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Chapter 361: Snowy plateau

The people below didn't wait for Chu Xiang to yell, "Xiao A used to bully us and dare not hit them, and he thought of taking advantage of us at the end of the world, and slaughtered these *!"

Some people also said: "The population of Azerbaijan almost surpassed us before the end of the day. Presumably their number of survivors will not be small. We do n’t know anything about their evolutionaries. We should first strengthen our intelligence work on India. . "

There is also humanity: "Regardless of how many evolutionaries he has, we must obediently give as many people as possible to our sonic tank."

Ma Ming reminded everyone: "Don't say anything, where is the Chu team and the chairman?"

Chu Xiang said: "Let's hear what the chairman said about this matter. Our personal thinking is serious. The chairman is a person who takes care of the overall situation, and his opinions tend to be more objective."

Hua Fuqiang first cautiously asked, "Is this news accurate?"

Wang Bin nodded: "I have used US satellites to observe that there is indeed a sign of a human base near Naidong, where sa is not far away, and Xiao A is really not willing to die."

Hua Fuqiang asked again, "Is there any reaction from Beijing?"

Wang Bin shook his head: "No, the official statement has not yet been read. Maybe even this serious protest is hands-free. Last time I went to the United States, Yankee said that we would only use verbal protest to do things, but that Yankee ate Because of our big loss, this time Xiao A will make a move again, and we can't let them get better. "Chu Xiang nodded. Some time ago, he beat the harassers in the northern Xinjiang grassland and the eastern seas. Of course, he couldn't ignore it. China is a piece of fatty Tang Sang meat. Everyone wants to come up and take a bite, but those people don't know if they have thought about it. The Tang monk was protected by his apprentice, and he was also a lawless grand monkey. Once he angered him, he would dare to fight!

Hua Fuqiang asked again, "Have we protested on the Internet, and what is the response of the Indian government?"

Wang Bin said: "The news spread out on the Internet, but there was no response from India."

Hua Fuqiang also asked: "How is India's work on the management of zombies and the construction of human bases?"

Wang Bindao: "From the information at hand. India is also a country that is recovering faster this time. Although the single base does not exceed the level of our Yutai base. However, the overall level of their base is relatively high."

Someone said to Hua Fuqiang: "Chairman, do you ask these things, do we still be afraid of Xiao A, fight, the Chu team must have the same meaning. Otherwise, let Ade look at Shu, and I don't know how big it will be in the future."

Hua Fuqiang smiled at Chu Xiang and said, "My opinion is to go to Nedong first to see it, just like you used to deal with those border issues, as long as we seize the opportunity to use it reasonably. It will not be a problem to recover the lost land when the time comes. . "

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, I mean the same, taking the liberty to fight back is likely to be caught by the opponent. Li Haipeng, Song Jun, immediately organized a team, we went to the Himalayas to enjoy the snow."

The snowy mountain all year round is a spectacular sight. The white snow peak is shocking. The squadron at Yutai Base appeared not far from Naidong County after more than an hour. Chu Xiang carefully observed the situation in the county with a telescope. Due to the sparse population, there are not many zombies here. It is easy to clean up. From observation, there are traces of human activity in Naidong County, but before that there was no life except zombies.

Xie Shanshan is the translator of this operation. She is proficient in various languages ​​and has in-depth research on Tibetan and Indian languages. Chu Xiang decided to go to the county to make a specific investigation. Of course, this is to be concealed. Make a decision.

The best candidates for reconnaissance are Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie. They will be invisible as long as they are not murderous and leaked. So Chu Xiang let the two explore in front, and he and Xie Shanshan followed closely. People sneaked into the county town of Naidong. Because the county has been abandoned for a long time and weeds have been reborn, they can hide their bodies very well, but the people in the county have no notice.

"Hi, borrow a fire," a foreigner emerged from behind a broken wall, and a pile of gray debris at the root of the wall moved. It turned out to be a foreigner in a camouflage suit. He looked around with a probe: "Why did you do that? I have been exposed twice today, just in case the above knows we must scold us."

The foreigner who borrowed the fire said: "Go, they eat fragrant and spicy in the base and let us squat in a bitter kiln outside. This simply does not treat us as a person. Besides the zombie, they are creepers and lurking farts. Are you pure tossing? "

The foreigner in the camouflage suit took out the lighter from his pocket and the two squatted at the corner of the wall to smoke. A weed behind him was blown by the wind and could fly into the air somehow blocked. Strange thing, you see, this grass is not normal. "

As if the weeds blocked by the air suddenly continued to fly, the foreigners in camouflage clothes said: "Okay, don't complain, compared to those domestic survivors who have no food and no place to live, we are still good, so we will It is not that Ronghua is rich and wealthy.

"Yeah!" The smoking foreigner spit out, "Don't dream, the Chinese won't let us invade like this. I'm really afraid that one day I won't find my head when we wake up. We used to occupy a lot of places in China before Now, you say that people have such a small space after death, but they have to fight to fight for several mountains. Is it worth it? My grandfather had participated in the invasion of China in the past and was caught by them when they countered and fell into the cliff. I have been dreaming about my grandfather for the past few days. I guess this is a bad omen. I think we are still ready, and we should run away if we are in a bad situation. "

The foreigner in camouflage scolded: "You bastard, this is to destroy your own prestige and to build up the aspirations of others. If you let the chief hear you, do I still use my life? We have invested 2,000 heavy soldiers in Nedong, of which There are also twenty evolvers. If you can't keep even this little place, it will be a joke. "

The foreigner who borrowed the fire threw away the cigarette **** and said, "Let ’s wait and see. The Chinese are absolutely capable and will take us back. Maybe they will not be as kind as they used to be. We lost the battle and ended up taking the blockbuster. I heard from friends that China ’s evolutionaries are very powerful, and even the Japanese are very afraid of them. Whoever does n’t believe my hunch will definitely be bad. ”

After smoking, the two re-hidden their bodies, leaving only a hard-to-detect sniper muzzle, leaving a slight footprint behind them and heading towards the center of the county, faintly whispered.

People come and go in the Neidong Transportation Complex. There are several cordon lines outside the building, both the office staff and the guards know that they are Indians. I haven't seen anything else. Older kids should have seen the Indians playing snakes, and the image is similar to those in front of them.

An officer-like person was on inspection, followed by a group of civilians, and the officer kept pointing. "Have you found the cement bricks? We can't wait any longer. We must set up the Naidong base as soon as possible, or we will not have a backing to rely on as soon as we reach the outer base we are expanding in the winter.

A human in charge of this business: "Leader of the report. We have searched around here and found that the ground cement is not enough to circle the Nedong County. Are we re-planning the scope of the base?"

The officer was a little annoyed: "No! Even if the entire area of ​​Naidong County is circled, there will be some inadequate scale. This is our main base in the Tibetan area, which is related to the victory or defeat of the entire battle in the future!"

The person in charge said helplessly: "Then I'll look again, if it's not possible, I will ask for help in China."

The officer said: "The difficulties I responded to the headquarters early, but the above allows us to eliminate the obstacles and overcome the difficulties ourselves. If there is no difficulty at all, then everyone is not rushing. If you want to make a contribution, you must find a way to solve it. problem."

"Yes. Yes," several people agreed incessantly.

The officer walked around and asked, "How is the weapon prepared? Has the satellite equipment been installed and operated?"

The relevant person replied: "Weapons are basically in place. However, there was a small loss on the way, because the transport team encountered the creepers, but they have been eliminated, and the transport path will be cleared in the future. The leader does not need to worry about the issue of feeding. The satellite equipment can be successfully debugged today, and the surrounding area can be completely monitored by that time. "

The officer nodded: "That's good. The Chinese side may have noticed our actions. If they sneak in our plan, they will be blocked, or they will lose a lot."

Someone said: "The possibility of China sending troops to reinforce the Tibetan area is not high. After all, they were unable to achieve plateau warfare before, but now the road is blocked and the zombie is rampant outside. How difficult it is for them to send troops to Tibet. Afraid of their evolutionary forces, I heard that China has established the Evolution Department, and there are many elites in it. "

The officer sneered coldly: "Don't grow up aspirations of others, our country's evolutionary forces are even better. This time I went to the Tibetan area to carry out the mission, but I brought 20 elites. They have passed the multiple tests of zombies and creepers. Absolutely. Be sure to defeat the Chinese evolutionary! "

People even claimed to praise: "Yes, our evolvers must be stronger than the Chinese evolvers, defeat them!"

The officer stood on a high platform and looked around. The direction was right where sa was. He said, "Our country has worked hard for many years to regain this beautiful land. Now our plan can finally Yes, we have paid so much for it, so we must not fail! "

Everyone certainly knows the price that the officer said. In order to get through the country from here to the ground, they have spent an amazing amount of power, because the lack of value comparison cannot be measured by money, but the evolutionary sacrificed for this has already surpassed the name!

Everyone followed the officers and made pointers. They felt surging for a while, and SA was in front of them, as if the Chinese garrison there had given up resistance, as if they had inserted the round flag into the Potala Palace!

"Go, go back to the meeting and study the action plan." The officer waved his hand, so the crowd followed him on the back and walked inside the traffic bureau building. The strong wind was blowing people's clothing corners. Only the person behind seemed to be something. Something blocked the wind, but then his clothing corner returned to normal, and as other people's clothing fluttered, this brief anomaly did not attract attention.

The officers in the conference room took advantage of the enthusiasm of the crowd to arrange war missions. China's largest base in Tibet was sa, but the number of garrisons was not large, about 5,000, and it was frequently attacked by creepers there. Yaks, in particular, can hardly be killed with conventional bombs, and the situation of garrisons without logistical replacement sa is getting more and more difficult, and this has not escaped the Indigenous Intelligence Network.

"In addition to sa, Shigatse, Nyingchi, and Nagqu all have human bases, but the troop strength is not much. So our main goal is here, and of course we don't rule out China to send more troops here. So we have to speed up the construction of the Nedong area. Base, this is our rear replenishment ground. Even if the front line fails, we have to retreat. I will arrange the future battle plan below, and you will go back and discuss the feasibility. Then summarize the comments to me. "

The concept put forward by the officers is to cooperate with each other internally and externally, to minimize the loss of soldiers' ground and the loss of bombs, and to preserve the integrity of Chinese bases as much as possible, so as to avoid them from repeating construction. When attacking, twenty evolutionaries will sneak into the opponent's base first, and then open the door to welcome the Indian army.

Of course, considering that the number of soldiers is not as large as that of Chinese soldiers, the officer proposed to drive the creepers to attack at the previous sa base, and to execute their war plan after consuming their soldiers to a certain number.

The beast blood in the conference room *, suddenly a wind came and the door squeaked open. A guy leaning on the door stared at the soldier standing guard outside the door, and the soldier quickly closed the door again. He felt the wind passing by. But after looking at it, there was nothing, so he ignored his position.

In the apple orchard outside Nedong County. Chu Xiang was sitting on a fruit tree, next to Zhang Jingyao, he bounced the dust from the mountain wind. Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie appeared one after another. Chu Xiang returned to the traffic complex due to eye problems, and Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie completed the remaining reconnaissance missions.

Now everything is clear. This is a naked invasion of India. They bully China that there are no heavy soldiers stationed on the border. In fact, even if there are heavy soldiers stationed, they are already destroyed by the t virus. Everything must start again, but the domestic production and construction has just begun to resume. At this time, there was no extra force to engage in border defense, which gave Indians the opportunity to take advantage of it. They simply ignored their domestic production capacity. They had to occupy the site first while looting and then digest slowly.

"The Indians have a big appetite. In the previous world, they all aimed at catching up with China, and they were complacent with their own aircraft carrier. Now they are desperate to seek sa. Do they know how to write the dead words? "Hui Huai said.

Li Haipeng said: "I ca n’t help but argue with them. Let's fight them immediately and let them know how powerful the Chinese are!"

Liang Tian, ​​Chen Kai, and others also fought, and Chu Xiang shook his head with a smile: "Are our goals only to eliminate two thousand Indian soldiers and twenty evolutionaries?"

Wu Zheng Waterway: "Okay, the Chu team has an even bigger appetite than ours, so let's hit New Delhi directly, let Xiao A taste the pain, come to burn New Delhi, and slaughter the city!"

The crowd responded, and Song Jun waved, "Okay, everyone is quiet. I think Chu Xiang certainly didn't mean that, everyone listened to him."

Chu Xiang said: "We always have a reason to hit New Delhi. Although we do n’t have to worry about this at all, things like Tu Chengri will not be done. It ’s not bad to leave Xiao A for us to be a bull. Look back at the mistakes made by their ancestors, but I just meant to force the Indians to increase their troops. "

"Staff?" Someone was puzzled.

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, didn't the Indians want to use two thousand and twenty evolvers to get sa, let's not let them do as they want, they would think of the loss that would consume our soldiers, wouldn't we?"

Everyone heard Chu Xiang ’s explanations and discussions, “Yeah, running to New Delhi to beat people does not show the style of our great country. Is n’t that a grade with Xiao A, but if we hit Xiao A on our own site, he You must also recognize the dead losses! But there are only two thousand people and twenty evolutionaries. We haven't seen this dish, but we must always find a way to let the Indians continue to invest their troops here. They wiped out in one fell swoop, leaving them too late to regret it! "

Many people have great strength and many people have many ideas. When the plan was put forward, many implementation methods were quickly proposed. Chu Xiang was not a refuge. As long as all of them were accepted reasonably, Huashan ’s swordsmanship had passed, except for Yue Tai. Some people are worried, and now the Yutai base is not big, and it has accumulated huge wealth through the sale of Blue Life to the outside of the Yutai base. External expansion is inevitable. Although it is not suitable to travel to the iceberg snowfield, but this one Land is always China's land, and income is what the situation requires.

After that day at night, Naidong County suddenly blew under the storm, and the inexplicable weather caught the Indians by surprise. It is now the end of October. UU Reading should reasonably not have such a strange weather, the base The cold protection measures were not perfect, and the Indians panicked. They started a fire in the building to resist the severe cold.

"Head, the weather is weird," a subordinate said to the Indian officer.

The officer shrank his head and hid behind the fire, and said, "Yeah, if we come so early this winter, I'm afraid our plan will not be realized. This **** weather will freeze our guns."

Bang, a sound outside, the officer immediately poked out his head and said, "What sound outside the building, immediately send someone to see!"

The sentry had already been taken back, but they had to go out to inspect the order of the regiment and used all the cold-proof appliances, but they still couldn't block the cold, and the large snowflakes were blown by the wind. On, I saw rows of weird things standing on a thick foot of snow.

"Zombies! Zombies attack the base!" The sentry shouted loudly, alas, his neck was cut off by a t3 suddenly leaping, his head flew to the sky, and when he fell, he was just picked up by another t4, snapped, The t4 hugged the Indian soldier's head and bit it, listening to the sound as if he was biting a frozen pear.


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