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Chapter 565: Be a soldier

The words of the Chinese woman shocked Chu Xiang, yeah, in the eyes of everyone, 'Chu Xiang' is an incomparable superman, a name representing pride, and it is indeed a shame to call the name casually, but this name is not Rashid shouted by himself, so Chu Xiang was a little calm inside, but Chu Xiang was a confident man, and he said to the Chinese woman, "Be assured, I will never humiliate the name!"

What else do Chinese men want to say, suddenly a sharp alarm sounded, this is the second time in the past few days, so there was not much confusion among the people, and the accompanying Americans quickly understood the situation and hovered outside the base. Zombies are attacking the base! With the sirens the gunfire also sounded.

Rashid is very capable, he waved: "Let's hit the zombies! Don't you know if the hero or the bear pulls out?" Chu Xiang didn't say anything to keep up, in fact, he had been waiting for such an opportunity, a show Opportunity for strength, only in this way can he live a better life in the base, rather than living by begging in this unsettled way.

"Zhang Debing, go and see." The Chinese woman said to a Chinese man.

Zhang Debing hesitated to look around, "Shan Shan, who did I leave to protect you."

Xie Shanshan said, "Aren't there Mu Qing and Li Haipeng? It's all right."

It turned out that the five were Xie Shanshan, Zhou Muqing, Zhang Debing, Zhang Hongbing, Li Haipeng from China. Xie Shanshan was the leader. She could understand human thinking activities, so she was not afraid of being cheated by the Americans. Zhou Muqing was with Xie Shanshan. In the future, Zhang Hongbing mainly checked and accepted equipment. After all, other people did not understand the mechanical equipment, and Li Haipeng and Zhang Debing were responsible for safety.

Zhang Debing took a quick look. There was a transmission from Li Haipeng and Zhou Muqing's ultrasound to keep them here. There should be no danger. So he followed the noisy crowd and climbed up the fence. When did a large number of troops be secretly gathered, they were hitting the base by suicide, the bullets were dumped quickly, and the zombies fell like wheat, but the situation was not entirely beneficial to humans because some zombies were useless The bullets disappeared, they came to the wall to start the destruction of the wall, these are the second mutant zombies, unless they use the spear of judgment, and the power of the evolutionist can kill them.

Rashid and Chu Xiang's plan to participate in the war was not realized at first. Because the defensive forces were not short of people, but the situation became more and more unfavorable. The second zombie corpse destroyed several walls, and the human corpses had a close-up battle. Human forces suffered a large number of casualties, so after another wave of attacks repelled, US officials began to identify soldiers among civilians.

"As long as we have the strength to shoot people, regardless of nationality, two meals a day, those who want to be soldiers come to sign up."

With the conscription officer's announcement that the crowd of people was rushing to the conquest. The military, although it is dangerous to be a soldier, you can have two meals a day. This is enough, but the strength test and gun test screened out most of them. But Chu Xiang and Rashid passed smoothly. Rashid hunting and fitness in the former world were common. Chu Xiang ’s strength was already extraordinary. He lost some special abilities after his four **** companions disappeared. With his current strength, it is by no means a problem.

Soon after getting the guns, Chu Xiang and Rashid were immediately driven to the wall. They participated in the battle, which is why the recruiters asked for guns, because they had no time to train and they could join the war when they asked for it. Rashid was very excited, and lay two shots on the wall, but both shots missed. In front of the locust-like zombies, the two bullets were all blown. This requires a lot of skills. Chu Xiang laughed and pulled Sid blushed.

"This gun is not allowed." Rashid gave himself a reason.

Chu Xiang grabbed Rashid's gun and shoved his own gun into his hand. At this time, the ensign yelled: "Everyone is energized. This is a life-and-death fight, fire! Shoot them all! Kill! "

Seeing the night with Chu Xiang. Isn't it easy to aim at the zombies? One shot exploded a head, and Rashid could hit five of his ten shots. It is not necessary that these five shots explode. As the recruits joined the battlefield, the situation was slightly eased, but as another round of second-variation zombies gathered, they pushed down a fence again, and the zombies swarmed in, so the melee battle began again. Now, this collapsed fence is Chu Xiang's defensive section.

Clicking, Chu Xiang's gun made an air strike, and the ammunition box around him did not know which brick or stone was pressed. Chu Xiang picked up the **** and smashed the zombies around him. Alas, his brain cracked and flew. Rashid's bullets were also exhausted. He learned that Chu Xiang raised his **** and smashed the zombies. He clicked, the **** was broken, and the zombie was safe.

"Save me!" Rashid shouted at Chu Xiang. Although the scene was chaotic, Chu Xiang was not far from Rashid. He cast aside other zombies and rushed to Rashid immediately. Chu Xiang held up his **** again and yanked towards the zombies with a bang. The zomb fell to the ground intact, but Chu Xiang's **** was broken this time. "Second variant zombie Chu Xiang was shocked. When he came across this thing, he had to escape. He pulled Rashid and was about to withdraw, but it was late, and he blocked two zombies on his face to see the marks left on them. It is estimated to be a second variant.

Chu Xiang and Rashid stood in the encirclement and did not dare to move. The four zombies surrounded them tightly, and they approached step by step. Chu Xiang suddenly shot. He pretended to strike into a wide gap, and the two zombies did. In the middle plan, he turned around to fill the gap, and Chu Xiang immediately changed his punch and punched the chin of the zombie behind him. This zombie was beaten a few times, then thumped and fell to the ground, and the other was Chu. Xiang kicked and kicked, so the small encirclement formed by the four zombies broke, and Chu Xiang yelled to Rashid: "Run!"

Rashid came to his senses and rushed, but he just took two steps and was caught by something tightly. He fell over and fell. It turned out that the zombies who had been knocked down by Chu Xiang reached out and held Rashid's leg. After Rashid fell, the zombie crawled and slammed at him. Shocked, Rashid shouted, and Chu Xiang reached out and touched a collapsed concrete block. Bang, the solid cement block hit the zombie. On the head, the zombie didn't even move, and the cement block in Chu Xiang's hand had been broken into countless pieces, and the body of the second variant was really abnormal.

"Use this!" Someone shouted beside him, and immediately lifted a thing and flew to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang raised his hand and caught it. He knew this was the spear of the Terminator's judgment, although Chu Xiang had never used it. , But I ’ve heard Rashid ’s narration before. Now there are many evolutionaries on the battlefield who are fighting with the second variant zombie, so Chu Xiang has a good example, and the gun point stabbed at the zombie ’s chest, but Chu Xiang didn't understand the last step, which was to break the spear of trial and kill the zombies completely, so the gunpoint stuck into the zombie's chest.

Zhang Debing leapt out of the zombies' encirclement. He took over the judgment spear in the hands of Chu Xiang, "see it clearly, click here!" Alas, the zombie exploded in an instant. It was a number of flying sticks that had been drilled into the body. Break inside defense.

Zhang Debing pressed another button, and the spear of judgment flew back to regroup as if performing a magical trick. "Did you learn?" Zhang Debing asked, and Chu Xiang nodded, and Zhang Debing gave the judgment spear to Chu Xiang. Fight. "

The two back-to-back, Rashid followed closely around them, and zombies kept coming around, but Zhang Debing and Chu Xiang picked each other one by one, killing more and more bravely, Zhang Debing praised as he shouted: "Man, I was a little urgent before. Don't mind you. "

Chu Xiang can't be as easy as Zhang Debing. He quickly stabbed two zombies before he had time to say: "It's okay, you're right, I can't be ashamed of the name" Chu Xiang ", but this name is not me I started it myself, and I did n’t even know what he represented before, so I do n’t blame you. ”

Zhang Debing said: "That's good. I don't know why fighting with you makes me feel familiar, huh, maybe it's because you're also called Chu Xiang. He is the great captain of our eschatology team. We are Chinese. proud."

Rashid asked, "But is he dead?"

Zhang Debing's expression was a little excited, and he furiously soared the two zombies: "Nonsense! He will always live in our hearts."

Rashid said: "That still means death. Don't deceive yourself, but it doesn't matter. One Chu Xiang died and countless Chu Xiang stood up. You see, there is one beside you. He will be your great captain in the future. You Chinese are proud! "

Zhang Debing glanced at the ‘Chu Xiang’ around him, he snorted coldly: “He? I ask you not to compare him with our captain. This is an insult to our captain!”

Chu Xiang wasn't angry with Zhang Debing's words. He could understand the high status of the name 'Chu Xiang' among Zhang Debing and others. "Rashid, don't talk nonsense!" Chu Xiang calmed down and attacked while the zombies attacked. Rashid said.

Rashid swiped and said nothing, the next battle was more fierce, and more recruits were put on the battlefield, but they were all cannon fodder levels. In the face of the second variant zombie, only the evolutionary and the spear of judgment can deal with it. These inexperienced recruits had their heads broken when they came up.

Xie Shanshan and others stood on a well-preserved fence. Li Haipeng watched the surrounding situation nervously. He would leave with three people immediately if something was wrong. This is his important task, and the beauty that has been accompanied The official didn't know where to go, Xie Shanshan said to Zhou Muqing: "Are you on the stage, don't you say there is a new breakthrough?"

Zhou Muqing said: "But I don't want to die for Americans."

Xie Shanshan said, "What would he do if Chu Xiang were here?"

Referring to Chu Xiang and Zhou Muqing's face darkened, he said, "Okay, okay, I know he's going to shoot."

Hum, I didn't see how high Zhou Muqing shouted. Even a little further away, no one heard her talking, but the situation under the fence changed immediately, from the front row of zombies to the back. They deformed in an instant. The body shifted, then silently turned into a pool of meat sauce and continued to impact backwards.

Zhou Muqing's ultrasound was not comparable to a year ago. In the past year, they have endured internal pain, so they devoted all their energy to the upgrade, and used it to dispatch difficult days. Almost everyone has a qualitative improvement. Said Zhou Muqing now, she has been able to control the sound waves under the hearing range of the human ear, avoiding the negative impact of the ultra-high sound waves on the human ear. In addition, due to the strengthening of the power, the zombie is no longer an explosion, but is instantly shaken into flesh. Sauce, everything is done in silence. Although the scene is not as spectacular as before, it is a lot weird.

A huge fan was quickly cleared out on the battlefield. In this fan-shaped area, whether it is an ordinary zombie or a second variant zombie, they cannot escape the sound wave. Fortunately, the American soldiers who saw it all closed their mouths in horror. Does this power come from people? It is a super weapon in the world. If you look at the person who fired the super weapon, she is still a big breasted woman. She is as beautiful as a star and attracts attention. In fact, people are already stars.

Zhou Muqing changed her position and emitted ultrasound again, so another vacant lot was cleared in silence. This time, more American soldiers noticed this process. When Zhou Muqing transmitted ultrasound for the third time, the Americans were high. Cheers, although this is a Chinese woman, only humans and zombies are at this moment.

Soon a group of people gathered around Zhou Muqing. At this time, a beautiful official who had not seen him appeared. He maintained order and said, "Let's go, let's go all out and let Miss Zhou help us to destroy the zombies."

In fact, Zhou Muqing was unwilling to help. In her opinion, the Americans had an inescapable responsibility for the death of Chu Xiang, but she could not help but listen to Xie Shanshan. After the death of Chu Xiang, the resistance army was Song Jun and He Yaohui. Outside the Lord, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan are inside, and the internal strength is the Chinese evolutionary elite. Among these insiders, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan have supreme power. Of course, Zhou Muqing doesn't have to bother about their identity, but the same For Chu Xiang's woman, Zhou Muqing is only a small one.

After Zhou Muqing entered the battle, the zombies quickly lost. They were powerless in the face of such large-scale lethal weapons. Even if they organized a larger attack, they would be useless, unless they had a larger number to consume Zhou Muqing's energy, or It is faster to attack with lightning speed.

The recruits returned, almost every team had a large number of casualties, especially the recruits, and some companies were killed. According to the performance of the battle just now, Chu Xiang was immediately designated as a platoon leader, even Rashid became After the squad leader, being able to survive is in itself a kind of ability. In any case, Chu Xiang and Rashid have found a place to eat after the war today.

Zhang Debing later sought Chu Xiang after arranging Xie Shanshan's security work. The friendship between the two has been established in the previous battle. Even the shallow one is worth making people happy. Isn't it easy to know that Qianjin is hard to find? "Chu Xiang, I'm glad to meet you. You are a very special person. I don't know if I might know your secret. Judging from your ability to kill secondary mutant zombies, you should be an evolutionary, but I can't sense your energy at all, this is the first time this situation has been encountered except for our Captain Chu Xiang. "

Chu Xiang also didn't have a bad feeling towards Zhang Debing. The two even felt a little regretful in the back-to-back battle. "Oh, I'm also glad to know you, but I don't know what happened, if one day I knew my The secret will tell you. "

Zhang Debing shook Chu Xiang ’s hand: "Okay, I am looking forward to this day. I can even help you. We have several authoritative experts in this field in China. Otherwise, you will follow me back to China and let them carry out on you. Thorough inspection, don't worry, they will never hurt you. "

Chu Xiang shook his head: "No, I don't think I can find a secret when I return to China. On the contrary, staying in the United States may allow me to make further discoveries." Chu Xiang said this for a reason, because the four **** that are almost exactly the same as him are prove.

Zhang Debing said: "Okay, I don't force you. Our work has been completed and we will return to China soon. Goodbye."

Xie Shanshan and Zhou Muqing left. Although the Americans have repeatedly invited them to stay for a few more days, there are more things in China. The next step is to receive troops to dismantle the three production lines. This does not require Xie Shanshan and others. In fact, the United States People's enthusiasm for retention is nothing more than to use Zhou Muqing's strength to defend the base. Although the zombies retreated, their number is still alarming. In case of counterattack Salem base is still dangerous.

After Chu Xiang became the platoon leader, he led 30 miscellaneous troops, including Americans, Europeans, and Chinese. They practiced day and night, and finally ushered in another war test on this day, and the zombies were resting. A few days later, tens of thousands of creepers were convened. They wandered around the periphery of Salem base, and there was a tendency to close and siege. At this time, there was news that the ammunition was about to run out at Salem Base. Received the task, escorted a transport convoy to an abandoned base 70 kilometers away from Salem base to pull ammunition.

There were three companies escorting the convoy, with a combined strength of nearly three hundred men, ten transport convoys, all heavy trucks, rushing out of Salem base with machine guns, and then went straight to the abandoned base. To the zombies, but they did not organize an effective formation, just blocking the convoy in twos and threes ~ ~ was passed by heavy trucks.

All the way to the abandoned base smoothly, but everyone's feelings of joy were immediately mentioned to the mid-air, because according to the information, the abandoned base should be empty, but now it is closed by high walls and gates. It looks like it has been occupied by people. There was an accident about getting weapons. The leader was the battalion commander, his name was Hans, he simply reported to the Salem base, and then sent someone to call the door.

The outside news naturally passed to the abandoned base early, and before the caller came to the door, someone poked his head out of the high gate, "Hi, stand now!" Then a gunshot slammed, and the soldier who was about to call the door was ready. A cloud of mud was rising at his feet, and it seemed that the other side was unfriendly.

The battalion commander hid behind the truck and shouted, "The people inside are listening. We are the ammunition picking unit at Salem base. You immediately open the door to make way for us to pull the ammunition, otherwise don't blame us!

Another person stood up from the gate, "So big, think my base is the back garden of Salem?"

Chu Xiang was extremely shocked when he saw this person, because this person is a Chinese. The ugly face made him familiar and could not help touching his face. Although he did n’t know how his legs were, Chu Xiang had a hunch. People definitely lame too!

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