【Magic Breaking Pill】

Price: 10,000 points.

【Magic Elixir】

Price: 50,000 points.

【Magic Elixir】

Price: 100,000 points.


In the mall, there are many goods that can eliminate the magic flame.

But the prices of these commodities are also surprisingly high.

Breaking the magic pill should be the cheapest of them.

Su Mu looked at the introduction of the Demon Breaking Pill.

【Devil Breaking Pill】Introduction

: It can break the demon qi in the body.


The introduction says to break, not eliminate.

In other words, the effect of this Demon Breaking Pill is only to break the Demon Qiao and make it smaller.

Compared to this Devil-Breaking Pill, Su Mu was actually more inclined to the Devil Destroying Pill.

But the price of the Demon Elimination Pill was really too high for Su Mu.

Killing a C-level beast will reward you with more than 300 points.

If you kill a hundred, there are more than 30,000.

If he wanted to exchange his points for the Demon Elimination Pill, Su Mu had to kill nearly two hundred exotic beasts.

Now is before the reiki is revived.

Even if the world's exotic beasts combined, there are not two hundred.

Of course, if it is after the revival of Reiki, these two hundred are really nothing.

"What a headache!"

Su Mu rubbed his temples and felt that he had a little headache.

The existence of Mo Qiao made his heart very uncomfortable.

So he must eliminate it as soon as possible.

At this time, he did not choose to withdraw from the system mall.

In the search bar, he began to search for information about the Demon Elixir.

At the end of the search, the first thing that appears is the Demon Elixir Pill.

This was followed by the recipe for the elixir pill.

"If you have 10,000 points, you can still consider it."

Su Mu's idea was that since he couldn't afford it, he would refine it himself.

Anyway, he is now, there is a Dan furnace.

The existence of this Dan furnace can help him save a lot of money.

"But 10,000 points seems to be a lot of money for me now!"

Since the four-dimensional fruit was just redeemed.

The original 8,000 points has now become 125.

It's not about starting from scratch, but it's pretty much the same.

"I already knew that there would be a magic flame, so I won't exchange the four-dimensional fruit." Su Mu regretted it a little.

But at this time, regret is obviously useless.

After all, there is time to regret, it is better to think more about what to do next.

Closing the System Mall, he continued to sit cross-kneeled on the ground.

He is now beginning to adjust his mentality.

He had read a lot of books about Moji before.

The production of magic is related to desire. The increase in the magic is related to fear.

When you are afraid of the Mo Qi, the Demon Qi, as if it has been nourished, begins to grow and grow.

What Su Mu had to do now was to quickly adjust his heartbeat and prevent the demon from getting bigger anymore.

When the mentality was almost adjusted, Su Mu slowly stood up.

On the other side of the high platform, there is a small door.

Su Mu walked straight towards the small door.

Through the small door, Su Mu came to a courtyard.

The courtyard is overgrown with weeds and the leaves are yellow.

In the deepest part of the courtyard is a cliff.

"What about the big tree?"

Su Mu looked at the depths of the courtyard, with a confused expression on his face.

He walked quickly to the cliff and looked ahead.

The front was full of mist, no matter how hard Su Mu tried, he just couldn't see clearly.


Tongyu opens.

Su Mu's eyes began to change.

At this time, the dense fog also disappeared in Su Mu's eyes.

He saw that there was indeed an ancient tree on the other side of the cliff.

Ancient trees are towering and intricately rooted.

What made Su Mu feel most strange was that on the platform on the ground of the cliff, there was a wall like the wall of the Falling Xia Palace.

"What is the situation?"

Su Mu felt very puzzled.

He didn't believe that someone would build their palace like this.

At this time, his eyes began to move down slightly.


When he saw the situation of the cliff, he actually gasped.

"How is this possible!"

He took a step back, a shocked look on his face.

In the moment just now, he found that the mountain below the cliff was very smooth.

It felt as if this cliff had been split in half by someone.

"Who did it? This is Tarzan! This is the place where the three emperors and five emperors, successive kings have sealed Zen!

"Who is so bold as to split this mountain in two?"

In addition to marveling at the boldness of the hands-on person, Su Mu was even more amazed at the strength of the other party.

Being able to split a mountain in two is definitely something that ordinary people can't do.

"Is it a so-called god?"

In Su Mu's mind, this suddenly came to mind.

But in this world, are there really gods?

I don't know.

As a reborn, Su Mu did not know whether the gods existed.

Before he was reborn, there was speculation that the gods were real.

After all, whether in China or other countries in the world, there have been legends and stories about gods.

But the problem is, no one has ever seen a god.

After the revival of Reiki, the deities did not appear.

At least before Su Mu was reborn, the gods did not appear.

But the cliff in front of him was telling Su Mu that the gods had indeed existed in this world.

However, whether there are gods in this world is not important to Su Mu now.

Now the most important thing for him is how to go to the opposite side of the cliff and get the fruit of the ancient tree.

Judging by the current situation.

The best way is to use the method used in the Heavenly Master Mansion.

That method is both simple and easy to use.

"Perhaps, I can try other methods!"

In Su Mu's mind, another method came to mind.

He took out the Falling Sunset Soul Sword from the system warehouse.

He placed the sword on the ground and then tried to manipulate it with the flame.


Under Su Mu's control, the Falling Sunset Soul Sword began to slowly move away from the ground.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu smiled.

"But why, before I was reborn, there was no one flying with a sword?" Su Mu felt very strange.

Before he was reborn, someone tried to fly with a sword.

At the beginning, when several bigwigs of the Inhuman Realm discovered that their Qiao could control artifacts, they wanted to try the flying of the imperial sword.

However, they found that the amount of qi consumed by meeting the flight was too much.

Even the first Inhuman Heavenly Master at that time could only fly the sword for 10 seconds at most.

In these 10 seconds, all the flames in his body were directly consumed.

From that time on, the big guys no longer thought about the flight of the imperial sword.

And Su Mu, who was standing on the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword at this time, also realized this.

If it weren't for the infinite transformation of the source stream of the Flame Body, he would not have been able to stand on the Falling Sunset Soul Sword for such a long time.


Su Mu began to try to make the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword advance.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword began to slowly move forward.

"It's done!"

Su Mu smiled.

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