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Chapter 637: Save people

[637] save people

While walking the gale and the musician's pride, they turned into combat power. From time to time, zombies pounced on them, but everyone had a spear of judgment in their hands, and they were picked to death with a single wave. In addition, the gale and the musicians were wearing armor. It's already open. Even if t4 comes up, you can attack without defense, so you can rush quickly and go to the hospital with little effort.

"Wang Xiang, do we really want to go in? But creeper, you have to think clearly!" Feng Feng said to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang stunned the spear of judgment, and the surrounding zombies fell down, "You two meet outside, I will go in myself!"

Gouty wind said: "Fuck, what do you mean, thought we were afraid? Isn't it? Since I dared to accompany you back, I didn't plan to go back alive! We rush in with you! It doesn't mean that everyone is dead, and the lightest person is" Mao "heavy Those who are like Tarzan, this time we will return to Tarzan! Haha, the wind and the arrogance of the wild wind will come out again, and the personal "life" will continue to be insignificant in the process of harvesting zombies.

Hum, the musician used silent actions to support the wind. He sent a "shot" of ultrasound to explode the zombies in front of him. A channel was torn into the hospital. The wind had "fucked" the wind group, and the surrounding zombies were continuously sucked in. The road widened quickly, but the energy loss of the "Fuck" wind group was quite large, so the wind did not dare to stay too much, and rushed in first, followed by the creeper team. They were the big resistance to save people.

Om-the ultrasound is on the creepers. These creepers only look at what kind of pig farm the domestic pigs should be. They have just changed after a few generations of breeding. They are a dozen times bigger than domestic pigs! They are like a bull's existence, the sound of the sturdy, thick and thick skin is bursting with several wounds, and the black blood "liquid" keeps flowing down, making them look scary! The pain has also greatly stimulated their beast "sex"!

Alas ... the pig herd rushed towards the three, and the wind directed the wind regiment to meet them, but the wind regimen was very effective for zombies. The effect was not obvious when facing domestic pigs weighing a few kilograms, only a few The unprepared small-weight domestic pig was pulled into the air duct, and the rest only shook his body a few times, and then stood in the stable wind like a Taishan. The wind was constantly urging the energy of the wind, but before the open road had let His energy was poor, and his physical strength could not be sustained any time soon, so he had to retreat the wind mass, gasping in his mouth, "No, I don't have energy."

The musician was also uneasy: "Ultrasonic waves have no obvious effect on pigskin, and they cannot block their interception!"

Not only can't break their interception, the terrible thing is that the attack just now has angered the pig herds, and now they have turned their focus on the three offensives of Chu Xiang. At the door, Fengfeng and the musician's face "colored" Tieqing. It seems that this time it was not saved by the pig.

Alas, Chu Xiang fiercely “plugged” the trial spear into the concrete floor. He sent a wave of ultrasonic waves toward the road when he came, and the dozens of mutant pigs who planned to enclose them from behind were immediately fried into meat sauce! No bones were left, and the sky was like a rain of meat sauce. The wind fell and the musician's face was fishy and stinky, but they couldn't care to wipe away the rotten meat on their bodies, and they were surprised and said: "Super, Ultrasound? You, you too? The energy is still so strong! "

Chu Xiang pointed to the cleared road and said: "You wait outside and rest at the same time to recover your strength. I will take care of you after I rescue people." This time, the wind and musicians did not dare to argue, the two ran back quickly, Chu Xiang The blow has already revealed "extra strong energy". This is not a comparison between a musician and a gust of wind. Following Chu Xiang is a drag on others.

Chu Xiang pulled out the spear of trial and turned away a sneaky mutant pig, then sonic attacked and kept hitting out. Even if the mutant pigs were thick and thick, they could not stop Chu Xiang's powerful energy, all the way like setting off firecrackers. Ping-pong ping-pong exploded constantly. When the crawler went wherever Chu Xiang went, those creepers took the initiative to make way. Chu Xiang rushed to the outpatient building and besieged the crawl of the outpatient building.

The pedestrian was still unaware. Chu Xiang was killed from the back. The spear combination of the trial was a large knife. In a while, more than fifty mutant pigs were slashed and killed. The access to the clinic building was opened. The closed door opened a gap. The soldier beckoned from the inside: "Wang Xiang, come in!"

Chu Xiang wiped the rotten meat sauce on his face, and he flashed into the outpatient building, which contained a bunch of wounded soldiers. They were wounded by creepers when they evacuated into the outpatient building. If they cannot successfully evolve, these people may be corpse. Chu Xiang felt sad for a moment. At this time, Fei Dao stepped out of the crowd. He said to Chu Xiang: "Thank you. We bullied you before. I hope you don't mind. Whether you can get out of trouble today, you will come back and save us. We got it! "

Chu Xiang said, "What are you talking about? At present, you are trying to get out."

Fei Dao looked back at the soldiers on the ground and said, "There are too many ordinary soldiers. If only we were some evolutionaries, it would be okay to say, but now our energy is not enough to protect them. We might as well stick to it and wait for the division. Send reinforcements. "

Chu Xiang snorted: "Waiting for reinforcements from the division? Do you think that the creepers outside will wait? The more they wait, the more they will be. Besides, will the division send reinforcements? Are you sure? Right," Mao 』Did Xiaofei find it?"

Fei Dao shook his head and said, "It seems that we really caught the trap. Zombies probably" Mao "Xiaofei and other people sent out a rescue signal and killed them ..." Chu Xiang said: "This is not it, we have issued a rescue Signal, then it should be destroyed next, and so will the next wave of rescuers trapped! This is how zombies cannibalize human forces gradually! "

The flying sword, vulcan, and goblin were stunned, yeah, isn't this a cycle, they are just one of the chains. If you stay here, there is really only the danger of being destroyed, but the danger of rushing outward is great, but if If you escape alone, then you can say two things. Without these soldiers as a burden, the chance of success is 50% less.

The flying sword negotiated with Vulcan and the goblin, and then pulled Chu Xiang aside and said, "Wang Xiang, or else, let these soldiers stay here and stick. The four of us rushed back to the base to rescue the soldiers. How?"

Chu Xiang sneered: "Flying knife, do you mean they don't care whether they live or die? As soon as we walk, they can't persist for five minutes. They may even be killed in the first wave of attack. Are you hard?" "

Fei Dao's face was "red" in shame: "I also know that they can't stand it, but what do you say? Is it possible to die with them?"

Chu Xiang said: "The four of us protected them and evacuated together. Since we brought them, we will take them back!"

Chu Xiang is a little excited, so the voice behind is a bit loud, Vulcan and the goblin clearly understand, the goblin came forward: "Fart! You are irresponsible for our" life ", OK, you want to take They can go, but I won't sacrifice my energy to protect them. You take care of yourself, anyway, we are going to rush. "

Vulcan also said: "Yes, who can control others at this time, everyone depends on their abilities. If they are lucky, they may evolve at a critical moment. Otherwise, it is a dead end. This is the choice of nature and no one can escape. No more! "

Chu Xiang knew that Goblin and Vulcan could not be persuaded. He originally planned to let goblins drill holes in the ground, and now it seems that he will not consume a huge amount of energy to do so. With the armor on his body, he must also be washed out of the sea Not that there is no hope of escape, why take risks for others.

Chu Xiang waved his hand and said, "Well, let's go, I'll stay to help the soldiers to find a way out."

Goblins and Vulcan glanced at Chu Xiang with pitying eyes, then turned around and rushed out of the outpatient building. Going down the steps, the goblin turned back and called Fei Dao and said, "What are you hesitating, go away, stay and wait for death." "

Fei Dao hesitated and said, "Let's go, I will stay with Wang Xiang and the soldiers to break through."

& n

sp; "Stupid b!" the goblin scolded, and then rushed into the creeper group with Vulcan, and the group of creepers waited for someone to come out to die, they screamed and fluttered like chicks waiting to be fed, But are the Goblins and Vulcans able to deal with them easily? Huh, a violent flame exploded to the surroundings, and the creeper stepped back by being forced by the flames. At this time, the Goblins drilled down to the ground, and Vulcan followed him. Up, of course, the group of creepers also refused to fall behind and jumped into the burrows, bang! A big hole was opened three hundred meters away, and the goblins jumped out of it, and then Vulcan climbed out, followed by the trailing creeper, Vulcan fired a shot of flames at the cave, and then the two of them Continue to jump. When trapped, the goblins drill holes. After a few rounds, there are fewer and fewer creepers. The two are not far away from success. They are less dragged by the soldiers and use them to evolve. The only way to march was really powerful.

At this time, the soldiers named a representative, which was the platoon leader. He told Chu Xiang: "Thank you for staying to help us, but we know that we can't fight the group of creepers. You should run away and live. One more hope, we are going to fight against the creepers, and share them with them! "Each of those soldiers held a grenade in their hands. It seemed that they were determined. After Chu Xiang and Fei Dao left, every time A man exploded holding a creeper.

Chu Xiang said: "Do n’t be stupid. This sacrifice is not worth it. I also hope that you can contribute to the reconstruction of humanity in the future. Now listen to my order and put away the mines!" Long nodded to them.

Chu Xiang said: "The uninjured soldier carried the wounded, and the two took care of the wounded. Even if dead, you cannot leave one behind. They are your robes. If you give up your robes now, one day you He will also be given up by his own robe! If you want to save, you must first save people, understand that there is no! "

The soldiers saw that Chu Xiang didn't give up on them. Although the possibility of dying out was greater than 90%, they were still encouraged. Chu Xiang's words ignited their passion. Give up! "

The wounded soldiers were touched by everyone's sincerity and confidence, but they did not want to drag everyone down, saying one after another: "Don't worry about us, we have been poisoned by corpses, maybe it will happen sometime, you can't fight hard and bring back a zombie! It ’s not worth it. Give me a mine and let us stay and drag the creeper. It ’s a good thing for you before you die. "

Chu Xiang shouted loudly: "Nonsense! In addition to artificial transformation, humans also have a natural evolution, that is, to maintain a strong faith after the t virus! As long as you have the confidence to live, you can survive the infection period, You will be evolutionaries! Do n’t tell me that you have lost your confidence, you will be ashamed of your eggs! ”

If there are no eggs, then it is not a man. How can these groups of soldiers be such eunuchs? They are cheering up, and the more than 70 people who have survived soon are organized. There are more than 20 wounded, which can be easily relaxed. Take it away, Fei Dao was full of admiration for Chu Xiang at this moment, even if it was a fatal mistake to stay today, he felt worth it.

The flying knife kicked the door of the clinic building, and there were creepers surrounded by layers. The flying knife screamed at the creeper: "Come, beasts! Wang Xiang, let's go left and right, soldiers, take out Your courage is here, just behind us, whoever wants to soften their legs, throw it to the creeper as a snack! "

The flying knife grabbed the roller shutter door of the outpatient building. The shape of the roller shutter door changed rapidly. So many rows of flying knifes appeared in front of everyone soon. These flying knives would protect the breakout layer by layer. Everyone came out of the outpatient building and rushed to crawl. In the camp, a group of creepers rushed forward, blocking the flying knife before the team, and "firing" a few defensive creepers. The eyes and brain were smashed by the flying knife. Their huge bodies He stopped leaping in midair and threw himself to the ground, but there were still many creepers carrying the flying knife to strike, and they broke through the flying knife defense circle and attacked the soldiers.

Bullets are useless to them! The soldiers had no way to deal with this mutant creature, and suddenly burst out violently.

The explosion, a red light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and a group of flames radiated rapidly from the front of the body. Those creepers who rushed up burned instantly when they encountered the flames, and their violentness was so loud that they exploded. This was inside and outside. The abdominal cavity burst caused by the instantaneous temperature difference, of course, the creeper could not survive, even if his head did not die, he lost his ability to move, surrounded by a siege of the breakout troops within a hundred meters, and the flame attack of the outpatient building just behind him collapsed. Mostly dropped.

Feidao looked at Chu Xiang inconceivably, "I rely on, is this the flame you shot?" I already knew you had this strength, what else do I worry about? With you alone, we are enough to break through! "

Chu Xiang kept walking, moving quickly with the breakout group, and said, "How can it be so simple, mutant creatures are weak when they are weak and strong when they are strong. They will not use a strong to abnormal team to destroy a weak one. Humans, but when this human becomes stronger, they will also strengthen their attack, and the danger is still behind. "

Chu Xiang was right. After firing two fires to clear the barricades, the mutant pig's camp changed. This time, there were thousands of secondary mutant zombies. They did not have much lethality, but they were resistant to fire and shock. The intensity is abnormally high. In addition, the previous creepers only counted at level t2, and now they are replaced by creepers at level t3 and t4. It seems that this is the real main force. These creepers have already been quite resistant to flames. Ability, and their evasion "sex" is very high, when Chu Xiangfa "fires" the flames to clear the road, they will jump up to dodge, and at the same time jump down to the crowd to attack.

The ability of the flying sword is weaker when facing the creepers of t3 and t4, and it can even hurt the t4 creeper. As a t4 crawler, it is undoubtedly the skill of the zombie t5, and it is even more flexible and attackable than the zombie. "Sex", Chu Xiangda's hard defense, but because the combat surface is too large, two soldiers were neglected to be dragged out of the protective ring by accident, one soldier was torn by the t4 creeper on the spot, and the other was t4 creeper In the mouth, the soldiers had a grenade in his hand. He gritted his teeth and pulled the grenade into the creeper's mouth. He exploded. The explosion from the inside out was the shock of the creeper's fear. His body was blown into dozens of pieces. The soldiers were of course sacrificed.

Chu Xiang yelled. At this time, the thunder and lightning mobilization in the air was completed. Chu Xiang launched a lightning strike in desperation. At the same time, the plants on the ground received the energy sent by Chu Xiang. They quickly grew out, and the effect was to entangle the creeper! Delay time and increase the accuracy of lightning strikes. The gusts and musicians who stayed outside to meet Chu Xiang and others rushed out. The two also ran out of the bunker to join the battle. Soon the roads of the two sides merged. Chu Xiang handed over the defense to the three men. He was holding the knife to kill the creeper. !!

I do n’t know if Chu Xiang ’s madness calmed the creepers, or did they think it was worth the price to pay for a team of less than a hundred people. After a few waves of attacks, the creepers gradually dispersed. In fact, the flying sword, the squall, and the musician The strength is also acceptable. Although it cannot deal with the t4 creepers, it still caused some casualties to the crawlers at the t2 and t3 levels, and played a huge role in protecting the soldiers. This breakout battle was finally completed with success. Chu Xiang led the crowd After finding the restless Wu Dongming outside the city, maybe later, the guy led the other soldiers and evacuated.

Seeing Chu Xiang and others coming back with blood stains, Tong Dongming was shocked or shocked. He already knew from previous communications that the creepers who besieged the city hospital were powerful and huge in number, but Chu Xiang and Fengfeng were able to Bringing out more than 70 ordinary soldiers, this is by no means fortunate to explain. Wu Dongming didn't know that the creepers had greatly increased the attack level later ~ ~ If you know that there are t3, t4 level creepers appear It is by no means shockable to describe.

Take off the clothes covered with smelly meat, and Fei Dao stepped forward and caught Chu Xiang's shoulder and said, "Wang Xiang, thank you, you are a good evolutionary I have met, not only in terms of strength, but also in character. You It ’s a pure person, unlike some people, who only care about their own escape. ”Fei Dao finished glancing at the Goblin and Vulcan who had safely escaped. The two cooperated with each other and the creeper did not intentionally prevent success. Escaping, and later met Tong Dongming, waiting outside the city.

Gale and musicians also came forward to celebrate with Chu Xiang,

Two people said: "Okay brothers, with your strength and character, the future will be bright, our brothers will also have some light with you," Fengfeng and musicians are not just joking, because seventy soldiers who broke out with Chuxiang I am very grateful to Chu Xiang. I am afraid that Chu Xiang will take the lead in the future. Although their number is not large, how many soldiers have been tested at the Lanzhou base? These people are bound to be reused in the future, and the troops under their rule will be a considerable number! And those wounded soldiers have no signs of corpse formation for the time being, maybe they can really evolve, so Chu Xiang has a lot of backing power, and the future is really bright.

Tong Dongming waved and interrupted the conversation: "Leave, retreat immediately, if there is a delay and then get stuck, it will be a dead end. Go back and talk."

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