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Chapter 310: Go all out

"If you do n’t kill it as soon as possible and let it hold our strength, the Jiayuguan base will be ruined!" Chu Xiang is also anxious and angry, but the elephant cow is tall and big, but the weight is enough for ordinary people to handle, not to mention it evolved hard The skin is irresistible.

Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming also tried with their latest type of sniper bombs. This elephant-like yak was harder than Shishan and hit only a small wound on the forehead, but was quickly repaired by its powerful self-healing ability.

In fact, this is not the most difficult. If this elephant bull is only brute and hard, it will not cause much damage to the base, and it will most likely crash the building, but everyone will soon find that it is not simple. Chu Xiang and Song Jun forced no shouting, and opened their mouths to emit a stinky liquid. This liquid ignited when it encountered air. This is similar to the flame of Fang Yuxuan, and Song Jun was too late to escape his hair.

The elephant ox ran to the north side of the valley. There was a tent area. It burst into flames and dozens of tents caught fire. Humans inside ran to escape, but at this time more and more creepers entered the base. They used their heads. The horns are constantly picking and killing humans, while the dexterous monkeys and wolves are constantly biting, and tens of thousands of humans are on the verge of extinction!

Chu Xiang told Song Jun: "Call all of us and concentrate on killing this giant yak. ​​Otherwise, blood will flow here today. I will lead it out of the base first, and you will take everyone to the front and move your hands."

Chu Xiang jumped on the back of the cow and slammed it. Although the elephant cow was not punctured, its horns, hoofs, and even flames could not reach its back, so it re-enacted in the fury and headed towards the base wall. Run, Chu Xiang rides on the horns, and the probe grabs his finger into the bull's nose, where there is a piece of soft meat, which is usually where people are used to lock the nose of the cow. Although Chu Xiang cannot penetrate the soft meat, But dragging it forced the elephant cow to change direction. Like a tornado, the cow scraped through the collapsed wall, letting it run wildly along the open ground.

Song Jun's experience in combat is rich. Chu Xiang set out to kill the elephant. He immediately organized the backbone of the eschatology team. As for the internal defense of the base, it was only delivered to Shan Hong and the National Evolution Team. Although they were basically Can't keep it, but now it's only against time. Hope to kill the elephant a minute earlier to rescue the humans in the base.

Li Haipeng's role was also fully utilized. He took Zhou Muqing and Li Niu to the front of Chu Xiang and Elephant Cow, and Zhou Muqing screamed: "Chu Xiang flashes away!" Then a violent ultrasonic wave hit the creeper collar. As for the elephant cow, Chu Xiang got a reminder to loosen the soft meat on the cow's nose. He took the opportunity to roll on the back of the cow to grab the tail of the cow, and the elephant's huge body just blocked the incoming ultrasound.

Hum, there was a great tremor in the air, and even Chu Xiang, who was hiding behind the elephant cow, couldn't bear it, although the elephant cow would not be disintegrated. However, the speed of running swiftly slowed down. It noticed that there was someone on its tail, and Chu Xiang flew as soon as the heel was raised. Chu Xiang couldn't wait for the elephant bull to stab him, and the bone knife tried his best to stick it down! Alas, like a cow roaring, it forgot to kick someone and it would expose its weakness. The cattle body was thrown forward by Chu Xiang, and the bone knife had to be detached from the cow's paw. Chu Xiang's body turned in the air. Gao Nian immediately opened her bones and flew up. Zhang Jingyao had rushed to her to release a high-voltage power grid, and the elephant bull was hitting it. The sparkling sparkle caused pain in the eyes, and the scorched smell of the elephant's skin was not unbreakable, but Zhang Jingyao's huge current only hurt the skin of the elephant, and it wouldn't matter if he wanted to kill it. may.

Hum, Song Jun's steel arrow came with the sound of wind, bang, the arrow hit the bull's head and broke, but the elephant seemed to hurt. He didn't say what was happening, but he also called out, and it screamed the creepers who didn't rush into the base around. It would soon be surrounded.

Alas, a sniper bomb from Li Xiaoming came in and successfully shot through the eyes of a bull! The black eye was smashed, but the elephant cow did not die. It rushed towards this group of evolutionaries and killed them.

Li Niu hehe laughed and punched the ground. Other ground forces trigger a crustal-earth reaction. A tens of meters of ground fissure suddenly formed in front of everyone. The elephant cow rushed forward. Grunted into the crack. Chu Xiang flew down immediately. Not to be missed. He urged the surrounding plants to instantly pull down the soil on both sides of the crack with the root system. Caught tens of meters below the crack like a cow could not find the point of strength for a while. I can only let those muds cover myself up for Chu Xiang, quickly fill the cracks and control them to accumulate a lot of water. Water-soaked soil will make elephant cattle buried stronger. Then use quick-freeze to form an ice valley. But Chu Xiang experienced a burial incident. He knew it would be difficult for ordinary creepers to bury themselves underneath. Not to mention this creeper collar. So the burial is only temporarily trapping it. You must send someone to kill the elephant cow completely!

Wang Shaohui said: "Let Wang Bin bring in a missile to blast it flat."

Xu Huai said: "How to explode? What if the monster does not explode but blasts it out?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "Yes. The bombing method is not advisable. Unless it is stuffed in the mouth of that giant cow. This way I can be most sure."

Li Xiaoming said: "How can we go down. The Chu team's skills have not been restored."

Song Jundao: "This giant yak still has a weakness. Its hoof palm defense is relatively weak. But whether it is bombing or attacking its hoof palm has difficulty. Either it comes up. Or we go down."

Chu Xiang said: "I can force f virus and r virus to force their repair skills."

Fang Yuxuan said anxiously: "But that will cause bad consequences for you!"

Chu Xiang said: "I can't control that much. I'm afraid I can't kill it from the ox hoof alone. You will immediately find a powerful armor-piercing missile, but don't be rough and it can be detonated manually. I don't believe it. I can't kill it in my mouth. "

Song Jun immediately contacted Wang Bin, and Wang Bin asked Ma Xinghe to prepare quickly. Li Haipeng went back to fetch it later, while Chu Xiang found the five-color liquid and discussed with him about repairing the grounding skills. The five-color liquid shook his head, meaning forced repair. Most of the skills will hurt Chu Xiang's body, but under the strong request of Chu Xiangdi, it only has to agree.

At this time, the creepers on the periphery attacked here. Although their collars were buried underground, they still felt the breath of the collars, so their formations have not been disordered, relying on Chen Kai, Zhang Jingyao, Zhou Muqing and others. The force is still resisting the attack of the creepers, but their number is increasing. Chu Xiang knew that the delay was unbearable.

"Here," Li Haipeng hurried back. The missile was long and sharp, and I didn't know what kind of gadget it was. Chu Xiang couldn't care less. Li Haipeng pointed at a red temporary ground button and said, "That's it. Press It will explode in the next ten seconds, unless it is an indestructible body of King Kong, or even the fairy Luo will have to die! "

Chu Xiang's function has been restored after he tried it, but he felt dizzy and nauseous as soon as he applied it, and fortunately choked his thighs. It seemed that the five-color liquid was not a joke, because his body had been forced to repair these changes. The superb skills are damaged.

Thinking that the base is still fighting for life and death, Chu Xiang could not care much, first empty himself to go underground. After the ground was frozen, it was hard. He had to get through before putting the missile in. Drilling a dross could be counted along the rift to find the middle elephant-like cow. It really did not die, the frozen soil around it had become loose, but it was suffering from being trapped in the cracks. No matter how strong the strength of the cow was, it would not be possible to push the cracks apart, unless it also knew how to use the pressure from the inside of the earth.

However, the elephant's constant struggle and the mud under the feet as a stepping foot, I believe it won't be long before it can swell on the ground, not too late, Chu Xiang first drilled under the hooves and stabbed a cow with a bone knife Palm, but you can't cut it again. It seems that although this palm is a weakness, it does not seem to have a great impact on its life, and because of this pain, the elephant is struggling harder. Fortunately, Chu Xiang freezes it again in time, otherwise it will let it bulge out of the ground. There are possibilities.

Chu Xiang did not dare to stab the hooves easily, but drilled a hole in front of the bull's head, and then returned to the ground to take in the missile. At this time, because the mouth had an air vent, the elephant was snoring and snoring and sucking air. However, its eyes can't show anything, which makes Chu Xiang easily push the missile into the elephant's mouth. It is naturally uncomfortable to add something to the elephant's mouth, and the thing pierces it sharply. Sore throat, this is not to be taken into account, the pointed head is still pushing hard to the inside, the elephant cow sold his life and bit the missile.

Clicking, Chu Xiang heard the sound of metal cracking, but did not expect it to be as hard as a cow's teeth. Can break steel cracked gold. Chu Xiang was horrified that he was determined to kill the monster. Fortunately, he patronized and inhaled. Otherwise, a flame will blow out, and it is impossible to burn Chu Xiang in this cave, and then burn the missile or detonate it directly, then you must bury it for yourself.

The thought of Chu Xiang was very scared, and he did his best to hit a punch at the tail of the missile, and then pressed the red button to flee the ground in general. The battle on the ground was still in progress. Chu Xiang shouted and everyone broke up. Chu Xiang hugs Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan, and still hugs Fang Yuxuan and Xiaosi on his back. They flew out of the danger zone before landing.

boom! The earth-shattering explosion, the sound of which slammed into the sky, the creepers attacking in madness stopped moving, the ground was blown out of a large pit, and the sand was flying for a few minutes before it fell off. Everyone stomped into it, and saw that one was lying under the pit. Flesh and **** body, moving a few times from time to time.

"Ah, it didn't kill it!" Everyone was taken aback. The yak like a creeper leading an elephant was lying underneath. If these powerful missiles couldn't cure it, only nuclear bombs could be used. Come and destroy it.

Song Jun shouted: "Everyone fight hard to kill it!"

So all the weapons attacked the bottom of the pit at one time. The elephant bull was not really dead. It was blown up by the missile warhead and its mouth was completely closed. At this moment, it killed more than half a life, and the explosion wave turned It was shocked and half-dead, or it could climb out of the pit and struggle to dying.

However, the thickness of the skin and bones of the elephant cow is absolutely beyond imagination. Everyone worked hard for a long time and did not breathe it out. Chu Xiang said, "Don't waste time and energy, let me come!" The five-color liquid flew to the bottom of the pit to cover the elephant cow, but Chu Xiang unexpectedly, no bubbles popped up, but he fiercely resisted!

This is the strongest creeper that Chu Xiang has encountered. He will not die after several blows, but he is still fighting against the f virus. At this moment, he cannot retaliate when he lies on the bottom of the pit! If it still has attack power, whoever loses and who wins will immediately see the fate, naturally the f virus is outnumbered.

Chu Xiang was willing to help the f virus, but he did n’t know what to do. In case of accidental f-virus injury, it would be troublesome. Fortunately, the resistance of the cow became weaker and weaker, and his shrouded head was covered It slowly changed, and it turned out that the f virus had won. It's just a fluke that if it hadn't been for the previous strikes and missile warhead explosions, I'm afraid no one would be its opponent.

Chu Xiang felt dizzy after using the ground. After the five-color liquid finished feeding like a cow, a wave of energy entered Chu Xiang's body, which made him feel more comfortable. At this time, the control force applied to the creeper disappeared. . Under the counterattack of those creepers, the formation of the creepers dispersed, Chu Xiang launched another wave of lightning strikes, and finally drove the creepers out of the Jiayuguan base area.

This is called victory. These creeper territories are killed. They either singly stray or join other creeper teams. However, there cannot be multiple creeper leaders in a certain area, so Jiayuguan The base is temporarily safe. As for whether it will evolve a new creeper collar in the future. That will be the future.

Chu Xiang and others cleaned up the creepers outside the base. Everyone was happy to return to the wall, although several crossings were broken. But the five-color liquid was full, and Chu Xiang helped to repair a more solid wall.

"Haha, great, consultant Chu can be the leader of the national evolution team, so the powerful creepers have even killed you, thank you for bringing peace to our Jiayuguan base." Hu Yi was speaking. Emperor, he stood on the city wall with a lot of contempt.

Chu Xiang did not want to ignore such people. If the Jiayuguan base did not come here to take refuge when he was killed, he would not be willing to help. In the words of my mother, every time I come out, I die for a lifetime. This is desperately not a joke.

"Stop!" Hu Yidi said loudly, "You are not allowed to go any further. Although you have contributed to the Jiayuguan base, but now you are listed as unpopular characters, you can go wherever you are."

Chu Xiang hesitated. At this time, he noticed that all the members of Hu Yidi were on the wall. Chu Xiang snorted coldly: "Last name Hu Di. What are you doing, do you feel a pain to live? You can tell if you want to die. Just tell me. "

Hu Gao turned from the back, "Presumptuous! Dare to speak to my uncle like this, believe it or not I will let them all die right away!"

Speaking of Hu Gao's body showing a row of characters, Chu Xiang was furious at first, and it turned out to be Shan Hong and his officers. Not even Gao Hanfeng and his team members even came with Chu Xiang. Survivors who arrived at Yumen City, the base of Jiayuguan, were abducted.

"Don't move," Hu Gao stopped Chu Xiang's action in time. "As soon as you move, I will let them head down! Don't think I don't know your trick. None of you are allowed to move. We don't want to be embarrassed You guys, we just helped us out. But the Jiayuguan base is really small and ca n’t accommodate the great gods. Go wherever you go. ”

Xiao Siqi roared loudly, Fang Yuxuan also clawed his teeth, Chu Xiang was sure to kill Hu Gao, but he could not save everyone at the same time, even with Song Jun's cooperation, after all, With more hostages, a few accidents may have caused dozens of people to click their heads to the ground.

Chu Xiang's mood fluctuated. He felt that there was a violent anger in his chest at this moment, but he couldn't vent it. Chu Xiang's voice was stuffy and deep: "Hu Gao, what are you trying to do?"

Hu Gaodao: "Do you still understand? We have no other requirements. We just hope that you will not appear at the Jiayuguan base in the future. As long as you promise not to appear again, these people will be safe and secure. We are not fools. The Jiayuguan base will be better in our hands than before! "

Chu Xiang bit his lips and said, "What if I don't agree?"

Click, Hu Gao turned back and cut off the head of an ordinary survivor, "This is the end of your disapproval! You are willing to let them die for you and fight with me!"

Chu Xiang's hands and feet trembled and his lips became purple. Song Jun grabbed Chu Xiang and said, "Chu Xiang, don't be impulsive. Hu Gao is just to control the Jiayuguan base. He can't rush them. We will go back and solve them."

Alas, Chu Xiang suddenly spit out blood and threw him straight and fell to the ground. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan next to him were scared. ~ Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang, what's wrong with you, don't scare us Li Haipeng, take Chu Xiang back to the base quickly ... Cure him at all costs! "

Hu Gao shuddered and then laughed, "Haha, I can't think of your dignified evolutionary group consultant being vomiting blood? This is ridiculous. You also have weaknesses. Your weakness is kindness to friends!"

Hu Yidi shook his hands and said, "Don't laugh, this surname Chu is not being slandered. Maybe he was harmed physically, and these people are held in batches in secret. This is our only bargaining chip in case they are rescued. Go, you know what we are going to end! "

Hu Gao was so cold-hearted that they did nothing to make this happen today. Chu Xiang's strength is obvious to all. Once he has no scruples, the entire Jiayuguan base can't stop him. I hope he can spit his blood to death. .

But Hu Gao's wish was not fulfilled, because t virus, r virus and f virus would not let Chu Xiang die! Once the host hangs, they must hang each other. The wisdom of this virus is getting higher and higher. How can they make the host have something, but Chu Xiang has lost his body. Even if the virus needs to be repaired at the same time, it will take a long time. Can recover, and the consequences of it have not yet manifested, alas, the disaster-stricken people.


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