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Chapter 474: Landing error

[474] Landing error

There is a monitoring probe on the manipulator. At the beginning, there was no position for Xiang Xiang, but Chu Xiang knew that the space was narrow. Soon this manipulator could find his existence. Now there are only two options. One is I found that I hadn't died before pulling on the experimental platform, and the other one was to find a way to escape immediately.

Chu Xiang first looked above his head. It was too high. He may not be able to climb at all because of his painful body. Even if he could climb up, it would not be guarded by guards; the other way is to escape from the crematorium, but inside The fire was burning, and the super energy didn't recover, which didn't seem to work.

Chu Xiang jumped a few experiments first in a hurry. With his super physique, he also jumped two meters high, but it was not even half the distance. At this time, the robotic arm had noticed that a corpse was abnormal, and suddenly it pulled from its arm. A muzzle was separated from the upper part, and two lasers "shot" one after another toward Chu Xiang.

It seems that this robot has an automatic program. Once it finds the undead corpse, it will handle it by itself. Fortunately, it is managed automatically. Otherwise, Chu Xiang will be detected by the Terminator, but his situation is not good. I do n’t know if I ca n’t stop the laser attack.

Chu Xiang's response was fairly quick. He avoided a laser strike, but the manipulator was fast, and the second laser that came immediately hit Chu Xiang's chest. Chu Xiang instinctively raised his arm to block it, and the laser hit his arm. Chu Xiang's nerve sent a moxibustion pain, but the laser did not penetrate his arm and then penetrate his chest.

Chu Xiang bowed his head and looked at his arm, and saw that there was a golden light faintly on it, but the blow just now did no harm to it! Immediately after that, the manipulator emitted another wave of laser. Of course, Chu Xiang still used his arm as a shield. This time, he saw the laser hit the skin of the arm with his own eyes, but was blocked by the golden skin. has an effect! These limbs are really different from the previous body.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, the robot hand issued a warning sound, Chu Xiang knew that his resistance had caused the program to be vigilant. If he didn't want to be found by the Terminator, then he only had to pretend to be dead. Since he ca n’t climb out, there is nothing else It seems that there is only one option for walking the crematorium, but can your body withstand the high temperature?

Although Chu Xiang is also a fire control evolver, his flame skills have stopped as the energy dries up. The temperature in the incinerator does not need to be too high, as long as it reaches 70 to 80 degrees, it will cause harm to the human body, not to mention there The temperature was more than that, but there was no choice. Chu Xiang lay down on the ground, the alarm sound of that robotic hand disappeared, and then Chu Chuxiang was thrown into the crematorium.

Chu Xiang prayed that the Terminator's transformation of his body could withstand high temperatures. Otherwise, this time it is dead. The explosive "medicine" space ring is contained in the mouth. This is his only tool. Even if he can escape the crematorium, To find a way back to Earth.

Huh, the raging flames surrounded Chu Xiang, and the pain of the Terminator's experiment on him seems much lighter, but Chu Xiang's hair, eyebrows, and beards burst into full flutter, and his body was nourished. Although the pain of the loud sound is lighter than that during the experiment, it is definitely not good! And the flames are getting more and more fierce. There is no air around for Chu Xiang to breathe. The corpse that was thrown in before emits sultry oil smoke. The flame center of Chu Xiang is in danger of life at any time!

Chu Xiang was blessed by the flame moxibustion and was about to lose hope. It was very lucky to be able to live for more than ten seconds. I can no longer think of a way to escape. I was afraid that it would really be incinerated, but there were only a few hard walls around it. The thin flame vents are tall chimneys, but like the corpse room just now, there is no way to climb!

Alas, alas, alas, Chu Xiang's heart began to pound again. I don't know if it was a sign before death. I did not expect that the undead Terminator's experimental bench would be burned to death. Although his body was not yet up, but Chu Xiang knew that if he continued this way, he wouldn't be able to hold back. He had known that he had just yelled twice and asked the Terminator to catch him, so maybe the hope of escape would be greater, but there was no regret in the world for the "medicine".

Chu Xiang's eyes and blood vessels were sorely beaten by the leaping of the heart, even more than the pain of high temperature.

Out of instinct to protect himself, Chu Xiang squatted down in the flames, holding his hands to his knees to shrink the body. When the heart and blood vessels jumped to Chu Xiang, it was almost intolerable, he suddenly noticed that his arms and legs were different. It felt as if something had to be drilled out, and this feeling strengthened instantly, screaming, like a mechanical clicking sound, Chu Xiang's arms and legs penetrated the muscles and even split into four yellow and dark "color" hard shells. As if through precision design, the four hard shells were joined together to form an egg, which included Chu Xiang's body.

Chu Xiang noticed that the temperature of the moxibustion fever had disappeared, and he "touched" his hands to know that he had become a terminator! Even if it doesn't change, it's the terminator's characteristic to form an egg-shaped armor to protect itself. Does it mean that they replaced their limbs for this purpose? The Emperor Mouse Mountain was an early experiment. He could not hide the armor in his limbs, and could only survive like an ugly black "hair" monster.

This sudden change gave Chu Xiang hope. Just now the laboratory must have been unable to bear the pain and died in the past. The Terminator abandoned the corpse because he thought the experiment had failed. But he did not expect to escape from the disaster. Strong armor, even if the skills disappear, it will not be eliminated in the last days.

The thoughts in Chu Xiang's mind turned extremely fast, and at this time the work of the incinerator was also entering the next stage. The robotic arm protruded out of the wall again for cleaning. A hidden door was opened. The burned bone **** and Chu This yellow and dark "colored" egg was sucked away together, passed a long pipe, and then opened his eyes wide open. It turned out that the spacecraft was thrown into the space as garbage, and the broken bone **** was like a The group spread like fireworks.

Although Chu Xiang could not see the situation outside with his eyes, at this moment his sensing ability did not disappear. He knew that he had entered the weightless space, because he was protected by the eggshell armor, so he was not affected by the pressure difference between inside and outside. Shredding, the good news is that he escaped the Terminator ship, but the next question is how to return to Earth.

Just as a blue "color" planet in front of Chu Xiang emits a soft halo, that is the earth. Chu Xiang thought that the Terminator could urge the egg to fly and tried to give commands with thoughts. At the beginning, he didn't feel it. However, Chu Xiang soon noticed that the egg was moving, and the speed was getting faster and faster. She rushed down to the blue "color" planet. When contacting the atmosphere, Chu Xiang felt that the temperature of the shell rose sharply. Even more than in the corpse burner just now, the whole dark yellow "color" egg is like a fierce burning flame.

The egg landed faster and faster, and even was no longer controlled by Chu Xiang's ideas. Chu Xiang didn't know where he was flying, because he never flew into the earth from such a high sky, and had nothing about the terrain below. Understand, boom, and after a few hours of flying, a loud crash sound, Chu Xiang's body shocked until he landed.

Chu Xiang urged the idea to shrink the eggshell back. After a click of mechanical sound, the light was shining in front of the eyes. The gray sky no longer saw that this was the blue planet in outer space. There was white snow everywhere. The landing location is still in the northern hemisphere, otherwise it cannot be winter.

Chu Xiang tried to find a regional "sex" sign from the surroundings, but he failed. Even the houses in the desolate world could not be seen. Chu Xiang only found the road first, and then identified the landing place, hoping that it would not be zero. The base is too far away, because Chu Xiang has just tried, his skills are still not restored, but at the moment is not under the control of the Terminator, which shows that his skills are very dangerous, at least there will be no hope of recovery in a short time.

Chu Xiang inspected the armor while stepping on the snow without knees. He has been able to successfully excite the armor into an eggshell shape, but this is only passive defense, and he cannot fight like the Emperor Mouse Mountain at all. I do n’t know if it was because the experiment on him was not completed, or if his armor worked for this purpose, Chu Xiang lost his mood for a while. Chu Xiang also wanted to return to an egg shape to fly, but he found that it was not a weightless situation. , He ca n’t fly at all

!! This is completely different from the concept that the Terminator can be reduced to an egg shape!

Of course, it is not ruled out that Chu Xiang's energy is not enough, so he can't drive the egg to fly under the gravity of the earth. Chu Xiang repeatedly checked that the energy he had previously evolved did not show signs of recovery, maybe it can be carried out in earth space after sufficient energy. Let's fly. The energy has not recovered, and of course, the skills are not easy to use, and the space ring cannot be opened. This is really bad news. Is it possible to shrink into the egg when it is in danger?

The terrain is not a settled wilderness. There are also mountain peaks in the distance. Sometimes, you will encounter low mountain packs. You can see that there was a thick pasture by digging through the snow layer, but you ca n’t judge the location from these alone. Chu Xiang hurried to run in the snow, and finally he heard gunfire when he climbed up another mountain bag!

Chu Xiang climbed down the mountain pack, the gunfire was getting more and more fierce. He crossed a forest where most of the poles were crushed by snow, and a group of survivors were seen under another low mountain. They were forming a circle. Use machine guns to deal with a group of mutant wolves. The number of mutant wolves is not large, about 50, but the power of bullets to hit them is not great. Only by repeatedly scanning and shooting can they be completely killed. The human counterattack became somewhat weak.

There is no weapon in Chu Xiang's hands. Although there are a lot of things in the space ring, his evolution has not recovered so he ca n’t open it at all. Although there is still a small packet of high explosive "medicine", it is obviously unwise to use it to blow up the wolf pack. For a while, Chuxiang Station didn't know if it was time to step forward.

The firepower of human machine guns is not fierce, because more than twenty people have only six machine guns. Although they sometimes fire, such as submachine guns and rifles, they have a weak lethality to mutant wolves. From the fighting situation, humans are at a disadvantage. position.

Huh, a mutant wolf leaped high. It "shot" past the machine gun and "shot" and fell into the defensive circle. A survivor was thrown straight, his sharp tusks ripped his throat, and blood sprayed. On the white snow, the mutation of this mutant wolf “disrupted” the human defensive formation, and then another mutant wolf broke in. The sound of the machine gun weakened immediately, and another human encountered an unexpected situation. Don't rush forward.

Alas ... A giant wolf standing in the snow gave a cheering victory. It was probably the wolf king. It issued the next blow command to his men. The next step was to enjoy the time of human flesh and blood, Chu Xiang. With a clever move, the so-called capture thief captures the king first. If the survivors of that wolf king are run away, they will be rescued.

Although the situation of the survivors is not yet known, Chu Xiang knows nothing about it. As long as there is a hope, Chu Xiang will help them. He found it in the snow, and there was only one tree that was relatively large. Great, Chu Xiang turned his hand to the wolf king. I do n’t know if it was Chu Xiang very careful, or the wolf king was too careless. When Chu Xiang came to the place two meters behind it, he didn't even notice it, and was proud of it. Looking at the battlefield in front, humans have lost more than half. The sound of gunfire only occasionally sounded. Several mutant wolves kept eating and chewing around a corpse. They were probably starving.

Huh, Chu Xiang smashed it with a stick. The wolf king was like a calf. Chu Xiang suddenly hit and did not knock it down. Instead, he angered him. He stared back at Chu with the big wolf's eyes. Xiang, of course, Chu Xiang will not be intimidated by it. The tree stick was lifted again and knocked on the head of the wolf king. The wolf king opened his mouth to bite the stick, and the wooden stick with a thick arm was snapped, and then the wolf king shouted. Leaping forward, Chu Xiang fell to the ground.

Chu Xiang screamed badly. Although his super physique is still good, the skills he used in the past, including weapons such as bone knives, could not be used. He didn't have much confidence in dealing with this wolf king. Nothing more. At present, he only escaped from the mouth of the wolf and turned around, but ran away. However, the jumping ability of the wolf king was so great. It was just a vertical leap to Chu Xiang's body. He stopped Chu Xiang with a big mouth.

Chu Xiang had no other choice but to stretch out four egg shells from his limbs, and the fangs bite and slid open. Chu Xiang took the opportunity to hide in the shell and roll down the hillside. The wolf king But it ’s not willing to give up, to catch up, only

It tried a few sips, and it didn't have any mouth to say, even if it could bite, it wouldn't break. The angry wolf king kept kicking Chu Xiang's armor with his hoof. Chu Xiang reached out his broken clothes pocket. Touch ", even encountered the small box of fried" medicine ", fried wolf group can not be achieved, but there is no problem to bomb this wolf king.

Chu Xiang took out the high-explosive "medicine" and "plugged in" a small detonator, and then opened the case with a slit to "dew" a hand. The wolf king's righteousness was extremely corrupted. Seeing that Chu Xiang finally agreed to "dew" He bit his head and bite, Chu Xiang held up his box of explosives to the Wolf King, and the Wolf King bit his mouth and swallowed his stomach. Chu Xiang pressed the detonation switch and quickly retracted into the armor.

Boom, a regretful explosion sounded, a piece of shattered corpse flew across the sky, although Chu Xiang was hiding in the armor, but was also buzzed by Zhen's ears. These types of explosive "medicines" were too powerful. I did not expect the Terminator. The spaceship didn't come in handy, but it worked at this time, but Wang Shaohui only had such a box, and in the future, he could only stare at this situation.

The pack of wolves heard the explosion before they knew that their leader had been killed. They stopped moving their heads and became cyanotic. Humans took the opportunity to pick up weapons to launch a counterattack. One of the packs retreated, and then other mutant wolves quickly evacuated. In fact, if they persist, humans cannot defeat the victory, but mutant creatures are not always so intelligent. They only know that the leader is dead, and they only retreat without orders. Unless they are re-elected leaders, they will not have action in a short time. .

Chu Xiang got up from the snow, because the surviving humans were just at the threshold of life and death, so they didn't notice what happened here. They only watched after the explosion sounded, and at that time Chu Xiang had already guarded the snow. Jia retracts, so as not to be misunderstood by these humans, if they give Chu Xiang a shuttle, it will be troublesome.

It was determined that there was no danger, and the other party sent several people to alert and bandage the wounded, and then everyone walked forward to say hello, at this time Chu Xiang could see that they were not Chinese! Zhangkou said that the hero almost did not kill Chu Xiang, let alone how far away from the base zero, it is estimated that it is not a problem in the Asian continent! The landing error is too great. How can this be good? The rat Mountain Emperor, who has become a cricket, will endanger the safety of the base, and he must go back and destroy him early!

Chu Xiang didn't have any basic knowledge of English. The other party saw that he was Chinese and also slowed down his speaking speed. Everyone soon understood that this is the American continent, it should be in Canada, and this group is a fugitive from the US Or, they are going to Alaska, because they heard that the extremely cold climate there can prevent the t virus from invading.

The survivor's leader is a black man in his thirties. He says he is called Aldington, and there are two vice captains. One is white Peter, 27 years old, and the other The female "sex" is called Evelina. She has long blond hair and a "sexual" body under her cold clothes. She has a machine gun on her shoulders and looks very eye-catching.

"You killed the Wolf King just now. Thank you so much. Otherwise, we will destroy the army this time." The black Orddington was very grateful, and Evelina gave her a thumbs up very enthusiastically. Thanks: "The Chinese are good! You are very brave!" Only the deputy captain Bai Peter didn't speak, and Dingyan's eyes kept looking at Chu Xiang up and down. There was a skeptical look in his eyes. Chu Xiang's contempt, after all, it is too difficult to kill a wolf king without being damaged.

In addition to these three captains, they also have six intact lucky people, and three other seriously wounded. Seeing that they can't survive, so in addition to Chu Xiang and ten humans, Ordington invited Chu Xiangdao "No matter what plan you have, now come with us to Alaska, where there is hope for us humans."

Chu Xiang has no other choice. If his teleportation skills are restored, he can go home immediately, or he can fly away after the bone wings are restored, but he has nothing to do except armor, and only follows this team. The survivor first goes to Alaska, then turns to enter the Eurasian continent. As for the length of the road during this period, it is impossible to consider how long it will be for a team to survive. After all, Chu Xiang is not his former skill. Now he needs military skills.

And clothes and food.

"Well, I'll go to Alaska with everyone, and we will take care of it on the way. I'm afraid that the mutant wolves will chase after finding the leader, so it's not too late, we hurried away," Chu Xiang expressed his meaning. Come out, for Xie Shanshan's days, it is not easy for him to speak so much English today.

The deputy captain White Peter said dissatisfied: "It's not your turn to give orders here. If you want to join our team, you must remember that Aldington is the first leader and I am the second leader. What should you do? You need to listen to the order. "

Chu Xiang didn't understand all of Peter ’s words, but he guessed that he would n’t be too far away. “Sex” would n’t talk anymore. Bai Peter nodded with satisfaction at Chu Xiang, and Aldington greeted six people. The survivors gave the three seriously wounded people a good deal, and then packed up the backpacks of the sacrificed humans and set off.

Evelina took a Colt policeman with a revolver from her waist and threw it to Chu Xiang. "Yeah, it is not possible to defend yourself without a weapon. In addition, you must find a piece of clothes to change. It will freeze to death on such a cold day. I do n’t know. How did you endure it before? "

Chu Xiang opened the runner and saw that there were only four bullets. In fact, this pistol was not very harmful to mutants, but it was better than none. Chu Xiang smiled at Evelina gratefully, and went to the body to strip the clothes. In fact, more than a dozen humans were sacrificed, and they still had guns left, but White Peter took all the bullets out of it. Even if Chu Xiang picked up an empty gun, it was useless. He might wear a few extra clothes. Two daggers, a Swiss watch, and a lighter were found in the body. Later, Chu Xiang carried the rope tents on the bodies.

"Let's go!" Aldington pointed to the front, and ten people walked on the snow silently to continue on, so the road was desolate, let alone the town was not seen, not even a dirt road, This also greatly reduces the danger of encountering zombies. Chu Xiang does not know how the zombies have become on the ground in the Americas, and does not know how often the terminator appears here. Without the acetate bombs and without the spear of trial, just in case What to do with Terminator and Second Mutant Zombies? This problem can only be explored slowly.

Snow fell in the sky in the afternoon, because the sight was unclear, although I had gone wrong several times with the compass, I encountered a deep trench that was impossible to cross on the way, turned a few miles to find a gentle slope, and waited to climb It was later discovered that this was a Taniguchi, and the snow covered how thick a person was and couldn't pass! No way but to turn around and find a way again.

When the night came down, the team camped on an open snow field. In fact, you should find a sheltered hillside. However, the path that followed was full of vast grass. His pain has disappeared a lot, although his super power has not recovered, but his super physique is still there, so there is nothing to march this afternoon. Instead, Peter and the six survivors are tired enough, and when they heard that, Ording Dayton issued a camping order to lie on the ground like a dead dog, and Evelina walked for one afternoon carrying a machine gun without seeing tiredness. It seems that this woman is not simple.

Ding Dingdong managed to set up four tents, Aldington and White Peter occupied one, six male members took one from every three, and the other was left to the only female vice captain of the team. Velina, in this way Chu Xiang had carried the tent for an afternoon instead of owning it.

Ordington said to Chu Xiang: "Come with us in a tent."

Chu Xiang got in and looked at it, but there were only two sleeping bags, and he could only drill out again. Bai Peter smiled at him. "Chinese, don't ask too much. We are willing to take you with you. Grace, look at your bald head, let alone many disgusting people, come and get dinner. "

White Peter is taking a can from a big bag. The six survivors have each received one. Some people have opened it to eat. Chu Xiang saw that it was beef. When he took the can from White Peter, the light You can see from the printing of the skin that this is just a can of vegetables, and the name Chu Xiang certainly doesn't know it.

Chu Xiang is not

Careful, after picking up the can and sitting in the snowdrift piled up because of the camp, he took out a dagger and pierced the can. He only knew the taste was not suitable for Chinese taste, but he could not bear to eat the can, and then took two more. Xuequan should drink water, suffering so much suffering on the terminator's spacecraft, and now he urgently needs to supplement his physical fitness.

After thinking about it, Chu Xiang decided to sleep outside and should live next to him due to his constitution, but Chu Xiang still acted to pile up the surrounding snow into a snow wall to form a high snow nest, and then picked off the clothes from the corpse. Put it all on, so it's warmer to lie in the snow den to avoid the wind.

Night fell early, and there was no fire in the camp because there was no fuel. There was only wild grass on the ground here, and all the survivors who had eaten cans got into their tents under the snow, and only Evelina left. In front of Chu Xiang's snow nest.

"Chinese, what's your name? How did you get here?" Evelina shot Chu Xiang with a machine gun. Chu Xiang opened her eyes and said, "Chu Xiang, I'm here in Canada, and my companions are dead. , Now only myself. "

Chu Xiang must not say that he accidentally landed here from outer space. He must not tell this secret except his own. Otherwise, these Americans might have cleared himself as an infected alien. If his superpowers are still available, he will not. They will look down on these people, but they have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Evelina said: "I hope you can continue to survive, this road is getting harder and harder, and we dare not take the road, even the small road, because there are too many zombies there, I really Afraid that this team cannot go to Alaska, we originally decided to go to Antarctica, but there will be more zombies and mutant monsters to cross the equator line, so we only travel north, the initial team is huge, there are more than 200 people, and now ... you saw it yourself. "

Chu Xiang nodded: "I will definitely live because I still have to return to China ~ ~ Can I ask how many zombies and terminator are here?" Chu Xiang's English level is not high, plus The term Terminator and zombies are more familiar to the Chinese, but it took a lot of effort to explain to Evelina, so a short sentence was spoken for a few minutes.

But Evelina quickly understood these two things, and the subsequent conversation was much smoother. "The first shock we received was the creepers. They killed more than a hundred of our team members, and then we encountered another zombie. Assaulted the camp and lost more than 50 people, but we did not meet the Terminator you said. "

Chu Xiang is a bit depressed. Does the Terminator only deal with the Chinese? However, from the analysis of Evelina's narrative, there are also two mutated zombies here. It seems that their troops did not meet the Terminator just for luck.

After telling the general situation, Evelina said to Chu Xiang: "Do you think you can still see the sun on the snow tonight?"

Chu Xiang laughed: "I have seen it for many days, thank you for your concern."

Evelina nodded and no longer said, she went into her tent against the machine gun, closed her eyes and began to think about the past two days. Her body had undergone such a big change, and Chu Xiang really felt tired and wondered Did not feel asleep. Snow fell on him, and it soon covered people.

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