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Chapter 527: Bar bargain

[527] Great bar

None of Chu Xiang's drowsiness jumped up. Could it be said that Conns returned and returned? Hasn't it been beaten enough? Chu Xiang believes that the investigation of the Antarctic base has come to an end. The next job is to establish an Antarctic base, and then approach the senior management with the prestige of the party. Therefore, even if Connes is turned into a pig, you are not afraid to cause trouble. The management of the Antarctic base "forced" to despair, they will not destroy the base.

When Chu Xiang stood up and watched the music, the visitor was not Connance, but a pig. If he was not familiar with his voice, I'm afraid I couldn't recognize it. It was Zhang Zhi. The clothes are completely different, with blood on his face and half of his ears being torn off. How embarrassing and how embarrassing it is, unlike the arrogant look when he asked him for help last night.

"The surname is Guan, the surname is Chu, you should come out to me!" Zhang Zhi wanted to yell, but the sound of his terrible body pain turned into a groan. This time, it really wasn't enough to steal chicken. Si not only beat him, but also snatched away the foods he had kept privately, and even his good-looking clothing store was also stung.

Chu Xiang brightened the lights in the bar and said, "Isn't this an old classmate? How did it become this? Did you drill a trash can?"

Zhang Zhi saw Chu Xiang's revenge pounced deep in the sea: "I fight with you!" Just how can Zhang Zhi compare with Chu Xiang at this point, Chu Xiang pushed him gently, Zhang Zhi fluttered. Wrestling on the ground, both front teeth fell off.

Guan Shan and Xu Shumei made professional outfits for the four women. When they heard the noise in front, they ran out and looked at them. At the beginning, they did not recognize Zhang Zhilai, but Zhang Zhi's scolding tone was very familiar. Guan Shan saw Zhang Zhi got up from the ground and was about to pounce on Chu Xiang. He stepped forward and stopped, "What's going on?"

Zhang Zhi saw that the "color" of hatred was heavy in Guan Shan's eyes. He "sexually" gave up Chu Xiang and rushed to Guan Shan, but Guan Shan was not annoying, especially the opponent was just an ordinary person. He pushed Zhang Zhi away with a palm of his hand. Seeing Zhang Zhi rushing again like crazy, he slaps out to incite, Zhang Zhi was beaten for a few laps, thumped and fell to the ground again, he didn't get up for a while, and sat on the ground with his face half-covered Daze.

Guan Shan cursed, "Your mother, you're sick. Don't you go to bed in the middle of the night to find a fight?"

Zhang Zhi came to his senses and ran to the ancient "confused" bar to fight with others. Even if you want to fight, you are looking for help. It is really confusing. Zhang Zhi gave up his intention to continue desperately with the other party, and said, "Guan Shan, Chu Xiang, you two are fierce! How dare you betray me? Now I'm down, don't you think it is good!"

Guan Shan knew that Kang Ensi must have gone to Zhang Zhi. He didn't have much pitiful thoughts on this kind of guy who took things and did nothing, but Xu Shumei couldn't bear it. In the final analysis, it was still a classmate. Female "sex" sympathy It began to flood again. Besides, Xu Shumei didn't know what happened to Connance at the bar tonight. She said to Zhang Zhi, "Zhang Zhi, what's the matter, don't you spit it out?"

Zhang Zhi's face was indignant: "I blew my blood? They both begged me to handle my knife behind me. Connance went to the clothing store just to remove all my things. He also smashed the store and threatened to make me unemployed tomorrow. If not for them Haunted, will Connes go to me? "

Guan Shan's face turned red slightly. Zhang Zhi was right after all. They were taught by Kang Ensi, which made Guan Shan, who always had a sense of righteousness, feel a little guilty, but Chu Xiang did not think so. He said: "Zhang Zhi, I think you misunderstood us. Just now Conns came to Xu Shumei again. You also know that we dare not fight with him, so we just ask for it, and mentioned the gifts we sent up. I hope he looks at the gifts. Xu Shumei was released. Who knows that your section chief took things and didn't do anything? Connance didn't receive anything at all and was kept in the dark. You said that there was no way we could give this gift back. Quietly, we are not stupid. It would be better to eat things by ourselves. "

Zhang Zhi opened his mouth and said nothing

After that, the latter bit his teeth and said, "I asked our chief to make sense. In short, I and you guys are not over. My Zhang Zhihao is also a person with a face and face at the Antarctic base. No one wants to frame me!"

Chu Xiang closed the door of the bar and said to Guan Shan: "Teach him a lesson this time to make him dare to look down on us again."

Guan Shan sighed: "The greedy end, but Zhang Zhi is so snob-headed that it is cheap for him to eat this."

It is unknown how Zhang Zhi found his chief. Chu Xiang et al. In short, Chu Xiang had a good night's sleep tonight. It was considered a birdie last night to find Zhang Zhi as a gift giver, and he was relaxed the next day. Prepare to go to work, and Guanshan's bar is not open in the morning, so as long as the door is locked, there should be no more trouble, and Chu Xiang also strengthened the gate of the Guanshan bar, as long as it is not forced to enter.

When the captain of the hunting unit announced today's plan, hunting six giant fishes, when will it be completed and when will it come to work, Chu Xiang observed that a big pot was set up inside the house. The fat beast that was captured yesterday has been peeled and boned, and it is fatty. It ’s rolling in a fat pan, and a scent of fat is floating inside the house. It seems that the hunting department is not only going to the sea to hunt for food, but also responsible for handling the food. As long as the food and oil in the Antarctic Building are ready, as for those fried oil After the fat and leftovers will be supplied to the market, usually one Antarctic coin can buy back the food for two people a day.

When Sean and Mo Baozhen saw Chu Xiang coming, they refused to leave half a step around him. It is estimated that they would like to get in touch with Chu Xiang to light up. The two kept telling Chu Xiang something new, but there was last night. What happened at the auction, but the two did not know the owner who took the high price right in front of them. The two even made an appointment tonight to see the expensive woman at the ancient "confused" bar, and invited Chu Xiang to go to Chu Xiang with a smile Refused.

"Go, go," the captain took out the diving suit and oxygen cylinder and harpoon from the warehouse. Everyone put on their clothes and went into the decompression chamber. Soon the water flooded in. The valve opened and everyone went into the sea. After swimming hundreds of meters forward, I saw a giant fish lingering in the water. The captain waved his hand, and three harpoons shot out.

The giant fish has five normal human bodies, and one harpoon stabs its fisheye, but the other two harpoons fall out. Although this giant fish does not eat meat, it does not actively attack humans, but if it The resistance shown by the threat was still amazing. It threw a violent blow in the head water, and the harpoon on the eye of the stingray flew out, with a **** eyeball "plugged" in it, which was very scary.

The captain was close. Although Harpoon was not "shooting" at him, he hit him across the chest. The captain was backed up by the water that was hit, and his chest was almost filled with breath. The harpoon stabbed the giant fish one after the other, the giant fish was in pain, and the tail fluttered to stir the players behind the harpoon.

Another member of the stabbing giant fish held the harpoon tightly in his hands, but the giant fish suddenly launched his whole body strength to swim away. The sea cut his skin like a sharp knife. The team member knew that he could not hold on for long, and could not say It was about to give up. At this moment, a harpoon suddenly thundered from the side with a lightning flash, and then picked up the harpoon. The giant fish's head smashed open. The flesh and blood flew around in the sea. The fish's body twisted a few times and finally no movement, flickered down to the yellow sea floor.

The captain raised his arms to greet the players scattered around, and everyone pulled the giant fish back into the decompression chamber, then closed the outer valve, and the water in the decompression chamber was drained. Someone dragged the first prey away. Of course, I did not forget Fill the decompression chamber with water again, and then the prey and team members cannot return.

Of course, the person who speared the harpoon and smashed the head of the giant fish was of course Chu Xiang. The captain and the people who could not speak underwater could only express their appreciation to Chu Xiang with his thumb. Chu Xiang had his own ideas. No one can sit in town, so the sooner you can complete today ’s work and protect the bar, the better. So in the following hunting process, Chu Xiang played the role of hunter, while the captain and the rest of the team just drove the giant fish to facilitate Chu Xiang to get started. The task of yielding did not use one

It was completed in an hour. This is the first time for the hunting of three divisions, and the death rate of the team members has dropped to zero.

Taking the latter giant fish into the base from the decompression chamber, the captain took off his mask and said excitedly: "Good boy, I didn't expect your strength to be stronger than yesterday's forecast. We will be blessed to hunt three of them after you."

The players are happier than the captain, especially Sean and Mo Baozhen. They seem to have a closer relationship with themselves than others. If Chu Xiang behaves so bravely every day, the danger of the hunting department's work will be dangerous. It has dropped sharply, and you can get off work early if you complete the task ahead of time. After you save enough money, each person will buy a woman. After that, the wife and child will be hot, and they will be lucky compared to those who died of t virus infection or are still wandering. too much.

The captain entered the office to discuss with the on-duty leader for a while, then came out and announced loudly: "Brothers, because we can complete the task ahead of time in these two days, the three leaders decided to reward everyone and let us applaud!"

I heard that there is a reward for everyone who ignores the uncomfortableness of just coming back from diving and applauded. A solid black man came out of the office. He pressed down with both hands to signal everyone to be quiet. Very timely, this allows us to look up the leadership logistics department of the three hunting departments. In order to show our appreciation to everyone, today each person cut five pounds of fish meat as a prize. I hope that from tomorrow, you will exceed the task, so that you If you can get a lot of extra rewards, you can also save enough money early to buy a woman to have a child. My words are over and everyone will disband. "

Five pounds of fish meat per person, everyone burst into a bang, surprise, absolute surprise, these people worked hard to get two Antarctic coins a day is nothing more than buy two pounds of fish meat, not to mention that most of these players are not women Many people secretly save money to prepare to 'marry' a wife. The leadership of the hunting tribe today sent out five catties of fish for prizes, which saved three days of food expenses. This is never a thing! And all this is because of the arrival of Chu Xiang, everyone came forward to express their gratitude to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang did not intend to win the gratitude of these people. He just wanted to close the job early and go back to the ancient "confused" bar. Chu Xiang came out of the hunting department with more than ten pounds of fish cut by others, because Chu Xiang was a big contributor. Therefore, the captain ’s decision aggravates Chu Xiang ’s reward. However, the weight of other people ’s fish is less, but none of them complains. After all, it is impossible for them to smash the brains of six giant fishes, let alone everyone. I also look forward to tomorrow Chu Xiang exceeding the task, so no one feels bad for half a catty of fish that everyone has less points to share.

Back to the ancient "confused" bar, Chu Xiang looked at the time only 9:30, this job is more free than the maintenance department, although the danger is "sexual", but this danger is only for ordinary people, relatively Chu Xiang It is much easier to say.

"No one is going to make trouble, right?" Chu Xiang opened the door, Guan Shan was setting the stage, and he planned to make a blockbuster tonight.

Guan Shan put down his living path: "No, no one can enter without closing the door. I guess there will be troubles tonight. You will have to send them by then. How come back so early? Did you quit your job? Did not hear You can resign freely. "

Chu Xiang said: "Working without leaving is to complete the task in advance, and there are rewards, ten pounds of fish, eat lunch for a while."

Guan Shan happily stepped forward to take the fish and said, "It's great. I'm worried about how so many people get lunch. Right, I still have a lot of questions for your help. We will study them later."

Entering the backstage, Chu Xiang was a bit dumbfounded. The five girls I bought yesterday were just a little surprisingly dressed, and the bunny girl was just that, not to mention that the big-boobed woman who was originally the No. 1 auction was still In particular, two roots of Roshan were tied with two soft cords on the chest, which made a pair of trembling slightly "milk" amazing!

Guanshan was very proud to see Chu Xiang's surprised eyes, "How about? Let these women be waitresses tonight.

There are often such scenes in the world, but not many Antarctic bases can come up with such scenes, but we have women, but the problem of wine has not been resolved, and we must think of a way to inform those guests. The hardware of Tsai Bar has been upgraded, otherwise it will still be cold. "

Chu Xiang nodded: "How did you engage in alcohol before?

Guan Shandao: "I'm planning to go to the sixth place with wine. It's quite ample time in the morning, should we go and see?"

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, let's write a few leaflets to find a place to post it, but it can be posted near the rose bar, um ... every customer who comes tonight to provide a glass of wine for free!"

Guan Shan first objected: "Everyone has one free cup! Too much, we have to pay for it ... Oh, I forgot, what money is, what we don't need is money! But we still have to buy alcohol first, or there will be more Money is useless. "

Chu Xiang and Guan Shan spent half an hour working on the table to write a dozen leaflets. The key is that they lacked the talent for painting. Otherwise, they would put the portrait of the "breast" **** the leaflet. Do not believe those Men do n’t come, but I believe that those men ca n’t help but be tempted to provide a glass of wine for free because many customers come to the bar to consume only a glass of wine! It's a fool not to have the existing free supply!

Guan Shan took Chu Xiang to the Rose Bar on the other side of the base. There was no door open in the morning, and he found a few prominent places to put up the leaflet. Although he knew that people at the Rose Bar would tear it off, it would How many people see how much, not to mention the Guanshan and several entrances and exits of the Antarctic Mansion have posted leaflets, coupled with the Antarctic base has nothing to do, people have nothing but gossip, I believe this news will soon spread.

Jiu Lao Liu is the alcohol supplier of the entire Antarctic base. There is no other reason, because his brother is the director of the logistics department of the Antarctic base. Private wine or alcohol is running out of time, and only the logistics department of the base has some surplus. , But the day has dried up, so the so-called white-collar and gold-collar workers here are proud to drink a glass of wine, that is a sign of identity!

On Chu Xiang Road, he randomly picked a few pieces of scrap metal to make a pile of Antarctic coins. Guan Shan picked a piece of broken plastic cloth from the roadside and wrapped the Antarctic coins. A house under the Antarctic Building found the sixth old wine. He is an Australian People, but the languages ​​of all countries have been familiar with the Antarctic base for such a long time. When he saw Guanshan, he "fucked" fluent Chinese communication.

"Guan Fatty, I heard that you did a sensational thing last night, and defeated Master Amanda and Master Comnes' cooperation. Is your kid enough to live?"

Guan Shandao: "Lao Liu, who doesn't take you so sarcastically, bids and auctions, who gives more money and leads women away, right? I haven't done anything wrong, everything is done according to the rules of Antarctica."

Jiu Lao Liu ignored Guan Shan and sat down in the big backrest chair: "Just think about it, anyway, Lao Tzu's business will soon be impossible, and your life will not affect me."

Guan Shan frowned: "Liquor Lao, you mean the alcohol is used up? But I brought a lot of money to buy it, the price goes up with you, and we buy as much as you have, and will never bargain on you . "

Jiu Laoli kicked the table and said, "There is only one bottle left. Anyway, it is a hammer sale. You can order it. I am old and I have made enough money. I can safely and securely spend the rest of my life at the Antarctic base. It ’s just a big wish, but unlike you, it ’s okay to find yourself dead. Young people, here is no better than the outside world. The so-called rules are nothing more than serving the upper class. ”

Guan Shan didn't want to listen to Liu Laoyu, he picked up the bottle of alcohol on the table and threw a handful of Antarctic coins: "I thank you, you are right, the rule is to serve the upper class characters, but you said that you missed a bit , Whoever fists hard in this world has the final say! "

Guanshan, who was out of the sixth place, raised the bottle in his hand and said, "What can I do if there is only such a bottle? Not enough to drink."

& n

bsp; Chu Xiang is also very difficult. Now he ca n’t send back to base zero. The quantity of liquor in the former world is limited, but there is no shortage of base zero in alcohol. The size of base zero in the brewing industry is quite large. The key link, however, did not consider that the Antarctic base will require a lot of alcohol when coming, so there is no storage in the space ring.

Guan Shan knows that Chu Xiang knows little about Antarctic bases, so it is common for Chu Xiang to think of it. Even if there is more money in his hands than what the Antarctic base does not have, Guan Shan sees the roadside. The store said, "Let's go and buy some food and fish sauces. Anyway, there is a lot of money, so it is better to buy the goods and store them."

Of course, Chu Xiang does not object. In case the 70,000 Antarctica coin created last night flows into the market, the price must soar, and the ancient "confused" bar has five more people to eat, and it can never be bought back. Let them drink the wind, but seeing what is sold in the roadside shop, Chu Xiang is also very disappointed. Either the fish bones or the stinky fish guts are probably circulating from the hunting departments. The real good meat has entered the Antarctic Building. But even fish bones cost half a pound of Antarctica, mashed and mixed with fish can add calcium.

Guanshan bought a large package of salt, and the price of salt is not expensive, because there is a workshop for boiling salt in the Antarctic base. There is no shortage of seawater here, and the price is naturally very low. Guanshan also bought a seaweed that looks smooth and greasy, a bit like Kelp, and then entered a large-scale mushroom shop, the lack of sunlight in the ground world has become the main food for humans, while the Antarctic base humans have not cultivated mushrooms for a long time, probably because they have been able to get from seawater The reason for capturing food, otherwise humans have been "forced" to grow mushrooms.

"Guanfa, I heard that you bought a lot of women last night, how about the bar opening tonight? I'll go and hold a show for you," the owner of the mushroom shop greeted warmly. I used to buy mushrooms often.

Guan Shan grabbed a few mushrooms from the counter and put them in his mouth to chew. "Mushroom King, don't you dislike women? How did you hear about this? Did you turn to" **** "to study women?"

The boss known as Mushroom King laughed: "I just doubt what kind of superb woman a 70,000 Antarctic coin can buy, so I decided to check it out, and I wondered, what are you capable of caring for a fat man, how is it possible? It will be almost impossible to accumulate more than 70,000 Antarctica in two years. I have calculated it for you. Even if you do n’t eat or drink in two years, the total turnover is not so much. ”

Chu Xiang and Guan Shan knew that taking out a large amount of Antarctic currency would cause others to doubt, but how could it be, those Antarctic coins could not be distinguished from the real Antarctic currency. Even if they doubted, they could not find any loopholes, and charged them with an unknown charge. , But the Antarctic base does not seem to have this crime.

"Lao Tzu will change money, why not?" Guan Shan said with a grin.

The Mushroom King laughed: "Why not, as long as you have money, Lao Tzu is willing to wait for you, by the way, I just researched a kind of mushroom wine. You ca n’t spend too much money. Buy something and try it?"

Chu Xiang and Guan Shan heard a joy in their hearts, but their faces "colored" did not show "exposed", so as not to let the price of mushroom king flat, Guan Shan raised the alcohol bottle in Yang ’s hand and said, "I have not seen that I have bought Yes, but what is the mushroom wine, take it out first to see, I will get some to try early if it is of good quality and reasonable price. "

As soon as Mushroom King heard about someone buying his product, he immediately ran to the back room and hugged out an iron jar. When he went to wine, Guanshan briefly introduced the origin of Mushroom King to Chu Xiang. The original American was a botanist. He also bought a ticket when retreating to Antarctica, but people like this researcher generally disdain to ridicule the relationship with the official, so his Antarctic base was not seen by the management and slowly fell to grow mushrooms by his own learning To the point.

Originally, the large-scale mushroom cultivation can completely replace the hunting of marine life at risk, but the upper layer of the base is accustomed to obtaining food from the ocean, plus the opinion of the mushroom king cannot be transmitted to the upper layer, so this matter has not been achieved. The mushroom king Now it ’s just a small amount on its own site.

There are only a few people who really have the money to afford mushrooms, so the business has been cold and barely enough to make ends meet, and it was a surprise that he could use mushrooms to make wine.

Bang, the mushroom king opened the mouth of the jar, and said, "Taste it. The jar of wine is not good in material, so it will have a metallic taste, but it can be covered by adding some essential oil I extracted from the mushrooms."

Guan Shan smelled it first, and the wine tasted really strong. It was much better than the alcohol liquor blended out. Chu Xiang poured out a cup of wine first because he was poisonous. He was sure that no one could nod to Guan Shan and Guan Shan also tasted , Then nodded to the King of Mushrooms: "The taste is ok, how much do you have here, and at what price?"

The product was affirmed that the face of Mushroom King was a little excited. He said, "A jar of fifty Antarctic coins, you go back and add five jars of water. I guarantee a double profit. Count down a jar of mushroom wine. Make fifty Antarctic coins. "

Metal jars can hold about ten pounds. In addition to the concentration of wine tasting just now, Guan Shan thinks that it is also possible to exchange five jars of water. Even if it is because of wine tasting, it is estimated that you can earn fifty Antarctic coins. Authentic: "I can still accept this price, but I have to know how much wine you have here, lest I cut off the goods halfway and make customers complain."

Mushroom King said: "I can only provide five altars now, but if you buy all five altars, I can make five altars in ten days!"

Guan Shan shook his head and said, "No, ten days is too long. I'll give you five more days. If you can guarantee one less jar of mushroom wine every day, then our business can be done. Otherwise, I ca n’t do it if there is less. Customer account. "

The Mushroom King bit his teeth and said, "Yes, now that I have a stable income, I don't need to open this shop again." Sex "closed the door and planted mushrooms while making wine."

Chu Xiang reminded the King of Mushrooms: "It's good to calm down and do this specially, but don't exhaust yourself. If you have money, you should hire someone where you have money. If you do n’t spend money, it is a blind king!"

The Mushroom King laughed amusedly: "This brother is right, come and give money, I will move out the remaining four altars, I will go out to hire someone soon after I have the money, first hire three people to help me grow mushrooms And hire two more to help me make wine. "

Guan Shan ordered 250 Antarctic coins and threw them to the King of Mushrooms. The excited hand of the King of Mushrooms trembled. Those things he had originally planned were not going to sell at a high price, and he thought he would drink them later. This forum can almost top the income of selling mushrooms for two months.

With the help of Mushroom King, Chu Xiang and Guan Shan moved all the five altar wines back to the ancient Confuse Bar. At this time, lunch time also came. Chu Xiang invited Mushroom King to stay with him for a meal. I agreed, and then I remembered that I was also a model, so I took out ten Antarctic coins and sent a bunny girl to buy wine and side dishes. It was nothing more than seafood.

Chu Xiang secretly found a bottle of chilli sauce from the space and used the chilli in it to make a pot of boiled fish. Without mentioning other dishes, the taste of this chilli just stirred everyone's appetite. You must know that they are I have n’t smelled spicy for more than five years, and the five girls who were bought back are still somewhat restrained from going to the table to eat with Chu Xiang and others. Guan Shan ordered them to occupy a corner of the dining table. Hip fat and milk increase appetite.

At noon, I avoided talking. At four o'clock in the afternoon, there was a loud noise outside the ancient "confused" bar. Chu Xiang opened a slit to observe. I saw people in the forties and fifty gathered at the door and listened to them. The voice of the discussion turned out to be waiting for the bar to open for free drinks.

At five o'clock after work at the Antarctic Building, the number of people gathered at the door reached more than 200! Guan Shan looked out from the small hole on the door panel several times. He couldn't help nervously. "Chu Xiang, when no one came in, we were worried. It's not a good thing if there are too many people. Is it enough for them to drink for free?"

Chu Xiang also felt a bit understated before

The power of a glass of free wine, these people are estimated to be women who have ordered a glass of wine while looking at 70,000 Antarctica coins, if you put them all in ~ ~ ca n’t fit in the bar, also I ca n’t afford to waste this free wine, because most of these people are residents of pigeon cages. They ca n’t do anything other than taste this free wine. Although Chu Xiang does n’t mind giving them a drink, the problem is It is Chu Xiang who intends to invite more guests to listen to the internal news of the Antarctic Building. Will these people living in the pigeon cage know?

"It seems we have only limited low consumption," Chu Xiang said.

Guan Shan patted his head: "Stupid, how can I forget the usual methods in the world in the past, time is almost up, I will open the door."

As soon as the door of the bar was opened, people outside would squeeze in, Guan Shan shouted loudly, "Stop it for me! Don't rush to listen to me first to make the statement clear. You are willing to give the younger brother a great honor, But my brother ’s bar ca n’t accommodate so many VIPs, so I have to limit everyone ’s low consumption tonight, at least one Antarctic coin per person! ”

When the threshold is high, half of the people walk away disappointed, and half of the remaining people can get this Antarctic coin, but they are not willing, after all, an Antarctic coin is enough for them to spend a day, and their income It ’s not high, it ’s a bit like Chu Xiang ’s work; the other half are not. They walk into the ancient “confused” bar proudly, and they do n’t even want to see the shot for the glass of free wine. Seventy thousand Antarctica woman!

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