They take it lightly.

But Kong Jianguo, as their eldest brother, was very cautious.

He stopped and turned back and scolded angrily: "Although this place is our Confucian holy place, none of us have entered before.

"Whether this place is dangerous or not, none of us know." So next, you must raise your spirit, and no one should take it lightly. Kong

Jianguo's words were harsh.

But those present did not seem to realize the seriousness of the problem.


they drank it.

But the expression on his face was still a look of indifference.

Kong Jianguo also knew that it was useless to say more at this time.

They won't know the magnitude of the problem until they actually experience it.

Kong Jianguo no longer said anything, but led them cautiously towards the Little Sage Zhuang.

Su Mu hid his figure and carefully followed behind them.

Behind the torii is a long promenade.

On both sides of the promenade, there is the sea.

Passing through the promenade is a welcoming building.

The building is ventilated on all sides.

The coast of the East China Sea is like spring in all seasons.

The breeze blows and it's cool.

When they arrived at the welcoming building, people's eyes narrowed in delight.

"Someone is following us!" At

this time, Kong Jianguo suddenly turned around.

In fact, just before, he noticed something.

But at the time he wasn't quite sure.

But just now, that feeling became more and more intense.

"Aren't Kong Jianbang's people

all injured?

"Trouble a fart, the other party is only a few people at most." There are so many of us, are we afraid that they will not succeed? "


Kong Jianguo did not speak, but kept looking behind him.

The place has a great view.

No matter how he looked, no trace of anyone else was found.

"Could it be that I felt wrong?"

Kong Jianguo's brows furrowed, doubting what he had just felt.

His younger brothers also followed around and found no trace of the others.

The reason why Su Mu was not discovered by them was because he was under this building at this time.

Underneath this building, the sea is located.

When Kong Jianguo felt something just now, Su Mu jumped into the sea.

"Hey. Seeing that Su Mu's figure was not found, Kong Jianguo sighed slightly and said with some self-deprecation. "Maybe I'm too nervous. After

resting for a while in the welcoming building, the group continued on their way.

Su Mu's words followed silently in the latent seawater.

Soon the group came to an open field.

This open area looks like a garden during a normal break.

Probably because no one took care of it for a long time.

So the flowers and plants in the garden have withered.

The only thing you can see in this garden is a variety of weeds.

"Look separately and see if you can find anything valuable.

Kong Jianguo commanded everyone.

Su Mu also came to the shore at this time.

He first used a flame to evaporate the water on his body.

Then he hid aside.

Because there is no goal.

Therefore, the people of the Kong family, like headless flies, began to bump around.

Su Mu is also similar to them.

However, Su Mu's luck is much better than them now.

When passing a building, Su Mu felt something in his heart and walked directly into the building.

Inside this building, it looks like someone's study.

Inside, Su Mu unexpectedly found the map of the Little Sage Zhuang.

"This luck, it's outrageous!" After

getting the map, Su Mu was very happy.

After all, with the map, it means that Su Mu can no longer be the same as the headless fly.

On the map, all the areas of the Little Sage Village are very clearly marked.

"Library building, weapons room, horse farm..."

Su Mu looked over one by one.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on the library building.

Little Sage Zhuang, as a Confucian holy place.

In this library, it is likely that many important Confucian texts or exercises are stored.

So it's certainly right to make it your number one goal.

According to the instructions on the map, Su Mu soon came to the vicinity of the library building.

The area where the library building is located is also overgrown with weeds.

Su Mu walked through the weeds with difficulty and came directly to the library building.

The library building is a five-story building.

Its architectural style has a clear style of the Warring States period.

Walking to the door of the library building, Su Mu pushed the door hard.

"Squeak!" The

door of the library building was pushed open by Su Mu very easily.

As soon as the door opened, dust fell directly from the door and fell on Su Mu's head.

Su Mu simply patted it, and then walked towards the inside of the library building.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw many wooden bookshelves.

I don't know what material these wooden bookshelves are made of.

After so many years, there is no trace of decay.

On the shelves, there are many books.

These books are full of dust.

Su Mu picked up a copy casually.

This is a very common book in Confucianism.

Su Mu put the book down and then continued to flip through it.

None of these first-level books have anything to do with cultivation.

Su Mu was not discouraged and came directly to the second floor.

Unlike the first floor, which is full of bookshelves and books, the second floor has very few bookshelves.

And the materials used to make bookshelves are also different from the first floor.

The bookshelves on the second floor also seem to be made of wood.

However, the wood used in the bookshelves on the second floor is a very dark looking wood.

What exactly this kind of wood is, Su Mu does not know.

But after touching it, he found that the wood was definitely worth a lot.

On the bookshelves on the second floor, the books placed are obviously more precious than those on the first floor.

Almost all of the books in this are some important Confucian classics.

Even some of the classics have been lost.

However, even if it was a lost text, Su Mu still couldn't raise any interest.

Even if these books are worth thousands of dollars.

But for Su Mu, it is not Su Mu's valuable thing.

The most valuable things now are those things that can improve the realm, cultivation, and combat power.

Since the books on the second floor were worthless, then Su Mu could only walk towards the third layer.

Compared to the second floor, the third level has fewer bookshelves.

After reading it briefly, Su Mu showed a disappointed expression again.

Because in this third layer, there are also some classics.

Even some of these texts exist only in legends.

Even Su Mu saw a book compiled by Kong Shengxian himself among the many classics.

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