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Chapter 639: Bury the hatchet

[639] Before the release

After lunch Chu Xiang decided to go back to the defender to see if Liu Hu had issued a military order in front of Wang Xiangqin, then he would definitely make a move in the afternoon, and it was an opportunity to attract Wang Xiangqin's attention.

Chu Xiang left the cave silently. He felt that at this time he could not explain anything to Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su. After they were rescued, they would naturally understand their painstaking efforts, would they now tell the second daughter about his encounter? How many difficulties did they both worry about? This kind of helpless thing Chu Xiang will not do.

It's just that Chu Xiang ignores the imagination of women, and he and Zhang Jingyao have different starting points for thinking about them. Chu Xiang has already recognized the two women in his heart and can tolerate and trust them, but these two women have nothing to Chu Xiang Knowing this, how could they dare to expect too much from Chu Xiang? When Chu Xiang left the cave, the two women started a discussion.

Fang Sudao: "How come, he didn't explain to us why he didn't rescue people when he came back. If he didn't find a sentence, he passed it on? No, Sister Jingyao, we still want to save ourselves."

Zhang Jingyao nodded: "It's really not a way to rely too much on others, we are mixed into the main base to wait for an opportunity to save people!"

Fang Su clenched his fist: "Yes, others will come by themselves without helping us, but the main base defense is so strict, how can we mix in? If you can find an acquaintance, it would be great."

Zhang Jingyao said: "It is impossible for an acquaintance to come to the door by ourselves. We must take the initiative to find a way to mix in the camp of the defensive division first. After finding like-minded people, we will use the opportunity to enter the main base step by step."

Fang Sudao: "Okay, I'll listen to you. Although our super powers are gone, the marksmanship is still very good, and our skills are better than ordinary people. For a while, we will still be dressed as menswear to see if we can mix in. Defender. "

Lan Hai was convening when Chu Xiang returned to the evolutionary team. It seemed that there was a big move. Fortunately, it came. Otherwise, if it was approved, it would take some brainpower if you missed this opportunity to approach Wang Xiangqin.

Wu Dongming has lost his position as the squad leader. No one is currently leading the three shifts. In the office where everyone sits casually, some people chat, some people drink water, and some people rub the gun. Lan Hai coughed: "Du Jing After a while, the members of our evolution team are here. Although you are all elites, I still want to remind you that individuals must obey the collective interests. Now they will recharge me. Teachers will come to mobilize for a while. , Smart points. "

Someone asked, "Captain, let's talk about something, don't go around with us."

Lanhai thought for a while and thought, "Okay, let me tell you a letter first. If you have any big action, go to Lanzhou for salt."

Before Lan Hai ’s words, someone said, “Salt hunting? Is n’t this the evolution of the main base? It ’s our turn, and yesterday ’s rescue of the trapped people is outside of the stipulated actions. For this reason, we are not losing money. Light. "

Lan Hai then said with a relaxed look: "Loss? Have you seen anything wrong with our evolution team, it is a matter of ordinary soldiers. As long as you are clever and obey the command at that time, I can guarantee that you will come back safely and safely. "

Another person said: "Captain, the main base has always used the strength of our defensive division to find supplies, but this time broke the conventions, will there be any fussiness, I think it is better to be cautious, it is worthless to be a dead ghost. "

Lan Hai said loudly, "Fucky? What kind of fool will there be? This is a chance for us to make a fortune from the main base. All other materials picked out are at your disposal. Is it not enough to attract everyone?"

Chu Xiang coldly hummed and said in his heart: "The benefits of" naked "and" naked "are tempting and" confusing ", I am afraid that most people will be fooled."

Lan Hai's words really caused most of the evolution

The enthusiast's interest showed an excited and excited look on everyone's face. Only Dong Dongming, Fengfeng, and Flying Sword were frightened. Goblins, Vulcan and even began to sneak away, but Lanhai stared early. Staying at them, a stare stared at the goblin and vulcan can only stand obediently, and even dare not come forward to accuse the misleading and riches in Lanhai dialect? Can you pick up Xiaoming from the outside first and think that the creeper is a soft persimmon?

Everyone ’s strength has not reached the high tide. Master Liu Hu has come. He stood up to the generals and said to everyone: "Comrades, this is the concern of superior leaders for us. We are used to it. Alas, you can rob me from the outside. Whoever robs me more will benefit greatly. The army will never exploit it from you. This is a reward given by our superiors. You must not miss the opportunity. Of course, the danger is also Yes, but I decided to personally lead a large number of troops to respond, so you don't have to worry about it, I will stand by Liu Hu! "

Although most people take into account the risks involved, it should not be a problem to think that Liu Hu personally took the initiative. Besides, what if he knew Liu Hu was deceiving? This is an order! The order is big, and you have to go if you don't want to. You might as well cheat yourself. Maybe you can make a fortune when the opportunity is right. Is it bad luck for dozens of people?

Liu Hu said more and more excited, he stood on the table and waved his hand: "This is a declaration of war between our humans and zombies. We will never give in to the zombies of the zombies. We must gradually fight back and let the zombies know that humans have not Give in, and you are the vanguard. In the future, you will still be the backbone of humanity. We must strengthen the human team. From now on, any meritorious evolutionary will be rewarded. Anyone who is willing to be a soldier will be welcomed. ! "

I have to say that Liu Hu's agitation was very effective. Throughout the afternoon, the evolutionary brigade was filled with an inexplicable motivation. Everyone was gearing up to meet the happy future that Liu Hu said, and the logistics department of the defensive division was not idle. They opened widely. The front facade began to recruit civilians. As long as they would shoot and have physical strength, they would be selected. Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su were successfully selected after two shots inspection. They also served as two squad squad leaders, each with ten soldiers and receiving low-volume weapons. Play the "medicine", and will leave with the army early tomorrow morning. In addition to the prestige of these soldiers, their only role is to serve as cannon fodder.

Because the entire army has been mobilized, Lan Hai has also given a death order, and all evolutionaries are strictly forbidden to leave the team before completing the mission, so Chu Xiang did not know that Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su were also mixed into the army, and even the two women themselves did not expect to just When they enter the defense division, they will go to war. At this time, they want to withdraw too late. They can only pray that they will return to the main base safely. Otherwise, Xie Shanshan and Lin Bo / Bo will not be rescued.

In the early morning, "color" left before the army was released. Liu Hu was in command and had a total strength of more than 800 soldiers. Half of them were recruited soldiers. Its combat effectiveness can be imagined, but they still have simple weapons in their hands. Each person did not have more than 50 rounds of ammunition. Others did not know the consequences of this simple equipment, but flying knives, goblins and others understood that this time it was almost taking them to their lives. Liu Hu was going to use them. To attract the attention of the zombies, the successful retreat after the evolution team got salt.

Before reaching the city of Lanzhou, it started to rain. The original damaged road was muddy. Liu Hu and the evolvers took several trucks to drive the soldiers to speed up. The goal this time is not a hospital, but a place. The warehouse in the city, where there is one ton of stored salt, can be delivered to Wang Xiangqin as long as it can be taken back half.

Different from the situation encountered by Chu Xiang and others in the previous mission, the border troops who just came into contact with the city encountered a large number of zombies. It seems that they do not intend to set a trap, but to actually confront humans. Liu Hu ordered The machine gun that opened the road began to "shoot". While urging the soldiers behind to rush into the battle, Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su held the gun in the mud and "shot". One t2 fell down, and the human army's temporary victory was encouraged. With everyone fighting, the marching speed has been accelerated for a while, and as you enter the urban area, fresh items can be found from time to time on the houses on both sides of the road, which makes the human force aggressive, even if the death of a companion from time to time does not affect them. Passion.


A wave on the tiger car: "Stop in front and organize defense on the spot, Lan Hai, it's time for your evolutionary forces to attack!"

This is a crossroads. Large troops stopped in the streets to use vehicles and garbage bins on the road to put in a simple bunker. The t2 hedging kept firing, and t3 appeared from time to time. Although it caused serious casualties to the soldiers, Liu Hu ’s The Guard's weapons were advanced, and it was difficult to break the defense at t3. From the crossroads, there is a warehouse for storing salt. The next job is for the evolutionists to take the salt back to the truck.

Chu Xiang jumped out of the truck and followed Lanhai and others to enter the warehouse first. Whoever showed "color" at this time can get Liu Hu's appreciation, and only Liu Hu can introduce people to Wang Xiangqin's eyes, so Chu Xiang I plan to sell some power today, and even if I do n’t carry two bags of salt, I have to kill a few more zombies.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Suddenly the female voice stopped Chu Xiang from moving forward, Lan Hai and others passed by him, grabbing a few more bags of salt also meant that they could get promoted and get rich. Among the soldiers Chu Xiang turned back, she saw Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su. The two women could hardly recognize the original look. After lying on an old car, they were organizing a group of soldiers to attack the zombies. Only half of the soldiers' guns had been shot. The group of zombies rushed up in an unstoppable force. In this critical situation, where Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su could care about covering up their voices, they desperately urged the soldiers to increase their firepower.

Chu Xiang gave up chasing Lan Hai and a group of evolvers, turned and ran to Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su. Although t2 had weak attack power, when they formed the scale, they could still cause a fatal blow to human beings. They could not stop the zombies. The gun flew around and ran towards the center of the street, where Liu Hu's guards were there, and their firepower was fierce enough.

Flip-flops, Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su still desperately "shot", and one zombies fell down. Suddenly, the two women's guns made a clicking sound. Then the two women realized that it was not good, and they turned to retreat, but T2 has arrived, and several of them still surrounded the two from behind. The two women knew that they could no longer escape today, and had to close their eyes helplessly so as not to see themselves **** torn by the zombies.

Hum, there was a sudden vibration in the air. This is the characteristic of a sonic attack. Someone came to the rescue! Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su opened their eyes in surprise and saw that Chu Xiang did not know when to appear in the encirclement. He first beat a few zombies behind him with sound waves, and then waved a piece of broken copper "chaotic" iron on the ground with his left hand. The razor-sharp sharp weapon "shot" the zombies that came to the front. Those zombies were wearing candied gourds and were penetrated together with zombies tens of meters away behind them!

"Funny! What are you two doing!" Chu Xiang was angry, it was serious angry, these two women repeatedly do not listen to their own arrangements, isn't this just asking for trouble? But from Fang Yuxuan's narration, Fang Su may have a small temper, but Zhang Jingyao is definitely aware of the overall situation, but how did their performance make them so uneasy these days.

After experiencing the test from death to life again, Fang Su also felt that she couldn't say anything. Chu Xiang's reprimand caused her to refute loudly: "Who's making a fool? You don't want to help us save people, don't we allow ourselves to think Any way? "

As soon as Chu Xiang's trial spear was waved, a few zombies on the left who wanted to attack lost their heads. He said, "Why don't I help you to save people? Don't think that you are in a hurry. He Yaohui and Xie Shanshan are safer than me. And care about them! "

Fang Sudao: "You bullshit, you and they do n’t know each other. You just think about how to get a reputation in the base. You want to stand firm here. Who controls this base may not be important to you at all, what is important is who will Appreciate and reuse you. "

Popping, Chu Xiang raised his hand and gave Fang Su a slap. He was quite angry. Fang Su misunderstood his work for the past two days. Hey, who didn't let them know that they were the true incarnation of Chu Xiang? If they knew I never think so, but how can I explain to them such complicated things? If they do n’t explain them, they will continue to misunderstand. This can be seen from Zhang Jingyao ’s “color”. This woman who will never make a fool of herself does not believe in herself, and who else will believe it.

Chu Xiang was anxious and angry

"Sex" no longer cares about anything, wow, he stretched out the huge bone wing, and the dozen or so zombies that flew over again were scattered by the bone wing, and the zombies farther away were "shot" by the end of the bone wing The projectiles hit and the area of ​​the trio became a vacuum zone. Chu Xiang said to Zhang Jingyao: "Fang Su can't see it and you don't notice it? Who has the capacity to store space? Who has such a powerful bone wing? Do you still believe me? "

Zhang Jingyao's head hummed, what did Wang Xiang in front of him mean? Does he remind me to let go of my thoughts? Yes, Zhang Jingyao didn't think of it when he saw the storage space, but Wang Xiang and Chu Xiang are not just as short as a surname, but now he reminds himself like this, is there a connection between the two? Yes, storage space, bone wings, flying, all kinds of powerful skills, which can only be done by Chu Xiang, will it be Chu Xiang who was born to find himself? Zhang Jingyao was inexplicably excited, her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand firmly, so Fang Su pulled her from the side.

Although Fang Su was slapped by Chu Xiang, she did n’t know why she was n’t angry at all, but she relaxed a lot. She always thought that Chu Xiang had forgotten her business, but Chu Xiang ’s slap seemed to prove to her that he I didn't forget, otherwise I don't have to be so excited. The two misunderstood him and added extra trouble to him.

Zhang Jingyao calmed down her excited thoughts and asked Chu Xiang: "Are you Chu Xiang?"

Chu Xiang did not answer directly, because this matter is not easy to explain. It ’s okay to say that if it is restored, the key is that the entire body has changed. If you come up, you are Chu Xiang. I ’m afraid Zhang Jingyao and Fang Su will never be. He would believe that he would also be treated as a liar, so Chu Xiang said: "Who am I, you will feel it with your heart!"

In the face of Chu Xiang's ambiguous answer, Zhang Jingyao agreed, but she nodded, and even Fang Su said nothing. In fact, she had already recalled the shock that Chu Xiang had brought to them, but she did n’t think so before, just I think that Chu Xiang is also a good evolutionary, but at this moment Chu Xiang guides them to think about an unthinkable problem. The strength that Chu Xiang showed before is very worthy of consideration. Maybe the slap just let Fang Su know. Sometimes people just do this, and they struggle with contradictions in the first minute, but they can realize it in the next minute.

The three spoke while attacking the zombies. Although no one came forward to overhear, Lan Hai and others succeeded. Almost every evolutionary ran back with no less than three bags of salt. Liu Hu was very happy on the truck. The Guardian Forces increased their firepower output. The truck quickly turned around and retreated along the way. The remaining less than four hundred soldiers were under the command of Commander Li Mo to cover the retreat of the truck. The zombies seemed to notice that the humans had removed important supplies. There was a wave of attacks, and there were countless t2 coming out of the streets and lanes. The number of t3 and t4 mixed with it also increased. Obviously, the zombies began to attach importance to this battlefield. Perhaps the battle had just begun.

After Chu Xiang protected the zombies around the two women, he almost dared not to move forward after leaving the corpse. Fang Su said with guilt, "No matter who you are, that slap just woke me up. Everyone in the world of zombies has survived. You need to be cautious in one step. Impulsiveness will only cost us "life" and disrupt your plan. Sorry. "

After Chu Xiang had vented his resentment, she felt distressed at Fang Su. She was her own woman, and the muddy face began to swell. Chu Xiang could not help but reached out and gently stroked her. Sorry Fang Su, I didn't make things clear to you, Xie Shanshan and Lin Bo / Bo are also extremely important people to me ~ ~ How could I not be in love, but some things are not you If the value of force is high, it can be solved. If that is the case, I will go back to Wang Xiangqin to single out, but do you think that it will save the three of He Yaohui? "

When Fang Su really calmed down, she realized that the man in front of him didn't hate it! And it gave her an inexplicable sense of security. It seemed that only Chu Xiang had given it to her, but now a strange man appeared. Why? Fang Su was puzzled, but what puzzled her was that when Chu Xiang's hand touched her face, Fang Su trembled inside, she didn't even know to refuse

Allowing Chu Xiang to "move" as if it were natural for him should have him care.

Fang Su's voice was firm and there was a touch of tenderness. This is the first time she has spoken in this tone since Chu Xiang left them.

Chu Xiang gently patted Fang Su's back: "This is good, now we are keeping up with the retreating team, we should go."

Zhang Jingyao said, "I'm sorry, because we delayed you to grab salt. This time, your plan cannot be successful."

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "This is not necessarily the case. The real drama is behind. I think the battle has just entered a high tide."

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