Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 759: The company is growing, and the mentality needs to grow

However, after the initial surprise, Wu Tao's mood quickly returned to normal.

I haven’t seen a thousand pictures like this in my previous life, but I’ve seen eight hundred.

Seeing that Molly was boring, she sank into the pool decisively, only showing her pretty face and asked, "What's the matter?"

Wu Tao said persuasively: "Today, Yuanqi Technology has a team coming over. Isn't it inappropriate for you to look like this?"

Molly chuckled and pointed out sharply, "Your subordinates came to work in a group. How come they come to your house? Have you been thinking too much?"

Also, Wu Tao was suddenly speechless.

Molly said boldly: "Besides, I came to you to swim, first to show our close relationship and act for Howard; second, your swimming pool is indeed better than ours, so I prefer to swim here."

Lose with one move, lose step by step.

This is especially true when talking to smart women.

In the end, Wu Tao could only touch his nose to admit defeat, Quandang never said. Otherwise, isn't it just being self-conscious?

Seeing Wu Tao's deflated appearance, Molly's pretty face was full of pride, she took a step closer, and deliberately teased him with the fragrant shoulders and said, "Is it a little disappointed by my explanation?"


At noon, the location for Yang Ge and Leng Ning's group to pick up the wind was set in downtown Los Angeles.

And this time the team stayed at the Hilton Hotel. After all, they just met the Hilton sisters and they have this relationship.

This time there are about ten people in the team.

The reception of so many people is actually the most suitable for Chinese food. But for the subordinates of the company, they finally came to a foreign country and ended up eating Chinese food, which is somewhat inappropriate.

So in the end, in the Michelin three-star restaurant, everyone waited eagerly for the western food to be served step by step. The picture was really funny, and eating a meal was almost like working on a production line.

Of course, in this atmosphere, Wu Tao can't talk about work anymore.

It was not until the way back to the hotel after dinner that Leng Ning found the opportunity to report to him, "Samsung has released news that a new generation of color-screen mobile phones will be released at the end of October."

It's pretty fast to follow suit!

Leng Ning explained: “Samsung is familiar with a complete set of solutions for color-screen mobile phones because it has worked with us. The plan to launch products is also faster than other manufacturers, which is very detrimental to our Lotus products.”

Speaking of this matter, not only Leng Ning, but even Yang Ge expressed a little worry.

On the contrary, Wu Tao saw it openly and comforted the two of them: "Lotus color screen products have exploded, and it will be sooner or later to follow suit. There is nothing to worry about. The important thing is that we must do our own products. This is a serious matter."

"...But having said that, now Yuanqi Technology is also a big company that is developing in the direction of internationalization. The company is constantly growing and growing, and your mentality as an executive must also grow and grow with it."

"...We have to show enough attention to every step of our competitors, but we should never feel restless like'The Wolf is Coming', sleeping and eating, that would be inappropriate."

Leng Ning was silent.

On the contrary, Yang Ge, who had work experience, quickly realized that: "Boss, I understand."

The fact that Yuanqi Technology organized a delegation quickly reached Howard's ears.

It seems that Hua Xia Wu is really moving this time.

The top 80% are tricky here!

Immediately, Howard made a call to the cell phone of Netscape founder Anderson and asked about Hua Xia Wu.

As a result, Anderson unabashedly confessed: "Yes, Mr. Buffett, recently there was a buyer from China, who had handed me a message through Molly and Yahoo Yang respectively, and showed great interest in our Netscape company. ."

as predicted!

Hung up the phone, Howard's eyes were glazed.

Netscape has once competed with Microsoft on the same stage, and its strength is beyond doubt. If you take over by yourself, you might not be able to create another Microsoft!

Microsoft in 1998, with the introduction of in98 and IE1.0, has already shown its signs in the Internet market.

The industry is generally optimistic about the future development of Microsoft, and the resulting Microsoft stock is also rising.

For Howard, since he was born, he has lived in the aura of his grandfathers and fathers.

He has experienced many such things, and his heart will inevitably be a little irritating. He wanted to get rid of the halo of his elders and show his unique talents to the outside world.

One day, when outsiders talk about the Buffett family, they will not only mention Warren Buffett, but also Howard Warren Buffett.

Thinking of this, Howard called his assistant: "From today, I will start buying AOL stocks!"

"My boss, AOL stock is on the rise in the past two days. Perhaps the benefits of the acquisition of Netscape have been cashed out in advance. Are we..."

Before the assistant had finished speaking, Howard decisively interrupted: "That's right! Follow up immediately!"


Hilton hotel.

In the suite where he stayed, Wu Tao sat at the desk and explained his recent work to Leng Ning and Yang Ge's subordinates.

"Director Leng, you are in Los Angeles this time, focusing on following up the cooperation negotiation project of alm company. Note that our goal is the dual authorization of the use and development rights of almOS. If the cooperation negotiation fails to achieve the goal, you can even consider starting from 3. I bought almOS in my hand!"

"...As for the BlackBerry, we should also focus on understanding the characteristics of BlackBerry OS during the inspection so that we can learn from it and use it in the future. It's just that the BlackBerry company does not give us many opportunities, but as long as it is used well, it can be used as an alm company. Bargaining chip for cooperative negotiation."

Leng Ning recorded it in his notebook while listening.

It just faintly felt that this matter was not easy, so he glanced at Yang Ge and said, "Boss, does Mr. Yang also participate in this matter this time?"

Wu Tao nodded, "Brother Yang will cooperate with you on this matter, but this is not the focus of his work this time."

With that said, he took out a draft plan from his briefcase and handed it to Yang Ge, "This time you will focus on following up this project and strive to make the product as soon as possible."

Then he took out two patent documents from the briefcase and said: "This is a new patent for this Submit the application as soon as possible to go through the process."

Yang Ge took it over and took a look: M3 music player, then flipped over, and he hesitated after a while and said: "Boss, cassette players and CD players are currently popular. Will this M3 music player lack market advantage?"

"The advantages and disadvantages of the M3 music player are as obvious as the disadvantages. The advantage is that users no longer need to spend extra costs for cassettes and CD discs, and the disadvantage is that the sound quality is slightly inferior to CD players."

Wu Tao talked eloquently, "However, the issue of sound quality is of particular concern to audiophiles. Therefore, it is very likely that M3 music players will replace cassettes and CD players."

"...Not only that, one day, the functions of the M3 player can even be integrated into our Lotus phones..."


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