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Chapter 537: 3 games with 2 wins

Pete made sure everything was normal before going to bed. He fell asleep with a sweet smile. Although his son and himself did not go a long way, Pete was not afraid. He had his own killer. He was sure to leave everyone. Antarctica was his. No one can take it away, otherwise he will have to pay the price of his life, even his son.

Pete is not as nervous as Wilson was when he first arrived. Although Wilson is strong, Pete has found a way to restrain himself. Even if Wilson can still maintain the upper hand, his strength must be damaged. By then, he will be able to take advantage of it. Of course, Peter must also consider raising him. Tigers are in danger. He has to guard against the two tigers Guan Shan and Chu Xiang. Don't drive away Wilson and lead the wolf into the room.

One day of preparation can't change much. In a blink of an eye, the competition time is up. The competition venue is set up inside the Antarctic Building. A huge conference room takes up the space of the entire building. Chu Xiang took the last of the nine evolvers. Entering the conference room, Zhang Jingyao, He Yaohui, and others were also accompanied. Wilson was already waiting. It was only today that he knew that Pete had given Chu Xiang the task of training the evolver. Although things were different from what he expected, but No matter how many people participated in the war, they were still old members of the Antarctic base, and Wilson felt much more secure.

Both Taro Fujikawa and Conns were present. Only Amanda didn't come today. He was embarrassed between his father and Wilson, and simply didn't show up. When Taro Fujikawa and Connance saw Chu Xiang enter the field with Pete's evolutionaries, his face changed slightly. Connance whispered to Wilson: "Mr. Wilson, will there be any accidents when the game is mixed with Guanshan?"

Wilson said: "You don't have to worry. Pete and I have an appointment first. In this game, he can only play with his team members. People in Guanshan cannot directly participate. Even if they are training non-stop these days and nights, they can use the surname Chu. It took only a few days for the kid to enter the base, so he couldn't turn things around. "

Neither Tarogawa nor Conns talked. The two were actually upset in their hearts, but the arrow had to be sent on the string. Besides, Wilson was responsible for this level of the game. Even if he lost the battle, it should not affect their status. , At most, all subsequent plans are cancelled.

Guan Shan also came as a nominal leader. Cheering, but his mood was similar to that of Taro Fujikawa and Conns, both uncertain, to say how capable the nine people of Warlock had been in the past two days. The evolutionary ratio of Wilson's men is not a grade at all. Although Zhang Jingyao's energy input has improved rapidly in the past few days, there is still a gap with the evolutionaries from the United States. It is almost impossible to win three games and win two games.

"Chu Xiang, are you really going to let them go head to head? We will lose badly." Guan Shan whispered.

Chu Xiang said: "Rest assured, I already have arrangements, I can win two games. Then, my people will help each other secretly."

Guan Shandao: "It's almost the same, otherwise my heart will always hang in the air."

Fujikawa Taro is in charge of hosting the game today. He first used his eyes. God asked Pete. Anyway, Pete is now the leader of the Antarctic base. Fujikawa Taro has great respect for him on the surface. Pete nodded to Fujikawa Taro. He can start, and Taro Fujikawa picked up the microphone and went to the podium. "Follow me, let me announce that the evolutionary game between the Antarctic base and the American representative will now begin!"

The applause was sparse, and for a while, Tarogawa announced several rules. Of course, the emphasis was on the issue of candidates for the Antarctic base. At this time, Wilson suddenly stood up and said: "Dear everyone, this game is actually a friendly match, just to test it. The strength of the evolvers on both sides, but with no swords and guns, it is inevitable in the event of an accident during the battle, so I would like to ask the participating parties to sign a life and death, don't hurt our peace because of the game. "

When Peter's face changed, of course he understood the meaning of Wilson's words. If he signed a life or death, it would be deserved to be killed. It wasn't that Pete was reluctant to let the nine evolvers, but Peter was afraid that Wilson would have other conspiracy to do so. Ringt still agreed, because he couldn't think of a reason for rejection. How could the evolutionary send and receive the trick freely? Wilson asked that it would not be too much on the surface. If Pete refused, it would be overwhelming.

After signing the rules of the game, Pete turned to Chu Xiang and said, "Mr. Chu, I have bet my hopes on you. I don't expect you to win two games. Give me at least two people alive even if you complete the task. . "

Chu Xiang said: "Relax, General Pete, since I promised you, I will do it, and watch the game with peace of mind."

Alas, Taro Fujikawa knocked the broken gong hanging on the podium. "The first game begins! Please play the players on both sides." Because it is not a TV show, there is no order of appearances, and there is no introduction of participants, it is very Simply one person from each side goes up and fights. You win alive. If you are dead, you are unlucky. Who made the leaders on both sides sign a life and death situation?

Wilson boasted that his men were very capable, so he sent the players first, and Wang Shaohui, who was replaced by the reconnaissance intelligence yesterday, hid behind Chu Xiang and whispered: "This man is a speed-evolving evolver. It's a little weaker, but even if none of the nine evolvers you train are their opponents, it seems that the first game will be cheated. "

Chu Xiang said: "We must win the first game. Otherwise, the nine people who are weak in strength should be afraid, which is not conducive to the next two games. Can you deal with him? If not, I will come in person."

Wang Shaohui said: "Let Warlock come on. After all, he knows some insider information. It is not easy for me to reveal the stuff in the helper. You still have to wait and talk, otherwise the next two games will hang."

Pete beckoned to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang stepped forward two steps, Pete said: "Mr. Chu, who do you think we should send to the battle? It is better to lose the first game, otherwise our face will be lost, after all, We are the hosts. "

Chu Xiang said: "General, rest assured, I let Warlock challenge, he has made great progress in the past two days, and I tell him to say a few more words."

Wallock was both nervous and excited. For the first time, he participated in actual combat, and signed a life and death to fight for his life. It was impossible to say that he was not nervous, but Wallock was excited that Chu Xiang trusted him so much that he would hand in the battle task. Let him do it, and don't hesitate to rely on Chu Xiang for his desperation. Although it is dangerous, Wallock knows that someone is helping him. He only needs to do his best to cooperate, and naturally Chu Xiang will do the rest.

Alas, another gong rang, and the game officially started. Wallock felt only a flash before his body and then scored dozens of punches. The opponent started to attack before he even opened his posture. The speed difference between the two was too great. It's big. Fortunately, Warlock has hidden simple armor on his body. In addition, the speed-evolver under Wilson's emphasis on speed but lacks great strength, so these dozens of punches are not harmful to Warlock.

"Oh ..." Everyone made a hissing sound, each with a different meaning.

Wilson was both happy and angry. He was pleased that Pete's men were caught off guard by the opening, but angry that Pete's men were not defeated by such a rapid attack, it was a bit of shame.

Pete has the same mentality. He is pleased that under such a dazzling attack, an evolutionist who was originally inaccessible was taken down. It seems that it was right to give Chu Xiang training, but Pete was angry that Wilson's men were so Vicious, he would attack from the dead up. If he was under training, his men would be dead.

Wallock got Chu Xiang's instructions. Although he lost after fighting, he didn't worry. Instead, he blocked his fists in front of his head more cautiously. He knew the power of the simple armor under his clothes. As long as he didn't hit his head, he insisted on it. There are no problems under the hundreds. The so-called laughter is the winner. The first loss is not the loss. Waiting for an opportunity to cooperate with the forces that help you secretly fight back.

Wilson's speed-evolver made a small win for the first time, but he knew that Wilson was dissatisfied with him because he did not defeat his opponent, so the speed-evolver launched a second wave of attacks immediately, this time he intentionally slowed down the speed, In this way, the power on the fist will increase a lot, bang, bang, bang, punch to punch on Warlock, Warlock just holds his head mechanically, constantly shaking his body to resist the attack of the speed-evolving evolutionary. .

Both Taro Fujikawa and Conns had smiles on their faces, and even Wilson nodded secretly. The game was a success. Although the speed-type evolutionary was not high in killing power, Warlock couldn't resist at all, so he would meet sooner or later. Can't stand the ground. It seems that he has overestimated the strength of Pete's evolvers before, and he has not made any resistance at all.

There were waves of attacks on the podium. Warlock just bowed his waist and constantly adjusted his position, giving back, hips and the like to the speed-evolving evolutionary, but he never made a punch from beginning to end. Ten minutes after the fight, the smile on Wilson's face disappeared, and Tarogawa and Conns also began to sweat cold. This situation is not right. If you are an ordinary evolutionary, you should be thrown down and vomit blood after being beaten for so long. See the chairman The situation on the stage, Wilson's speed-evolver is getting slower and slower, not because he deliberately slowed down, but because he was fatigued, but Wallock in the defensive posture is still the same, no matter how many punches , Both holding their heads with their backs and buttocks, did not even show a trace of unbearability.

Snoring, snoring, the power of the speed-type evolutionary began to deplete, and he gasped, his fists hitting Wallock becoming weaker and weaker. Ten knuckles were fleshed out of Wallock's body, and looked tiled from the outside. Locke's back is full of blood, but in fact the blood is in the hands of the speed-evolving evolutionary. The more he beats, the more he feels that Wallock's body is extremely hard. If Wilson was not staring, the speed-evolving evolutionary would have stopped and conceded. Only when you come to fight with me is it interesting. This kind of unilateral and meaningless game makes people flustered.

Grunting, grunting, the speed-evolver's breathing was getting louder and louder. A strange smile suddenly appeared on Wallock's face. He received a spiritual instruction. The speed-evolver's punching speed was only three times that of ordinary people. Because Wallock had not counterattacked for a long time, he completely gave up the defense when he punched, and most of the time he stood behind Wallock, which made him think that there was no need for defense, but when he played again normally When the punch continued to attack, Wallock suddenly moved. He quickly stood straight and his elbows slammed backwards. The speed-evolver who had been behind Wallock was exhausted. He punched uncontrollably. Before falling on Wallock's back, at this time Wallock hit his waist and eyes with his elbows, and the force of the collision actually knocked the speed-evolving evolutionist away, and he dropped the podium and overwhelmed a table and chairs, and a blood stain was splashed on the ground. !!

Silence, a silence that lasted more than ten seconds, only the ground-based speed-evolving groaners groaned and faintly moaned blood from their mouths. Tarogawa and Conns opened their mouths wide. How could they suddenly change? In this way, although the speed-type evolutionist has never defeated Warlock, at least he will not lose. After all, he still takes the initiative on the court, but Warlock suddenly turned backwards and reversed the situation. This was not an accident, but it was too accidental. It's up!

Wilson's face turned blue. The reason why he let the speed-type evolutionary play the first game was to win a good start. In the beginning, it was good. In fact, until a dozen seconds ago, Wilson thought that the battle was good for him, but who knows a trick Unlocked Warlock suddenly counterattacked, but he still succeeded in one hit, and the speed-type evolutionary was hit by him so hard to survive.

There was a sudden applause in the deserted scene, and Pete stood up from the viewing platform with excitement, "Wallock, you are good! You won the first game for our Antarctic base, and I want to reward you! With the cry of Pete, the other eight evolutionaries yelled, and then other people under Pete cheered loudly, and the scene suddenly became very lively.

Wallock straightened his waist bar early. Although he noticed that his body was injured under hundreds of punches, as an evolutionary, this injury he could fully bear, thanks to the hidden armor. It's not that he didn't know he had died dozens of times, but he also thanked Wang Shaohui, who was hiding in the side. Just now, Wallock's double elbow could not have killed the speed-evolving evolutionary, nor could he even bump him. Fly off the podium, but with Wang Shaohui's help in the secret, Wilson's speed-evolver will definitely die, but Wallock cooperates very closely, and no one can see that Wang Shaohui put the speed-evolver off the podium.

"Thank you, General, I didn't disappoint the General because of me," Vallock clenched his fists at the viewing platform, and then stepped down calmly. He was the winner after the last laugh. Now nobody dares to look down on Valok anymore. The almost stupid active beating, others call it static braking, this is the most wonderful way to deal with the speed-evolving evolutionary!

Fujiwara whispered to Wilson: "What to do? Still continue to compare?"

Wilson's face returned to calmness, and it was him who asked for a sign of death. Now his own person can only break his teeth and swallow his stomach. Wilson snorted: "It just made them lucky to win a game and continue the game. We have to win the remaining two games! How are your people preparing? At the end of the game, Pete must be stopped first, and then Amanda can take over the army. "

Fujiwara Taro said: "Rest assured, they have been hidden in the corners of the conference room, with a single command, they can turn the creatures in the conference room into horse-honeycombs!"

Wilson nodded with satisfaction and waved another evolutionary onto the stage. Tarogawa went to the podium to knock on the gong. "General Pete wins in the first game, and the second game begins!"

Wang Shaohui came back with success, he introduced behind Chu Xiang: "The man who is playing now is called Tom. He has thick skin and strong muscles. He is a character that should not be underestimated. I am afraid that it may not be possible to defeat him by hiding in the dark. , But he is not my opponent if head-on. "

Chu Xiang said: "Let David come on the field, and we will help you in secret when the time is right. Let him give up when the time is not right. Don't be stubborn. We have another chance anyway."

David is just an ordinary evolutionary. He has no skills other than physical dexterity. Although he has been instilled with external energy in the past two days, this part of the ascension still cannot resist Tom. Tarogawa held a gong after he hit the opening gong. A mace-like weapon rushed up, and David had been told by Chu Xiang. This game was nothing more than a delay. Someone would help him secretly if the opportunity was right. If the opportunity was not suitable, he could only voluntarily give in, otherwise life would be in danger.

Om, Tom ’s mace hits the ground. The floor of the podium is also made of metal, so the two collided with sparkling sparks. The thick floor was trapped in one piece. If David is not smart Flash was about to be smashed into meat sauce. Of course, David was not too weak to have half a counterattack ability. He jumped away from Tom's mace and drew a water pipe from his arms. The mace trembled a little, and the water pipe swept from the back to Tom's head, banging, and the water pipe in David's hand flew a crisp sound, and the water pipe, which had been bent at 90 degrees, slipped from the podium to the stage. But Tom, who was hit hard, was unscathed, and howled back at David.

Because of the safety of the audience, the use of guns was forbidden. David ’s water pipe was shocked and he lost his weapon. Tom ’s mace could not hold even eight water pipes, so in the following In the fight, David can only dodge blindly. Although he can occasionally punch Tom a few times, it is obvious that his fist is almost the same as tickling. Tom's thick flesh is no less than a wild boar chopped with 5 cm thick turpentine, even if Wang Shaohui secretly shot him may not work.

Hum, a big pillar on the podium was bent by Tom's mace, and the whole building trembled. Chu Xiang gestured to David to concede. Unless he encountered such a brutal man, he wanted to secretly calculate it. He is not easy, because there are many evolutionaries present, if not very secretive help will be seen through, and this game is not the key, there is no need to fight for your life, lose, and lose.

Finally pulled back a game, Wilson smiled on his face, even Tarogawa and Connance smiled, Pete's evolutionary is so powerful, just that Wallock's game was purely unexpected, as long as the victory After three innings, he pursued and beat Pete in one fell swoop.

Alas, the opening gong of the third game was sounded. This time Wilson sent a multi-skilled evolutionary, but Chu Xiang was here with Green. The thin Green didn't seem to have much fighting power, and was not even as good as David. People on Wilson's side couldn't help laughing, Pete couldn't hang on his face, and he asked Chu Xiang himself: "Mr. Chu, this is not a child show, can you be sure that Green will win the key game?"

Chu Xiang didn't answer but just waved at Pete to signal that he didn't have to say more. Pete couldn't just return to his position. At this time, some irrelevant people had faintly appeared around him, but Pete focused on the third game. I don't care about these people.

The multi-skilled evolutionary sent by Wilson is Poros. He is Wilson ’s right-hander and is the captain of the Antarctic base evolutionary. This time, he has a 10% chance of winning in the third game. After all, he came to Antarctic base these time. Pete ’s evolvers know something. There are very few skill evolvers and their levels are too low, let alone multiple skill evolvers. Poros ’mission is not only to defeat Green, but to attack Pete in a flash of victory. To cooperate with those of Fujikawa.

Green climbed the podium, he would not be a beautiful leap like Poros. From the point of view of Green alone, Green has already fallen badly. Even Guan Shan was anxious and reasonably chose an evolution. The person should also be better than Green. How could Chu Xiang fancy him to fight? This is outrageous.

Posro stood proudly in front of Green with his arms and shoulders. He said with disdain and tone, "Green, I'll let you hit me with three punches and how do you lose?"

Green climbed up to the podium and patted the gray road on the clothes: "No, how about you let me give you three punches?"

Poros said angrily: "This is your own way of life!"

Green's gaze was a little dizzy, as if he didn't look at Posrow. "Is it easy to die?"

Poros yelled, "I don't know what to do!" Huh, a flame burned to Green, this flame temperature is about 1,500 Baidu, which is higher than the candle flame temperature, and Chu Xiang reached a maximum of 6,000 degrees The fire control skill ratio is almost a little witch, but the flame of fifteen hundred Baidu is not able to stand by Green. As soon as he rolled around on a pillar, the flame was blocked in this way.

Green's avoidance of Poros's flame attack seemed to be a fluke in the eyes of others, because he was too embarrassed to roll there, and Poros yelled again, "Taste my flame and try to avoid the freezing. "Bomboros issued two masses of ice mist in his palm, and the ice mist chased Green quickly. Green ran around the pillars for two laps and was finally covered by the ice mist. The creaking icing sounded.

Poros haha ​​laughed. He was surrendered before he actually shot the enemy. This battle was too inefficient. If he was quick-frozen, he would be dead after thawing if he didn't have enough physical fitness, but Poros seemed to laugh a little early. Because the crunchy icing sound stopped for a while, and then Green, who was somewhat stiff, ran again.

Poros saw the ducks flying away again ~ ~ He was so angry that two ice mists were issued again in the palm of his hand, but Green was frightened and saw the ice mists run wildly, at this moment of life and death He actually escaped several attacks one after another. Poros clearly had other ways to kill Green, but he was unwilling to lose face on the quick freeze, so he kept urging the energy to send ice and mist to pursue Green, and finally on the podium it was misty. The people underneath couldn't see clearly, just listening to the sound of creaking icing constantly, even if the objects frozen by the ice will break even the metal, it can be seen that Poros is ruthless, Green is lucky again Can't hide away.

The last icing ceased, and there were quick-frozen icicles on the podium. I don't know which one had Green, Pete and Guan Shan were nervous. If Green was frozen inside, his life would not be guaranteed. It also means that the game is lost.

In fact, Wilson, Tarogawa, and others are more nervous. They need a result. Regardless of the result of winning or losing, Poros should use his skills to attack Pete first, and then Tarogawa's people will shoot out when they see the signal, but the ice There was no movement in the pillar for a long time, and the hearts of all were suspended in the air.

Suddenly someone shook after an icicle, and then Green's little head protruded. He looked around first and left to make sure there was no danger. Then came out from behind the icicle. Wilson and Tarogawa were dumbfounded. Why did the enemy come out? What about Poros?

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