From a distance, there seemed to be soldiers stationed at the gate of the city.

The soldiers were dressed in armor and holding a long ge, and their appearance looked very powerful.

"There won't be any living people in there, will there?"

Looking at the Hanging City, Su Mu gasped.

"Go up and take a look?"

To be honest, Su Mu was still very curious about this Hanging City.

Since it is now here, if you don't go up and take a look, it is obviously a little unreasonable.

Su Mu took the Falling Sunset Soul Sword out of his backpack and placed it on the ground.

He stood on the sword and began to slowly ascend.

After rising to the same level as the entrance to Hanging City, he controlled his sword and flew forward.

"What a powerful coercion!"

The closer he got to the Hanging City, the more Su Mu could feel an invisible pressure.

When there are still about ten meters away from the Hanging City, the pressure is even worse.

If it weren't for Su Mu's ability to transform Aura and Qi infinitely, it is estimated that he would have been pressed to the ground by this coercion.

Su Mu withstood the pressure and continued to fly forward.

Originally, there was only a distance of about ten meters, but Su Mu flew for several minutes.

When he arrived at the open space in front of the city gate, Su Mu landed.

After landing, Su Mu first put the sword into the system.

Then he looked in the direction of the city gate.

Just now, because it was too far away, he couldn't really see it.

Now that the distance is closer, everything can be seen very clearly.

The soldiers stationed at the gate of the city are actually terracotta warriors.

What surprised Su Mu the most was that the face of this terracotta warrior was actually colored.

"It's amazing that this oil paint can be preserved for such a long time!"

Su Mu looked at the terracotta warriors and said to himself.

After observing the terracotta warriors for a while, Su Mu looked in the direction of the city gate.

The city gate is very high, tens of meters long.

The city gates are painted red.

Even after thousands of years have passed, the red color on the city gate has not peeled off in the slightest.

Su Mu stood in front of the huge city gate, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

"How about opening the door first and going inside?"

Su Mu put his hand on the city gate.

With his power, the door revealed a gap.

The gap is small enough for one person to pass through.

Su Mu let go and went directly into the gap.

"Good fellow!"

The world behind the city gate made Su Mu even more amazed.

On the ground floor is a stone path, and on both sides of the stone road are a variety of shops.

Shop styles vary.

This style is different, not because the things sold are different, but because the age of the store is different.

The shop that just entered the city was a Qin Dynasty-style shop. Subsequently, it was Han and Jin....

However, what made Su Mu feel strange was that the shops here were full of things.

"These things are so new!"

Whether it's cloth, or accessories, or whatever.

As long as you can see the sales, almost all of them look no different from new.

What's even weirder is that there is no dust on these things.

"What the hell is going on here? Could it be that there are people or alien beasts living in this hanging city?

Su Mu continued to move forward.

After passing through the shop, he came to a square.

This square covers a large area.

In the very center of the square, there is a statue.

The statue is tall.

Su Mu looked at the statue carefully, and for a while he couldn't help but feel whose statue it was.

Behind the statue, high walls and gates appeared.

It's different from before.

The high walls and gates in front of you look like palace walls and palace gates.

The strangest thing was that Su Mu couldn't tell for a while which dynasty this palace wall and palace gate belonged to.

Above the palace gates, there is a huge plaque.

"Zen Palace!"

On the huge plaque, two large characters are clearly visible.

These two big words are powerful and powerful, and they seem to be from the hands of extraordinary people.

"Zen Palace?" Su Mu stared at the huge plaque, stunned. "Could it be that this Zen Palace is a place of sealing Zen?"

Thinking of this, Su Mu felt that his heart became hot again.

He walked to the door of the Zen Palace and put his hand on the gate of the Zen Palace.

He wanted to repeat his old trick and open the door of the Zen Palace.

But no matter how he exerted his strength, the gate of the Zen Palace did not move at all.

"Is there an organ?"

Su Mu's brain began to spin rapidly.


Su Mu opened the ghost and wanted to find the so-called mechanism.

But after searching around, he did not find the mechanism.

"What's the situation?"

Su Mu was a little annoyed.

But he didn't get too entangled here.

Since he couldn't open it, he was ready to take a good look in this city now.

Let's be honest.

This hanging city is full of weirdness.

This strange feeling made Su Mu feel very uncomfortable.

The square is like the dividing point of the city.

The city gate to the square, which belongs to the west of the Hanging City.

The entire western part of this area belongs to the commercial district.

The south side of the Hanging City should belong to the residential area.

Lots of houses in the residential area.

Among the many houses, there are also large and small, and they are different.

The most interesting thing is the architectural style of this place.

The architectural style here also belongs to the coexistence of multiple dynasties.

Su Mu also found some interesting little details.

That's the style of some of these buildings, a mixture of dynasties.

For example, Su Mu had just passed a compound.

According to the compound, it is a very obvious multi-dynasty mixed style.

The gate of the compound is in the style of the Qin Dynasty.

The vestibule inside is a fusion of the Han Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty.

The style of the main hall behind is a fusion of the Han Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty.

When Su Mu walked in the residential area, he was open.

But under the darkness, Su Mu did not find anything strange in this residential area.

Back in the central square, Su Mu looked to the other side.

That side is different from the other two.

The tall buildings over there look like a rich area.

Su Mu decided to go over there and take a look.

"Maybe, there's something good over there!"

Su Mu looked at the side where the tall building was standing, and the corners of his mouth showed indisputable saliva.

Fortunately, the aura of this place is not bad.

So Su Mu can always open the Tongyu.

In the state of opening the ghost, the situation of the 'rich area' was clearly seen by Su Mu.

"Isn't this place a rich area?"

When Su Mu walked through, he felt a little chill in his spine.

He clearly saw that these so-called high-rise buildings were not high-rise buildings where the rich lived.

These high-rise buildings are all temple-like existences.

And among these 'temples', there are some statues of gods that Su Mu has never seen.

Even Su Mu saw the existence of extremely degenerate statues in many temples.


Su Mu walked around as fast as he could, and then returned to the central square.

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