Restart Meimao

Chapter 004

“Very good speech, Master Josson, maybe you can run for president in the future.” Al Fred, the old butler who has served the Okin family for two generations, tells jokes that are not very funny.

Joson smiled softly, he had long been accustomed to the cold humor that Al occasionally popped up, and often reminded him of another world, the old butler next to a superhero.

“It seems that every billionaire has an almighty butler by his side.” Joson said that he managed to escape from the encirclement of enthusiastic freshmen, young people who have not yet entered society, always idolize those wonderful peers, and it seems that after giving the speech, he will gain a large number of fans.

“By the way, Al, how’s the new lab going?” It is not an easy task for Johnson to get into the car, loosen his tie, and always be personable in public.

“It is in progress, because young master you said to build the top laboratory in the United States, according to this requirement, the engineering cycle may be a little longer.” The old butler reported the progress in detail.

Johnson nodded, indicating that he understood that in this world, the power of bloodlines is certainly powerful, such as mutants, who are born with various superpowers; For example, the son of a god-king who wields a hammer and summons lightning, but the power of technology is no less, the most obvious example is undoubtedly Tony Stark, the playboy who has not yet become Iron Man, the armor of various anti-superheroes and villains – and in another world, a superhero who is also a billionaire is also made with armor made by money and technology to single out the most powerful man on that planet.

Human beings have evolved for millions of years since the day they came down from the tree, and strictly speaking, the evolutionary history of human beings and the history of weapon evolution are synchronized, from the wood, stone, and animal bones in the hands of primitive people, to the cold weapons made of metal later, and now to nuclear weapons that are enough to destroy the planet.

It can be said that wisdom and thinking are the weapons that human beings really rely on to evolve into the rulers of this planet!

So since taking control of the Okin Group, Qiao Sen has not changed the company’s professional field, still maintains the original business development, and at the same time allocated a lot of funds, planning to build a world-class research institute, this world has too many genius scientists, how can he let go of the huge resources in front of him.

Just wait until the mutant falls into his own hands, then Joson is equivalent to mastering a continuous treasure trove of genes and the key to opening the door to human evolution.

“Master Johnson, you have another meeting with Councilor Kelly in the afternoon, about at the private club on Fifth Avenue.”

Al interrupted Josson’s whim, and as one of the few people he could fully trust, the old butler was in charge of his daily schedule.

“It seems that the life of a billionaire is far less easy than that of college students.” Joson laughed at himself slightly, he was still in his infancy, and there were still too few people available.

At present, the only person who can use it is Emma, the White Queen, and compared to Xavier Academy and the Mutant Brotherhood, the balance of power is inevitably weak.

“Al, by the way, help me meet Colonel William Stryker, at the same time and in the same place.” Joson instructed the old butler, his fingers tapping on the seat, even without powerful superpowers, in this world, the power of power is sometimes beyond the imagination of many people.


Fifth Avenue, Bruins Club.

Councilman Kelly got out of the car, threw a coin into the timer, looked around, saw the cute brown bear with a beer glass on the billboard above his head, straightened his suit, and walked into this private club closed to the outside world.

Walking through the door, the closed club looks deserted, the soothing piano music echoes, a young bartender on the bar wipes the glass boredly, and the entire decoration layout is retro-style, as if it has arrived at the naval club of the last century.

“Sir, please follow me.”

A young waiter stepped forward and led Councilman Kelly to the second floor, all the way up the stairs, the design style of the second floor is relatively more classical and luxurious, the glittering crystal chandelier, the Persian carpet on the ground, stepped on like cotton, and hung large oil paintings on both sides, with the level of artistic appreciation of Mr. Congressman, I recognized many of them as precious paintings of the Renaissance.

Following the waiter to the hall, Councilor Kelly saw an acquaintance, Colonel Stryker, who also stood against mutants, and he learned a lot about mutants from this Mr. Colonel, who strongly advocated the extermination of mutants.

“Long time no see, William.” Councilman Kelly greeted him with a smile on his face, and as an aspiring politician, he never missed any of the forces he could use.

“Old friend, I heard that the mutant registration bill you submitted has been approved by Congress, and it seems that the end of that group of freaks is coming!” Stryker also responded with a smile that Congressman Kelly is one of his few allies in Congress.

The two people looked at each other with great tacit understanding, and they both understood why the other party appeared here.

“Since they are all old friends they know, they don’t need me to introduce them too much.”

Johnson came out at the right time, one is the initiator of the mutant registration bill, the other is the mutant’s nemesis, with their strength, the mutant will soon be burned out and fall into a hurried situation.

“In front of the two of you, I said straight to the point, many people behind me have some interest in mutants, so I want to work with the two.”

Joson didn’t have too many pleasantries, he directly picked out the words, he glanced at the excited Congressman Kelly, and said with a smile: “Two days later, the dignitaries of various countries will hold a high-end summit of heads of state on Liberty Island to discuss and discuss the mutant registration bill, in fact, we have always been very concerned about mutants, and we are also very interested in their strange abilities.” ”

After speaking, Johnson looked at Stryker again, the colonel, in the original timeline, almost wiped out Xavier College, and even controlled the most powerful professor, trying to exterminate mutants, many powerful mutants have suffered in his hands.

“Mr. Stryker, I heard that you are very researched about mutants, don’t you know that you are interested in cooperating?” Joson smiled brightly and spoke sincerely.

“What can you bring me?” The cold soldier asked, and for him, whether he could benefit from it was the point.

“Voice and more resources.” Johnson stood up, his tall figure and firm tone made him feel particularly oppressive at the moment.

“After your boss, Mr. Trask, went to jail, you took over his mutant research and captured many mutants for experimentation, but for so long, the military did not see the results of the project. In contrast, General Ross’s ‘super-soldier’ program seems more promising, resources are always limited, and some people get more, and some people are bound to be fewer. ”

Stryker’s face was gloomy, Josson was telling the truth, in the first few years, he relied on Bolívar Teslak’s research and got some results, but as time passed, the military became less and less optimistic about the mutant project, and not long ago, General Ross’s “super soldier” plan seemed to have made a breakthrough, and a big green man was created, although it was not successfully captured, but it also put him under a lot of pressure from other sides.

If Jonson hadn’t found him, Stryker had prepared a plan to use mutants to attack the White House to gain military support and gain the military’s trust and resources.

“Our family came to this land on the Mayflower, and over the years, it has been rooted in various industries in the United States, ocean transportation, energy manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, steel and minerals… Almost every industry has the shadow of the Okin Group, we are inseparable from this country, we are closely connected, no matter where we are, we have some friends who can speak. ”

Qiao Sen spread his hands, his tone was relaxed, but he revealed an undoubted sense of confidence, “Mr. Colonel, the people standing behind me are ancient nobles from the last century, wealthy chaebol groups, and even some underground forces, the help we can provide you is far beyond your imagination!” ”

“Financial power, political allies, military partners, you can get all this, you just need to pay a little sincerity.”

Jossen’s voice was low, as if he was a demagogic demon, revealing unparalleled allure in every word, and people couldn’t give birth to a heart of rejection.

Congressman Kelly on the side was stunned, he only vaguely knew that there was a huge force behind the Okin Group, but he did not expect that it would be such a behemoth, if it can become a cooperative relationship and get the support of those people, then he can expand his ambitions a little, and his eyes may be able to put on the throne of the White House.

Become the master of the country? Even if it was only nominal, it was enough to make Congressman Kelly excited.

Stryker’s eyes changed, years of hard work, it seemed that it could be achieved today, but his intuition told him that there was no good thing under the sky to drop pies.

After a difficult ideological struggle, the colonel’s gentleman regained his calm expression, he looked at Jossen, and asked in a deep voice: “What am I going to give?” ”

“A little thing.” Joson smiled.

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