Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 379 Promotional Video (1,500 monthly votes, recommended votes plus updates)

Alpha Company's developer conference lasted for three days and was very rich in content, covering almost all systems, software and mobile games.

If we say that the most eye-catching game in the game field of this conference is undoubtedly "Auto Chess".

Oddly enough, there were obviously so many blockbuster games at the conference that players have been waiting for (or railing against) for a long time, such as "Light of the Gods" and "Storm Chaser 2", but Alpha Company did the most hard to promote them. , but it is a game like "Auto Chess" with no information at all.

Until now, players only know two things about this game:

First, it’s called “Auto Chess”.

Second, it was developed by Tianji Studio.

Don't know anything else.

It is quite incredible that just by relying on the name and the reputation of the developer, Alpha Company can get publicity, and it can also trigger such a lively and extensive discussion among the player community.

Players' speculations about this game are basically based on this name.

Auto Chess, from the name, looks like a chess game, but what exactly is the "auto-playing" method? This is difficult to figure out.

In any case, some people are looking forward to it, some are pessimistic, but everyone is waiting for Tianji Studio to release more promotional materials about this game.

Tianji Studio is seizing the time to develop "Auto Chess" and at the same time, it is also rushing to produce a promotional video for "Auto Chess".

The promotional video was actually being planned when the project was established. After the concept drawings of the chess pieces in the game were released, the promotional video was also being produced simultaneously. However, the video had not been completed at the time of the Alpha Company Developer Conference, so naturally there was nothing we could do. Take it out for everyone to see.

Although this publicity process is slightly different from what Jia Jia and others planned, the problem is not big, or in other words, the situation is actually better.

If you let the news out at Alpha Company's developer conference first, let players speculate for a while, and then release the video, you can get better publicity effects.

Although it is just a mobile game, Tianji Studio has always been on the high-quality route when producing mobile games. Regardless of the krypton gold factors, in terms of quality, Tianji Studio’s mobile games are even better than those who have switched to mobile games. Traditional manufacturers, such as EQS and Griffin Studio, are even higher.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry. Everyone at Tianji Studio specializes in mobile games, and all technical reserves are also specialized in the field of mobile games. Of course, the quality is guaranteed.

Finally, one week after the Alpha Company Developer Conference, Tianji Studio released a promotional video for "Auto Chess"!

This video is still on the Weiguang gaming platform, but this time, in many wristband game stores, game pages and promotional pages for this game have also been opened simultaneously, and pre-order downloads are open!

Jia Jia did not go to these bracelet manufacturers for cooperation. On the contrary, these bracelet manufacturers came to them on their own initiative, hoping that "Auto Chess" could be put on their own game stores!

However, a few channels on the blacklist were directly rejected, such as the Zhongyou gaming platform.

As for why these game channels are on the blacklist, we have to start talking about it a long time ago.

Zhong Ming has different strategies for mobile games and console games.

After all, the two belong to different fields. Zhongming, the console game, basically promotes exclusivity with a relatively mild attitude. The console platform is only on GS1, but some games will also be on GS1 in order to pursue higher sales and greater influence. PC version, such as "Xuanjia Project".

As for wristband games, currently Zhongming and Yunuo Technology have no plans to make wristbands, and it is not very suitable to be exclusive in wristband games. Therefore, wristband games basically focus on expanding influence and increasing profits, and will try their best to There are many platforms with different bracelets.

We are also cooperating with channel providers, but Zhong Ming is completely different now than before.

In the past, when there were only three or four people in Weiguang Studio, many distributors would ignore it, but now, all distributors have to beg their grandparents to hope that Tianji Studio will put "Auto Chess" on their own game stores and make profits. The parties even made repeated concessions, not to mention a 28-cent split, but a 1-9-cent split.

Even a large channel like Alpha Band, which is considered the father of the band industry, spares no effort to promote "Auto Chess". How dare other band manufacturers fall behind?

By then, all other players will be able to play "Auto Chess", and only their own users will find that it is not available in the game store. Wouldn't that mean they have to rebel?

Therefore, even before "Auto Chess" is officially launched this time, major wristband game stores have already opened game areas, prepared promotional materials, and the number of players who have made reservations is also rising.

Players have clicked on the promotional video of "Auto Chess". Although the game is not yet playable, you can definitely tell something from the promotional video.

At the beginning of the promotional video, the first thing is still the logo of Tianji Studio.

After the black screen, the first thing is a distant view. This is a square with Chinese-style buildings. This square is in Ming'an City. The video uses a real scene, but uses some special means to combine the pedestrians on the square with some unusual ones. All the beautiful scenery has been removed.

The camera zooms in to the square.

A girl wearing a T-shirt and jeans came to the square carrying a backpack. Although she was wearing very sporty and casual clothes, the girl's expression was a bit serious as she looked at the guy opposite.

When the camera came to the opposite side, this guy made a very fancy move on his skateboard, and then stopped on the other side of the square.

The two of them looked at each other with some hostility in their eyes.

Then, the two of them raised their left hands and clicked on their bracelets in unison, and a huge holographic projection chessboard appeared in the square!

This chessboard only covers the surface of the square and divides it into 64 grids. This structure is exactly the same as the chess board. There is a row of plinths in front of the two people, which are still empty.

Then, a row of chess pieces instantly appeared in front of both sides.

These chess pieces all use a base similar to that of a chess set. Each one is 34 centimeters high and are neatly suspended in the air and arranged in front of the player.


The guy opposite made an interactive voice, and then made a gesture to the Orc Ax King in the row of chess pieces. The chess piece immediately turned into a stream of light and flew to the chessboard, turning into a burly orc axe, and let out an angry roar towards the opposite side.

"Good luck."

The girl also replied with an interactive voice, and also placed an Elf tree demon deer on the chessboard.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides began to throw chess pieces to each other on the chessboard. There was a small timing interface on the right side of the two people, which showed the current round number, countdown, the amount of money in hand, etc.

The video uses a fleeting shot to capture the changes in the number of rounds, hinting to players that the game process is constantly advancing.

The guy on the opposite side threw out an orc swordmaster holding a watermelon knife and a murloc guard holding a trident. As he threw three identical Orc Axes on the chessboard, a flash of light flashed, and the Orc Ax turned into two stars, his size increased significantly, and his appearance also changed.

On the girl's side, there was still only a weak tree demon deer, an elf prophet on crutches, and an ogre magician who was temporarily pulled over to make up the numbers.

While the two sides were arranging their lineups, a floating module appeared in the open space to the left of the two people, with the number and content of the bonds activated by the chess pieces clearly written on it.

On the brother's side, the two bonds of the orcs and warriors are activated, which can increase the health and armor of his lineup at the same time; but on the girl's side, it seems a bit miserable, the bonds of the two druids cannot have any effect on the battle on the field. Help, the only ogre magician who seems to be of any use is also difficult to compete with.

The battle started. The three warriors on the brother's side rushed to the face of the girl's lineup with howls. The sword master waved the watermelon knife and spun wildly, just like chopping melons and vegetables. The girl's side was even more miserable. Although the ogre magician was waving a big stick and doing crazy damage, and the dryad deer also released a wide range of blood-increasing skills, he still couldn't resist it and was quickly defeated.

The movement rules of these chess pieces are still to move on the grid, which is very similar to some other chess games from this point of view. However, the specific battle outcome is calculated based on the battle of chess pieces on the field.

The younger brother showed a proud smile, and the two of them continued to play around with various chess pieces.

As the number of rounds continues to increase, the money in the hands of the two people also continues to grow, batches of chess pieces are refreshed, and the lineup on the chessboard looks increasingly larger.

The little brother is still improving his warrior lineup, and he gradually begins to draw some more powerful chess pieces, such as the human captain. When placed on the chessboard, the entire model flashes a purple light, which looks very cool.

Although the lineup on the girl's side is constantly expanding, its strength is always worse than that on the brother's side. However, the camera slightly hints that the girl has some money in her hand, and after getting two two-star deer, I didn’t continue to take it.

There are more and more chess pieces on the scene, the battles are becoming more and more exciting, and the special effects are becoming more and more gorgeous!

In another battle, the girl's Elf Windrunner shot down the brother's warrior in the front row. The two-star Elf Ancient Tree in the front row also withstood the damage very well, and the scene was tense for a time.

But with the skills of the pirate captain on my brother's side, the situation on the entire field was instantly reversed!

A huge ghost ship broke through the waves from afar, and the light blue waves even threatened to engulf the entire square! This ghost ship crashed into the elf prophet in the back row and knocked unconscious the dryad deer and windrunner next to it. The soldiers on my brother's side took the opportunity to swarm forward and completely reverse the situation of the battle.

Every time she failed, the girl's health bar would be deducted. The number of rounds increased rapidly, and the girl's health was already in danger.

On the other hand, on the younger brother's side, although the lineup has not yet been truly formed, the number of chess pieces is very large, giving people a feeling of being full of talents.

The little brother showed a proud smile and said: "Well done."

The girl remained unmoved and kept clicking to refresh the chess pieces.

Finally, she found the Druid of the Claw she wanted and threw it directly on the field. With the activation of the four druids' bonds, the fawns, ancient elf trees and elf prophets on the field were all directly upgraded to three stars!

The originally very weak lineup was instantly strengthened by the addition of three three-star chess pieces!

The boy's smile froze on his face, a little surprised as to what happened on the field, while the girl looked indifferent, raised her hand very confidently, and gave the "attack" order to her chess pieces.

The warriors under the little brother roared and rushed forward again, but this time the situation on the field was completely different. The three-star elven ancient tree on the elves' side was like a big mountain. The orc sword master desperately waved the watermelon knife and chopped it. It didn't cause much damage at all. The captain still summoned the ghost ship, but under the area-of-effect healing effect of the Dryad Fawn, the elves did not suffer too many casualties.

This battle finally ended with the girl's victory, which was also the first time the relationship between the two sides was reversed.

The little brother looked very unconvinced. He began to quickly refresh the chess pieces, upgrade the game records, and continue to improve his lineup.

As the number of rounds increases, various more powerful chess pieces begin to appear on the field. The tall Doombringer appears on my brother's side. This demon is much taller than most of the chess pieces on the field, and its body is burning with blazing flames. He holds a large flaming machete in his hand, which is full of visual impact.

On the girl's side, a mighty dragon knight has also appeared on the field.

Both sides are constantly replacing chess pieces with transitional chess pieces. At the same time, they are also constantly synthesizing equipment and equipping chess pieces. The situation on the field is changing rapidly.

In the final round, both sides had very little health left, and the battle was extremely fierce. As soon as the ghost ship here collided, the Tide Hunter over there launched his ultimate move, pushing all the warriors into the sky; the opening scene The dragon knight who transformed instantly spewed flames crazily towards the crowd, causing a large amount of area damage, and the scene was once very chaotic.

But in the end, the elves still had the upper hand, and the background melody gradually became more exciting. As the elves harvested the ruins, the victory was decided.

The dragon knight who turned into a giant dragon flew into the sky suddenly, even blocking the sunlight. It let out a proud roar in the air, then opened its mouth, and a huge fireball fell straight down from the sky, hitting it like a meteorite. The top of my head!

As all the remaining chess pieces on the field launched a round of attacks on the little brother, his blood volume was finally cleared, and the girl won the final victory!

The chessboard projected on the square instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared, and a prompt for an increase in rank points appeared in front of the girl, from Knight 6 to Knight 7.

The little brother was a little frustrated after losing the game, but soon more "Auto Chess" players came over, and everyone left together.

The scene was finally fixed in the corner of the square. A forgotten "Auto Chess" chess piece originally fell to the ground, but suddenly shook and stood up.

Finally, the game's title appeared on the screen.

"Auto Chess" - Tianji Studio!

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