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Chapter 524: Bribery pulling relationship

[524] Bribery Pull Relationship

It is difficult for people who have not experienced the last days to understand the importance of food. Some people may think of a bottle of wine and a bag of biscuits in the eyes of some people, but for people who have eaten food that has been smelly for a few years, these things are better than heaven. Delicious and delicious! This is why Zhang Zhi "dew" out of dementia after seeing the food brought by Chu Xiang.

Zhang Zhi wants to swallow all these things, but he knows that taking people's hands is short and eating people's mouths. He can only enjoy a part of this pile of things, and the rest is used to make people's things, but Zhang Zhi is determined The idea is that you have to take half of it, or else he won't help.

Watching Zhang Zhi collect half of the food under the bed of his good-looking woman, Guan Shan swallowed hard. Although he was the owner of the ancient "confused" bar, he couldn't even eat these things! After two years of consumption, the Antarctic base has already lost these supplies! Even the alcohol used for blending was running low.

Chu Xiang patted Guan Shan's shoulder, and then quietly said, "What's the matter, our brothers will enjoy each other for a while."

Guan Shan froze, but then he came over and said, "You mean these things still?"

Chu Xiang said: "Although not much, it is enough for us to eat."

Guan Shan said excitedly: "Good guy, you still have a hand."

Seeing that Zhang Zhi had hidden the canned food and the wine came out, Chu Xiang closed his mouth and stopped talking, and Guan Shan was not a child, so naturally he didn't mention it. The owner of the clothing store came out to send Zhang Zhi. This is a somewhat chubby woman who looks quite temperament. It is estimated that her original identity is not bad. It is just that a few people in the Antarctic base are ordinary identities, but that was only before. They are just ordinary people. It is good to be full with meals three times a day.

Zhang Zhi said to Guan Shan as he walked: "I'll go to our section chief first. He and Conrns have always been in communication. As long as he is willing to come forward to reconcile, I think there is hope to do this, but Conrns has an appetite. It ’s big. I ’m afraid it ’s hard to trade in Xu Shumei ’s safety for a little bit of benefit, and we have to take care of it with our section chief. See if these things are missing. ”

Chu Xiang and Guan Shan scolded Zhang Zhi despicably. Why did n’t he say less when he hid half of the food himself? Chu Xiang still had some scruples, fearing that Zhang Zhi wouldn't lead him into the building, so he didn't say anything directly, but Guan Shan Could not help but said: "Zhang Zhi, you think about it well, we have just such things together, you can't take care of it yourself! Anyway, Xu Shumei is dead and I won't live anymore, but people can do everything before they die! "

Guan Shan's words were threatened, which meant that if Zhang Zhi took advantage of it, he wouldn't do anything, and Xu Shumei would be unlucky if he was finished! Although Zhang Zhi didn't want to be threatened, he also knew that Guanshan Antarctic Base was not Xiao Sansan, how could he be a boss with a little face. If he tried hard to live with himself, he might not have a good life. So Zhang Zhi changed his tone immediately.

"Although it's a little less, we can still try it. After all, these gadgets are rare. First find our section chief to see if it is possible. If our section chief doesn't help, I am afraid it will be difficult. "

Zhang Zhi led quickly to the Antarctic Mansion, but he did not walk through the main entrance. It is now off-hours. If Zhang Zhi casually leads people into the building and feels hair, then his work will be dangerous, but many people live In the Antarctic Building, who has no relatives and friends has found a feasible way for everyone to communicate after work. It is a hidden door for transporting garbage. In fact, this is not for people, but it will become a road after more people walk. Already.

But do n’t expect this road to be smooth. First of all, it is a problem to be close to the building. When you are two streets away from the building, you will be martialized. The people who live on these two streets are the staff and family members who work in the building. They are the first checkpoint, then the patrolmen on the two streets, and then there are a large number of soldiers guarding the outside of the building. It is very difficult to avoid their eyes.

This was led by an internal staff. None of the previous issues were problems.

Zhang Zhi smugly took a key from his arms and said, "If you want to enter the building after work hours, don't think about it without me, but I also warn you, follow me honestly, otherwise I won't Acknowledge that you brought you in, and then you will live on your own. "

Chu Xiang looked up at the Antarctic Building. This is a pure metal building with about 20 or more floors. Its first and second floors and the top floors are strictly sealed. This is to prevent someone from climbing into the building from above or underground. There are windows that can be opened during working hours on the second floor and above. However, this window does not last for a long time. It can neither see the sun nor put in fresh air. There are ventilation systems in the building, so the windows usually open. Not much, which makes the entire building look flawless.

Zhang Zhi unlocked the lock on the secret door, and then ostentatiously said to Chu Xiang: "Let ’s go, our section chief lives on the 17th floor. Our road is still far away. I ’ve left it out to help you do this. . "

There is an elevator in the Antarctic Building, and the interior decoration does not look as dazzling as the outside. Generally speaking, entering into this building does not feel much different from the previous building, but the elevator has been removed after work. Locked up, Zhang Zhi took the two of them up the stairs, and the 17th floor was high enough. Guan Shan, who was climbing up and tired, was panting.

There is no office on the 17th floor. All cadres who live above the branch level are living there. If there is such a division in the Antarctic base, there are doors on both sides of the corridor. Each door represents a family. Zhang Zhi finds a house and presses the doorbell. The man who opened the door was a nearly 50-year-old Chinese man. He obviously did not expect that Zhang Zhi would look for him at this time.

"Zhang Zhi? What are you doing here?" The other party's tone was bad, and it seemed to be disgusted by the guests who came suddenly.

Zhang Zhidao: "Secretary, I'm in a hurry to find you, can you go in and say?"

The section chief took a look at Guan Shan and Chu Xiang, and his eyes were distrustful. Zhang Zhi explained: "It's all your own. This is a good thing for the section chief! But outsiders talk a lot and it's better to go into the house and say . "

He only nodded when he heard that the section chief was good. He let the door open and the three mermaids came in. The space inside was not large, two rooms and one living room, but compared to the dove cage outside, it was considered a high-level residence. , The three have not stood still a woman came out of the inner room, her face is "colored" and "tide". The red clothes are a bit irregular. It is estimated that Zhang Zhi was busy fighting in the ovary in front of the door, and was suddenly interrupted by anyone. Will be happy.

The woman came back to the room after she was cool and white, and she was 20 years younger than the section chief. It is not the original match, but the wife she found after the virus. It is normal even if she is 30 years old. If there is a benefit after the virus outbreak, it is that women are more secure, and there is no mention of equality between men and women. They are willing to hide behind men and do obscene help, because otherwise, men would easily throw her away. It was either starving to death or being played by others.

"Let's go," Section Chief sipped Er Erlang's legs and took the cup.

Zhang Zhi didn't say anything, but instead threw the contents of the bag down to the table. This trick is exactly the same as what Chu Xiang used just now, saying that everything is in vain. Instead of letting the actual thing tell the truth, the chief of the department showed that The reaction was exactly the same as Zhang Zhi's, with a look of dementia.

"Oh my God, I didn't look at the flowers. Where did I get it? Canned food, white wine, compressed biscuits. Impossible, impossible to have these things! The food brought back from the old base was eaten up already! Is it The American representative gave it to you? No, the gift he brought was only enjoyed by senior staff. How could you have it? "

Chu Xiang's remarks gave Chu Xiang a lot of news. The Americans have found this base! And they had contact with the top of the base! Counting to Chu Xiang is still one step late, but there is no way. This base was originally established by the Americans. It is normal for people to find and quickly communicate with high-level officials.

It is also good to get the current results.

Hearing the movement in the living room, two women suddenly appeared in the inner room! One of them was the one who had just turned water, and the other was a blond foreign girl. She had a long sense of "sex". When Zhang Zhi met her, she stood up and called him respectfully. Chu Xiang knew this. This is the wife of the section chief, and the relationship was just a nanny.

The section chief saw that his wife and babysitter were about to come up. He hurriedly put things together in his arms, and then said to the two women: "Both go back to the room! What will come out like this!" Indeed, the foreign woman only Wearing a pajamas, the neckline of the pajamas is very wide, half of the r rooms are "outside", and the Guanshan throat is surging. This old guy actually finds the name of a nanny to play Shuangfei every day, and it is still a combination of Chinese and foreign.

The chief of the team resigned and said to the two women, "Say, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Zhidao: "It's such a section manager. My friend offended Connes. I want to ask you to help me. The other is my college classmate. He is working in the maintenance department. You also know that the maintenance department has an accident today. Many people have died, so I would like to ask you to help him out. "

The chief said: "It's not difficult to tune people, but I'm afraid you can't help with offending Connes."

Zhang Zhi didn't go in circles, pointing at something on the table: "Secretary, can't these still move you?"

The section chief swallowed his mouth and said, "Would you like me to try it? But it's a bit late today, and I'll wait for my news tomorrow."

Zhang Zhi stood up and said, "Okay, everything is up to the chief."

At this time, the section chief delivered the guests, and Zhang Zhi took the lead to go out. Guan Shan and Chu Xiang were reluctant. According to Guan Shan, the section chief was now asked to go to Conns, but apparently they did not want to waste good spring. It is unknown where the Conns are, it seems that only news tomorrow.

This time, Chu Xiang looked at the general framework of the Antarctic Building. In fact, it is dominated by dwellers. As long as he has a certain identity, or can contribute to the base, or a high-level relative, friend, or subordinate, These people can live in the building and enjoy the free food and beverage provided by the base. They can also bring a certain number of family members according to the level. Like Zhang Zhi's chief, he is the leader of the archives office and is mainly responsible for organizing the various items brought to the Antarctic base. This information can be used when humans return to the ground.

Zhang Zhi took Guan Shan and Chu Xiang out of the building and returned to the entrance of the clothing store. He said, "Let's just break up. Wait for my news tomorrow. You just saw it myself. I have already done my best. Now I can only help. It's up to you. "

At this time, Guan Shan couldn't find any reason to blame. He could only speak indignantly, but Chu Xiang did not care, and said, "Thank you for your old classmate. Then we go back first and come to you tomorrow."

Zhang Zhijin clothing store took two sets of clothes and handed them to Chu Xiang: "Old classmate, you hold the clothes, although they are worn out, but there is still a lot of money in the base. If you find such food and give it to me, I'm sure I won't let you suffer. How do I know a lot of three teachings and nine in my base, it is better than you to deal with it. The so-called guilty innocence carries the crime, don't do it because of the food.

Chu Xiang took the clothes politely: "Okay, we have the opportunity to cooperate again, but now we have nothing."

Chu Xiang and Guan Shan went back to the ancient "Confused" Tsai Bar, because they had just been disturbed by Conns, so there were no guests in the bar tonight. The two waiters were lying dozing on the bar, and there were a few more appearances. The mediocre woman was bored sitting in a chair waiting for business, Guan Shandao said, "No business tonight, close home early, and let those dancers go."

I heard that during the holiday, the two waiters immediately came to the spirits, drove the dancers out and locked the bar door to leave, Guan Shan and Chu Xiang entered the hidden door behind the bar and opened the office. Xu Shumei, who was hidden inside, protruded: How come back, Guanshan, me

I need to go to the bathroom. I can't hold back if you don't come back. "

Guan Shan laughed: "Living people can still urinate, I will take you to the toilet, Chu Xiang will go down and wait for us for a while."

Chu Xiang went down to the secret room. Although Guanshan laid ventilation ducts, it was not a standard design after all, so there was a strange smell in the secret room, not to mention the toilet inside, so Xu Shumei tried desperately to wait for Guanshan to return, while Nobody Chu Xiang first opened the space ring and took out a pile of food. Then he picked out a few items from the uniform, and also took out some weapons, mainly pistols and bullets. The grenade was not dare to use it, for fear of excessive power. Blasted the Antarctic base.

After waiting for a few minutes, they didn't see the two returning. Presumably it was a bad stomach. Chu Xiang decided to take advantage of this time to explore the structure of the underground part of the Antarctic base. He controlled the metal wall to open a hole. The thickness of the hole was not surprising. Guan Shan could not expand the area of ​​this secret room. He just used the gap in the underground to reconstruct the secret room. It was beyond his ability to move other parts. Although Guan Shan had a little strength, he could not get electrical welding equipment at all.

Chu Xiang's probe looked into the cave. It was full of rows of pipes, thick and thin, with crisscrosses extending to the surrounding area. There were also a number of underground buildings. Chu Xiang thought about drilling through the entrance of the cave. Then he sealed the mouth of the cave. He had to check the ground thoroughly. This was his main purpose of staying at the Antarctic base. After all, he could not compare with the Americans. The representative of the United States may have a structural map of the Antarctic base, and Chu Xiang could only rely on himself. Come and explore.

Judging from the overall structure of the underground part, the Antarctic base is not a hemisphere, but a real sphere, but ordinary people can only see and touch the upper hemisphere. The lower hemisphere is the engine room and power room that maintains the base operation. There are some closed buildings that I do n’t know what to do. The openings are all on the ground. Chu Xiang tried to open a small hole secretly to observe the inside. Some were closed rooms and some were warehouses. Some of them were geothermal generators. The other four were There is a huge cabinet-like sealed building in the direction. When Chu Xiang controlled the metal to open a hole, the seawater was very high pressure!

Chu Xiang was afraid of damaging the facilities under the base, so he left the cabinets empty without further inspection. It took half an hour to see the time. It is estimated that Guan Shan and Xu Shumei had to wait for it. The metal cut a hole and drilled into the ground, and then he walked back to the ancient "confused" bar, unscrewed the door lock and entered the hidden door behind the bar.

The entrance to Guanshan Zhengan door and the narrow staircase were “touched” everywhere, and when he heard the sound, he looked up to see Chu Xiang and then looked startled: “When did you get outside? I thought you got into these metals. . "

Chu Xiang then knew what Guan Shan was "touching". It turned out that he was looking for himself. It is estimated that he could not think of it as a secret room, and why a person suddenly disappeared. If he did not return, Guan Shan would regard his disappearance as another secret case of a secret room. Chu Xiang laughed: "So you plan to" touch "me?"

Guan Shandao: "Yes, Xu Shumei cried in regret, saying that you should not put it in your own private room. If I don't find you, she will eat me. I am thinking about whether I should find a hammer to surround this place. Smashed the iron wall. "

Chu Xiang said: "Don't let me stay in the secret room with you to go to the toilet together, okay, I just go outside myself, to see if you are nervous, go, let's drink two cups."

In the big room, Xu Shumei was sitting on the bed and wept. She didn't even move a bunch of delicious food on the bed, which made Chu Xiang feel warm. Guan Shan and Xu Shumei were really worried about his safety. It is a stark contrast to greed. It is not easy to meet such old classmates and friends in the last days.

After hearing the footsteps, Xu Shumei looked up and saw Guan Shan leading Chu Xiang back. She shouted, "Chu Xiang, where did you go, scared us to death? I thought you disappeared somehow. Remember when we went out, The back door is closed. Why would you run outside? "

Chu Xiang laughed and said, "I'll do magic. I won't talk about this anymore."

I worried you two just now. Come, let's drink and eat, and let me punish myself for three cups. "

Guan Shan gave a big grin, "Don't, if you really want to make a crime, you will be punished by drinking three fewer cups. The three extra cups will be replaced by me."

Seeing Guan Shan's impatient look, Chu Xiang said, "Come! I have one drink, you drink three, and you will not be drunk tonight."

Do n’t worry about Chu Xiang ’s disappearance. Xu Shumei brought the problem to a pile of items on the bed, and even Guan Shan had to take it seriously, because there was an absolute contraband on the bed—weapons. The Antarctic base was underwater. This sphere It is not very strong. A large fire and explosion is enough to destroy everything, so the control of weapons is quite strict.

Chu Xiang said: "It's a problem to get close to your safety.

Xu Shumei said: "It should be safe to hide here. If these high-level bases know that these weapons will kill us, it is too dangerous to put them away."

At a glance, it was known that Xu Shumei and Guan Shan were both people who had not experienced heavy waves. They had escaped Antarctica and escaped many zombies. Even after the Antarctic base was infected with t virus, the situation was not serious enough. Most of them People are still in the base of peaceful transition, so they are still strange to weapons.

Chu Xiang said: "In fact, it is not safe to hide anywhere. They really want to find us without any effort." As Chu Xiang pointed to the bracelet on his wrist, it was a signal to send a "shooter" and a bomb. Scanning the signal can easily find the owner of the bracelet.

Who knew Guan Shan smiled proudly: "Not afraid, I have a signal blocker here, hey, stuff, I bought this thing all over my two-year operating income, and people ca n’t even send a“ shot ”in the room. . "

Chu Xiang was relieved then, "It turns out that you have been prepared for a while, so I'm relieved to come and drink cans!"

Chu Xiang returned to the maintenance department when he was in the bright sky. Now he knows about the main structure of the Antarctic base. It does n’t make much sense to stay in the maintenance department. At this time, Zhang Zhi also realized his first promise. The fat man in the duty room called Chu Xiang in and said there was a transfer order.

"Three hunting?" Chu Xiang took the yellowed paper and looked at it.

The fat man said, "Yes, hurry up and report. There is an address under the order, so don't go wrong."

Chu Xiang found three hunting houses according to the address. This was an inconspicuous metal house, but when Chu Xiang entered, he realized that the internal space of the house was not proportional to the external space. It was obvious that the main ground level was below the ground level. Four large cabinets, Chu Xiang understand a little, UU reading www.uukanshu. The four cabinets in the four directions of com are hunting four, and it is not difficult to understand the stinky marine life corpses in one place in the house. The hunting department hunts marine life, which is also the main food source of the base.

Chu Xiang suddenly realized that Zhang Zhi was posing together. This guy said he was transferred out of the maintenance department, but he didn't say where to adjust in advance. Is there any danger in this hunting department? .

Chu Xiang handed the order to the office, and was then arranged into a hunting team. At this time, at the beginning of the day, someone threw a diving suit to Chu Xiang, and took the key on his wrist to open the key, saying: "wear Now, we are about to go into the water. Today, I will sell my life. The output of these two days has been crushed by the other three. If you ca n’t complete the task, everyone will drink northwest wind. "

Although Chu Xiang was reluctant, he still wanted to know how to get food at the Antarctic base. So he changed into a diving suit and entered a closet behind these people. The waterproof valve was closed when he came in, and then the water inlet valve on the other side opened. A total of twelve people were preparing to dive. Everyone put on an oxygen hood, and the water pressure was quickly leveled with the outside. No stranger to Chu Xiang here, because he is not the first

I came out for the first time, but at this time Chu Xiang knew that the complicated procedures when he came in were almost useless. At present, he knows that there are four easy ways to enter.

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