old man was Zhu Qingsong, a political commissar. The commander was unfortunately infected and sacrificed at the beginning of the t virus riot, so the troops stationed in Hong Kong are now under his command.

It was learned that Hou's rebellion had been quickly annihilated. Zhu Qingsong held Chu Xiang's hand and said, "Thank you Captain Chu, I have received the order of the Central Committee. It would be great for you to come and help us."

Chu Xiang said: "Say something of selfishness, I also help myself, Hou Qian should not offend my friends."

Zhu Qingsong said: "In fact, Hou's conspiracy was already alert, but his strength is strong, and we can't take effective action at all. Fortunately, he is in a hurry this time. Otherwise, how can we suppress the situation so quickly. Of course, those evolutionaries can be smoothed for a moment. This is also thanks to Captain Chu. "

Generally speaking, Chu Xiang was a little unhappy in dealing with Hou. Before, he hit the evolutionist as easy as eating a bean. However, this Hou made him a lot of effort. In the end, he won by joining forces. Chu Xiang even decided to go home and retreat as soon as possible.

Chu Xiang said: "Talk about the battle ahead. Since Hou is dead, Hong Kong Island will gradually level out in the future. You only need to pay attention to the movement of some foreign evolutionaries who live on the island. Do n’t let them mess up. Deport them. "

Zhu Qingsong nodded, "As long as Hou's trend has gone, those foreign evolutionaries will be easy to deal with. This time there are many marine creatures. We have played for more than half an hour but they still do not retreat. I really want to doubt them Hou is not a group. "

At this time, Li Haipeng rushed over with Xiao Si, and Xiao Si was glad to see a group of mutant marine life: "So many, okay."

Fan Tianming said, did you know that these mutant creatures cost our soldiers a lot of sacrifice and ammunition? "

Xiao Si turned white and Fan Tianming didn't care about him at all. She rushed to the collapsed wall. The mutant sea creatures were huge in shape, and ordinary bombs made little use of them. But after a while she frowned and returned to Chu Xiang: "Brother, these guys are very proud, I used the method of practicing in the lake to communicate with them, they ignored me."

Chu Xiang said: "Then let my brother help you kill their pride!" Chu Chuxiang groaned. He sent out the ultrasonic waves used to expel marine life. Sure enough, those marine life bodies shook and stopped attacking. Looking sideways at Chu Xiang's direction.

Chu Xiang was frightened and scared, letting them know that they were terrible, so his ultrasonic frequency changed, and the soldiers around him put down their arms and covered their ears. The mutated marine life directly in front of the sound waves exploded, and the distant ones jumped into the sea water and swam quickly.

Xiao Si plunged into the sea. Chu Xiang was afraid that she might miss something and quickly followed. There were mutants everywhere in the sea. When she saw someone invading their territory, she didn't care about the ultrasound. One after another gathered around, Xiaosi sent out brainwave signals. Although Chu Xiang could not hear what Xiaosi was communicating with them, it could be seen that Xiaosi was very angry, probably because these marine mutants were unwilling to compromise.

Chu Xiang was furious. Hou had already made him very angry. He could not think of these marine creatures to bully him. Ga, Chu Xiang used the quick-frozen skills that he had just smoked. Those marine creatures gathered up were frozen alive in a Tuo ice cube, and the rest wanted to run, and Chu Xiang used water control skills again. Empty all the sea water in the surrounding sea area, and bang, all the mutant creatures swimming on the ground, they were panicked without the sea water, at this time Xiaosi communicated with them and smiled.

Not long after the two brothers and sisters came ashore, Zhu Qingsong and Fan Tianming were scrambling to scratch their scalp like monkeys. "Why are you taking the water? We can't even ship, very dangerous."

Xiaosi said: "Rest assured. I have communicated with those mutant creatures, and they promised that they would not come to Hong Kong Island to harass you for a while, but in the short term, don't expect to be able to sail, because that would violate their territory, very It is easy to cause new ground fighting. "

Zhu Qingsong looked at Chu Xiang in puzzlement. Of course, he did not believe Xiao Si's words. Chu Xiang said: "Wish the political commissar, her words are as effective as mine. Zombies here are difficult to reach. Mutated creatures from the sea have promised not to come temporarily Harassment, you can rest assured for a while and restore the order of life and production on the island. "

Zhu Qingsong said: "Okay, Director Li of the Political Department told me to obey all your arrangements. Since you say that, I believe it, but we cannot withdraw the defense line on Hong Kong Island. Besides, those of us who serve as soldiers do nothing but fight. Yes, it will take some time for the SAR government on the island to resume normal operation after this battle, and Hou ’s death left a lot of unmanaged institutions. This includes some communications and transportation, as well as hotels and entertainment. I hope Captain Chu can help us Recommend a trusted person to manage. "

Chu Xiang wants to manage Hou's assets. Perhaps the most justifiable is Hou's wife Han Jiao, just to let Xie Shanshan test it. Does Han Jiao have any vengeance for her husband? Although she said that Hou killed her parents indirectly, it is necessary to do more testing. If she and Hou are really not the same, then she can be recommended to manage, but it is a secret room. The treasures in it can't be returned, do you want to run for nothing, you must have some hard money.

Thinking of Chu Xiang here, Zhu Qingsong's request was fulfilled. Xiaosi followed Li Haipeng and returned to Yutai Base directly. Chu Xiang recalled Lianyima and he quickly rushed back to Yutai Base. The detection of Han Jiao went smoothly. She Indeed, they did not have an overwhelming reaction to Hou Zhi's death. The two had lost their husbands and wives long ago, and even Hou Di's death let Han Jiao let go of a piece of mind. It seems that Hou is really unpopular, but Chu Xiang told him The evolutionary achievements achieved in a short period of time are very admirable.

A few days later, Han Jiao was sent back to Hong Kong Island. Hou ’s foundation in half a year could not be abandoned. Besides, Han Jiao was not used to the rural life at Yutai Base. She felt that Hong Kong had more room for her development. So this matter happened right away, and Han Jiao inherited Hou ’s industry, and no one could say anything about it, but Han Jiao listened to Chu Xiang ’s opinion. In the last days when production resources are scarce, Hong Kong Island is best Focus on the development of high-tech manufacturing, do not engage in hotel entertainment.

In fact, Chu Xiang also has his own plans. The manufacturing resources on Hong Kong Island can be greatly used. When the original living materials in the world are always used up, and some electricity products that are constantly improving according to the current world situation also need a manufacturing base. It is simply unrealistic to launch such a production line at the Yutai base. The production line may be easy to find, but what about production technology and skilled workers? In Hong Kong, there is no shortage of these two things. They can exchange food for production and production.

Sending Han Jiao Chuxiang to Bai Xiaowei to complain about it ~ ~ Mainly because he felt that his evolution was slow, so that he could not win perfectly in the battle with Hou, Bai Xiaowei laughed and trained him with a smile, The world is so big, there cannot be only a super-evolver like Chu Xiang, and there should be no psychological responsibility for this matter. Moreover, the cooperation between the team members of the eschatology team is already close, even if there are more powerful evolvers, it may not be To be able to defeat them, you ca n’t just see your own shortcomings, but also think about your own strengths. Besides, Chu Xiang still has some skills that Hou simply ca n’t, but it ’s possible that Hou ’s physical fitness is high. Somewhat difficult to cope, leading to some thoughts in my heart.

Bai Xiaowei re-measured his physical fitness value for Chu Xiang. I do n’t know if Bai Xiaowei has a ghost or Chu Xiang is really growing fast. His physical fitness value has doubled or even doubled in some aspects, breaking through a level. Limit evolution to major general level.

This news allowed Chu Xiang's self-confidence to swell again. After handling the matter at Yutai Base, he decided to continue to enter the world of zombies for cultivation. He would have to impact the physical value of s-class 5,000 or more, but also for fish Taiwan base is looking for a large number of people. With the development of agriculture and vegetable planting, the Yutai base is expanding and the surrounding fertile fields are fully included, but the manpower is becoming increasingly insufficient. Increasing the base population has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved. .


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