"Ding! Kill the Silver Goshawk and get rewards: 450 points, [Silver Wing Air Kill]. "

[Silver Wing Air Kill]

Introduction: Use the flame to condense into a feather and attack and kill the opponent.


The introduction of Silver Wing Air Kill is very simple.

But the corner of Su Mu's mouth showed a smile.

Simple is simple, but this silver wing air kill is definitely a good thing for Su Mu now.

After all, its current aggressive alien art is pitiful.

"The strength of this silver goshawk should be a C-grade growth period or a perennial period!"

Su Mu said secretly in his heart.

At the same time, it looked up at another silver goshawk.


【Silver Goshawk】 (female

) Grade: C (adulthood)

Introduction: A goshawk born in ancient Mount Tai is an alien beast that evolved due to eating silver wing fruit by mistake.

- After the name of the

silver-winged goshawk, the gender is also marked, which is relatively rare.

"You dare to kill my husband, you dare to kill my husband!"

The female silver goshawk shouted madly at Su Mu.

Its eyes were blood-red with endless anger.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The female silver goshawk roared angrily and swooped down towards Su Mu.

"Split the Sky!"

The silver feathers soared and turned into a large knife in the air.

The big knife shines in the sun.

"Silver Wing Air Kill!"

Su Mu raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword and pointed at the mother silver goshawk.

Crazy flow.

Wisps of flame appeared on the Falling Sunset Soul Sword, condensing into several silver feathers.


The feathers formed by the flame flew straight towards the female silver goshawk.


The feathers and the long knife of the silver goshawk collided together.

The long knife was instantly annihilated.

If there are feathers, only one or two remain.

The remaining feathers, at a very fast speed, flew towards the female silver goshawk.

The female silver goshawk seemed to feel threatened in the feathers.

So it flaps its wings and wants to dodge the silver goshawk.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu roared lowly.

The golden silk thread flew straight in the direction of the mother silver goshawk.

The female silver goshawk was caught off guard and directly wrapped the golden silk thread.

"Get off for Lao Tzu!"

Su Mu let out a low roar.

The female silver goshawk was directly pulled down from the air by Su Mu.

It struggled.

But no matter how hard it struggles, it can't break free from the shackles of the golden thread.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu came to the mother silver goshawk at the fastest speed.

"Silver Wing Air Kill!"

Silver feathers, reappearing.

Su Muyao pointed to the silver goshawk.

The feathers flew straight towards the silver goshawk.





The feathers hit the body of the female silver goshawk, leaving many wounds on the silver goshawk's body.


The female silver goshawk shouted.

Su Mu raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand and looked straight at the head of the mother silver goshawk.

"Old white wolf, what do you say?" The Golden Tiger King looked at the old white wolf.

The old white wolf did not speak, but looked at the embarrassment behind him.

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said, "Don't stop it!"

"Why?" The Golden Tiger King looked at Qiu.

After all, this female silver goshawk and they are both alien beasts.

When Su Mu killed the silver goshawk just now, the reason why they didn't stop it was because they felt that the silver goshawk deserved to die.

But the mother silver goshawk is not damned at all.

"The reason why the silver goshawk hates humans so much is because of its wife."

Not only is he smart, but he also knows many things that others don't.

"This female silver goshawk, when she was a child, was adopted by humans."

But then, for some reason, humans abandoned it. That's when it became very human-loathing.

"If it weren't for the barrier of Ancient Mount Tai, it is estimated that it would have gone out long ago and hunted humans madly."

It's loud.

This voice also happened to reach Su Mu's ears.

He quickly looked at the female silver goshawk.

The female silver goshawk is different from the male silver goshawk.

On the forehead of the male silver goshawk, there is a pinch of hair. The hair, which is blood-red, is like a chicken's comb, and it is very recognizable.

And on the head of the female silver goshawk, there is also a pinch of hair. However, unlike the male, a pinch of hair on the mother's forehead is black.

"The initiator of that Tarzan calamity, it turned out to be it!"

Su Mu believed that there was only one silver goshawk in this world.

So he didn't pay attention to the details.

Now that he noticed the details, Su Mu knew that he had killed the wrong one.

But even if he killed the wrong one, Su Mu didn't care at all.


Su Mu let out a low roar.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword fell.

The mother silver goshawk was also killed by Su Mu.

At this point, all the silver goshawks died under Su Mu's sword.

But Su Mu and all the alien beasts did not notice.

In the sky not far away, a silver goshawk with a handful of black fur on its head was watching all this with hateful eyes.

"Ding! Kill the silver goshawk and get a reward: 450 points, [enter the water]. "

[Entering the water]

One of the seventy-two techniques of hell evil, learning this technique, you can freely shuttle through mountains, rivers and lakes, and do not have to deliberately practice holding your breath.


This newly rewarded Seventy-two Techniques of Earth Evil is another chicken rib for Su Mu.

Su Mu scratched his head helplessly: "Can't you reward some offensive or defensive ones!"

While Su Mu was complaining in his heart, the Golden Tiger King shouted to the beasts, "You can disperse." After

staring at Su Mu for a while, the beasts did not dare to disperse.

After the beasts dispersed, the Golden Tiger King and the old white wolf walked towards Su Mu together.

Although hostility is not felt in them.

But Su Mu still looked at them with guarded eyes.

"Human." The Golden Tiger King stopped when he was still five meters away from Su Mu. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

Su Mu looked at the Golden Tiger King and asked with a frown, "What happened?"

"The old white wolf and I have never eaten humans." The Golden Tiger King said something very inexplicable.

"So?" Su Mu looked at the Golden Tiger King puzzled.

"You know what?" The Golden Tiger King smiled helplessly. "If a foreign beast eats a human being, it will give birth to a demon flame!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Mu's eyes widened.

This was the first time he had heard of it.

"So, the old white wolf and I have no interest in eating humans." The Golden Tiger King said again.

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Su Mu felt that the Golden Tiger King had something to say.

"I want to work with you." The Golden Tiger King explained his intentions.

"How to cooperate?" Su Mu did not directly refuse the cooperation proposed by the Golden Tiger King.

After all, in his opinion, being able to cooperate with a powerful alien beast is not necessarily a bad thing.

"When the ban on Ancient Taishan is lifted, we will capture a blessed place together!"

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