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Chapter 375: First appearance of the black monster

Seeing that the egg was getting closer and closer, predicting that the location was actually in the base of Jakarta, Wu Zhenghang couldn't figure out the origin of this thing, he ordered to try to shoot the long egg! The anti-aircraft machine gun shot upwards, hitting the burning egg shell and making a bang, but the egg flew past the anti-aircraft machine gun's defense in the blink of an eye. The previous scan did not damage it at all, and banged into it. In the square in front of Jakarta Command, only half of his **** was exposed.

The Indonesian President looked at Wu Zhenghang, and Wu Zhenghang also looked at him. From this exchange, the two knew that this matter had nothing to do with each other, and this egg was inexplicable.

The soil loosened, and the soldier who had surrounded the strange egg from the sky was startled. Wu Zhenghang could not understand the bottom of the opponent and waved his hands to let the soldiers retreat. At this time, the long egg suddenly jumped out of the soil by itself. When it came out, the flame on its shell had already gone, and no dark eyebrows could be seen on the dark eggshell, even without cracks. It stood in such a state without any support, and its state was weird.

The sound of rattling suddenly sounded, and I saw that weird egg that was a little taller than ordinary humans suddenly cracked! The original flawless eggshell was like it was instantly divided into thousands of squares. After a few seconds, the black eggshell was not visible, but it became a tall humanoid monster.

This is really a monster. It has human-like limbs in a standing position, but has dark skin and thick black hair like a horse's mane. There are small black blocks hanging from the top of the black hair. If you look closely, you will find That's part of the original eggshell.

This monster has seven human-like tricks, but it has a black wrinkled bala on its face, twice as ugly as a Shar Pei, a slight air conditioner on the corner of the mouth, and a drop of liquid like saliva from time to time. It holds a piece of water in its right hand. stick. The stick screamed as soon as it was poked on the ground.

"What!" Someone shouted in fear, slammed down the rifle on his shoulder, and shot at the monster.

The Heihei Monster is not afraid of bombs, but it can't open its eyes when it hits, it suddenly becomes angry, and the sticks in its hands change, and the sticks seem to grow a pair of small wings. As the monster waved, the pair of small wings screamed and flew towards the shooting soldier.

Alas, the winged head swept over the soldier's head, half of his head was even cut off, and his brain slammed out. The soldier's machine gun was still firing, but the sight was lost, and a nearby soldier was dodged. When he was hit by a bomb, another soldier saw his shot and killed half of the soldier with his head in one shot, so as not to injure other soldiers.

Wu Zhenghang saw that the monster was very unfriendly. He commanded four evolvers to form a siege to it, and as soon as it changed again, he shot and killed it. After the monster launched his stick and killed the shooter, the winged stick turned himself Fly back, fell back to the head of the stick and resumed as usual.

The monster stared at the black eyes and looked around at the humans around. Its nose kept snoring and snoring, and the snot used to moisten the air from time to time fell to the ground, making people feel dirty and sick.

An evolutionist shouted to the monster, "Drop your weapon!"

The monster didn't seem to hear it. Still looking at the surrounding landscape. Another evolutionist said, "Don't talk to it. It may not understand Chinese."

Another evolutionist said, "Catch it and talk about it."

Four of them whistled on the monster. The monster suddenly moved. It seemed to have grown like a horse's mane. Hudi stretched for a dozen meters to entangle the four evolvers. The small black blocks on the top of the horse's mane are firmly attached to the surface of the evolver's body. Four evolutionists screamed. The monster's long hair suddenly cast them aside. I saw that these four evolutionaries were dead. There are wounds all over the body. Every wound was as terrible as being stabbed. The wound was where the small black blocks on the top of the horse's hair sucked.

Wu Zhenghang sweated from the ground. He didn't understand what it was just now. In fact, he didn't understand what it was until now. But he saw something about the wounds of the four evolvers. This thing has killed the Chinese evolutionary snake king. Also killed the first European warrior in Russia. Because they are the same as the four evolutionaries in front of them.

The black hairy monster just killed four evolvers in an instant. It seemed to be fine and still looked around. Finally it thought it had seen everything around it. Make a roar again. At this time, Indonesian evolutionists also arrived. They are brave though. But the bodies of four evolvers were seen lying on the ground. Don't dare to step forward for a while.

The monster's wrinkled eyelids suddenly pulled up, revealing black and black bull's-eye eyes, a blue light flashed in the eyes, as if a scanner was starting to work, the blue light quickly swept through the surrounding people, every time one A cooing sound is made in the throat of a human monster. When swiping into the body of an Indonesian electrician, the cooing noise of the monster's throat suddenly becomes intense. Its blue light no longer continues to sweep down, but instead sets the target in Indonesia. The president of the presidential guard called him.

The electrician evolutionist is inexplicable. He looked at the Indonesian President on one side. The Indonesian President always had a frightened leg and said, "Don't kill it!"

The electrician followed the order and shouted, he sent a ball of current to hit the monster, and the monster was trembling with a high voltage current on his body, but he was not knocked down, but his expression was excited, like a child finally I found my favorite toy, and my eyes were full of joy.

When the electrician saw a blow, the voltage was increased, and a wave of current was sent to the monster again. The monster waved the stick in his hand and shouted. The winged stick tip flew out again. The electrician just saw it. I do n’t dare to despise the power of this moment, avoiding the tip of the winged stick, but the winged stick seems to have eyes, and flew back in the air, and attacked the electric man again. If you look closely, you can see that the wings are actually a pair of sharp knives, and the four sides of the truncheon have become extremely sharp. No wonder it was only able to cut the soldier's brain in half.

The electrician continued to dodge the winged stick attack while transmitting current to the monster. For a while, the monster didn't lose. When the monster saw the electric man calmly responded, it suddenly threw the stick again, and another winged stick flew. Come out and attack the electric man. The electrician immediately messed up, and the next evolutionary immediately came forward to help when he saw this.

The monster's face was displeased, and it hummed in his nose. The remaining stick suddenly turned into a double-edged sword. The monster held the knife and rushed to the evolvers. Don't look at its height. Humans are one and a half to two tall. But flexible but far from the ordinary evolutionary, an evolutionary could not dodge, and his head was chopped off by a monster with a knife.

A wave of electricians' attack just arrived. A strong electric current hit the monster and made a sizzling sound. The black hair on the horse's mane was generally bent, and a painful expression appeared on the monster's face. It seems that the current caused it Damage, but the damage was not fatal. The monster roared and threw the knife out of his hand, so a long-winged flying stick was immediately added to the air. Alas, alas, there are all the sounds of the head being shaved, and there is chaos in the square.

The electrician's attack has weakened. In order to avoid these flying sticks, he has to stop the electric shock to the monster, and the monster retracts the flying sticks after repelling the help of the evolver, and then combines them into a knife to personally pounce on the electric man to contact He has a decisive battle, and the electrician's combat effectiveness is not high. So he hurriedly discharged to hit the monster, but this time the monster was desperate, and his body was scorched by the high-voltage current and was stuck in the electrician's belly.

The electric person's body was full of electric current at the moment. His stick in his abdomen could not kill him. Instead, he took the opportunity to shock the monster from a short distance. The monster held a stick in his hands and issued a crackling spark, banging his body backwards. Flying up, the high voltage current caused the body to spasm. It trembled like an injured ugly dog ​​lying on the ground.

When several evolutionaries saw this, they decided to step forward to kill this monster, but who knew that as soon as they approached it, they would be caught by the long hair on them. The small black blocks on the hairy ends would automatically bite the evolutionary as if they had eyes. I do n’t know if it has teeth or a straw on it, and these evolutionaries will be killed in a moment.

Wu Zhenghang mobilized a sniper and banged in a row. The monster was smashed and rolled, and its body changed during the tumbling. The small black blocks on the hairy end suddenly formed against its skin. A piece of armor-like clothing sparked when it hit a small black block like this armor. Can no longer threaten monsters.

The electrician was injured in the abdomen. He gritted his teeth and decided to kill the monster to take revenge for himself, and saw the Chinese evolutionist drag the monster's attention. He put together all the energy in his body and prepared to give the monster a final blow. At this time, the monster seemed to sense the electric man's plan. It climbed up from the ground and faced the electrician. The electrician had no regard for any monster tricks, and he raised his hand and was ready to send out this wave of electricity.

The monster's shoulder suddenly changed, the armor automatically opened like an electric door, and something like a shoulder-mounted launcher grew out. Alas, the launcher emitted a white light, and the electric man was enveloped in it. He The last wave of attacks did not have time to make use of it, and a sudden high temperature turned his body into a mass of gas.

After the monster killed the electrician, a blue light suddenly appeared in the eyes. The blue light scanned the surrounding people and stopped, and then the armor on the monster continued to extend upwards, and it wrapped the whole thing for a moment, so when it landed It was exactly the same, and it turned into a long egg. Ren Dan's hitting on it didn't work at all. Huh, the long egg suddenly flew into the sky, but it disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye, leaving a stunned human on the ground.

The Indonesian president has been scared to pant because he knows how much energy his captain has, and now he has been killed and turned into a mass. The Indonesian president said that he was not afraid of being fake. The world is not what it was before In the world, everything can happen in the last days. Regardless of who you are, when you say you die, you will say nothing.

"Protect and protect us ..." the Indonesian President approached Wuzheng Channel.

Wu Zhenghang was also shocked by this scene. He knew that the people here could not fight the black monster. Besides, people had already flew away. There was nothing to fight. He pushed away the Indonesian president and said, "This is not a zombie. , Not where we work. "

Although Wu Zhenghang said so, he did not dare to hide the matter, and immediately made a detailed report to the Yutai base. After Chu Xiang heard the news, he stunned for a while. The monster would use weapons. This is different from zombies and creepers. And it will fly. Judging from these situations, the monster really cannot be classified as a zombie creeper, so what exactly is it?

Wang Bin transferred all the satellite data of each country, but the results were disappointing. No trace of the black monster was left on all satellites. It seems to have anti-satellite capabilities, except for making detailed portraits based on Wu Zhenghang's description. Besides, there is no other information about this monster. However, from its battle with the electric man ground, it is speculated that this monster should exist in an environment with advanced technology, and the technology process should exceed the Yutai base.

Wu Zhenghang's trip to Indonesia was quite uncomfortable. The appearance of the black monster greatly reduced the impression of the Indonesians on the Chinese. Although Wu Zhenghang launched a plan in Indonesia, he felt that he had failed. At least it did not make things loud and beautiful, compared with the case of India and Vietnam, the scene is much worse.

Chu Xiang didn't take it seriously, he said: "Lao Wu, don't care about those superficial things. This time you can discover the secret of the black monster is the greatest success. As for Indonesia, we just don't want them to trouble us in the future. It's hard to say that we have annexed them, so as long as they control the armed forces of their country, it is also a good thing to keep a low profile. Don't be depressed. "

Wu Zhenghang nodded, Song Jundao: "From the description of Lao Wu, the black monster has the ability to penetrate the atmosphere. I think it is also very likely that this monster comes from outer space."

Chu Xiang nodded. "Well, at present, we have several secrets that have not been solved. One is the source of the t virus. From the perspective of our global environment, such a powerful virus should not have been born by itself, otherwise it would not be able to spread so quickly and have such a large impact. However, the research of t virus shows that it has many magical properties, which have changed our previous living environment and even changed the genes of our human body. This makes us believe that t virus does not come from the inside of the earth and associates with black A monster comes from outside the atmosphere, maybe it has something to do with the origin of t virus. "

He Yaohui continued: "There is another thing that has not been solved, that is why the nuclear bomb has failed. The scope of this failure is not limited to a certain country, but it has happened at the same time in a nuclear country. After so long, Humans still have no way to repair the nuclear launch process, which is theoretically impossible. "

Chu Xiang said: "If we boldly imagine that black monsters come from outer space. They bring the t virus to the earth. In order to limit the use of nuclear bombs to destroy the t virus, they use technology that is higher than ours. Nuclear weapons on Earth are banned. "

This hypothesis is sound. Everyone agrees, just that black monsters are indeterminate. According to known news, it has appeared in Moscow, Northeast Province, Indonesia, and maybe other places, but it has not been seen on the Internet, so it is not used by Yutai Base. know.

Chu Xiang said: "At present, I am most worried about whether the black monster will appear at the Yutai base. From the analysis of its behavior, its appearance may be directed at the evolver, and there are many evolvers at our Yutai base. It is possible Be its target. "

This is also a common concern for everyone. From Wu Zhenghang's description, there is currently no effective killing method for the black monster. Because the modified Terminator can't penetrate its skin, it has no response to the black monster. Also unknown.

Wang Bin said: "I strengthen the ground surveillance force. I cannot rely solely on satellites. If they are found, they will immediately send out air defense alerts. With our current strength, I don't believe that we can't beat a black monster."

Fang Sudao: "I'm afraid that the black monster is not necessarily one. We are better prepared. The underground bunkers should be deepened and strengthened as much as possible. Don't hide at that time."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, let me do this. Let me discuss the black monster here. It ’s useless to think too much. Old Wu from Indonesia will continue to be responsible. Do n’t be discouraged, but let a black monster. It's just agitated. At the current rate of recovery in Indonesia, you are already very commendable. In addition, the Philippines and North Korea have sent requests to our country. We currently have 8,000 recruits. I do n’t know who is willing to lead troops to these two countries Assist the corpse. "

Wei Qingchun and Zheng Haoran stood up and said, "Chu team, since the old Wudu are engaged in the ups and downs in Indonesia, this troop can't leave us two ~ ~ We are not strong enough to stay at Yutai base Black monsters fight alone, it ’s better to go outside and help do something. If you encounter black monsters like Lao Wu in the Philippines or North Korea, we will immediately inform you to check it out. "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, you two should go out and practice. This is good for your evolution. Xu Huai will adjust the sniper to go with him, and another one from the evolution department and the evolution of Yutai base. The special forces are assigned to your two teams, and remember to communicate with the base in a timely manner in the event of a major event. "

Wu Zhenghang blushed. At that time, he was trapped. He didn't remember to contact Chu Xiang until the monster had left. Otherwise, he could catch a specimen now. Maybe that ’s really an alien creature. Earth people have been studying the wind for so many years. ufo, maybe it is really possible.

After the meeting, the news about the black monster was reported to the bases under the Yutai base, and the Beijing base also received the news. It will pay close attention to this matter in the future. The emergence of this monster has gradually brought stability to the situation in China. Uneasy factor.

However, the more they watched, the more there was no news. The black monster seemed to disappear in the future. Many people even slowly forgot about it. Only Chu Xiang and others firmly believed that this monster would appear sooner or later.


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