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Chapter 333: To save people

Zhang Debing said as he tore off a piece of clothing, his body was already stained with blood, and it was enough to write the number. He did n’t know Chu Xiang ’s satellite phone number, but Wang Bin ’s contact information was clear, as long as he passed on Wang Bin Chu Xiang I will definitely receive it. Although I am no longer in the eschatology team, I believe Chu Xiang will never die.

The old man took the blood book from the gap in the fence and said, "Man, you can make things difficult for me. If you want to eat and drink, I can help, but this call allows me to call, this is not the world before, everywhere Public phones and mobile phones are now managed by the military, and there are fewer and fewer people who can buy satellite phones. I am afraid I can do nothing about this. "

Zhang Debing also understands the real situation, but now there is no one here, even if there are people who may be Dong Xie, the old man who cleans up looks kind and kind. He should not be a running dog of Dong Xie's group, and Wang and Li Si are always at any time. It is possible to come back, and it is impossible to change someone else to help.

Zhang Debing said: "Uncle, please do your best. I'm afraid they will come to kill soon. I can't survive or revenge for my dead girlfriend, it's all up to you, please." Zhang Debing said Reluctantly got up and knelt down to the old man.

The old man threw away the broom and said, "Boy, hurry up. How did this make me suffer? I was afraid that the two of them would be back just now. So I try as much as possible. If it doesn't work, don't blame me. You take care of yourself. I'll think of a way first. "

In the guest room, Du Chengen's face was a bit awkward. "Consultant Chu, this is really rude to me, but you know that Yue Ting is the grandson of Yue Tai, and I also have trouble with some things, but this small thing is not considered, I think The girl's marriage is not dare to respond, otherwise I'm really afraid of hurting the girl in my family. If Vice President Yue pursues it, counselor Chu will say something good for me. "

Chu Xiang said: "Why should Commander Du worry about this? As long as you walk straight, no one dares to smear your face."

Du Chengen said with a grin: "Yes, you ’re so confused, I ’m not afraid of oblivion, and their Yue family wants to pick me up for a reason, right? Otherwise, President Hua wo n’t believe it easily. Besides, you should not slander Vice-Yue Madam President, this is purely the heart of a villain, and adviser Chu should never go in his heart. "

Chu Xiang knew that Du Chengen was afraid that he might misunderstand him to provoke contradictions within the CMC. Chu Xiang made no secret: "I do n’t know how Vice Chairman Yue is, but I really do n’t like this Yue Ting. I even suspect he knew my friend The bottom line, this time it was deliberately made difficult for me. "

Du Chengen didn't know the specific situation yet, he said: "Consultant Chu means that the person missing today has your friend?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Did you forget that there was a machine gunner named Zhang Debing at the end of the team? Now he is in the Blue Shield. Today we did not see him, so why did the team leader care about the Blue Shield troops? Number of people. "

Du Chengen said: "It turned out that the consultant Chu was to meet old friends. I immediately asked Zhang Debing to come. You wait. My old Du is ashamed if he can't even do this little thing. After all, this Blue Shield unit is still My military region ’s underground agencies. I do n’t have to confuse this power after this point. ”

Du Chengen hurried out of the room. Then came He Yaohui, Song Jun, Zhang Jingyao, and Xie Shanshan. Originally Zhang Hongbing and Wang Bin were arguing and they would also come to see Zhang Debing. But now Chu Xiang is sent by the military to inspect the Blue Shield. A few of them were a little wrong. Finally, I can only stay in Chu Xiang Beijing Villa.

He Yaohui said: "What's the idea of ​​this surname Yue Di. And the evil that broke the sacks. I don't know what they are doing. I don't feel comfortable when I see them. Isn't that young at the PLA General Hospital. Why come again? It's here. It's really a ghost. He shouldn't fall into my hands. Otherwise he must die. "

Song Jun grinned and laughed, "Lao He. You know the bottom of the people. It's not good for you to rectify him."

He Yaohui didn't care about the tunnel: "Lao Song. The times are different. Don't look at his grandfather as the vice chairman of the military commission. But in my eyes, he is just an older man with a majestic age. His power is not even as good as the one below me. It ’s not as good as Commander Dowager. You can count the major bases in the country now. There are several places that really obey the instructions of the central government. All of them are obedient to the yin. If there is no evolutionary group pressing here. Maybe they will stand on their own. The country still needs your support from time to time. Because some madmen don't even look at the evolution group. "

He Yaohui said the ground is fact. Because of the inconvenience of transportation, the central authority was actually suspended. Only the Beijing Military District left behind is still in control. However, the troops in those bases did not dare to do it. Obeying the command of the state on the whole is. The specific action strategy can not actually provide effective guidance. They can only do whatever they want.

Chu Xiang told Xie Shanshan: "Shan Shan helped me find out why Zhang Debing was not in the training camp. I always feel wrong. Yue Ting should have been unclear about our relationship with Zhang Debing before, because we haven't been in contact for a long time, and He broke up as soon as he entered Beijing, so he could not intentionally send Zhang Debing out to perform the task. I'm afraid the German soldiers are in trouble. "

Xie Shanshan said, "Okay, I went out and took a lap. To the Yueting, it is better to find him, so that everything is clear."

Song Jundao: "The kid seemed to be in hiding and never showed up."

Xie Shanshan said, "I'll go out and see."

Xie Shanshan returned shortly afterwards: "Nothing happened. Zhang Debing was still in the training camp in the morning, but no one saw him after lunch. I found Zhang Debing's squad leader. It seems that Zhang Debing went to give Yue Ting the information. But after that, there was no news, because those players were evolutionaries, and I didn't dare to go deep, so the news was only that. "

Chu Xiang said: "Did you not find Yue Ting, Dong Xie can do it, they must know Zhang Debing's whereabouts."

Xie Shanshan said: "Yue Ting didn't find it, but I met Dong Xie in the past, but his mental strength is very strong. I tried it once and did not dare to try again."

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Well, let's wait for Commander Du's news."

After a while, Du Chengen returned and said, "Advisor Chu, the Zhang Debing you are looking for will come in a short while. Dinner is ready. Let's go to the officer's small restaurant and eat while waiting."

Chu Xiang originally meant to go back to his villa in Beijing base after finding Zhang Debing, but now he has to wait for Zhang Debing to come. However, Chu Xiang ignored Dong Xing who came to meet him, but said to Du Chengen, "Du Commander, the small cooker rice is avoided, and you can eat anything to fill your belly. If Zhang Debing can come to me for a while, I can even eat it. Save you. "

Du Chengen said: "How can this work, you have come to our military area to inspect and guide the evolution work. How can I make you hungry and walk, let's drink two glasses."

Zhang Jingyao said to Du Chengen: "Commander Du, Chu Xiangdi's eyes are not good, and this wine is avoided. You can understand his temper, I just follow what he said, and eat whatever you want."

The Blue Shield Army restaurant is located in the school's original restaurant. Don't underestimate the fifty-man evolutionary army. There are more than one person who provides them with logistics services, so the restaurant is full of people, and the food is two dishes and one soup. The soup is seaweed egg soup, but there are so few eggs. There is only one egg flower in the bottom of a large tank. Doomsday chickens are rare, and the eggs used to be more and more difficult to find. So even military elites The troops did not eat well.

The dishes were canned and tasted average, but there was a luncheon meat, which can be divided into five pieces per person, which is not bad. The steamed bun can open the belly to eat, and Chu Xiang and He Yaohui each took a tray and each received a copy. If it is not hate Yue Ting and Dong Xie, it is not impossible to eat at the officer's small restaurant, but with people they do n’t like Sharing food, Chu Xiang was afraid he would not be able to eat, so he came to the big restaurant.

The old man who took Zhang Debing's blood book was named Zhang, and he said he had an old head. However, he did not lack eyes, knowing that the person being locked up must have made a mistake, but from Zhang Debing's words, Lao Zhang analyzed that there was a huge grievance in it, so he would not be able to find the leader of the Blue Shield troops when he called After thinking about it, the old man thinks that one of the chief secretary in the restaurant can make a phone call outside. Whether he can do it or not, he has to ask, and it's time to eat. The old man went straight to the restaurant.

Otherwise, there is a chance to meet thousands of miles. I don't know each other because of no reason. The old man who was looking for a head was taking meals behind him. But the old Zhang ’s head didn't even notice it. Even Chu Xiang didn't know that the person in front had a great relationship with Zhang Debing. The old Zhang's head gave himself a meal and didn't go to the table below to find a table. Instead, he went directly into the back of the restaurant. Mansion.

The chief secretary was squatting on the ground, snoring and drinking rice porridge, and the old man opened his head and whispered to him, "Little fellow, come out, I'll find you something."

The secretary is not difficult to speak. When he sees that he knows the old man, he opens his head and puts down the porridge bowl and comes over and said, "Lao Zhang, what's the matter, I want you to order something for me, Xiaoli, give me more There are two pieces of luncheon meat in my hometown, but Lao Zhang, do n’t eat outside, let others see that it is easy to talk to me in front of instructor Yue, and you do n’t want my hometown to lose this job. ”

The old Zhang head prudently said, "That's, that's it." At this time, the husband Xiaoli threw two pieces of lunch meat onto the old Zhang's dinner plate, and the old Zhang nodded hurriedly to thank, "Thank you," and then grabbed it first Put the extra luncheon meat in your mouth to prevent others from seeing gossip, "Little fellow, I actually have something for you."

The secretary then knew that the main purpose of the old head was not to mingle. He said, "What are you talking about?"

The old man said, "Can you help me make a call outside?"

The chief of the secretary stared curiously at the old Zhang and said, "Lao Zhang, is there anyone in your family? Last time, you and I didn't say that. Besides, if you want to call the office to fight, why not go outside? It ’s not easy to find a public phone. The price is too expensive. I heard that one minute is worth a box of luncheon meat. We have to say that we have a lot of logistics luncheon meat, but we ca n’t take it from the army. "

The old Zhang hesitated a little, a box of luncheon meat for one minute. If it wasn't for the light of the Blue Shield troops, could he eat luncheon meat in this generation? It is not a problem, let alone where to find the whole box of luncheon meat. It seems You can't help, you have to do what you can.

Seeing that the old man's face was a little embarrassed, the secretary said, "Okay, okay, I'll help you once in the village, but if you say it well, you can only help you to say a word. It will never work for more than a minute."

The old Zhang head hesitantly said, "Little fellow, but I do n’t have luncheon meat, otherwise you can help me first. I will return it to you slowly from noon today." The old Zhang head is helpless, others are kind and feel agree After Zhang Debing's words, he must do his best to do it. If it is not possible, it will be another matter. You can be ashamed. After all, things to save people are careless and delayed. The Bodhisattva said that saving one's life is better than creating a seven-level floating slaughter.

The secretary said, "I want a fart for lunch. I'll call you at the office. Secretary Liu in the office has a good relationship with me. You can give me a minute's call."

The old Zhang ’s head was a little embarrassed. He definitely could n’t let the leader of the army know about the things he helped Zhang Debing, otherwise his job would be ruined, but he could go to the office to make this call. Tell the little fellow that he doesn't know the situation and he would not help.

Seeing the old Zhang head straight thinking about his own affairs, the secretary was a little bit angry, "I said old Zhang head. What do you mean, do you come to amuse me, let me talk when things are all right, leave, and convince you. I'm not happy about it. "

The old man closed his eyes and thought about Zhang Debing's tragic benevolence. He pulled the heart across the chief and said to the wall roots, "Little fellow, this is really a little troublesome, but this person is really pitiful. And I was then The softhearted promised to help others, but now I wo n’t help others try my unsound mind, and it ’s just a phone call, as long as you do n’t say no one knows, it ’s such a thing

After listening to the old head talking about the cold sweat on the secretary's face, he dared to speak when no one around him noticed, "Old head, do you not hurt me by your heart, do you know if the young man made a mistake. Just by you Subjective judgment that this will kill you, and you are still involved in me! If you do n’t know, you will also make inward enemies, then it will be a crime of death. "

The old man's head was a little embarrassed, but this man's mind was relatively simple. He said, "Little fellow, we just make a phone call, you know what I know, but it's just a word in the past. As for the rest, I can't control it. That guy, I do n’t look like a bad guy. Saving a life is a bodhisattva's job. Maybe you will live more than ten years because of it. "

The director said, "Old head, old head, don't give me soup. I know you are a nosy person and you can't see anything tragic. Forget it, I will find a reason to go out and call you in the army. I did n’t dare to use the phone anyway, but you gave me the number, but I can remind you that you know what I know. If anyone else knows, let ’s wait for the roll-up and leave. God, my **** man is crazy, and he's a bad old man like you. "

The old Zhang head drew the bleeding book from his arms, and saw that the secretary of the blood book department was also a bit touched. It might be really grievance to see the situation, but what about the grievance? Most of the calls are useless, and I have to eat less a box of lunch. Meat, but the old man begged for himself, and he didn't seem to have enough morale to help him. The fellow, tears.

Write down the phone number and write down what Zhang Debing ordered, and then repeatedly told the old Zhang to stop talking to anyone. The Chief Secretary can only rest assured. The old Zhang also smiled, picked up the blood book, raised the plate and walked out of the kitchen. Thanks for your efforts. It looks like the next t virus riot will have the hope of hiding.

Alas, the old Zhang head patronized the joy. He never thought of colliding with a soldier who had prepared food as soon as he came out of the kitchen. The dinner plates of the two fell to the ground together. The cement floor was full of standing water and the **** was rolled. The two rolls turned black, the vegetables were soaked in the sewage, and the luncheon meat was not bright red. It also made a soldier crossing the ground accidentally step on a corner, and even if washed out with water, he could not eat.

Although the living standards of the Beijing base have improved, especially the treatment of the troops is better, it does not mean that there is lunch every day to eat. It is only available when the meal is improved to improve the place of life. Today is due to the inspection of the National Evolution Group. Raised the food standard, but the luncheon meat just received was soaked in soup, and the soldier and old head were dumb.

These soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, they are evolutionaries! If you are an evolutionary from the army, it ’s okay to say that the quality is higher, and if you are an evolutionary selected in the society, they are not good enough. The old head realized that he had made a mistake, and he mumbled. "I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean it."

boom! The soldier was angry, and the luncheon meat. He could only eat good food once a week. He even caused the old man to smash into the stinky water and kill him! The body of the old man's head flew up like a kite with a broken wire, and thundered and fell on a pile of tables. Catching up his collar, "Old man, you are blind!"

Who is the most embarrassing person in the restaurant at this moment? Du Chengen, of course! He knew that the political quality of the members of the Blue Shield was not good enough, which was the main reason for arranging trainers, but now, the role of trainers has not been exerted at all. The soldier not only said that it was okay, but punched the old man with his head. This is not to be considered. In the presence of the consultant of the National Evolution Group, the old man had to be held accountable.

When Chu Xiang heard the voice, he frowned. It would be very annoying if he replaced his luncheon meat, but it was really inappropriate to handle this matter. It seems that the quality of the personnel of the Blue Shield is not good. Training for so many days has not even the least tolerance.

He Yaohui told Du Chengen directly: "Commander Du, don't know if you don't come. As a shock, your Blue Shield forces did not know who was responsible for this plane, letting so many poor-quality evolvers. Stay at the Beijing base. I am worried about the security of the Beijing base! "

Du Chengen's face looked like a pig's liver, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan secretly covered his mouth and laughed. It was the first time He Yaohui talked about such vulgar words, but He Yaohui was indeed angry. Lan Dun now has no fighting power and will not talk about it first. Since it is a The new army, you must have at least the military discipline, otherwise how to manage it in the future, but now it seems. The Blue Shield did not seem to have achieved much, let alone promote it to other military regions. It is a question whether this unit is necessary or not!

The old soldier who held the old head did not know that Du Chengen and Chu Xiang were eating here, saying that he is a soldier but it is only a matter of these two days. He was a pig killer not long ago. Now he is practicing a good knife. No sooner did he start showing, a sharp-eared knife was pulled from his waist, and he smashed it on the old head. But it was just a blink of an eye that the old man's head was cut and his clothes were torn, leaving only a little bit of space left, and an old man was made like this, and a loud laughter rang throughout the restaurant.

"Excessive!" Zhang Jingyao got up at the table, and Du Chengen ran to the thunder.

"Well, what is this?" The pig-eating land evolver took out a piece of cloth from the shabby old head and wrote a row of bright numbers on it, "Old man, this is a trace of your wife's land." Well. Talented. Look at your 50s, but how does this cloth look so bright. Wouldn't it be that you just did a girl last night. Hahaha, laugh down below, Du Chengen Stepped forward and yelled: "Asshole! Know what you guys are doing, put me down! Du Chengen was followed by the guards. Dong Xie was still accompanying, but later saw Yue Ting was away, and Chu Xiang and others were unwilling to eat at the officer's restaurant. He immediately found a reason to leave. He had no opinion about Dong Xie Du Chengen. He knew that these talented evolutionaries were all arrogant, but Yue Ting didn't show up, which annoyed him, otherwise, how could such a shameful scene happen in the restaurant.

The guard stepped forward and whispered to the soldier: "This is the commander in chief of the military region. You have not hurriedly put people down to admit mistakes!"

The pig-evolving evolutionary is on the rise. In fact, he recognized Du Chengen's appearance. After all, he was just lined up at the door shortly after all, but as a habitual person, he did not look at Du Chengen at all, whether you are Either the commander or the commander, only the evolutionist is the biggest in front of the zombies, "Well, what's wrong with me, this old man knocked over my rice and didn't apologize to me, forcing me to rush the broken army back. If you do n’t want to do it, you can go to whatever base you want to go to.

The pig-evolving evolver said as he threw out the cloth strips with the words written on it, and Wyoyo landed right in front of Zhang Jingyao. Zhang Jingyao looked a little familiar with the numbers above. She reached down and Xie Shanshan helped at this time. Chu Xiang has already come, and He Yaohui's face is also gloomy. As the leader of the evolution team of the Ministry of National Security, he has the responsibility to remove the bad evolutionaries. This guy has made He Yaohui very dissatisfied.

"How are these numbers so familiar?" Zhang Jingyao was puzzled.

Xie Shanshan glanced at him: "Strange, isn't this the number used by the communication room of Yutai Base for external communication, as if this is still a blood book!"

Chu Xiang shouted, "Take him down!"

He Yaohui had already waited for this sentence ~ ~ Until Song Jun responded, he started, two soft swords were immediately pulled out of the belt, and the sword tip was forced to kill the pig-evolving evolutionary man. Of course, that evolutionary man It is not a mediocre hand, and the old head was thrown away to confront He Yaohui with a sharp-edged knife.

Song Jun appeared like a ghost to catch the old head. Zhang Jingyao pointed at the blood book and asked, "Old man, what is this?"

The old man was stunned, and said casually, "Phone number."

Zhang Jingyao said: "Who gave it to you, as if it was written in blood."

Although the old Zhang ’s head was not scary, he knew that the following words could not be spoken, but it did n’t matter if Xie Shanshan said or not, he saw Xie Shanshan's face changed: “No! Zhang Debing is in danger This is the number he asked this uncle to call us! "

Chu Xiang's face changed greatly. He made a slashing gesture to Song Jun behind him. Song Jun raised his hand and fired a flying arrow, sighing, in the middle of the brain of the pig-evolving evolutionary, He Yaohui stunned and turned back: "How is Kill? "

Chu Xiang said fiercely: "Kill! Let's kill the war today!"


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