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Chapter 284: Thirsty

The news was undoubtedly a thunderbolt. Bai Xiaowei almost crashed on the spot. She is the main developer of the r virus. She has more basic knowledge than anyone else. The main role of the r virus is to devour the t virus. t virus, what does this mean? This means that Chu Xiang is in absolute danger.

Everyone's face was white and purple, but Chu Xiang disappeared. Now he is not clear about what happened. What can be done with this group of people if there is a long or short one. What should the Yutai base do in the future? They cannot. There is no Chu Xiang.

Song Jun finally said the first: "No matter where Chu Xiang is now, he must not want to see us all sad. Now we have a lot of things to deal with. First, we must severely punish Zheng Mo and the forces behind him must Uprooted, and secondly tried everything to find Chu Xiang, but this operation can only be carried out in secret, and outsiders must strictly block the news. "

Bai Xiaowei said: "Yes, when Chu Xiang was absent, Song Jun was always responsible for everything. I think everyone should listen to his arrangement now. We can't just grieve, but we must find a way to remedy it."

Zhang Jingyao responded first: "I obey the arrangement of Song Jun and Sister Wei." Of course Xie Shanshan also did not object. As for the others, Chu Xiang and Song Jun were looking forward to it. Now, of course, Chu Xiang is not listening to Song Jun. of.

Song Jundao: "Shan Shan, you tell Zheng Mo's situation to everyone. Please note that both Chu Xiang's and Zheng Mo's affairs must be kept strictly confidential. Except for those of us, even Uncle Chu, I do n’t know. Once the news leaks, many evolutionaries will take the opportunity to make trouble at our base. At that time, we will not be able to go out to find Chu Xiang, so the issue of confidentiality is important and everyone must keep in mind. "

Xie Shanshan said: "The group of Xiji Base should have Qimin Secretary of the Jinmin Municipal Party Committee, Secretary Liu Gang, Sun Director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, Director Hu of the Finance Bureau, and Secretary Wang. There seems to be Wu Feiying. The boss behind them is probably an American. An evolutionary agent sneaked into the Xiji base, and they seduced these people with many benefits in order to obtain r virus samples and isolation methods. "

Wang Shaohui exclaimed: "At the time I went to Yutai City Hospital, I didn't agree with the leaders of the Jinmin Municipal Party Committee. I saw that all of them were waste. When they asked them to dig coal, how would they be willing to work with peace of mind? When foreign agents seduce them naturally They have rebelled. "

Song Jun also felt unable to hang on his face. After all, Wu Feiying was retrieved by him. Because their psychological tests were not enough, they were sent to the Xiji base to mine coal. I never thought that these people would use Zheng Mo every time they took the opportunity to send coal. online.

In spite of these regrets, Chu Xiang may have lost his super power by accidentally drinking r virus, even if life is not dangerous, because the super power of each evolutionary is supported by t virus, and r virus eliminates t virus. Then the superpower that the evolutionist depends on for survival will be lost, but he does not know where the teleportation is, so we must immediately settle in and go out to find Chu Xiang. Everything else comes later. "

The person who still wanted to say regret would not speak, Xie Shanshan continued: "This Zheng Mo was not a good thing at first. He is a q-rapist, the crime is heinous, and the director Sun of Jinmin City Office told him Everything is well known, so he used this to threaten Zheng Mo, but we did not expect that we suddenly strengthened the security measures of the scientific research building. Although Zheng Mo stole the r virus and the separation process from the underground laboratory, he could not take it away. In order to destroy the r virus that has been stolen from the laboratory, he mixed the r virus into the tea ... "

Flapping Wei Qingchun fell to the ground. "I poured the tea for the Chu team. I killed the Chu team ... I made a huge mistake. I'm sorry to you all ..."

Wei Qingchun suddenly took out a pistol and aimed at his head. call. A steel arrow flew over and shot Wei Qingchun's pistol away. Wei Qingchun cried loudly: "Let me die. I'm sorry for Chu team. It's me who pours tea for him. It's not my team Chu who won't drink poisoned tea. I'm sorry Chu team I'm sorry everyone .... wow ...... Let me die ... "

Wei Qingchun was crying and crawling to pick a gun. Li Xiaoming kicked the gun and flew. He lifted Wei Qingchun and said, "Old Wei! Calm down. This is a pure accident. We are all aware of your loyalty to the Chu team. If you know in advance that there is a problem with the tea. It is impossible for you to drink it all. Let the Chu team get a little hurt. But that's it. You calm down and don't mess up. "

Wu Zhenghang, Zheng Haoran and Wei Qingchun have always made good friends. The two approached to persuade Wei Qingchun. Zhang Jingyao said: "You can only blame Zheng Mo to blame this matter. It has nothing to do with any of you. No one can doubt the loyalty of the eschatology team. No one should take responsibility for themselves. Let Shanshan mess everything up Write down the names of people and places. Then what should we do to listen to Song Jundi. "

Xie Shanshan said: "There is very little information in Zheng Mo's brain. I also inferred from Director Sun's body. And Wu Feiying Zheng Mo didn't know his land name. I restored it based on the information in Zheng Mo's brain. "

Song Jundao: "I see. Li Haipeng. You immediately took Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie to the Xiji base to capture Sun and Wu Feiying. Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming. You brought people to surround the Xiji base. Dare to leave one person and take you ask!"

Li Haipeng quickly brought Director Sun and Wu Feiying. The two slumbered and slept. Wang Shaohui went up and kicked Secretary Sun's knee bone. "Kneel down!" Secretary Sun was frightened immediately. Despite the cold sweat on his face, he never dared to make a sound again.

Although Wu Feiying has not evolved, his physical value reaches the value of perfect human 100. He is also a good player at the Xiji base. He wants to resist the restraint of Li Yingjie and return to boxing to Li Yingjie. Li Yingjie sees such people in his eyes. He grabbed Wu Feiying's fist with five fingers and claws, and clicked Wu Feiying's fingers to pieces. Li Yingjie immediately hit him **** the back. Wu Feiying had to kneel to the ground honestly. He could see that it would be possible to move again. With their heads falling, these people are really angry. Song Jun personally interrogated, which spoke a little hesitantly and immediately cut a knife on his body. Director Sun, who respected and treated himself, was subdued with just a few knives. He quickly wrote the names of the people involved in the rebellion at the base of Xiji, except for the leaders of the Jinmin Municipal Party Committee Wu Feiying, his several subordinates, and a group of people from the original Xiji base participated in the project. They planned to launch an insurgency and escape after getting r-virus data.

Xie Shanshan has been watching Director Sun write the list. After she wrote it, she glanced at her: "It's correct!"

Zhang Jingyao asked Song Jun: "What to do next?"

Wu Feiying just crooked up to resist, he saw these people very angry, knowing that his life would not be guaranteed. So he had to fight for his death. Song Junyi threw out a steel arrow in the middle of Wu Feiying's forehead. Alas, Wu Feiying's brain collapsed and fell to the ground. Song Jun fiercely said: "Kill! One is not left!"

The order was immediately conveyed to Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming outside the Xiji base. The two took Li Niu and Chen Kai to the Xiji base. The garrison power of the Xiji base was still in the hands of the Yutai base, so they were not afraid of the other artificial counterattacks. According to the list transmitted by Wang Bin, they waited for everyone in the dormitory. Caught, but the guns of the guns, torn apart, shattered, the fire burned.

Secretary Qi of Jinmin City also called Wu to report to the Central Committee, Li Niu stepped forward and smiled. Two hands pulled his legs separately and ripped apart from it! Director Hu of the Finance Bureau also scolded him for not having human rights, and Chen Kai's flames turned him into coke. Human rights? There is no human rights to talk about these miscellaneous! Secretary Hu's secretary urinates scaredly. Li Xiaoming sent him back to the West in a single shot. As for A Biao and Sun Li, they were also killed by Xu Huai, and some of the original staff of the Xiji Base were all gathered to be swept to death with machine guns!

Song Jun was angry, Zhang Jingyao was angry, Bai Xiaowei was angry, and these rebels didn't kill enough to quench their anger! As for that Zheng Mo, he was executed by Ling Chi, who cut a thousand swords. Zhang Hongbing, Wang Bin, Xiao Si, Fang Yuxuan and others started. Their concern for Chu Xiang is no less than that of Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan. If the outside world is flat, it ’s okay to say that the zombie in the outside world is rampant, and Chu Xiang has not returned to the base so far, which shows that he has at least lost his super power Even if life is not in danger for the time being, then how he avoided the attack of the zombies and how to get in touch with the base are unknown, and everyone's hearts are indifferent. Naturally hate Zheng Mo.

After the bright day, the Yutai base and the Xiji base were calm and normal from the surface, but it was already surging in the dark. Xiaosi drove out a large number of foreign agents who were hidden around him. Wang Bin posted a message online. Anyone who peeped at the Yutai base in the future Kill without amnesty! Xie Shanshan inspected the staff in important posts from the beginning, killing any wrongdoers! Everyone who seeks self-reliance after returning to the Yutai base, kill! Everything could threaten the safe killing of the Yutai base and the eschatology team!

Li Haipeng took Lin to look around. They almost turned s, but there was no trace of Chu Xiang and He Birou. He Birou was assigned to work in the museum after graduating. Lin never asked her place of birth, and it was useless even to ask. Because Chu Xiang himself didn't know where to pass himself.

Let's not talk about those secretly killed by the Yutai base to clear up the rebellion, nor how much effort they secretly spent looking for the traces of Chu Xiang and He Birou, just mentioning Chu Xiang and He Birou, they barely rested for one night. They kept walking southward, and Yang Luoshan took the moon as the object, but they didn't see the edge of the desert or the figure one night after walking. When the sun rose the next morning, the two finally couldn't keep falling.

He Birou's physique was far worse than Chu Xiang's. Later, it was almost that Chu Xiang was dragging her away. When the hot sun rose, due to lack of water and fatigue, the two fell on the sand pile and never wanted to move again. At night, the sand grains are still hot, and the temperature of the sun is getting higher, and people are really uncomfortable lying on it.

Chu Xiang took out more than half a bottle of beverage from his back, and he combined the two bottles together. "Here, let's drink your mouth and moisten your throat."

He Birou's eyes glowed like a wolf. She was really thirsty. At this time, she gave her a lake of water to drink with confidence. But she quickly unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip to her heel. He Birou dropped the bottle again. She handed the bottle to Chu Xiang and said, "Chu team, you drink, I can."

Chu Xiang took it but didn't drink it. He licked his chapped lips and closed the bottle, saying: "I still insist, if we can't get out of the desert, we all hope that we are on this bottle of water, I know you have no energy , But we must continue to go, even if it is Lop Nur, we must go out! "

He Birou trembled slightly, "Okay, I, I listen to you, go."

Chu Xiang took out a bag of potato chips from his backpack and said, "You eat it, you can't hold it if you are hungry all night."

The film of Jay Chou last week was so tempting. He Birou was indeed hungry and stuck to the backbone. She did not hesitate to take it and tear the packaging bag, but the first potato chip was for Chu Xiang. Hungry. But he was even more thirsty. The potato chip was so drunk that he couldn't swallow it. He tried it a few times without squeezing out, and he couldn't squeeze the potato chips back into the bag.

To say that at this moment Chu Xiang didn't drink all the thoughts of the iced black tea on his back. It was purely hypocritical, but the worse the situation was, the more calm Chu Xiang was, he knew that all his superpowers had been lost. Now he wants to position himself as an ordinary person. All his previous pride and achievements have returned to zero. He must go down to earth to escape the danger and return to the base of Yutai. No matter how thirsty he is, he is still not thirsty. As for the hungry belly, the food I ate was very full a few days ago, and there was a certain amount of fat on my belly.

After He Birou replenished her energy, Chu Xiang pulled her up again. Now Yang Sheng is not high. I'm afraid I must stop at noon to avoid the summer heat. Otherwise, Iron will become two corpses before they can find them. Walking in the yellow sand, especially without specially made shoes, this is a very dangerous thing. The soles of the feet quickly blistered, but the blisters of the march broke during the night. At the moment, it was so painful to step on the hot sand. pain.

Looking at the hot sun, Chu Xiang pointed to a clump of unknown plants in the sand pile: "Let's go there to rest, avoid the noon sun and hurry."

He Birou knew that no matter how important escape was, he couldn't rush, otherwise he had to be dehydrated for a while. That bush has no leaves at all. A few dry and bare branches seemed to wither for many years, but the stems that were opened were wet and tender. Chu Xiang dried the pile of plants like a chicken leg, and finally moistened his throat.

He Birou was very moved. She was not moved by Chu Xiang's gluttony, but she saw that Chu Xiang was also thirsty, but gave her a drink in the morning. If it was n’t for tears, she would definitely cry. See Chu Xiang frantically digging sand. He Birou thought that Chu Xiang would eat the roots of this plant without quenching her thirst. She finally couldn't help but said, "Chu Xiang, drink some saliva, maybe we are about to find iron."

Chu Xiang did not return his head and said, "I can resist it. Do you think I want to eat its roots? I want to dig a pit to hide in it, otherwise our body will lose a lot of water in the sun, this cluster Since plants can live here, there must always be a little water underneath. It can also moisturize the skin. "

Sure enough, Chu Xiang did not expect. The sand below is digging and getting wetter. Of course, if you want to dig out the water, it's just a night talk. Almost dug out Chu Xiang's ten fingers, and finally made a big pit, which was very wet. Chu Xiang jumped in and pressed his body tightly to the wet sand. Then he said to He Biju: "Wait what, come down Ah, avoid the sun in the afternoon before leaving. "

He Birou touched the almost chapped skin, she no longer hesitated and went down to the bunker, because it was excavated by hand, this bunker is not large, Chu Xiang was slightly crowded when she lay in it, plus He Birou could only Tightly squeezed together to lie open, if you want to say He Birou's figure, you ca n’t say that. Her chest is very hips, but at this moment, neither of them thinks about it. The surrounding nose is thick and humid. Anxious to bury his head in the wet sand together, Chu Xiang even had a mouthful of wet sand in his mouth, but he didn't **** out water even if he sucked it, he could only spit it out and dipped in the sand.

"Chu Xiang, will we die here?" Although He Birou trusts Chu Xiang, after all, Chu Xiang is already an ordinary person. In case you can't get out of the desert, you have ten million heads.

Chu Xiang said: "I have estimated that our position will not deviate from Tieyuan. Maybe we will go out one day, mainly because we are not happy with this sand trap. Otherwise, this distance may be over in one day. "

He Birou hummed casually, and then there was no response. Chu Xiang fell asleep at a glance. Last night, he didn't sleep and hurried. At this moment, there was a moist atmosphere to reduce her hunger and thirst slightly. Of course I fell asleep under high fatigue.

Chu Xiang himself lay for a while and climbed out of the sand pit. Under the sun's rays, this wet sand will soon dry out, and there is still no sandy sea around him. I never thought it would be eaten by the zombies. The desert has been eaten, and I hope I can get out of this **** desert tomorrow, as I said.

Chu Xiang opened his trousers and wanted to pour a bubble of urine. After thinking about it, he wanted to take out the iced black tea bottle left over from yesterday's collection. He carefully sprinkled the bubble of urine into the bottle, tied his pants to the bottle and smelled it. , The heavy urea smell, Chu Xiang almost did not spit out, but fortunately is to pee on his own, or really fainted.

Chu Xiang once watched some film and television works, saying that people in the desert need to drink their own urine if they want to escape. Yesterday, he took two bottles of beverages together to leave this bottle. This is the intention. Spread Chu Xiang but timid again, drinking his own urine? There is something wrong with the brain.

But it ’s also water after all. If you drink it, you can survive. If you do n’t drink it, you may die of thirst. Chu Xiang sat on the hot sand and stared at a small bottle of yellow urine. His lips were cracked and bleeding beads came. Xiang Yi is cruel, throws the bottle cap into the backpack, forget it ~ ~ As long as the day of thirst is not reached, this step still can not go, hold it first, it is a pity that He Birou wasted, But I ca n’t let her hold it, even if she wants to, because the equipment of the two is different, it is not easy to make such a small bottle.

Chu Xiang jumped into the bunker and thought about this problem, even he was yd imagining that He Birou was helpless in the narrow bottle mouth, but when he saw He Birou almost sleeping in his arms, Chu Xiang felt that He was very shy, and he had to turn his attention elsewhere.

In addition to sand or sand around, Chu Xiang had to imagine opening his eyes and suddenly found that his super power was back. He opened the space ring frantically. There were several precious ice creams and iced drinks in it. He was crazy about a bunch of cool drinks. Drink a lot, stretch your belly like a big watermelon, drink it, drink it, even if you let the water die, you can't die of thirst!

I thought about Chu Xiang's hand and touched the backpack. This backpack was actually just a jacket. Take out the half of the bottle. Chu Xiang opened the door and wanted to drink the whole bottle with an impulse, but he still restrained it. I thought, carefully connected the half cap with the bottle cap, put the lips on the lips, moistened the mouth, rinsed the mouth, finally swallowed, and suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to drink with amazing perseverance, and carefully closed the bottle. Tighten into the bag, Chu Xiang also closed his eyes, saving energy and rushing when the most poisonous time passed.


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