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Chapter 529: Overfishing

Chu Xiang washed his face with cold water. To say that there is no money in this Antarctic base, it is difficult to walk. The fresh water used in drinking and catering is supplied with an Antarctic coin to buy a water ticket. Although it is said that there is no money to spend outside Large glacier, but it takes human and power to fetch and melt ice, so it is normal to spend money on water.

Telling Guanshan that he had something to hunt for the third department immediately, and then Chu Xiang went to work. Before he was absolutely sure, he didn't want to be too noticeable, so the class had to be on, but Chu Xiang had already planned to use it today. The hunting work was done in an hour, and the remaining time was to go back to base zero and get some food and weapons back. We must establish our own forces at the Antarctic base, and only then can we compete with the American representatives.

Sean and Mo Baozhen still circled around Chu Xiang, but what made them depressing was that they didn't even enter the door of the ancient and confusing bar last night, because they spent that Antarctic coin last night, but What happened in the bar of confuses has been rumored by the outside world. Guanshan was furious in Fujikawa. There are many versions of it now. Guanshan is now in the eyes of ordinary people. Have to avoid giving up.

The captain was very pleased to see Chu Xiang come to work early in the morning. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Chu Xiang, it depends on you today. Whether we can get yesterday's reward depends on you. I have received the assignment. Seven giant fishes, if we complete the team in excess, we will receive a bonus of 50%! If we catch one more, we will get half, which is enough for us to eat for half a month! "

Chu Xiang has no prejudice against the captain. Although he serves as the captain, he is only a vacant post. Because he does not release the product, he still has to take risks with everyone. Therefore, he naturally treated the team members a lot. Chu Xiang said: "Captain, I The strength is at hand, so this time let's divide the work ahead of time. You are responsible for attracting and towing fish. I am only responsible for killing. "

The captain said happily: "I have the same meaning. To be honest, the taste in the water is uncomfortable, so that we can shorten our working hours, I will call everyone to a meeting immediately, so that everyone can fully cooperate with you!"

Because of yesterday's experience, the captain. Everyone agreed to tell the story. They took the diving suit and harpoon into the decompression chamber, and quickly swam to the work area. The captain took the three of them to lead the giant in one direction. Yu, another team member took the three of them in the opposite direction, and Chu Xiang only needed to wait in place.

This kind of giant fish that is hunted does not eat meat. So most of the time they are docile, but when they are attacked, they will show a cruel side. Almost everyone has seen this, so even if they are cited It is also a dangerous thing for the giant fish to hook. The captain returned to life after two minutes. Good guy, there are three giant fishes behind!

There was only one harpoon in Chu Xiang's hands, and the three giant fishes were almost indifferent. Later, Chu Xiang turned his back, Shawn and Mo Baozhen were assigned to the team of tow fish, and the two held the harpoon in the water. Chu Xiang took a hand, and the two harpoons flew out of the air. Under the dual skills of water control and metal control, the two harpoons pierced the heads of two giant fish accurately, because the impact was very large. The heads of the two giant fishes were almost crushed!

Only the last giant fish was left, and the captain was barely able to swim. Chu Xiang swam forward to stop the giant fish, stabbed the fish head with one pick, and the giant fish's body turned a few times before it started. Sinking down, the towed fishermen who had been prepared came forward to salvage immediately. The two men and one team dragged the giant fish carcass towards the decompression chamber by the buoyancy of the water.

As these three giant fish were killed by spikes, two more giant fishes came over. Of course, Chu Xiang did not let go of the fat delivered to the door, and slammed the two forks to kill the two fishes. At this moment, there are two more to complete the task. The amount, if it was not too smooth to complete the task yesterday, there should still be six assignments today. Chu Xiang did not care too much about this because he knew that he couldn't work here for too long. After he left, the amount of work here naturally required. Reduced, otherwise they have no possibility to complete the task.

Most of the people were dragging fish. The second team of men who went to the other direction to attract the fish had no news. The captain gestured and told Chu Xiang that he was going to take a look. At this time, the sea suddenly waved and Chu Xiang yelled. A bad sound, I saw a fierce rush of turbid seawater, at least more than 30 giant fishes rushed over with a thunderous thunder, and the three players to lead the giant fish were only two people. It was also surrounded by giant fish. If it were not for the harpoon in the hands of the two, I am afraid that the giant fish would have been swallowed by now.

Chu Xiang controlled the seawater and rushed into the giant fish battle group. At this time, the two players could not resist it. Chu Xiang couldn't hesitate to quickly launch the quick freezing skills. Ga—a icy freezing sound, and several giant fishes spread out. I was frozen in the ice with my mouth, except that the place where the three of them were located left a separation zone without icing. A large iceberg like an iceberg took a giant fish to the top of his head, and the captain and one behind him The members of the team were stunned, and the two did not know what happened. They thought that the three of the giant fish battle team could not be spared. However, the situation was reversed for a moment, the fish was frozen, and the three of them escaped from the cracks of the iceberg. Although the captain's nerves were a little numb in the miracles that happened in the past two days, this matter was a serious paradox, but he could not communicate under water. The captain had to make up his mind to return to the base and then ask Chu Xiang.

Don't talk about completing the task now. There are more than 30 frozen giant fishes. If you halve the amount of the bonus, you can make a fortune by hunting three books today! The thought of the captain's excitement no longer thinks that this is unreasonable. The first thing he has to do now is to find a way to put these 30 ice fish into the base!

Seeing that the frozen fish on the iceberg caught the attention of all the horses, Chu Xiang swam away quietly, then quickly drilled out of the ice to launch the teleportation skills to return to base zero. Chu Xiang's first thing was to ask the recent Terminator's movement and resist The army has made further progress in the production of acetic acid bombs. In addition, the terminator bases in China have been completely destroyed, and the occasional scattered batches of terminator can not become a climate. Therefore, the development of the battle situation is quite beneficial to the Resistance, plus the evolution of the lost city. The transformation was non-stop day and night. Almost all of the ordinary human beings that Xie Shanshan passed through the review had been transformed. These human transformations have greatly improved the resistance of the Resistance, and the situation of the Terminator has been even worse since then.

In a good situation, Song Jun and He Yaohui selectively helped the surrounding countries expel the Terminator, but there is still no mature condition to launch a comprehensive counterattack against the Terminator. The lack of population is a major limitation. Even if all ordinary people are transformed, It is also less than one percent of the Terminator and the robot, so it is important to master the huge population of the Antarctic base. If the Resistance Army adds another 20,000 to 20,000 evolutionaries, the final blow conditions for the Terminator will be mature.

Chu Xiang hurried to the warehouse to load some food from the former world, and also loaded a few bags of life fruit. This life fruit was first planted by a soldier named Wang Mingbo in their base, similar to the principle of growing potatoes and sweet potatoes. Life fruit The leaves can be eaten, and the fruit grows underground. You can cook them like potatoes or grind them to make steamed buns. The food left over from the former world is now almost impossible to find. Even if you find it, it is out of date and cannot be eaten unless it is. Find the military base, where the buried food usually has a longer shelf life, but almost all the military bases that can be found, Chu Xiang, have gone, so these ex-world cuisines can't be given away at will, and it's good to eat some fruit.

When Chu Xiang completed the work of No. 0 Base and transmitted back to Antarctica, those team members hadn't gotten over 30 big fish yet. They were holding a harpoon to dig a little dross, and using this turtle speed to measure the fear of two The sky couldn't finish, so Chu Xiang shot and separated the fish. Everyone dragged one of them and threw it back to the decompression chamber. It was more than nine o'clock. Today it was launched early, so it took almost two hours for Chu Xiang to worry. Young and Dangerous Bars are leaving.

"Chu Xiang," the captain shouted, "Wait a minute, I'll talk to you later."

The captain had to go to the duty room to report work, but Chu Xiang did n’t have time to wait, and said, “If you do n’t go to the Guchaozi bar at noon and take everyone together, let ’s hunt the three members together. Now I have to leave if something happens. You ca n’t wait. "

The captain was a little embarrassed. He was thinking that the young and confused bar could not be visited by these people, but the captain still followed Chu Xiang's advice. "Well, I will go to you with the big guy at noon."

At this time, the entire hunting three were boiling, and the workload of the past week was completed at once. If it is not an excess, then it can be enlarged. This kind of thing has never happened at the Antarctic base. The duty leader does not know what to do. How to deal with it, although it was said yesterday that the excess is to be rewarded, and this morning it was emphasized that the prize is 50%. However, so many fish prizes of 50% cannot be eaten at all. Finally, three hunters were given after several negotiations. Each member of the team awarded 200 Antarctic coins, this is the first such reward for ordinary workers in the history of Antarctic base! However, compared with the 50% of the excess, the 200 Antarctica coins per person seems a little less, but even this team members are still very excited.

Captain Qian got a lot of anger in his heart, and led his teammates to the Gujiaozai bar, and Chu Xiang returned to the Gujiaozai bar early in the morning and found that nothing happened. In terms of relationship, no one knows that Chu Xiang is the backstage of the Young and Dangerous Bar, so even if Chu Xiang is not for those who are looking for trouble, they should consider it. Guanshan is probably the most important person when they want to come.

Chu Xiang was sitting on a bench leisurely, and the four bunny girls were still resting. After all, it was all night last night. Now I can make up for sleep to continue working tonight. Guan Shan and Xu Shumei also hid in the secret room and messed around. Hired workers have to wait in the afternoon, because Guan Shan said that only the talent market at the Antarctic base will be open in the afternoon, where there are freelancers.

"Chu, Chu Xiang," suddenly a stuttering voice sounded behind Chu Xiang's ears. He looked up and looked at Chen Xiuying. Actually, he didn't look back and listen to the sound, but he knew that her voice was nothing but her.

"What's the matter?" Chu Xiang asked, by the way pointing to the opposite chair to invite Chen Xiuying to sit down.

"Thank you." When Chen Xiuying said this sentence, she was much smoother, probably because she was sincere, so she was less shy. Chu Xiang said: "Thank me for what?"

Chen Xiuying said: "In fact, I understand that from the moment we met, you were protecting me and my brother secretly, especially the two policemen of Fujikawa were frozen and shattered last night. This is the same as the night of the storm in the old base. The method of death is exactly the same, and only you were present in the two incidents, so you don't have to hide it, but rest assured, I will definitely keep it secret for you. "

Chu Xiang lay on the big chair with his hands on his chest, he suddenly said, "Thank you."

Chen Xiuying blushed: "Thank me for what I did, I thank you."

Chu Xiang laughed: "Thank you for keeping me secret."

Chen Xiuying lowered her head. Although her voice wasn't as stingy as she was when she was singing and performing, it was enough to impress a man. "Thank you, you are a mysterious master. It is my pleasure to know you and keep you secret. You ... … You said it was my fan last time, is that true? "

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Yeah, when I work in the tire factory, many workers think of you as your dream idol."

In fact, Chu Xiang didn't tell the truth, it should be the idol that dreams of yin. Chen Xiuying belongs to the type of artist who started from a figure, so men rarely see her uneasy. In addition, the former world's Internet media is extremely developed, so Many men use Chen Xiuying's **** photos as tools. Originally, Chen Xiuying's grade would not be auctioned and known to the outside world. It should have been imprisoned by the senior members of the base, but she could not bear the insults of the men and fled, which only angered those officials who auctioned her.

"So ... including you?" Chen Xiuying's voice was extremely light, like a lullaby, and it seemed like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden with infinite temptation. If Chu Xiang hadn't been trained in a woman's bush, I'm afraid he would be fainted now Already.

"Oh, I am also a man, isn't it? By the way, I don't think you have the right costumes. How about let's go out and buy some?" Chu Xiang shifted the topic, but he didn't want to tangle in this matter.

Chen Xiuying is also a woman who has seen the world, but the hard life in the past two years has made her no longer pay attention to pomp and clothing, but if she has beautiful clothes, she doesn't mind changing them, because this is a killer that attracts men. As a little woman in the last days, it is their only hope to survive by relying on men without the ability to protect themselves!

Chen Xiuying nodded in agreement, Chu Xiang returned to the house and grabbed a large amount of Antarctic coins. The two locked the bar door and walked along the road formed by the pigeon cage. In fact, most of the clothing that can be bought in the civilian area is in the Antarctic Building. Eliminate it and throw it away. Unfortunately, those who are interested will take it cheaper and sell it to ordinary people. Some have already been patched, and some have just washed a few water. Although it is the last days, the luxury set is there, and they are also Get up and throw a few clothes.

Walking to the store where Zhang Zhixin was good, Chu Xiang laughed: "Anyway, it's better to buy my old classmate than to buy it anyway, and it can also compensate him for being miserable by Conns."

Chen Xiuying frowned: "Now Zhang Zhixin hates you, do you still want to go in?"

Chu Xiang said indifferently: "Can you avoid him when you meet him?"

Chen Xiuying thinks about it too. The Antarctic base is so big, you ca n’t see your head down, but you should not be afraid of Zhang Zhixin. He should be afraid of the talents here! So Chen Xiuying followed Chu Xiang into the clothing store, because yesterday was smashed by the store, although it was organized, it still looks messy.

"Is it you?" The bossess was surprised when he heard the voice running out to say hello.

Chu Xiang laughed: "It's not me. It's Zhang Zhixin's old classmate. Come and buy some clothes. Don't kill people. If you can take care of them, you will take care of them, otherwise you won't patronize."

Although it seems that the person is a good match, but the business that is delivered to the door can't be launched, the boss can't bear it. "Okay, you can choose whatever you want. I'll give you a 20% discount."

In fact, many of the clothes in it are made by Zhang Zhixin from the Antarctic Mansion without spending money, but they also have to live. It is appropriate to add a little money. Chen Xiuying picked a cheongsam and several other dresses. Around 20 degrees, wearing skirts is not cold. These clothes were worth tens of thousands in the world in the past, but they are not as useful as a piece of dried fish.

"You take five Antarctic coins." Zhang Zhixin's good friend offered a price.

Chu Xiang didn't make a counteroffer. Besides, he didn't know if the price was high or low. Anyway, he didn't lose money. He pulled out five Antarctic coins from his pocket and threw it to the boss. The boss carefully collected it. The joy of anyone who makes a business is happy.

Pedaling, suddenly a rush of footsteps rushed into the clothing store. Chu Xiang had helped Chen Xiuying lift the torn bag for clothes, and just turned around and nearly collided with the visitor. The two people snorted at the same time, and the comer shouted loudly Said: "Last name Chu! Don't bully people too much! You even ran to my house, this Antarctic base is not yours!"

Chu Xiang didn't argue with Zhang Zhixin. Seeing his appearance hadn't swollen his face, even if he had made a mistake and evened out, but Chen Xiuying argued, "What are you talking about, we're here to buy clothes."

Zhang Zhixin said: "Buy clothes?"

The lady nodded and said, "Yeah, I bought several."

Zhang Zhixin looked at the bag in Chu Xiang's hand and stopped paying attention. Instead, he pulled the boss into the inner room, and Chen Xiuying said in the back: "Isn't he trying to play a ghost idea again?"

Chu Xiang's hearing was strong. At this time, the sound in the inner room didn't escape his ears. He only listened to Zhang Zhixin: "Huier, this time it's all up to you. As long as you can satisfy Master Conns, he will not investigate our privacy. The Tibetan high-quality food will also allow me to follow him. You know that I have just been unemployed, and you can't live without a fixed job. "

The owner's voice was hesitant: "But I'm your woman. Do you have to do this, you're not afraid of growing green grass on your head!"

Zhang Zhixin said: "Who cares about this this time is better than you being reduced to the personnel department and being auctioned. I can tell you that Connance is a person who has seen big scenes. You must show your skills. If he doesn't Satisfied, then you and I have to play eggs! And as long as he is happy, I can step down the section manager who quit my job! "

In fact, Zhang Zhixin was resigned because of Kang Ensi, but it was Zhang Zhixin's chief that was notified, but Zhang Zhixin hated the old man. If it wasn't for his possession, he delayed the time for Kang Ensi to intercede. Then things have not come to such a point, and now the opportunity has come. Yesterday, Conrns went to the store to trouble and saw his own woman. He sent someone to discuss with Zhang Zhixin. As long as he was willing to let him have a good time, he would never blame it. It will also make Zhang Zhixin an official.

How can Zhang Zhixin miss this good thing about pie in the sky? In his rhetoric, the boss can only agree. In fact, this clothing store is still supported by Zhang Zhixin. Otherwise, she alone cannot stand on her own. Less than saleable goods, followed by her fragile body. If it was not Zhang Zhixin's deterrent, the clothing store would have been robbed many times.

Chu Xiang didn't want to care and he couldn't care about this kind of thing you would like. Before he and Chen Xiuying stepped out of the clothing store, Connance went in, and the two passed by, Conns snorted. He said, but he knew that Chu Xiang had great strength, so he didn't do anything impulse. Chu Xiang now didn't want to push Connex to despair, so he ignored Connance's silent provocation.

Chen Xiuying almost walked out of the clothing store while covering her chest. She was really scared to fight, and finally relieved when she saw Xiang An was fine. "Chu Xiang, I want to see my brother, can you stay with me?"

Chen Duo is in the handyman's office. Chu Xiang thinks that when the Guchaozi bar is running short of people, it is better to use the raw ones and the monkeys. It is better to tinker them out, even if they do n’t have much fighting power. Besides, I also brought a few sets of armor, which were researched based on the shell of the Terminator. Thanks to the inspiration of Emperor Mouse Mountain, they should have a set of armor to protect themselves.

Chu Xiang didn't know the road, so Chen Xiuying walked in the front. The handyman's office was in a large house under the Antarctic Building. There were clutter in it, and there were people working, as if they were cleaning metal dishes. Chen Xiuying found it Fourteen-five children asked about Chen Duo.

"Oh, you're looking for Xiao Chen. It's estimated that you will still be punished in the cage at the moment. You should wait for tomorrow."

"Punished?" Chen Xiuying's face became tense. In fact, she herself has suffered numerous punishments. People like them who have no free status live the worst in Antarctic bases. It is also common for many people to die without suffering the punishment.

The skinny child said, "Yeah, he stole a fish bone the day before yesterday and was closed after being reported."

Chen Xiuying hurriedly pulled up the child's hand and said, "Where is he? Would you take your sister to find it?"

The child was a little hesitant. He was washing the dishes. If he could n’t complete the task, he would be punished. Chu Xiang took out an Antarctic coin from his pocket and threw it to the child, “It ’s yours to find Chen Duo.”

The child's eyes lighted up ~ ~ He threw the bowl in his hand and slammed the Antarctic coin into his arms very simply: "Go."

He walked into the house along the gap left in the utility room. After a while, he came to a basement entrance, and the child pointed down and said, "It's just below, but I'm not qualified to enter."

Chen Xiuying nodded and let the child go. Then she asked Chu Xiang a pleading look. Chu Xiang said, "Let's go, let's go and see."

Because it is just a handyman's office, it is impossible for anyone to stand here. This basement is not a secret place, except that the temperature is high below, and the dryer is constantly working. It may be a place for drying clothes in the Antarctic Building.

Pop, a loud whip, and then a woman's voice came over, "Make your mouth hard! A fugitive dared to play with me, today I will not kill you and your last name!"

Chen Xiuying quickly walked around a row of machines in two steps. At this time, the scene of the basement fell into the eyes. A cage more than one meter high and half meter wide opened without Chen Duo. The body was dirty, and his face was fuzzy, but Chen Duo was right. Under him was a sturdy Russian woman who was beating Chen Duo with a whip in his hand.

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