"Let me surrender, that's absolutely impossible!" Even

in the face of several times more enemies than himself, this man's expression was still very resolute.

"If that's the case, then goodbye!"

Erwuzai had already rushed to the man's approach at this time.

He clenched his right hand into a fist and hit the man straight in the face.

The man's reaction was also very fast, and he dodged the punch with one dodge.

"A little skill!" Erwuzai couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey!" the man said to Erwuzai with a cold smile. "I don't have much ability, but it's still enough to deal with people like you.

After that, the man was ready to launch a counterattack.

"Don't waste time, go up together and solve him!"

one of the ambushes shouted dissatisfied.

"Yes!" The

other people did not ink, and directly stepped forward in unison, surrounding the man.

After surrounding, they began to do something to the man.

In less than a minute, the man was directly defeated.

Even if he was defeated, the man still shouted very strongly: "Traitor, the boss will never let you go."

Erwuzai looked at him with disdain, "It seems that you are a traitor!"

That's right, it was the family they betrayed first.

"Okay. "In the ambush people, with a wave of his big hand, he began to command. "Leave two people and watch over them. The rest of you, join me in preparing for the test

!" "Yes!" I

don't know if this group of people is strong or lucky.

There were three groups of them, and all of them passed the test.

After all of them passed the test, Su Mu began to move quietly in the direction of the chariot.

He moves very slowly and is very stealthy.

So it wasn't until he came to the chariot that people found him.

"What kind of person?"

the people on Kong Jianxun's side roared when they found Su Mu.

Su Mu ignored it and jumped directly onto the battlefield.

In an instant, the situation in front of Su Mu's eyes changed.

He is now on a battlefield.

Now he is dressed in a military uniform, as if he is a brave general.

"Drive the chariot, pass the battlefield without injury!" The

voice sounded from Su Mu's ears again.

"Rack!" Without

saying a word, Su Mu flicked the reins.

The two war horses in front rushed straight ahead.

"Swoosh!" "

Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

Countless bows and arrows, shot from afar.

Su Mu did not dodge or dodge, so he drove the chariot and passed the battlefield very smoothly.

"So simple?"

Su Mu himself was surprised.

Is this a test, is

it simple? Of course it is not simple.

If it had been simple, not so many people would have been seriously injured by this test.

The reason why Su Mu feels simple is because of the protagonist's aura.

Without the presence of the protagonist's aura, Su Mu would not even be able to drive the chariot.

But these are obviously not important anymore.

"The test passed!" As

the voice sounded, the scene in front of Su Mu's eyes changed again.

He found himself in a small square.

He looked around.

Found in the middle of the small square, there is a thatched hut.

The thatched huts look very ordinary.

But it was such an ordinary thatched house, but at this time it exuded a strange light.

Vaguely, it seems that you can still hear what voice is chanting.

The sound is ethereal, so it doesn't sound real.

And in front of the thatched hut, there are many people facing each other.

The leaders of both sides, Su Mu, are very familiar.

One is Kong Jianguo and the other is Kong Jianbang.

Both sides are looking tense, so the atmosphere looks very tense.

Kong Jianguo's side has the advantage.

The place they occupy now is in front of the thatched hut.

"I said Kong Jianbang, you seem to be late!" Kong Jianguo mocked Kong Jianbang with a smile.

"Kong Jianguo, you'd better get out of the way now. If not, don't blame me for being unkind. Kong Jianbang shouted loudly to Kong Jianguo.

Kong Jianguo smiled disdainfully.

Why should I get out of the way, because you are old, because you don't bathe?" Don't

look at Kong Jianguo's always smiling appearance.

But he mocks people, and he is also very level.

"If you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being ruthless to you. Kong Jianbang was still shouting.

"Brotherhood?" Hearing this, Kong Jianguo only felt funny. "If you really care about brotherhood, you will not betray the master.

"The head of the family is not benevolent, why can't I betray it." Kong Jianbang said with a sneer.

"The head of the house treats you well. When Kong Jianguo said this, he was more or less unconfident.

"Is it really good for us?" Kong Jianbang smiled disdainfully, an angry expression on his face. "Whether it's exercises or various chances. As long as it's a good thing, it's all yours. What about us? We can only pick up some dregs on the side. You call this good for us?" Kong

Jianbang's anger really did not accumulate in a day or two.

The accumulation of dissatisfaction and the expansion of desire made Kong Jianbang decide to overthrow Kong Jianxun.

"Stop talking nonsense. Of course, Kong Jianguo also knew these things.

In his heart now, he still has some reason.

"Since you have rebelled, it is useless to say more at this time. "

Anyone who belongs to the family master, do it directly!" With

Kong Jianguo's order, his own people drew their weapons one after another.

A scuffle is about to start again.

Su Mu's plan this time is still to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

After all, no matter who loses or wins, it doesn't matter much to him.

The main purpose of his coming here is for the chance of this Six Arts City.

"Huh?" Just

as Su Mu looked energetic, a strange feeling suddenly came to his heart.

He subconsciously looked in one direction.

He saw a small tree in one corner of the square.

The small tree is not tall, about two meters. The branches are thin and there are very few branches.

If you put this little tree outside, it must be very inconspicuous.

Even some people don't look at it a second time.

But such an inconspicuous little tree made Su Mu's heart surging.

For he saw that above the small tree, a fruit was hanging.

The fruit is about the same size as a melon.

The color and the texture on it look a lot like watermelon.

"Exotic fruit!" Su

Mu could be very sure that this was a strange fruit.

However, looking at its appearance, it should not be completely mature.

Discovering the strange fruit, Su Mu found the big drama in front of him, and suddenly it was not fragrant.

Taking advantage of everyone's lack of attention, he slowly dived in the direction where the strange fruit was.

The scuffle continued, and the fighting was very fierce.

Kong Jianbang's side had no advantage at all, and he was pressed and beaten by Kong Jianguo's side throughout the process.

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