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Chapter 535: Sneak attack

Chu Xiang put forward his own daytime concept at night. To repay the mass management, Sweetheart must first lead Pete out of the Antarctic Building, otherwise Xie Shanshan could not detect the position of Pete's hidden controller. 79 free

Wang Shaohui said: "I can't use it so much trouble, I'll just take a long trip tonight."

Chu Xiang shook his head: "No, Pete is not a fool. He will definitely defend rigorously, and this matter must be 100% successful, otherwise the Antarctic base will be destroyed by him, and the loss will be great."

Xie Shanshan said, "If you just find a reason to send me in, as long as you get the rest of the controller, it is not a fear."

Chu Xiang said: "Evolutionists from the United States have not yet seen them. It is not proper to act without understanding their details. Everyone is a little patient. At least I will wait until I represent Pete to participate in the competition."

He Yaohui took off the chef's hat on his head and said, "I'll take care of the competition. Tmall suffocates me in the kitchen."

Chu Xiang agreed: "Okay, you have to stay in the night at the Mantou Pavilion. Shanshan and Birou and I continue to go to the bar to collect antiques. I'm afraid the people in the Rose Bar will not give up. It's best to stare at both times. point."

He Yaohui said a little eagerly: "They are the best. I'm here to find trouble tonight, otherwise I'm really bored to the point."

After eleven o'clock in the evening, all the street lights were turned off, only the confusing wine. The bar was still noisy. Suddenly the lights in the bar were dimmed, and the surrounding people fell into endless darkness. Then it stopped, followed by harsh screams, who said that only women would launch this 'sound wave' weapon, and the first scream was obviously a male voice.

Chu Xiang and Xie Shanshan and He Birou collected money at the counter, while Guan Shan counted his supplies in the warehouse at the back. Many of them were brought back from the outside world by Chu Xiang in order to attract customers to spend. In order to get those antique calligraphy and paintings intact in their own hands, and more and more senior officials to go to the ancient and confusing bar, in addition to the minds of those parties, almost everyone is willing to drink and eat Unusual food.

Xie Shanshan was looking for change for a foreign man, who brought it. A piece of beautiful jade, He Birou opened the value of eight hundred Antarctic coins, counted hundreds of lights suddenly went out, followed by the first scream, Xie Shan Shan's face flickered with a cold wind, and a thump of something fell out, and then there were countless screams, and a scream was covered in no one.

嗖, 嗖, three silhouettes. At the same time, they started from the dance floor, two of them attacked Chu Xiang, and the other was drilled from the side to the warehouse behind the bar. Chu Xiang's left and right hand bone knives appeared at the same time, facing the two silhouettes. The stab passed, and at the same time his bone spurs were drilled from behind his butt, and the dark shadow that was going to enter the warehouse from the side was pierced in the middle.

Alas, two cracked dull sounds, the black shadow attacking Chu Xiang was stabbed by the bone knife, Chu Xiang then waved upward, the black shadow was divided into two by the sharp bone knife, and the black shadow preparing to sneak into the warehouse was Tie the chest, the whole person was desperate on the spot.

He Birou reacted at this time, "What's going on? What happened?"

Chu Xiang pulled her and Xie Shanshan behind him, "It's okay, don't say anything, so as not to expose the target."

The first shadow who attacked Chu Xiang while the darkness was coming was a speed master. He never thought that he had the advantage of sneak attack and was sent by Chu Xiang first. Chu Xiang hit him in the palm of his hand because of his fist. The power is great. The evolver didn't get up from the ground after being kicked off. If Chu Xiang was not worried about the safety of Xie Shanshan and He Birou, he only needed to catch the life of this person, but As other people on the dance floor began to get confused, the speed-evolving turbulent evolutionist in the United States was stomped to death!

The second and third attackers of Chu Xiang are the power-type and flame skill evolvers, but they are afraid that the flames illuminate the environment, so the flame evolvers did not use his specialties. The two men's attack speed is average, so Chu Xiang is dealing with them. At the same time, he also easily killed another evolutionary who was about to sneak into the warehouse.

Wow, there was a sound of crumbling and cracking on the top of the head, and then there was an object falling from the roof. This object seemed to have a strong impact. It even broke two floors and fell straight into the warehouse, trapped by darkness. Guan Shan suddenly exclaimed.

Chu Xiang wanted to go in for rescue, but Xie Shanshan and He Birou were unprotected. He didn't dare to leave for a second. At this time, there was a light around him. It turned out that Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie appeared. The two were idle and bored. Bunny girl's tofu was eaten in the bar.

After seeing Wang Shaohui, Chu Xiang rushed into the warehouse immediately. Wang Shaohui was holding a Zippo lighter, and the lasting light could not be blown out even if the wind was strong. Bang, bang, bang, successive gunfire was in the chaotic crowd. In the middle of the ring, the frightened civilians rushed towards the light, and the gunner hiding in it shot three bullets under his cover. Wang Shaohui was the center of the light, so the bullets came at him, and Xie Shanshan and He Birou is right behind Wang Shaohui, and Wang Shaohui will rush away from the bullet!

Bang, bang, bang, suddenly three gunshots, almost the end of the first three gunshots, after three bullets are fired in succession, then bang, bang, bang three gunshots, just listen to 咣 啷Three beeps, and then three hums. The first three beeps are six bullets colliding in mid-air. They can block each other's bullets in such a chaotic environment. This technology has never heard of assassinations, but They don't need to smell it either, because a bullet was imprinted on their foreheads, and the three of them fell on the ground before they could make a heavy nasal sound, and then stepped on again.

Chu Xiang entered the warehouse. It turned out that a large hole was knocked out of the roof. A tall figure was smashing the goods in the warehouse. Because Guan Shan saw someone broke the house and hid in those goods immediately, which delayed the rescue of Chu Xiang. This tall figure had a hard skin. Guan Shan was thrown out of the corner by him, and the man fired at Guan Shan in midair. The bullet hit a person with sparks!

After a rush, Guan Shan fell to the ground. After all, he was not an evolver. This fall made his teeth grin, and the gun in his hand was shot by the previous burst. The tall figure immediately rushed to Guan Shan, not to mention his strength, even if his weight was on Guan Shan, it would cost him his life.

Chu Xiang was still far away. At this time, he had to stab the bone spurs quickly for rescue. The bone spurs were stuck in the tall vest of the tall figure. The guy took a snoring. Chu Xiang only felt that the sharp point of the bone spurs came from the pain. You know how strong Chu Xiang is now, and this tall figure can actually block his blow! Unless he wears Terminator armor! Otherwise, Chu Xiang does not believe that there are still evolutionaries in this world who can stop his blow.

"Hey ..." The tall figure gave up Guan Shan, of course, he also saw that the guy lying on the ground was an ordinary person. It was easier to deal with him than to pinch an ant, and the real opponent was behind him, waiting for extinction. After the master behind him, the rest are not afraid. Assassins from the opponent's previous hit are convinced that their strength should not be weaker than the opponent.

Chu Xiang immediately gave up the bone spur attack when he could not hit. He immediately took off the spear of judgment at the waist. A long knife immediately appeared in his hand. Huh, Chu Xiang slashed to the assassin, even if the opponent is wearing the Terminator's armor, but the trial. The spear should be able to hurt the opponent under the powerful strength of Chu Xiang. At the same time, Chu Xiang also prepared a backhand. He squeezed an acetic acid bomb between his fingers and ejected it only when the conditions were suitable.

Alas, the dazzling electric light flashed. Chu Xiang's long sword hit a hard stick. The opponent did not use his body to pick it up. He also used the weapon of the trial spear combination. They are comparable, but the power transmitted by the weapon makes the assassin back a few steps. Although Chu Xiang's body is not moving, the tiger's mouth is also faint. Antarctic base can't easily enter outsiders. This assassin is probably an American representative. It is no wonder that Pete said that they are powerful, and it seems that this statement is true, but fortunately, he did not act lightly before.

Alas, Chu Xiang's acetic acid projectile shot out. The man was regressed by the weapon. The acetic acid projectile fired very fast. Coupled with the other person's belief in his armor, he hard-wired it and the acetic acid bomb penetrated through the clothes. The explosion exploded, but the acid did not penetrate the armor, and the projectile shot was blocked by a click.

It turned out that this was not the Terminator's armor. Chu Xiang secretly said that at this moment the battle outside was unknown. Chu Xiang was unwilling to delay time. The opponent was very powerful, but he was still far behind with Chu Xiang. He launched the water control skills first. A large group of water split his head and covered his face all over the assassin, because the water was not clear under night vision, so the assassin was initially unprepared. When the water reached the top of his head, he would fight back sooner or later. How could this invisible thing be scattered by the weapon? While the assassin's head was poured in cold water, Chu Xiang quickly launched the quick freezing skills, and saw the icing sound of icing instantly, while watching Guan Shan's hands trembling with his chest in his arms, the cold war sound of teeth clucking.

The assassin wrapped in a layer of hard ice was unable to move, and suddenly a flame burst from his head. It turned out that this person was also a multi-skilled evolver. He wanted to burn his body, and Chu Xiang was a little angry. All the six-blade knives in his hand provoked, and then the man leaped into the air, struck the assassin with his full strength, wow, the sound of shattering ice, the flame that just came out suddenly disappeared, two pieces The sturdy body splits to the left and right. This man's armor is not inferior to the goods made by the Resistance. However, under the full blow of Chu Xiang, he is still vulnerable. It is only because he does not understand his strength that he will be allowed to occupy it at the beginning. Got the upper hand.

Guan Shan took a suit and put it on from the warehouse, and then left Chu Xiang out of the warehouse. The chaos outside had stopped. The runners had run out, and there were several trampled unshaped bodies lying on the ground. Li Yingjie is watching. Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming hiding in the dark also say hello to Chu Xiang. At this time, He Yaohui ran from the steamed bread restaurant opposite.

"What's going on here with you? I heard gunfire."

Chu Xiang said: "Five evolutionists died, and there may be companions who escaped with the crowd."

He Yaohui said: "Someone sneaked into the buns hall just now. Two of them were not weak. I started to underestimate them. Otherwise, I would destroy them early to help, and four other accomplices were picked up by me, but I did n’t stay. Live on. "

Chu Xiang said: "I can imagine it without living. These people are evolutionaries from the United States. They have noticed our emergence, and we need to be more careful in the future."

After less than three minutes, the police of the brigade rushed over, but these policemen were no longer stupid after losing money one after another, and simply asked a few words to lift the corpse, so they would not be strong, because the bar and steamed buns It's all evolutionaries, and even if they have guns, they are not opponents.

The next day, Chu Xiang transferred all the evolvers who did not participate in the fishing operation to the bar. Guanshan went to the side and replaced the house with two bags of instant noodles. So these evolvers started training here, in order to achieve rapid enhancement of their strength. For the purpose, Chu Xiang had to go back and bring Zhang Jingyao too. After Chu Xiang killed Liwei, the nine evolutionaries have dared not to resist, especially Warlock, David, and Green have vowed to be loyal to Chu Xiang, knowing that Chu Xiang This is to find ways to improve their strength and even hard work.

One day before the time of the friendly match with the American representatives, Tianzao Pavilion welcomes an important guest. It should be said that it is not one, but many, but there is only time to come.

After a few days of renovation, the original rough Mantou Pavilion has changed a lot. Now it is a small two-story western building. Although there is nothing strange on the outside, the interior is the most luxurious decoration of the Antarctic base. The lobby has also been converted into a small hall. There are several sets of sofas left over from the former world. The pink lights are faintly illuminated. This is a place for guests to rest temporarily. The remaining space on the first floor except the kitchen is transformed into two large rooms. Luxury boxes, the second floor space has been transformed into six, these eight boxes with a minimum consumption of 5,000 Antarctic coins per meal.

Guan Shan chose four girls who were originally bought in the personnel department by the waiters. These four girls have received special training, so they can be called first-class in terms of words and deeds. Each of the four girls takes Two ordinary girls were responsible for the service of the two boxes. The original bunny girl dress was also replaced by the cheongsam that Chu Xiang got from the outside. Chen Xiuying was the chief foreman of these girls.

"I'll go see him in a while, and Shanshan will be dressed as a service lady to get tea and wine. This is an opportunity given to us by heaven. Don't mess it up." Chu Xiang whispered.

Xie Shanshan said: "Relax, as long as I enter the box, I can be sure to detect Pete's brain signals."

Chu Xiang reassuredly exhorted: "You can't take it lightly, in case Pete is prepared in this regard, and finally he will be attracted out. We must be cautious again!"

The important guest here is Pete. In just a few days, the steamed bun restaurant turned into a wealthy clubhouse, providing catering and entertainment. If the young and charming bar is a mid-to-low-end consumer, then it is definitely a sum of money. Without ten thousand Antarctica you are embarrassed to come in.

Pete was shocked by the news reported by his subordinates. The rich man will have many foods that he cannot eat at present, and more importantly, there are treasures of the town, a few bottles of xo and Remy Martin, although the American representative came He also gave him two bottles, but according to sources, the vintages of those two bottles were incomparable to those of the rich club.

Of course, Pete, who is careful by nature, cannot be enjoyed by a single horse. He brought ten bodyguards in total. According to Chu Xiang, these ten people are all good evolutionaries. Although they have not reached the level of *, they have their own skills, so He would then tell Xie Shanshan to be careful. If there is a brain-evolving evolutionary inside, he will find Chu Xiang's intention. It will be more difficult to steal the controller.

Chu Xiang took a bottle of human head and immediately went to the second floor. Two bodyguards standing at the door looked at Chu Xiang up and down, and then opened the door without squeaking. Chu Xiang sneered. There was a see-through eye in this person. I can find all the weapons on him, but how can he know that Chu Xiang's weapons are in the space ring? Few people know this secret.

"Hey, General Pete, you can really come to our club and do a free advertisement for us." Chu Xiang said to Peter with a look of joy, passing the Remy horse in hand.

Pete couldn't wait to take it and turned around. Paris (to Aishang. 23hh family hand-made crystal bottles, bottle caps and bottle shoulders are inlaid with 24k pure gold carvings, "It really is a good wine, fifty years old Louis Thirteen, I have never seen it since entering the underground. Mr. Chu, are you really a god-man, where did you get so many treasures of the former world? "

Chu Xiang smiled mysteriously, "Secret, now General Pete will believe in our strength."

Pete said: "I believe, otherwise I will put the heavy responsibility on your shoulders? Talk about what you plan to do the day after tomorrow."

Chu Xiang said: "Isn't there three games in total? I promise you two games?"

Pete said: "But a little trouble, the rules of the game changed a bit." Chu Xiang said: "Oh, what rules?"

Pete said: "Wilson said he would be sent out by the guards under my command. He couldn't just find someone from the base to replace him."

Chu Xiang groaned: "This ..." The representative of the United States, Wilson, must have been the gangster behind the attack that night. Even if the biggest gangster was not him, he was also an accomplice. In that incident, he suffered a heavy loss. Pete will be required to change the rules of the game, otherwise Chu Xiang will be able to defeat them with just one person.

"Okay," Chu Xiang nodded again. "That's it, out of the nine evolutionaries you sent me."

Pete said hesitantly: "Can you do it? I know how powerful my own people are. Nine of them are never more comparable to the evolutionaries from the United States." Pete is the evolution of his family who knows his own affairs and gives it to Chu Xiang This is definitely the weakest group in his hands, not to mention the evolutionaries who won from the United States. Can nine people join together to save their lives?

Chu Xiang said: "Shiba don't look at each other for three days, let alone more than three days. General Pete is assured. Since I promised you, you won't break the promise. Today you come to us as a guest, and the boss will come to toast in person for a while. Let's have a good drink, you will know after watching the game the day after tomorrow. "

Peter also said with some excitement: "Since both Mr. Chu and Mr. Guan think we can do it, I trust you. Next, let's not talk about business and enjoy it. Louis XIII, this is a priceless treasure, and I don't have the heart to drink it. "

Dangdang, someone knocked on the door outside. Chu Xiang thought it was Xie Shanshan who came in to serve food. For a moment, he was a little nervous because there were four bodyguards standing behind Pete. Chu Xiang couldn't tell what skills they were. Only the evolutionary energy of the other party can be sensed. As for what properties this energy will become, it cannot be sensed.

A squeaked door was pushed open, but it wasn't Xie Shanshan who came in, but Pete Amanda the younger son of Pete. I do n’t know if he had given himself such a name after watching Avatar. Chu Xiang really did n’t want to I saw him at this time, although Chu Xiang and Pete cooperated, but Pete's son was very cold, and even hated. This time the transformation of the steamed buns had a greater impact on the Rose Bar. According to Wang Shaohui's investigation, there was almost no business there. .

"Father, I wouldn't let you know that you are here," Amanda smiled, looking like a good filial son, but Old Pete didn't have a good face. "What are you doing? I'm with Mr. Chu Talk about work. "

Amanda didn't take it seriously, and said, "Father, I heard that you are going to play against Wilson. Let me see if there is any place that needs help. Doesn't China have a saying that you can't leave your father and son soldiers? I know you have opinions on me In the final analysis, we are a family. At this time, we cannot lose the family's face. "

Pete's face slowly eased: "Forget that you still have heart, sit down, and you will spend less time with those people. This Antarctic base will be handed over to you sooner or later. You have to find a way to keep it, not just the flowers outside. The world, the outside world is wonderful, but it is also very dangerous! "

"Yes, my father is right," Amanda looked very instructive, and suddenly he said, "Father, I have a few friends outside me, so let them come in together."

Pete's face changed, but Amanda didn't give his father time at this time. He just opened the door and shouted to the outside, "Come in, come in, not an outsider."

Entering the box in turn was the representative of the United States Wilson, and the head of the police station Tarogawa, both of them followed by two bodyguards, plus Pete's own bodyguard, the large box was actually a little crowded.

Chu Xiang saw that there was a bottom in her heart ~ ~ Old Pete's relationship with his son was not good, and it could even be said that the relationship was bad, probably because Pete was conservative, so he only wanted to stay under the Antarctic base for a lifetime, and small Pete was looking at the flowery world outside, so the father and son went further and further. Otherwise, Amandaming knew that his father didn't like Wilson and he was so close to him. He didn't even say hello and took someone to his father. On the wine table, this is a treason in China.

Wilson saw the discomfort on Pete's face long ago, he laughed and laughed, "General Pete, are you not welcome to us, afraid that we have run out of your wine?"

Pete couldn't tear his face with Wilson and said, "How can I just want to inform you to try a fifteen-year-old Louis XIII, come, take a cup, and let's try this valuable treasure."

The door opened with a creak. This time Xie Shanshan came in, and there were two waitresses. They were holding a plate of delicate dishes. Chu Xiang grabbed Xie Shanshan, and then told the other two women. The child said, "Go, call everyone up. I won't entertain anyone today. I will come up with some leaders."

The girl who didn't have much time went upstairs after the professional training. Everyone chose a guest to sit down. Xie Shanshan approached Pete by the opportunity of pouring wine. In her opinion, she should n’t even step forward. Can control Pete's brainwaves, but how can there be so many absolute things.

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