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Chapter 579: transaction

"Push!" Everyone yelled, and then pushed the armored personnel carrier forward in a concerted effort. There was no way to store the battery. The battery ran out early. I heard the sound of the engine starting when I rushed several times. Well, maybe the inside of the engine is corroded. Not only is the redhead anxious, but Chu Xiang himself is sweating too much, because he knows that the zombies are only separated by a street. Once they are trapped by them, it is already This team without weapons will be dead. 79 free

"Push it again!" Chu Xiang opened the valve above his head and shouted, the sky was getting darker and darker. After a while, it even snowed. This is not a good thing. Snow has no effect on the lives of zombies, but it has come to humans. It means that the temperature will decrease, and the road will be more difficult to walk, but if you can start this military vehicle, you don't need to care about temperature and road conditions.

Boom, finally the engine roared, and everyone in the cart cheered. They sprinted and jumped into the rear cabin in two steps, and then the armored personnel carrier hit the road in a dozen directions, roaring out of the zombies, although there were scattered zombies Blocked the intersection, but in the presence of this steel monster, they were quickly crushed to pieces.

The redhead was talking nonsense in the cabin. Although Chu Xiang's plan was adventurous and he was almost trapped in the end, no matter what happened before, they have left the Portland city with wine now. If time is too late You can also pick salt, even if you don't pick the salt, you haven't returned empty-handed this time! Players can be recruited again when they die. The key is the resurgence of capital. These wines are enough to exchange for better equipment and weapons.

The Courage Squad is now afraid to return to Portland base, because the way back was full of zombies, but fortunately everyone was full when they came out, and after fighting for two days outside, they finally found a gap and rushed into the zombies Surrounded by the ring, Portland base gatekeepers were tempted by two bottles of twenty years of red wine to open the door, and Chu Xiang and Rashid finally returned home.

Rejecting the invitation for red hair, Chu Xiang and Rashid carry a few bottles of red and white wine, of course, Chu Xiang now has a strong net worth, these bottles of wine are not in sight, but he can not keep secrets Let the redhead know, so I still pretended to accept the "spoiler", at least two more bottles than others, because the idea was from him, and he also exerted the most effort in the course of the action. Two more bottles were counted against him, but There were hundreds of bottles of wine in Chu Xiang's bone ring, so he didn't care about it at all.

After returning to that hut, Rashid immediately turned out the frozen fruit. He took a few sips and then fell down to sleep. The two days of wandering outside were tense and no one dared to sleep. Back to the base, the first thing to relax and relax is to make up for sleep. In addition to fatigue, Chu Xiang has to face two girls who make him feel complicated.

"Chu Xiang, you're finally back!" Fang Yuxuan almost ran out crying, of course, she hadn't arrived at Chu Xiang's arms casually, but if Chu Xiang told her about her relationship with No. 1 Chu Xiang, it is estimated that She didn't have problems sleeping with her.

Although Su Yulian's eyes were concerned, she was, after all, a reserved girl who was not as eager as Fang Yuxuan, but she expressed concern in her words: "Chu Xiang, why did we come back so long, we went to the city Inquire about the news, saying that your team was besieged by zombies as soon as they left the base. Those zombies have not disappeared so far, thinking that you ... you can't come back, and Xiaoyu's eyes cried and swollen for the past two days.

Fang Yuxuan turned back with tears and smiled: "Sister Lian, haven't you cried yourself ?. Although this Chu Xiang does not admit it is our original Chu Xiang, but I have a feeling that he seems to really be our original Chu Xiang! So we It's okay to be sad for him. "

Chu Xiang can only smile in his heart, who he is now is a big question, but I think that I have an unclear relationship with No. 1 Chu Xiang, and even No. 2 Chu Xiang, the woman No. 1 Resisting, he hugged Fang Yuxuan tightly. It felt great to squeeze the surging chest against his chest. Since consciousness, he hasn't touched women from zero distance, but the secretion of No. 2 Chu Xiang hormone is normal. Stand upright, gritting your teeth hard to squeeze yourself with a soft chest.

It took an hour to finish the two-day experience. At this time, the freshly boiled life fruit on the fire was also ripe. Chu Xiang even ate three large bowls, then went to the haystack and fell down to sleep. He needed To replenish their strength, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian were excitedly discussing the issue by the fire, of course, the center was still Chu Xiang, who was asleep.

"Sister Lian, have you felt that Chu Xiang's feeling to us is getting heavier and heavier." Fang Yuxuan asked seriously.

Su Yulian nodded and said, "I didn't feel it before, but this time he came back with the familiarity you said. Would you say this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, plus all the abnormalities that he showed before? Maybe one day he will really become our original Chu Xiang, but I do n’t understand why it is. "

Fang Yuxuan said: "Chu Xiang was injured by the nuclear explosion. Maybe he had to use this method to recover his body. At this time, we must care about him and take care of him. We cannot doubt that he abandoned him."

Su Yulian expressed a bit of worry: "Xiaoyu, but what if he is still the same person and has not become our Chu Xiang? In the past few times, you have become more and more intimate with him. Is this a matter of convergence? Otherwise, If something unexpected happens, we ca n’t end it. Of course, we said it well. We are not loyal to Chu Xiang. We can pursue it if we like it. "

Fang Yuxuan said absolutely: "I have no plans to end the game. If it turns out that he is not our original Chu Xiang, then I will end up with him. I will just go to Brother Chu and let him take advantage of me. They all came back! I cleaned up Brother Chu with innocence. "

Su Yulian didn't speak, but there was no better way to do this. It was a miracle that the two could survive in Salem. This fate was counted back. If she was cheated by Chu Xiang, it would be returned to him. Although everyone said that they would not prevent other girls from pursuing happiness, no one would love other men anymore. Even if the current Chu Xiang is proven not to be true Chu Xiang, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian will also die with death. Chi! However, the two girls are still willing to consider the good side. They let go of their worries and discuss the topic of happiness after Chu Xiang's return.

As soon as Chu Xiang woke up, it was already dark. Rashid slept earlier than Chu Xiang. Now he was drinking life fruit soup around the fire. Just looking at his frowning brow, he could know that he was upset. It's a bit worthy now, and the bottles of good wine returned are worth a lot. Of course, it won't work if sold to civilians, but Portland is not short of wealth!

"Chu Xiang, you are awake. Thanks to you for going out for treasure hunting this time. Otherwise, we will die a few times and we wo n’t be able to get those babies back. How about, do we have to find a way to sell the wine for some purity? What about water and delicious food? "Rashid brought a bowl to Chu Xiang's side and suggested that a good day would finally come. He was excited inside.

Chu Xiang nodded. He didn't care how much valuable food he exchanged. He was only thinking about how to use these wines to approach Bohao's boss. After knowing the secrets about his own body, Chu Xiang's conflicts in the heart also hoped that his strength could go further. This is a necessary prerequisite to keep his own life, and currently the only way to strengthen his strength is to absorb the boss of Hao Hao, and then look for other cripples. As for whether it will eventually become No. 1 Chu Xiang, No. 2 Chu Xiang already has It is intended to stop absorbing when the signs are wrong, so that it will not become the number one Chu Xiang, but also strengthen its own strength.

Squeaked, Chu Xiang pushed open the door of Bohao's boss, and then let Rashid, who was a big model, go to the side. The empty hall was the same as the last time. Those who do n’t wear clothes, it ’s snowing outside. The weather here is almost warm as spring, but Chu Xiang has no intention to look at those women who are exposed because they are the killers of death! This is why Chu Xiang is so sceptic. If you want to absorb the body of the boss, you must solve them first!

"Two people, what good stuff did you bring to me this time?" Boss Hao came out of the bed casually, as if he really had an exposed habit, dangling naked in front of Rashid, but Chu Xiang saw Boss Hao A murderous look in his eyes! Yes, it's murderous. If Rashid does not come up with the goods that satisfy the boss of Haohao, this murderous gas will burst out!

Alas, Rashid put the bag on the table, then sat down on the sofa with his butt, and grabbed the cigar on the table. That was a fun thing, and only high-level people had the opportunity to enjoy the party. The luxury goods arrived, but in this room are placed casually, Chu Xiang stepped forward with fun and lit a cigar for Rashid, Rashid sitting on the sofa with a cross on Erlang's legs, took a hard breath Foot addiction states: "Look at it myself, I'm responsible for dissatisfaction, and each bottle is the best."

Rashid didn't tell the truth. The wines that can be stored in small warehouses are all fine wines. Even the least valuable in it are not consumed by ordinary people in the former world. The boss of Hao Hao has probably smelled the wine, but He didn't do it himself. Four of them had already gotten off the bed. Two of them sat in the sofa, right and left, and Rashid was sandwiched in the middle. The other two went to the table to get a bag. In front of Minhao.

"Nice," Minhao glanced and sniffed hard. Although the bottle hadn't been opened, the rich aroma could be smelled. This is definitely the finest wine made in the former world, and the vintage is quite long. The former world is precious, and it is rare in the last days. No wonder the Arab boy is so arrogant that he did have capital.

Rashid is also a person who is good at looking at the color. When seeing the satisfied expression of Bohao ’s boss, he immediately grabbed the person sitting next to him and squeezed it like a summer bowl of ice soup, which made him look refreshed, but Rashid did not dare to go too far, but he saw these merciless killings with his own eyes. If it was not for Chu Xiang to stop in the middle, the last time he came to see Hao Hao would have killed him.

"I don't know what you are going to exchange?" Rashid let go of his hands and let them tremble up and down. He retracted his eyes from his body, and his voice seemed to ask the Bohao boss blandly.

Boss Hao Hao picked up a bottle of wine and sent it under the nose to smell it deeply, then opened the stopper with a bang, slowly and gently licked a drop with the tip of his tongue, closed his eyes slowly, and finally took a deep breath A cry: "Good wine, what do you want?"

Chu Xiang stood on the side and carefully observed the boss of Hao Hao. This is also the clone of No. 1 Chu Xiang. Can it be said that genes in different parts of the body will evolve different personalities? Seeing this **** is vicious and vicious, he is still an alcoholic guy, even if he absorbed him, there is no guilt, but I do not know what special ability will be added to himself.

Of course, Rashid did not know that Chu Xiang had been thinking of the boss of Hao Hao. He was still bargaining with the boss of Hao Hao. The two finally agreed to use an armed off-road vehicle and two machine guns for a few bullets. The value of these wines is quite high for Xiang, but for Rashid, it still feels a loss, because he did not get the food he ate, and the boss Hao said that he would not exchange any premium food because the former world The leftover food is more precious than weapons and ammunition. He didn't keep enough to eat by himself. How can he take it out to Rashid?

There are more than 20 bottles of wine. Bohao Hao made a gesture and came up to the corner room with two bottles of wine. It looks like there is a storage room. There are two others covered with veil. Boao Hao instructed them to follow Rashid went out to pick up the vehicle and weapons, and he was quite polite at the door. "Friend, now I completely believe in your sincerity. Only you can continue to trade. I guarantee that there is no better than me in Portland. Fair price. "

Lihao Bar operates alcoholic beverages, and these wines will become the treasure of the town's bar, so of course, the better, the better. With such a wine, Lihao boss wants to get to know the upper-level characters of the base. It is also a secret for Chu Xiang. With a wink, Rashid finally said one of the purposes of the trip.

"We still have the goods, just to see if you are sincere." Rashid deliberately inscrutable.

Boss Minhao said, "Say, as long as you don't overdo it."

Rashid said: "We need a set of satellite communication equipment. The price is thirty bottles of wine, and they are all more than fifty years old. They are also valuable in the former world. There are red wine, champagne and brandy vodka. No sincerity to take it. "

Wu Hao frowned slightly: "Satellite communication equipment? What do you want to do? This thing is in charge of the army. As far as I know, no such ability is personally owned. Of course, thirty bottles of vintage wine are of great value, but you can't Ask the price. "

Rashid said: "We are not asking for the price, so we actually just want to make a phone call, as long as you can help us borrow satellite communications equipment, after talking 30 bottles of wine, even if it is yours, you can send it if it suits you. Someone arranged, we will come back tomorrow night and say goodbye, yes, don't forget to bring us a car and a weapon. "

Xi Hao waved at the two women wearing veil, and the two women left with Chu Xiang and Rashid, and arranged for the transaction after finding a person in charge of logistics. Soon, Chu Xiang and Rashid drove their weapons. Back at the cottage, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian haven't slept yet. They already know Chu Xiang's plan, so they hurried forward and asked: "How? He promised to give us a communication device?"

Rashid shook his head, Fang Yuxuan's face darkened immediately, Chu Xiang said: "But we do n’t need the communication equipment, so we said that as long as we can find a satellite communication equipment and make a call, I think he will agree But he has to contact the troops first, and I think it wo n’t be possible until tomorrow at the earliest. ”

Fang Yuxuan said: "It turned out that it scared me, but I can't wait now."

Su Yulian said: "If you contact China tomorrow, we will definitely take you away. Everything will be easy in China."

Rashid was naturally overjoyed, but looking at Chu Xiang he knew that he could not leave because Chu Xiang did not abandon himself when he needed it, so he could not leave when Chu Xiang needed himself! So when the two women went to sleep, Rashid and Chu Xiang came out of the hut, and there were still snow falling outside, and they checked the off-road vehicle without fear of the cold, and then wiped the machine gun again and again, Rashid Asked Chu Xiang: "Chu Xiang, I know you won't leave, so can you tell me why you want to get close to the boss of Hao Hao? What is our ultimate purpose, and where do we get the thirty bottles of good wine, The red-haired captain will not give us those wines. "

Chu Xiang said: "I have hidden a batch of wine, which is definitely enough to deal with Bohao's boss. I'll tell you the truth. I can't be close to Bohao's boss. I want to kill him!" Chu Xiang is not alarmist. , Because he absorbed the boss of Hao Hao was equivalent to taking the life of the other party, but he could n’t explain it with Rashid, even if he could explain it, he could n’t say it. Before his strength did not increase, This secret is best kept hidden by Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian. Of course, before being controlled by No. 1 Chu Xiang, he said something that should not be said. Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian have now doubted him, but these two women can absolutely believe it, so Chu Xiang didn't care.

"Kill him!" Rashid was taken aback. The two meetings with Bohao's boss have always been in accordance with the plan set by Chu Xiang, but Rashid never asked Chu Xiang's final purpose, so he heard Chu Xiang He was very surprised to say so.

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, Rashid, you are my only friend, so I can't lie to you, killing him is my ultimate goal, and this is the only way to strengthen my strength, and then I will leave Portland , Look for the same **** like him! I can only survive in this world only by constantly strengthening my strength. "

Rashid nodded slightly: "I see." In fact, Rashid didn't quite understand. What is the relationship between killing the mule and enhancing the strength of Chu Xiang? But Rashid is not a fool. He knows that there must be a secret that Chu Xiang cannot tell, so he does not delve into it. Then Rashid pointed to the off-road lane again: "This car is probably not enough to support us leaving Portland. , Let alone go to the zombie world to find other bitches, so we need better goods in exchange for better vehicles. "

Chu Xiang nodded, he decided not to conceal the secret of the bone ring. After all, he needed Rashid's help to absorb the boss of Xun Hao's sister-in-law, so Chu Xiang rubbed the bone ring on his three fingers, and a magical door appeared on the cross country. Next to the car, Rashid looked stunned: "Oh my God, this is the legendary Sesame door? Am I dazzled?"

Chu Xiang opened the door that looked a little bit ethereal: "No, you have no dazzle. This is the wine I secretly hid. In the future, this is the secret warehouse of our stuff. As for how I made this weird thing, Don't ask me, now I'm confused. "

Chu Xiang didn't lie about this matter ~ ~ The thing about storing rings is that No. 1 Chu Xiang is also a little confused, so it is impossible to explain it to No. 2 Chu Xiang, but Rashid experienced After such a chaotic life in the last days, they also quickly accepted this magical warehouse that can be carried with them. The two excitedly picked out thirty bottles of wine. After sending away Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, they opened the sword to Bohao's boss!

"By the news of the last time I went to the city to investigate the transaction, I saw a good engineering vehicle." Rashid thought of going to the Zombie World to find other possible mules, so he and Chuxiang should find a place to stay. Mobile shelter.

Chu Xiang said: "Oh, what is it? We now have a certain amount of capital. As long as the car is suitable for us, we must fight for it regardless of the cost."

Rashid said: "A Big Mac, a Pilb truck!"

Chu Xiang was not familiar with the 797 truck, so he did not show much expression, but just said: "Next time you go to the urban area, you can show me, and we will talk to the owner of the car, but I am afraid that these wines are not enough to support We've got enough weapons and food, so we'll continue to hunt for treasure in Portland! "

(It was raining yesterday, so today ’s update is a bit late, everyone forgive me)

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