"Do you know that you are blasphemy me by saying this to me?"

The extremely fallen voice is like a king on high.

And in its eyes, Su Mu is a humble ant.

"Good fellow, the realm is not high, and the tone is not small at all!"

Su Mu looked at Extreme Fall, and his face was full of ridicule.

"Extreme fear!"

Su Mu's successive blasphemy made Ji Yu very angry.

In the next second, above his head, a skull appeared.

The skull was fiery red in color, and purple mist spread around it.

As soon as this skull appeared, Su Mu actually felt that in the bottom of his heart, an indescribable fear was spreading.

This fear made Su Mu very uncomfortable.


Seeing Su Mu's eyes, which were quietly changing, a disdainful expression appeared on his extremely degenerate face.

"Scared? Are you kidding me? Su Mu's eyes looked at Extreme Fall coldly, and said with disdain. This magic of yours really makes me feel fear. But even if you feel fear, what can you do?

"I'm human! From the beginning of human beings until now, they have been accompanied by fear. Behemoths in ancient times, nuclear weapons in modern times, and exotic beasts in the future.

"But so what? The existence of these fears not only does not make human beings feel afraid, but even gives human beings the courage to grow.

"That's nice." Su Mu's words made Ji Yu scoff. "I'm going to see if you're as powerful as you say."

The extremely fallen voice fell, and above the extremely fallen hands, two strangely shaped weapons appeared.

The weapon was in a half-moon suit, and the change of the weapon flashed with cold light.

As soon as the weapon appeared, Extreme Fall flapped its wings and flew in the direction of Su Mu.

The speed of the extreme fall is extremely fast.

"Fall to the sky!"

Approaching Su Mu, the weapon in Ji Fall's hand wielded a cold light.

A sword qi with a depraved qi flew straight towards Su Mu.

For some reason, this sword qi actually caused an indescribable sense of disgust to rise in Su Mu's heart.


When Su Mu appeared in the hands of the extreme fallen, he put on the carefree finger tiger.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

Su Mu turned the flame to his right fist, and it was a punch against the knife qi.


The seemingly violent knife qi was directly shattered by Su Mu's punch.

"How is this possible? Why are there such strong humans? Extremely

degenerate eyes were full of shock.

It was as if Su Mu's fist shattering its sword qi was something that shocked it absolutely very much.

"Your concept of human beings will not remain in ancient times, right?"

The corners of Su Mu's mouth rose.

"Swift Step!"

When the words fell, Su Mu rushed straight in the direction of the extreme fall.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

Near the extreme fall, Su Mu's fist was directly punched out.


This punch hit Extreme Fallen's body, and Extreme Fallen's body flew out upside down like a kite with a broken thread.


The extreme fall that fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood directly spewed out from his mouth.

It really didn't expect that Su Mu's strength would be so strong.

What made it even more unexpected was.

After Su Mu defeated it, he did not choose, but approached it as fast as he could.

At the same time, Su Mu rode on it.

It struggled to get up.

But Su Mu's strength was too great.

No matter how hard he struggled, he just couldn't get up.


Su Mu's right fist clenched again.

This punch, aimed at the extremely depraved face.


A punch fell, and wounds began to appear on Extreme Fallen's face.





Su Mu's fist rained down on Ji Fallen's face.

If this is just an ordinary fist, it may not cause damage to the extreme fall.

But Su Mu's fist is not an ordinary fist.

Carefree Finger Tiger, Basic Fist Technique, Heaven-shaking God Fist.

These three are superimposed on each punch, and each punch is very heavy.

After more than a dozen laps, this extremely depraved face has no human shape.

"Ding! Kill the extreme and get a reward: 315 points. "

This kill is extremely fallen, and there is no valuable reward.

Compared to the rewards of points, Su Mu still likes the rewards of different arts.

But talk is better than nothing.

After killing this extreme fall, Su Mu slowly got up.

But just as he turned around and prepared to leave, a strange voice sounded from behind him again.





This familiar voice made Su Mu creepy.

He quickly turned around.

I saw that the rest of the extreme depravity actually appeared cracks on their bodies.


Counting the extreme fall that was killed by Su Mu just now, there are a total of 18 here.

Just now he killed one, and now there are 17 left.

Against a C-grade juvenile extreme fall, Su Mu was quite comfortable.

But if he dealt with 17 in one go, Su Mu really couldn't do it.

"If you can't deal with 17 at once, you can deal with them one by one."

Su Mu's mind flashed.

A skill that he had previously obtained, which he thought was a chicken rib, appeared in his mind.

Just now, he discovered that polar degradation is very similar to humans.

They see through their eyes.

Since he saw things through his eyes, things became much simpler for Su Mu.

"Bu Mist!"

Su Mu roared softly.

Flame running.

Wisps of mist flew out from the tips of his fingers.

Ancient Taishan is full of spiritual energy.

In addition, Su Mu has the infinite transformation of the source stream of the body.

This makes him, theoretically, infinitely hot.

The mist rose and soon enveloped the platform.


In the state of opening the shadow, the mist in front of him did not hinder Su Mu at all.

At this time, an extremely depraved shackle appeared in Su Mu's field of vision.

This polar fall is very similar to the previous polar fall.

I don't know if it's because of the fog.

After this extreme depravity was freed from the bondage, he was at a loss.

It looked around and didn't know what it was looking at.

"Swift Step!"

Taking advantage of this time, Su Mu rushed straight in the direction of that extreme fall.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!"

The golden fist shot out, hitting the extremely degenerate face that had just broken free.

Before this extreme fall could even react, he was knocked to the ground by Su Mu.

Su Mu once again let Ji Yu know what it is to be like a fist like a wind.

This extreme fall was killed by Su Mu before he was even familiar with the surrounding environment.

Although Su Mu killed an extreme fall in the fastest time.

But around him, there were a full 16.

"Ding! Kill the extreme and get a reward: 320 points. "

The points awarded by this extreme fall are actually different from before.

Su Mu couldn't care so much.

At this time, he stood up as fast as he could, and then looked for other extremely fallen figures.

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