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Chapter 281: senior consultant

After Chu Xiang's angry killing of King Jin, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan made a good complaint. At that time, the five-color liquid should be absorbed by his energy. It can be seen that He Yaohui was injured by King Jin. Chu Xiang was anxious, and he cut him off with one stroke. Is n’t that the head that created the gravitational field? What a great thing, Chu Xiang didn't care.

After leaving Song Jun to appease and rectify the Dagang base, Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng rushed back to the Yutai base. At this moment, the operation is still in progress. All the eschatology team members who have received the news came to the operating room. The relationship with He Yaohui is the best. Huai, Li Xiaoming, Li Yingjie and others all burst into tears.

Nan Ruolan looked at the operating room and said, "Don't worry, from the perspective of the energy aperture radiated by the human body, Big Brother He is very likely to survive."

He Birou also comforted everyone: "Yeah, don't worry, we have to believe in Dean Hao's medical skills, and besides that Brother He is an evolutionary, his constitution cannot be weak, and he can certainly survive it."

He Birou was also one of the earliest members. He and He Yaohui knew each other at the base of Tongshi City. Although she has not made much achievements, everyone has never looked down on her. He Birou also knows well, and gets along well with everyone.

Squeak, the operating room door opened, and a nurse came out, "Captain Chu, Dean Hao invited you in."

Chu Xiang's heart sank. There must be something wrong with Dean Hao letting him in. At the moment, he didn't dare to hesitate. He immediately followed the nurse and entered the operating room. Hao Jianshu took off his mask and said, "Captain Chu, I'm in trouble. Now. "

Seeing that He Yaohui was under anesthesia, Chu Xiang asked, "What trouble? Isn't it just to take out the bullet from the chest? The thigh is definitely more problematic."

Hao Jianshu said: "It has been confirmed that the thigh is very safe, but the bullet on his chest stays between his heart and lungs. A few millimeters in deviation will take his life, so the operation must be done immediately, but He Yaohui has Very strong self-healing ability, our operation can not be carried out smoothly. This operation requires that the deviation must not be half, otherwise there is a risk of hurting the patient's heart. However, even if the knife is cut, his body reacts very strongly even under anesthesia. Cut to the bullet, in case of an unstable clamp, it may push the bullet to hurt the heart, which is really dangerous. "

It turned out that Chu Xiang was still so troubled and frowned: "Is there any other way? He Yaohui is my good friend. I will never allow him to have anything to do, please ask Dean Hao to do his best to save him."

Hao Jianshu said: "Just because of his special status. So I have to be careful, Team Chu, do you think if there is a better and more secure way to save this patient?"

Chu Xiang said angrily: "You are a doctor, do you let me find a way to save people?"

Hao Jianshu said: "Chu team. You listen to me explain. I mean whether you can use the special skills of the evolutionist to save him. This is always safer than the risk of surgery."

Chu Xiang certainly didn't want He Yaohui to be in trouble. But how could he pop out of his body without surgery. I have the ability to melt iron elements. But that must be done in contact with the bomb. If you want to make contact with the bullet, you need to operate. He Yaohui's self-healing ability is not bad. In case it really looks like Hao Jianshu said. It is dangerous to accidentally thrust a bullet in half.

Hao Jianshu walked twice in the operating room: "Chu team. See if my idea is okay. Let's find someone who can control the magnetism. He will first control the body bomb in the patient to ensure that it will not shift. Then we will Surgery boldly. The patient heals quickly. Then we use more scalpels. We can cut as fast as he grows. "

The idea is a good idea. But where to find the evolutionary who controlled the magnetic field. I have encountered before. But all let Chu Xiang hang up. But no matter how difficult it is to find magneto-evolution. Chu Xiang hurried out of the operating room. He said to the crowd waiting outside: "The surgical situation is not optimistic. We urgently need an evolutionist who controls the magnetic force. He uses magnetic force to stabilize He Yaohui's body warhead no longer shifts forward. Otherwise, the danger of surgery is high .Let's go and look for it. "

Wang Bin said: "This is easy to handle. The National Evolution Group has magnetically controlled evolutionaries. I have reviewed their land information. The level is not low. Controlling a small land warhead should be competent."

Chu Xiang was overjoyed. "Contact him immediately and let Li Haipeng pick him up."

Vice Chairman Zhang Yibo, who is in charge of the evolution group of the Ministry of National Security, heard that He Yaohui was seriously injured and needed an evolutionary who controlled the magnetic field. He said he would immediately arrange for someone to look for it. Willing to help. After Li Haipeng arrived at the Yutai base with the magnetically controlled evolutionist, he first demonstrated his power to let Chu Xiang look. Chu Xiang didn't dare to use him without real skill, and in case he was hurt by He Yaohui, it would be miserable.

Chu Xiang has tested that the magnetically controlled evolver can control an iron pill weighing up to two pounds firmly in midair. Let it go in, let it in, let it retreat, and then retreat. Then rest assured to bring people into the operating room.

Hao Jianshu can't wait anymore. "You all tell the comrade clearly about the situation, right? We don't have time to wait any longer."

Chu Xiang nodded. "I tried his ability and let him see x-rays, but for the sake of safety, let me help you take out He Yaohui's thighs."

Hao Jianshu nodded. "Okay, I have a knife. You can let him bounce on the patient's thigh."

Chu Xiang motioned to the magnetically controlled evolutionist to start. He first touched He Yaohui's thigh with his hand. The scar there was gone, but the magnetically controlled evolutionist still sensed the existence of the bullet in the thigh muscle. He solemnly nodded that he could Start.

Hao Jianshu cut the sharp scalpel, and found the bullet in the thigh muscles in the next two times, because the safety factor of this part is relatively high. For tentative considerations, Hao Jianshu stabbed the bullet with a scalpel. Body spell, the bullet was motionless, Hao Jianshu no longer hesitated, and said to the magnetically controlled evolutionary: "Okay, you can take out the warhead, pay attention to it slowly, do not use the wrong direction, you must be outward Force. "

Alas, the warhead steadily pulled out of He Yaoyao's thigh muscles and flew on the disinfection tray. The doctors couldn't help cheering, Chu Xiang said, "Although He Yaohui was anesthetized, he will still make some pain just now. Part of the conditioned reflex will not affect the safety of the chest bomb. "

Hao Jianshu said: "There is no way, unless it is deep hypnosis. Otherwise, anesthesia will not affect his brain."

Chu Xiang said brightly, "I asked Xie Shanshan to come in and help control He Yaohui's brain wave activity. Maybe his reaction would be lighter."

Regardless of whether it was a success or not, Xie Shanshan soon took over He Yaohui's brain activities. He Yaohui had a higher mental strength. It was difficult for Xie Shanshan to take over his brain activities, but now He Yaohui has been seriously injured. Less than a tenth of his previous strength, so it's easy to control him.

The two-pronged approach Hao Jianshu almost cut He Yaohui's chest with a trembling hand. He Yaohui's response was indeed still there. His muscles kept beating. Fortunately, Xie Shanshan controlled most of his nerves. He Yaohui was bound by his hands and feet. Several doctors Come together to help, while preventing He Yaohui's muscles from growing together, while helping Hao Jianshu find the location of the warhead.

I don't know if it's tense or the warhead has shifted. No warhead was found in the predetermined location, and Hao Jianshu's face ran down with sweat, and he gave a puzzled glance at the magnetron evolution. The magnetically controlled evolutionist said: "I have sent a magnetic wave. The magnetic element with a bullet point on the patient's chest will definitely not shift. You should look for it. It should be near there."

Chu Xiang opened the door and pulled in South Ruolan, "Hurry up, can you see the bullet in He Yaohui's chest?"

South Ruolan said: "Yes, in my eyes is a black spot with no energy rays, right here, ... a little more to the left ..."

Hao Jianshu's scalpel just leaned over. Just like a huge external force gripping his scalpel, he can no longer move it by half a minute. It seems that he accidentally inserted the scalpel into the range limited by the magnetron evolutionist, but this time he can already see The tail of the warhead was not easy to find in a dark red blood. Fortunately, there was Nan Ruolan, otherwise I wasted a few minutes to find it.

Chu Xiang nodded to the magnetically controlled evolutionist, and the bullet between the heart and lungs began to pull out slowly, together with Hao Jianshu's scalpel. Several other doctors kept cutting the growing muscle skin around the wound.

The shotgun and the scalpel fell into the plate together, and everyone's hearts fell to the ground. Hao Jianshu greeted him, "Stitch!"

An assistant said, "Dean, how can you use a seam? You can heal two wounds by pairing them together. This growth rate is simply amazing."

He Yaohui's body seemed to feel the danger from the outside, so he desperately sutured the wound, the two doctors confronted the wound, and the epidermal cells healed within a short time. The rest of the cleanup work, Chu Xiang, and others couldn't help. So he went out of the operating room. He Yaohui's situation was relatively stable as a whole. I believe it will be able to resume as usual in a day or two.

There are thousands of people in the Dagang base, and he is hesitant about how to deal with Chu Xiang. Finally, he gave Vice President Zhang Yibo a way to find out. Dagang base had an oil field. It was a pity to give up. Otherwise, Chu Xiang wouldn't mind sending someone to pick up the thousands Come back, anyway, there is a shortage of people. Some basic means of living have been launched, such as toilet paper, tableware, and wood. These industries require workers. In addition, Chu Xiang plans to open a refinery with Kaifeng Base. It ’s troublesome without fuel. Refining yourself can solve big problems.

He Yaohui recovered from the day after, and he has to say that the evolutionary's strong physical fitness value, if it is a normal person, I am afraid that half life is gone. It is impossible to move as long as possible without lying. Everyone sat together to talk about King Jin ’s arrogant behavior, but his ability to control gravity had disappeared. If I moved to Chu Xiang at that time, I do n’t know how good it was.

Chu Xiang laughed: "Although the saying goes that skills are not overwhelming, but I already have a variety of skills and no more, but I think that human cells alone can create a weightless environment. Applying it to the aerospace industry, isn't it true that we Chinese have a bullish nose, and it is not difficult to build a UFO. "

He Yaohui said: "This time t virus has enabled humans to shed a lot of potential, but not only weightlessness, but also other aspects than human science and technology can imagine, how about Chu team, is it going to open another research laboratory of this course? "

Chu Xiang said, "I think so, but someone needs to do it. It's okay for us to fight. It's impossible to do scientific research. Right, Yaohui, do you have any plans?"

He Yaohui said: "Then Chu team you. Do you have any plans?"

Chu Xiang said: "I? Just go through it like this, and strive to create a better living environment for everyone, and rescue Bai Xiaowei after the development of anti-t virus fluid, even if the merits are satisfactory."

He Yaohui said: "China's evolutionary world has been chaotic. They are kings, and no one is convinced, Chu team. I hope you can get involved in this matter, and don't let everyone get deeper and deeper. Deserve this ability, even if you do n’t want to serve the country but you ca n’t use it for wrongdoing. This time, a King of Jin has been destroyed. Who knows what ’s next, I think you must have heard a lot of absurd things everywhere. The evolutionists, relying on their own ingenuity, dominated the king in the base. They don't take their lives as their lives at all. "

Chu Xiang said: "Yaohui, you know that I am lazy, if I go to work on time. I'm afraid I can't stand it. Besides, I have to be pointed. I definitely can't do it. I can do it in two days. Flatten people back. "

He Yaohui said: "The Chu team does not hide anything. President Hua wants to invite you to be a senior adviser to the National Evolution Group. You don't need to go to work or listen to others for pointing, but you pointing everyone. It ca n’t be solved by the evolution team You just need to come out and help them, and give them pointers when they have time to evolve. "

Chu Xiang himself was undecided. Although he acted decisively by calling the zombies, he did not know whether to accept or not to accept such a thing. Zhang Jingyao said, "Chu Xiang, those evolvers have done too much land, and it is time to take care of them. , Buying and selling women in the base at an unambiguous price. I can't get used to it anyway. "

Wang Bin also said, "Yes, Brother Chu, sometimes I feel angry about my stomach. Those people rely on themselves. They have a base in Sichuan. There is an evolutionist who also made a dragon robe. He claims to be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. It ’s inexplicable. "

Chu Xiang asked He Yaohui: "Yaohui, we are brothers, you can tell me the truth. The senior consultant of this evolution group listens to who directs. What I said is not useful."

He Yaohui said: "Originally, the evolution team was under the management of Vice President Zhang Yibo, but Chairman Hua knows your character. Say that you, senior adviser, are directly obedient to him. You are responsible for evolutionary guidance, similar to technical staff. Vice President Zhang Yibo is responsible for administrative personnel. Local management, and your local language is also an order to those evolutionaries, everyone must obey unconditionally. "

Fang Yuxuan said at first glance, "This is more than 10,000 people by one person. It is more powerful than my dad."

Xie Shanshan also laughed: "Yes, Chu Xiang, the Chairman deserves you so much. Moreover, with this status, it will also be beneficial to the future development of our Yutai base. Besides, this is an opportunity to convene useful evolutionaries. So take everyone out to train. "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, isn't it just a senior consultant, I did it, but I can't go to Beijing, and let ten evolvers over there go to the Yutai base for further education every month. If there are any major events, I will directly inform me, In addition, next time you have to deal with any evolutionary, you must find out his bottom in advance. It is dangerous to assassinate others. "

He Yaohui bowed his head embarrassed. This time he did miss. He killed the wrong person and almost lost his small life. If it is not Chu Xiangqiling who fixed his body with plants, he could also let King Jin fight. Injury, don't underestimate the weightlessness, even if a person's action is limited, even a minute of delay can easily lead to errors in the master than in the fight.

Chu Xiang is actually a passionate young man. He just does n’t want to let others take care of him. He is a senior consultant in the evolution team. This name is not small and only obeys Chairman Hua. It will be more convenient to go out and act in the future. The banner was directly destroyed. As for the troublesome evolutionaries in some bases, as long as they understand their details, they do n’t have to do everything by themselves, like Li Niu, Chen Kai, Fang Yuxuan, Ma Xinghe, and Wu Zhenghang all return. Need experience.

In the following time, the central government increased the management and punishment of the chaos of the various bases. Some plots were seriously arrested by the task force sent by the evolution team. The sentence of the sentence, the discipline of the discipline, the plot was serious and direct. He was sent to Chu Xiang for humane destruction, and his death could also provide Chu Xiang with some energy and skills.

Of course, these evolvers are not stupid. How they are willing to seize them, almost every time they encounter resistance, but the pre-intelligence work is accurate, and the strength of those evolvers is clear ~ ~ chu Xiang only needs to send a few players who are higher than their strength to push the line, and there are really masters Song Jun and He Yaohui together to deal with it.

Within a month, the chaos of the evolutionaries in China was finally contained, and some small bases were also cancelled and merged. Several large forces also quietly surfaced at this time. They also took the model of the Yutai base and relied on the evolutionaries. Protecting bases, relying on large populations for industrial and agricultural production, trying to restore social order in the shortest time.

These large forces have almost one or two branches in each province. On the surface, they all abide by the laws and regulations of the state on eschatology, restricting their people from disturbing the people, helping the old people to stabilize the development of the base, but the actual Due to the inconvenience of transportation and the exclusive control of communication, it is difficult for the central government to know what they are doing in the base.

Not to mention the chores for a moment, at 12: 5 noon on the end of the summer of d + 1, a huge cheer burst suddenly from the Yutai base, and the research room sent a shocking message that the main components of the anti-t virus fluid were successfully separated! This is a new turning point in human history, which means that there are not only two options to be infected with t virus in the future, either to become zombies, or to be lucky to produce evolution, and the probability of generating evolution is so low that you cannot imagine, so you are infected with t virus It almost means death, and now with anti-t virus fluid, the history of human struggle with zombies will be rewritten!


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