Su Mu was angry with the wind on the soles of his feet and hid to the side.

The fox's blood-red claws faced the place where Su Mu was standing just now, there were several claws.

Where Su Mu stood just now, the space was slightly distorted.


Seeing this scene, Su Mu gasped.

"If you hadn't dodged just now and let your claws grab your body, I'm afraid even if you have a golden light spell protective body, you won't be able to stop it!"

Su Mu caressed his chest with a palpitation.

Seeing his strongest blow, he was dodged by Su Mu.

The fox's expression became even more gloomy.

It shouted at the strange beasts behind it, "What are you still stunned for? Don't hurry up and help! All

the beasts looked at each other, and none of them wanted to step forward to help.

Foxes are smart.

But these alien beasts are not stupid.

They can now see that the fox is not a match for the humans in front of them at all.

Moreover, they have been watching the Golden Tiger King and the old white wolf.

Since these two old men are not in a hurry, they have no reason to be in a hurry.

Seeing that all the strange beasts were unmoved, the fox's heart sank.

However, it quickly reacted, and it yelled at the beasts: "Do you want this human to get a piece of the pie?" "

The fox is smart this time.

This time it chose to proceed from profit.

"Isn't it! No way! There won't really be any alien beast who thinks that he will be the opponent of the old white wolf and the golden tiger king, right?

"That's right, that's right! If an alien beast had such an idea, it would be ridiculous enough. "

The claws of the Golden Tiger King, that's very sharp. I vividly remember how its claws shredded the beast.

"It doesn't matter to me that this human race doesn't get a piece of the pie." In fact, fox you also know, everyone old this place, just to try their luck.

"That's right, we're here to try our luck." In terms of strength, it must be the strongest of the old white wolf and the golden tiger king. "


These beasts are beasts, but they are not fools.

They are well aware of their own strength, so they are also very clear about their positioning.

Most alien beasts come here to try their luck.

I want to take the fruit in front of the eyes of the Golden Tiger King.

That's really a grab.

To seize food is to look for death.

They don't want to die yet.

So the best way at this time is to play dead.

"Little fox." Seeing that the attitude of the strange beasts had been clear, Su Mu's face showed a smile-like expression. "Now that there is no alien beast to help you, what are you going to do next?"

The fox looked at Su Mu and said coldly, "If I admit my mistake now, can you not kill me?"

As soon as these words came out, all the beasts were stunned.

Not only that, the faces of the Golden Tiger King and the old white wolf also showed indescribable strange expressions.

"It's not surprising." The old white wolf said with a smile on his back. "This is a fox! In order to survive, let it kneel now. The

sound was not loud, but it happened to reach Su Mu's ears.

"Little fox!" Su Mu looked at the fox and pointed to the ground. "If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, then I may let you go!"

"Really?" The fox didn't quite believe Su Mu's words.

"Of course." Su Mu nodded and said very seriously and seriously. "We human beings speak with conviction."

"Huh!" Hearing this, the fox scoffed. "Human words are the most unbelievable in this world."

"Boss Tiger, do you want to give me a testimony?" The fox looked at the Golden Tiger King.

The Golden Tiger King did not speak, but looked at the fox with strange eyes.

It always felt that the fox was not well.


The Golden Tiger King nodded.

"If you kneel down to this human being, and this human race does not spare you, I will kill it." The Golden Tiger King assured the fox.

The fox nodded and walked straight to Su Mu's approach.

When it was less than five meters away from Su Mu, it stopped.

"Human, I will kneel down and apologize to you now!"

The fox's two hind legs began to bend slowly.

For some reason, Su Mu had a very uneasy feeling in his heart.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu quietly ran the golden light spell.

The golden light spell at this time was under his skin.

As long as the fox had any abnormality, the golden light spell would immediately cover Su Mu's whole body, helping him resist the fatal injury.

"I am wrong human, please spare me!"

At this time, the fox was already kneeling on the ground.


Su Mu was about to say forgive the fox.

But at this moment, the fox's head suddenly lifted.

In its fox eyes, Su Mu saw a conspiracy succeeding.

"Come out!"

Su Mu summoned a golden light spell.

The golden light spell instantly covered Su Mu's whole body.

In the next second when the golden light spell covered Su Mu's whole body, Su Mu clearly saw that a silver needle was fixed on the golden light spell.

Strangely, the silver needle was constantly spinning and struggling, as if it was about to break through the defense of the golden light spell.


Su Mu roared lowly, and Qiao began to run wildly.

As Su Mu ran wildly, the rotation of the silver needle actually stopped.

"I said how did you admit defeat so easily, it turned out to be hiding a hand!"

Su Mu looked at the fox with an indifferent expression and said with a smile.

Su Mu's expression was indifferent, but the expression on the fox's face was even uglier than that of his dead father.

It asked in a shocked tone, "How did you find out?" "

This is a fox's killer blow.

And this is a killer blow, and it has also let it escape death many times.

But it was such a blow, but it was easily dodged by Su Mu, and the fox did not understand, very incomprehensible.

But even if it doesn't understand it anymore, there is no way to do it now.

"Tiger King, can I kill it?" Su Mu looked at the Golden Tiger King.

The Golden Tiger King's face was gloomy and he did not speak.

When the fox did that just now, it was obvious that he was putting himself along.

Don't say it's Su Mu, it wants to kill the fox now.


The Golden Tiger King nodded.

Su Mu smiled and clenched the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand.

"Human, I just knelt down for you, you can't kill me."

Foxes are afraid of death, very afraid of death.

"But you tried to kill me just now!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he walked slowly towards the fox.

The fox no longer had the heart to kill Su Mu at this time.

He knelt on the ground and frantically kowtowed to Su Mu.

"Please, please, let me go! I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong! But

before the fox's head was finished, Su Mu's Falling Sunset Soul Sword was cut off on the fox's head.

The hand rises and falls, and the fox's head is different.

As soon as he killed the fox, the sound of a system prompt sounded in Su Mu's ears.

"What do you mean by this reward?"

The new system reward made Su Mu a little unresponsive for a while.

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