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Chapter 343: Half man half body

Yancheng is a city with well-developed transportation. It is surrounded by a highway and a national highway. Theoretically speaking, the more developed the traffic is, the more zombies there are. However, the Yancheng base has never been attacked by such a large-scale zombies before. Looking at the location, at least 50,000 or 60,000 zombies will surround the base constructed with abandoned buildings and concrete.

"Some of these zombies are directing behind them." Xiao Si calmly said that she had found the brow from the brain signals left by the zombies. Chu Xiang nodded, "Can these zombies be evacuated right away? I'm afraid those rough walls won't last long."

Xiaosi nodded and said, "It can be, but they can still be controlled again when they cannot be found, so it is imperative to find the brains of the zombies, and once they are scattered, they are afraid that their brains will be scared away. . "

Chu Xiang said: "Then don't alarm them. Let's take a look at the advanced Yancheng base. Zombie brains won't show up easily. If we can easily find them, we can control the entire zombie world by controlling these collars."

Xiao Si also understands this reason. With her current strength, it is effortless to control the general zombie brain, but when the brains of zombies and evolvers are okay, they will be hidden deeply. This is about the same as human beings. Early birds, so they just need to hide behind the scenes and give orders to the zombies and sit back and enjoy.

If considered purely from the instinct of the zombies, they besieged the human base to obtain fresh food, and if considered from the corner of the highly intelligent zombies, they besieged the human base to completely rule the world. But don't expect to use the base as a bunker to make the zombies starve to death without food, because the t virus's metabolism is slow, and they will not die even if they do not eat food for several years.

Xiaosi scattered the zombies at the front door of the base. People came to the door. There were dozens of men with guns on the upper floor of the gate. They were suddenly giving up a large and doubtful zombie. At this time, a blind two girls came to their eyes.

Fang Yuxuan shouted, "We are from the base of Yutai. Open the door and let us in."

As soon as the people upstairs heard that they were from Yutai Base, they immediately went down the gate enthusiastically, and began to yell across the door: "It was the leader of Yutai Base. We immediately opened the door. No wonder those zombies had retreated. They can I am afraid of you, but I am looking forward to you. How about, how many people will bring us to make a siege to our base in Yancheng? "

Under the leadership of Xiao Si and Fang Yuxuan, Chu Xiang walked into the base of Yancheng, facing the problem of the goalkeeper, he said, "One."

The goalkeeper's face changed: "Don't make a joke, this is the vanguard. But there are tens of thousands of zombies outside, and I want to fight them back? Although I know the evolutionaries are powerful, I can't make such jokes. "

Xiaosi snorted: "It's enough to deal with the zombies outside! Let the top chief of your base speak out quickly. We don't have time to chat here."

The team leader at the front door did not dare to underestimate the girl. Because many evolutionists are young and arrogant. Maybe someone really has the ability. Otherwise, how can the Yutai base almost encompass Shandong and Jiangsu provinces?

Guarding the Yancheng base is a brigade commander. Mr.Zhou. But his title as brigadier is dead. Because his men are not regular troops. Most are civilians who are temporarily organized. The combat effectiveness is low.

I heard that some people came from Yutai base. Zhou Lu Changxing hurriedly greeted the headquarters. He happily held Chu Xiang's hand and said, "I don't know what to call him. You are here in time. You thought it would take a few days. Zombies have been attacking the wall since this morning. Some sections of the wall are already in danger. I How to deal with worry. "

Zhou Luchang said as he looked at Chu Xiang. His face was unpredictable. Probably also see that Chu Xiang's eyes have a problem. To deal with tens of thousands of zombies, the Yutai base even sent a blind man. Anyone who has changed this will mutter in their hearts.

Chu Xiang said: "My last name is Chu. You can rest assured. These zombies cannot come in. But dispersing them is not the purpose. Because they may come back again. Our purpose is to find their territory. Jier Zai Control the entire corpse. This will prevent them from repeatedly attacking the base. "

Zhou Lvchang's face was full of doubts. Although Chu Xiang could not see the expression of Zhou Lvchang, but he could not hear his echo and knew that they did not believe in his strength, so Chu Xiang said to Xiaosi: "First evacuate the zombies. Kilometers, in case they really push the wall down and rebuild it, as for finding a zombie collar, take your time. "

The reason why Chief Lv Zhou heard Chu Xiang ’s name was not surprised, because the most beautiful people at the Yutai base are Fang Guo and Chu Feng now, because both of them have come forward, so many people know him, but Little is known about Chu Xiang, unless it is the evolutionary world, but it is only the individual evolver who knows Chu Xiang's identity and ability.

Xiaosi didn't care about Chief Zhou's suspicion. She went to the wall to send a control signal to the zombies. Although these zombies have been controlled by others, Xiaosi's control signal is obviously higher than that person's strength. Furthermore, before controlling this The high-level zombies who approved the zombies were not on the scene. It could not counterattack in time. Those zombies turned around and walked out of the base after receiving orders from Xiaosi.

Chief Zhou has been closely behind Xiaosi. He doesn't believe in blindness or even believe in a girl. Although the girl is beautiful, but the woman is beautiful is not very useful in this world, but I did not expect that this beautiful little girl was just waving Tens of thousands of zombies were repelled with a wave of his hand, and Chief Lv Zhou's brain couldn't react.

Chu Xiang ignored Mr. Zhou's surprise. He said, "Mr. Zhou, this time you can rest assured. You have to believe in the strength of our Yutai base. Since you have sincerely joined our Yutai base, then guarantee you This is our responsibility. As for finding a zombie collar, you just need to cooperate with us. "Chief Zhou now has to convince the strength of the other party, otherwise he can try to let the zombies retreat, so listen to Chu Xiang said that he kept saying, "Sure, sure, I must cooperate with a long job."

Zhou Luchang is actually a beggar. It was only that the beggar was defeated across Jiangsu, and these bases moved closer to the Yutai base. The chief of Zhou Lu even secretly thought that if the Yutai base refused to rescue them. At that time, he will contact the North beggar again, but the other party will send someone over immediately after receiving the emergency report, which makes the Chief Brigadier Zhou confident in the Yutai base. Although the rescue force is not large, it only needs to be capable. One is enough.

Fang Yuxuan asked Xiaosi: "Is it a long time to find out the membership fee? I didn't say hello to my parents when I came out. Otherwise, I will call home first, and then we will stay here and settle the matter completely. . "

Maybe they will be alert, brother, you and Sister Xiaoyu stay here. I ’ll go out and see if we ca n’t find it. Let ’s go back to the Yutai base first and let the Chief Lieutenant observe the situation and report to us at any time. "

Chu Xiang nodded and agreed, Chief Lv. Zhou respectfully sent Xiaosi out of the gate of the base. Although a large number of zombies were still standing not far outside, Chief Zhou did not expect Xiaosi to be in danger. Zombie. This kind of energy and ability seems to be impossible for the beggar. Fortunately, Ge cast to the Yutai base, otherwise the other party would ignite tens of thousands of zombies to attack themselves. Even guarding the base will hurt the soldiers.

After sending away Xiaosi Zhou, the commander immediately turned back to greet Chu Xiang: "Long, please go to the base headquarters for a cup of tea. However, we have limited conditions here, and please forgive me for the lack of good tea."

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "It's enough to drink a glass of boiling water. Don't worry about living conditions for the time being. You should look at the situation of the Yancheng base in the past few days and focus on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages to see if there are any advantages worth exploring. The Taiwan base will send someone to assist you in resuming production. As long as there is a fish-producing Taiwan base, food and materials will be exchanged. As for security, if there are any issues to report in time, we will definitely send someone to handle it. "

Chief Zhou said happily: "Okay, I will keep all of them in my heart. Your Yutai base is really kind. We must do our best and never let down our long hopes."

Outside the Yancheng base, there were two people standing on a small hill bag. One of them was young Bai Jing, but his white made people look at Sen's panic, as if there was no trace of blood, and the other was more normal.

"Wang Shao, why did the zombies retreat? Do they get out of control?" Normally, the young men of Baijing talked to Bai Jing.

The young man known as Wang Shao thought for a moment and closed his eyes and thought, "That's the case! I thought there was no such person in this world, I was already a strange number, but I didn't expect that half-dead monsters really existed!"

Normal people are very puzzled. "What is a half-dead monster? Does anyone besides Wang Shao control the zombies?"

Wang Shaodao: "Yes, the zombies suddenly abstained from obeying my order, because someone used control energy on them, and the person who can emit this energy must be half a corpse and half a person, like an ordinary evolutionary body. The t virus is by no means a half-human half-human. The reason why I can control the zombies is that half of the body has been corpse, but fortunately the other half of the body is kept, but the half-human half-human that I have acquired the day after tomorrow is a bit It's far-fetched, so my corpse control ability has been unpleasantly improved, and I even encountered a bottleneck and couldn't move forward. "

Normal humanity: "Wang Shao is modest. I am afraid that no one in the world can be beaten by your strength, but I understand what you mean. You mean that the other party is really a half-half man. How did it evolve? It seems that Wang Shao is so lucky that people will not have a second one. "

Wang Shao closed his eyes and sensed the zombie brain information that had been withdrawn, and finally he said, "The other party seems to be a girl, not too old. From the information she left in the zombie's brain, she is indeed real. Half a corpse and half a human, and by no means evolved from the day after tomorrow. She should have been infected in her mother's belly. Miracles, t virus appeared less than a year ago, and she has grown to such a big size. What should this be? Such a miracle! "

Normal people dare not interrupt Wang Shao's emotions, and Wang Shao admired a few words afterwards: "Let me try her ability, in case she is confused by her appearance, she will have a good time."

Xiaosi watched the surrounding situation in the group of zombies. Suddenly a group of zombies broke through the control of Xiaosi and turned towards Xiaosi. The black and stinky mouth opened up in horror, and Xiaosi frowned. Began to fight back!

Xiaosi emits powerful control signals, and pushes out the control signals that the other party added to the brains of the zombies. The young man on the hill is once again admiring: "Well, she is so young that she has such a powerful corpse control ability. If you let her go through it for a while, I am afraid that no zombies and creepers can escape her control!"

Normal humanity: "Wang Shao, why don't we take her to her Majesty. I think a little girl should be a deceit."

Wang Shao smiled and said, "This is my specialty. Don't you know that I still have a nickname for the beauty killer. If she assists me, it is easy to control the evolutionaries and zombies of the world!"

The normal person suddenly flattered and praised, "Congratulations to Wang Shao and congratulations to Wang Shao. It is God's help to get this good."

Wang Shao smiled with a modest smile: "It hasn't succeeded yet. Let me step forward and train her."

The surrounding zombies continued to make a commotion, and Xiao Si controlled their riots. Looking around, she finally saw her see two ordinary humans walking down a hill, and Xiao Si's heart moved. Who are they? Why it appears here. Where did the signal just from taking control of the zombies come from?

"Hello younger sister, my name is Wang Yang. I don't know what you call him?" Wang Shao stepped in and said hello. Xiaosi tried to make a tentative test when he approached himself. She used the surrounding zombies to intercept the call. Wang Yangdi male, but what she did not expect was that those zombies had disobeyed her order. It seems like there is a stronger force controlling them!

Xiaosi was wary of this Wang Yang. He also used zombies to test him, but in the heart of Xiao Si, there was a feeling that he was like him. Kind of kind, this is the real idea of ​​Xiaosidi. In view of this indifferent neglect of the other party's inquiry, she said, "My name is Xiao Si, did you control those zombies just now?"

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, it seems like you are also a corpse-controller, and you have good strength."

Xiaosi said angrily: "If you are controlling these zombies, then you are also responsible for the siege of the base of Yancheng? You can't see, you turned out to be so bad!" I feel good, but Xiaosi is not big-headed Brainy woman.

Wang Yang calmly said, "Little sister, you have misunderstood me. I have just arrived. Isn't this about to make a siege for the base of Yancheng? After seeing you, I can't help but try to test your strength. I didn't expect you to be a master, and I admired my young age. "

Xiaosi said: "That's the case. Where are you from, and are you planning to find the leaders of this group of zombies?"

Wang Yang said: "Yes, younger sister, you have the same idea, you can control this group of zombies once and for all to suppress them. I originally wandered around, or we should go together, just find the zombies Lead us to shoot it and subdue it together, which is also a help to Yancheng base. "

Xiaoxi shook her head and said, "Sorry, I was with my brother. If you find a zombie collar, please tell me, I know your strength is high, but I still want to do my best."

Wang Yang is unhappy, this little girl is defending herself. If she does n’t go with her, there is still something to sing, Wang Yang said: "Who is your brother, younger sister, I think you are different from ordinary people. There is a kind of similarity between us. I do n’t know if you have that kind of thought. "

Xiao Si said excitedly: "Yeah, I feel the same way, it seems that the kind of intimacy on you is better than that of your brother. Can you tell me what is going on with you? We seem to be first. Met twice, but like an old friend. "

Wang Yang said: "Well, I was unfortunately infected by corpse poison, but God pity me and let me pick back a life, but half of my body has become corpse, and now half of the corpse and half are living a lonely life. Seeing you, I really want to treat you as my little sister. We are sympathetic to the disease. "

Chu Xiang didn't know when he appeared behind Xiaosi. His face was very upset. Although he could not see the man in front of him, he felt that this young woman who was soaking herself up! Although Chu Xiang didn't make a bad idea about Xiao Si, Xiao Si was her sister and she grew up watching her a little bit. If she likes a reliable man, it ’s okay to say that the man who just met met the hot conversation. What happened to her today? Chu Xiang's panic was like a beloved toy to be snatched away.

"Brother, why did you come out? I'll introduce it to you. This is Wang Yang. He originally had the same ability as me, and just now we secretly played against him. His strength is better than me."

Chu Xiang stretched out his hand with Wang Yang and shook it. "Hello, Xiao Si is my sister. If your lord has something to do, let's go. We're leaving."

Xiao Si took Chu Xiang's arm and said, "Brother ~ ~ Don't worry, I also want to discuss with Wang Yang about the control of zombies. The control signal he sent just now is very powerful."

Wang Yang saw Chu Xiang ’s unfriendliness, but he could n’t understand the details and did n’t dare to say more. He could only say, “Yeah, I also want to discuss some problems encountered in the evolution with Xiao Si ’s sister. It ’s hard to find one before you know it, but like two of us, there are probably only two of them in the world. If you miss it, is n’t it a lifelong hate? The front is the Yancheng base. Does n’t Sister Si want to invite me to sit in? Discuss how to find out the leader of this group of zombies, and then control it to let it manage the nearby zombies. This can also be regarded as a benefit to the surname. "

Xiao Si gave a glance at Chu Xiang, and did not dare to agree with Wang Yang when he saw him, but Chu Xiang felt it. Xiao Si was not exclusive to Wang Yang. This is rare for Xiao Si. You can imagine How powerful is the mutual attraction between the same kind, Chu Xiang slightly groaned: "Xiao Si, let's go back to the base of Yancheng."

Chu Xiang didn't say that Wang Yang should not be allowed to go with him. Wang Yang caught up with it after a little consideration. The strangeness of Xiao Si's body, Wang Yang, a person who often snoops on the brain information of zombies, knows best. Now Xiao Si is like A piece of jade wrapped in stone is a piece of treasure if you think about it over time, and no one knows how to carve her better than himself. It would be a pity to give up.


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