Restarting the myth

Chapter 256: Superman is actually me

"Senna, what are you doing? Why are you teasing Veronica?"


Really? You are so kind?

Wayne sneered and said disdainfully: "Let me guess. You have been teaching Veronica for a while, treating her as Teacher Xifei, and by the way, treating me as Auston. You want Veronica to wake up a little, right?"

"You think too much."

"Okay, I think too much."

Wayne raised his arm, took off the finger-guard, put it on Senna's slender waist, opened his five fingers, and wrapped it down.

Senna hurriedly stepped back and left, lowered her head to suppress her breathing, not wanting Wayne to see her embarrassed look.

"Why, why do you want to avoid it? What about the assist you promised?"

Wayne glanced at Senna: "Your thoughts are no secret to me. I know what you are thinking. For the sake of Veronica, I won't teach you this time. "

Senna took a deep breath, suppressed the charming desire in her heart, and followed Wayne obediently.

Like Veronica, she couldn't figure out whether the goddess was blind.


An arm fell to the ground.

Senna was used to growing new arms. Recently, she studied the new body and mind. She could only say that everything was good except disgusting.

After getting used to it, the weird new life had a unique beauty, mysterious and ancient, indescribable, and was a will and life level above everything else.

The more Senna studied herself, the more obsessed she became with faith, and she longed to get more knowledge from Wayne.

"Why did you lose your arm again? Did you say something bad about me?"

Wayne didn't care, secretly encouraged Senna to continue struggling, and said: "Continue to irritate Veronica, I agree with this behavior, it doesn't count as an offense to me."

Senna was stunned when he heard this.

"You are right, Veronica is Teacher Xifei, I am Auston, and they don't have a good eye for choosing men. ”

Wayne admitted that he was a scumbag: "I can't tell the truth to Veronica, but you are different. Telling the truth is not offensive."

Senna still didn't understand.

Wayne sent a message directly through his mind, saying that he was going to be a scumbag clearly. As an outsider who understood the situation, Senna could enlighten Veronica.

Why don't you just tell her directly? Why do you have to ask me to say something?

Senna frowned suddenly. After she made it clear, she didn't want to do it anymore.

The reason is simple. The more blame she carries, the greater the guilt, and the more obvious the reason for abandonment.

She doesn't want to be abandoned!

Just like the God-chosen Knight inheritance assessment just now, if Wayne's identity is exposed, she will definitely be thrown out as cannon fodder.

Senna knew that Wayne could hear her thoughts. Seeing that Wayne didn't say a word, she felt very aggrieved. She said with a stiff upper lip: "My mind and body have been dedicated to you. I don't want to be dispensable. I long to stay by your side forever."

"Who am I? "

"Lord, Lord..."

Senna couldn't say it. She hadn't adapted yet and still wanted to be Xifei.

"Senna, this is not how you should be a follower. The loyalty you show is not absolute. You have to learn to move on your own, not just move when I tell you to. If loyalty is not absolute, then it is absolutely disloyal. Why should I value you?"

Wayne said bluntly: "You can't be my teacher, and I don't have much hope for you, but it's hard to say what the future will be like. Maybe one day you will adapt!"

The future is not very good.

Senna's face was bitter. She was extremely eager for faith. It wouldn't be long before she would lose her mind. She couldn't imagine what it would be like then. It would be very bad.

"Then give you a chance!"

Wayne raised his hand and touched Senna's forehead, and said slowly: "I allow you to keep yourself because of Teacher Xifei's face. Remember to be grateful to her. "

When her fingertips touched her forehead, a strange wave of thoughts spread in Senna's mind. She was free. Although she still had a desire for faith, it was no longer as strong as before.

The body was not so sensitive, and it would not lose control instantly because of close contact with faith.

Senna felt lighter and her steps were much faster. She gritted her teeth and said, "Master, thank you for the new life given by the believer Senna Kaslana. I will dance for you for the rest of my life."

"It sounds weird, just call me by my name!"

Wayne refused to call him master. It was too weird. He felt that if he heard it a few more times, he would have strange thoughts about Senna.

The two came to the square in front of the hall. Wayne explained Mura's situation: "From what Mr. Mura said, he encountered trouble in the frozen continent. The situation that can make the chosen knights of God in a mess must be not simple. You will be my mount at that time. ”

Senna: “…”

Just because she can turn into a dragon doesn’t mean she is a dragon. Would it be inappropriate to ride her?

Senna hesitated for a moment and acquiesced to Wayne’s arrangement. Believers are the cattle and horses of faith. Mounts are just called by a different name. They are essentially the same.

“You are good at comforting yourself!” Wayne interrupted.

Senna turned her head and pretended not to hear. If you want to ride, just hurry up. She finally found a reason. Why so much nonsense.

After thinking about it, she found that her body did not collapse. She realized that Wayne had untied a few more restraints.

To be fair, Senna admired this very much. If the master and servant were swapped, she would definitely not be so generous. She would only change the tricks...

No, I thought too much!

“Ah, these ideas are good. I adopted them. Let’s play slowly when we have a chance. ”

Wayne patted Saina on the shoulder and said to the pale latter: "You have such a good imagination. Keep it up. Whatever you can think of, I will graciously satisfy you."

Senna's face turned bitter and she had no idea.

She took off her robe, untied a few restraints, and transformed into a dragon in the center of the square.

The dragon's body is dark green, and its scales look like they are carved from jade. It looks slender and elegant from a distance, but is full of power when seen up close. Its fangs, sharp claws, and slowly exuding dragon power perfectly combine the greatness of life and the mystery of nature.

That was before, but not anymore.

Both life and nature reveal a paleness. The green dragon is not pure. Aside from her beautiful shell, the interior is filled with layers of entangled winding lines of tentacles.

Wayne jumped on the back of the green dragon. The latter wanted to struggle but held back.

Training a dragon is not easy. Veronica likes Wayne so much, but still expressed her resistance in the dream. If Wayne had not polluted Senna, he would never be able to ride it in this life.

Wayne rode the dragon and moved around in a flash, practicing several expected combination skills. The special effects were great, but the actual combat effect was average.

The dragon knight and the dragon are very different in size. Adding the two does not have the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

On the contrary, Wayne's flexibility and Green Dragon's mobility are both restricted.

It's better to ride a horse.

Wayne doesn't care, he just wants to be a dragon knight!

He stood on the back of the green dragon, held up the elemental mantra, and shaped an elemental sword in the air. The life armor radiated light and covered the green dragon under him with a layer of white armor of the same material.

Senna has received epic level strengthening, her physical activity has been further enhanced, and she has the ability to learn to imitate. In just a few breaths, she absorbed the life power of the white armor and permanently preserved part of it in her body.

So delicious!

Two hours later, Wayne finished the fitting practice. Senna put on the dragon-scale tights. Her rounded curves were so graceful and smooth that Wayne couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Senna's eyelids twitched. This was the situation she was most worried about before. If Faith stretched out its tentacles towards her, would she obey it or not?

"You can resist!"


"Sorry, I just thought of other things and didn't talk to you."

Wayne clenched his fists and coughed twice. When he saw that the tights were transformed into other clothes, and it was a very old-fashioned long skirt and underwear, he couldn't help but raise his hand to stop.

"That's not okay. You have such a good figure but such bad taste..."

Wayne took two steps forward and said, "As a fashion designer, I really can't stand it anymore. Listen to me and dress like this from now on."

Wayne's thought transmission compressed package contains the new clothing styles he summarized while studying Mona. According to Heaphy, they are too advanced and difficult for the public to accept.

If worn in public, you will be fined by the police.

Senna clicked on the compressed package to unzip it, and turned her head away after just one glance. She was beautiful, but also ashamed. It was better to let her die.

"Stop talking nonsense and change it for me quickly!"

After struggling for half an hour, Senna tightened her robe tightly. The new clothes were very uncomfortable to wear, but she did not dare to change back. She prayed that Wayne would return to Lundam quickly. If she continued like this, she would go crazy sooner or later.

"You have gone crazy. It was me who put your mind back together."

Can you stop looking at her thoughts and keep the agreed upon personal privacy?

"I'll try my best."

Wayne was extremely satisfied and praised: "You have a great figure. It would be a pity not to come back to London with me to work as a model. Why don't you consider resigning from your position as the High Priest of the Oracle and become my full-time secretary in the future?"

Senna turned her head and looked aside, saying nothing and thinking nothing, letting Faith figure it out on its own.

"That's the default."

"I'm not, I didn't..."

"Tsk, not loyal at all."

Wayne stopped in time and did not continue training, for fear that raising the threshold would reduce future happiness. It was good like this now. I hope Senna would work hard to maintain it and never give up on herself and figure it out.

Wayne did not exit the Natural Knight state, but took out the half-finished Philosopher's Stone and looked at it.

"This Philosopher's Stone is a failure. Inside is the hidden forest of darkness and death. You can unfold the world inside, or you can enter directly..."

Senna took the initiative to popularize science: "It is said that the finished Philosopher's Stone does not have an internal world. It is a crystal stone as red as blood. The one in your hand retains the achievements of the legendary mage during his lifetime and can only be regarded as a solidified life force field. "

"If you hold this stone and enter the Kirigakure Forest, you can enter the inner core and intuitively feel darkness and death, but few people do this. That's too..."

Senna stopped mid-sentence. Others can't, but Wayne can.

The dual knight of darkness and death, when this stone fell into Wayne's hands, it was no different than returning it to its original owner.

For a moment, Senna couldn't help but suspect that the reason why Wayne wanted the Hidden Mist Forest was purely because he was greedy for the power of darkness and death, and wanted to strengthen his knight ability.

"Don't judge me by your moral standards, I am very kind..."

Wayne snorted and led Senna into the Kirigakure Forest.

Click, click, click!

Wayne stepped on the dead branches and leaves. The powerful life breath of the Nature Knight was incompatible with this forest full of darkness and death. Under the influence of the powerful energy, the surrounding forest slowly exuded a new trend.

Senna was extremely envious. It was not so easy to adapt to the change of faith. She recognized Wayne as the master, but she still retained respect for the goddess of nature. With the living natural knight so close in front of her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of worship.

This admiration far exceeded her respect for Mulla.


Senna curled her lips and worshiped for a long time, but she still blindly worshiped her faith. She couldn't refuse Wayne, so she was probably useless.

It's not a big problem, she can still persist.

"Girls, I'm here..."

Wayne opened his hands and let the Book of Greed send out an invitation to give twelve unlucky men a chance to live a new life.

[Humble prayers, resentful dead in vain, I hear your wails...

Under the witness of the sacred contract, everything you have belongs to me. You can keep the past but lose the future...

You have been given a chance to be reborn. You will become a spirit of vengeance, wielding the butcher knife for your master, your god, and me.]

Wayne happily waited for the girl group to start, but soon, he discovered that something seemed wrong.

A few days ago there were twelve unlucky ones, and recently there were two more.

"You immoral bastards, can't you just calm down for a while?"

Wayne glared at Senna. The latter was extremely unjust. The Hidden Mist Forest was basically the work of the Pope, and she had never done such a thing.

Even if she was a white-eyed wolf student, she just cut off contact and did not kill him.

"I know, but the Pope is not here, so I have to do it for you."

Wayne shrugged, sent out fourteen labor contracts, and waited for the other party to sign.

He glanced at the two unlucky newcomers, acted subconsciously, and his face gradually darkened.

He knew these two figures, one of them was very familiar.


"How is it possible..."

Wayne froze in place, staring at the shadow on the page. His emotions fluctuated violently, and the breath of life around him was surging, rendering the surrounding dead forest reborn.

The thick fog of death and darkness was driven away, and the forest was bathed in infinite vitality. Green leaves sprouted on the branches, spreading their emerald green leaves in the direction of the God's Chosen Knight.

Everything is wonderful.

Senna didn't think so. She felt strong oppression from her faith, and the cold killing intent tortured her mind and body, making her miserable.

She cried out in pain, knelt down on the ground weakly, and said with a pale face: "Master, what did I do wrong?"

The next second, the pain dissipated.

Senna seemed to have just been fished out of the water, her whole body was soaked in sweat, her hands were shaking and she was leaning on the ground, her eyes were blank and unable to focus, and she felt like she was dead again.

Looking up again, Wayne was nowhere to be found.

White light passed through the thick fog, and the afterimages disappeared in an instant.

Along the way, the scattered energy injects vitality into life, forcibly reversing the concepts of life and death, cutting through the fog hidden forest, leaving an isolation zone full of life.

Wayne quickly came to a big tree, his thoughts dispersed, and he sensed the two corpses buried deep in the ground. He raised his hand expressionlessly and carefully pulled them out of the ground.

The soil rolled, and a cold, cold air of death filled the surrounding area.

Wayne knelt down and raised his hand to brush his face as stiff as ice: "Why is it you? Why don't you just study in the library instead of participating in some bullshit saint selection..."

Suddenly, Wayne thought of something and hurriedly held his breath, spreading out the huge life force burning like a flame from his fingertips.

The gentle energy traveled throughout Otilia's body, dispelling the coldness of death and injecting new life. The gray skin returned to smoothness and delicateness, the blood and flesh cells were revitalized, and the heart in the chest began to beat slowly.


Wayne was overjoyed and praised the three female teachers crazily. If it weren't for their deep sisterly love, pure natural knights would definitely not have such a life-and-death reversal move.

It didn't take long before the smile on Wayne's face sank again.

No matter how much life force is injected, it can only resurrect Otilia's body. Her mind does not exist and is wandering around in the form of a wraith.


Wayne snorted coldly and inserted the Elemental Mantra into the ground with his backhand. He exited the Natural Knight vest and pulled out Shadow Nightmare and Twilight Desperate in succession.

Three artifacts of the Chosen Knights appeared at the same time. The scene was so spectacular that Senna, who was chasing after them, was stunned.

Watching the death knight transform the resentful spirit into a normal soul, and personally guide the soul into the body, he held his breath tightly and did not dare to make a sound.

Senna wanted to tell Wayne that there was no need to waste his efforts. The boundaries between life and death represented the starting point and the end point respectively. Even the chosen knight could not break the boundaries to complete the cycle.

The girl is dead.

Dare to think, dare not speak, for fear of becoming a punching bag.

Just as Senna thought, Wayne tried several times but was unable to truly awaken Otilia.

Otilia got rid of the ghost state, and her soul came into contact with Wayne. She watched the three chosen knights jumping sideways repeatedly, and opened her mouth into an O shape in excitement. The translucent look was so cute.

Wayne didn't feel cute, he was full of heartache. The bone hand of death stretched out and passed through the translucent face: "Sorry, I'm late."

Otilia smiled slightly, grabbed the bone hand and put it on her translucent face. Her resentment was relieved and her body became more transparent.

"Idiot, who satisfied you!"

"Give me hate, think of your resentment, think of the pain of death, and live with the curse of ugliness!"

Wayne was almost frightened to death, and hurriedly signed Otilia's contract, and got the third vengeful spirit before the other party disappeared.

It's very dangerous, just a little bit away from Otilia's death.


Under Senna's stunned gaze, the 'corpse' sat up on her back and breathed greedily for air. She patted the dirt on her body, hugged the death knight and jumped up and down.

"Wayne, you are actually a death knight!"

"There are also dark knights and natural knights... What kind of monster are you? Why haven't I heard you mention them before?"

"What's the matter with the Spirit of Vengeance? After signing this master-servant contract, you won't be cruel to me in the future, right?"

The literary girl jumped and danced, and was extremely happy to be resurrected from the dead.

Wayne looked at Otilia, who was forcing herself to be happy and trying to dispel sadness, and dispelled the state of the Death Knight, and reached out to hold her in his arms.

"Sorry, I'm late."


Otilia's arms were stiff, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared. She snorted and buried her head in Wayne's chest and sobbed softly.

The crying became louder and louder, and in the end, she howled and cried, and the little pearl couldn't stop her face from being covered with tears, and the image of the literary girl disappeared.

Wayne was distressed and patted Otilia's back gently: "Cry, cry, it's okay to cry."

While comforting Otilia, he looked at the pages of the Spirit of Vengeance, and flashbacks passed by his eyes.

When Otilia was young, she met Saint Flora. With longing and admiration, she became her student and began her journey as a magician.

Flora's situation in the church was not good. She had limited power and was a pawn of the Pope. He secretly cultivated Otilia, injected her with the blood of the Phoenix, and strictly guarded her, prohibiting her from appearing in public.

Phoenix ()

Bird in a Cage (√)

Gradually, Otilia developed a good habit of reading. She had no friends and could only spend her time reading.

Soon, Wayne appeared in the picture. The bird in the cage was very envious of his free lifestyle and was impressed.

This is a pervert!

He has many girlfriends!

He wants to chase me?

Similar to Senna's high-pressure discipline of Sphy, Flora got the same result. Otilia entered the rebellious period. She knew it was not allowed, but still dated Wayne in the cinema.

Otilia participated in the selection of saints and lost to Wayne. She felt guilty about Flora's training for many years, unloaded the burden, and looked forward to the upcoming free life.

The last picture, in the Misty Forest, Otilia's blood was taken away by Flora, her life breath withered, and the world in front of her was dark.

She resented her teacher, the church, her own weakness, and the injustice of fate.

She lived for her teacher's dream for twenty years, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally she could live for herself, but the symbol of life came to an abrupt end.

Wayne glanced at the Book of Greed. Otilia brought him two skills, super memory and fire element affinity.

Two dispensable skills. Wayne's memory was not bad to begin with. He could learn anything quickly with a photographic memory.

Fire element affinity...

Let's talk about super memory, at least this skill is interesting.


It's you again!

Wayne narrowed his eyes and glanced at Regina's body on the ground. If the information was correct, both of them were killed by Flora.

No, it should be the Pope behind Flora.

Old thing, you are dead!

Thirteen contracts for migrant workers were delivered. The ghosts were very active and refused to give up the chance of rebirth. They dressed up like fairies and tried to make themselves more attractive.

Rolled up!

Wayne didn't look at it. He was busy comforting Ottilia. The latter perfectly interpreted that women are made of water. She cried for half an hour and the little pearl never stopped.

After venting her grievances, she stood quietly aside, looked at Regina who had the same experience, and then looked at Wayne.

Since we are here, let's save her too!

Wayne nodded, and just as he was about to sign Regina's contract, he raised his hand and touched Ottilia's face.


"No other meaning, I'll check your body and see how to treat Regina."

Wayne stretched out his hands and checked Ottilia's half-dead body. Unlike Abin and Abo, Ottilia's flesh was fresh and plastic. At first glance, she was no different from a living person, not like a magical life.

Otilia's body can be resurrected through the power of the Nature Knight, and Regina can naturally be resurrected as well. Wayne suddenly had an idea and tried to transform Abin and Abo after returning so that they could walk under the sun.

Because Otilia resurrected her body before signing the contract, Abin and Abo had already signed the contract and their forms were fixed. Wayne was not sure whether it would succeed, so he made a temporary plan.

Wayne repeated the same trick, the Nature Knight resurrected Regina's body, and the Death Knight transformed the vengeful spirit into a soul. After several attempts, he failed to truly resurrect, and left his name on the contract.

Regina sat up with her arms, staring at Wayne and the three God-chosen Knight swords inserted behind him in amazement.

Each sword corresponds to a God-chosen Knight, and represents the recognition of a goddess, so...

So what is going on?

"Sorry, I seem to be late."

Wayne apologized, exited the knight vest and opened his hands: "How about it, do you want to embrace your new life?"

Regina smiled embarrassedly, although but, forget it.

Another day, next time for sure!

Regina's flashback is much happier than Otilia's. She comes from a wealthy family and has a twin sister. She has never had to worry about food and clothing since she was a child, and she works hard to become a saint.

The aura of genius makes Regina very proud. A good education prevents her from being arrogant. She is arrogant, but she knows how to respect her opponents, which is reflected in the previous battle.

Regina resented the church, worried that her sister would be treated the same way, and resented that her magic journey had ended here. Although she was dead, she still refused to accept it. If she was given a chance to live again, she would use her talent to prove that the top leaders were blind.

She was not a discarded child, she should have been better than the saint.

Then, Wayne, as a death knight, summoned the remaining twelve vengeful spirits to his side, trying to find their bodies and give them a chance to resurrect.

This time it was really late, at least twenty years late.

The bodies of the twelve saint candidates were buried in the Misty Forest, eroded by darkness and death, and nothing was left.

Wayne secretly thought it was a pity, and signed the contracts continuously. The scenes flashed in front of his eyes, and one illusory figure after another condensed around him.






The twelve saint candidates had been dead for many years, the shortest being twenty years. Time had made them forget their memories before they died, and they only existed as vengeful spirits.

The reason they can survive for such a long time is, on the one hand, because they have the blood of the phoenix in their lifetime, and on the other hand, the darkness and death power of the Mist Hidden Forest are indispensable.

In the dark, perhaps God also pities them, and when Wayne comes, he gets the ticket to the resurrection match of rebirth.

These twelve saint candidates lost their bodies and were transformed into magical lives by the Book of Greed. They exist in the form of spirits. They are born close to darkness and death, and have a strong control over the fire element.

Because of the Book of Greed, they regained their lost memories, remembered their names, and reshaped their beauty in their lifetime.

The appearance of the saint candidates is unquestionable. Two fresh beauties plus twelve spirits with their own flavors, the scene is as spectacular as the appearance of three knight swords at the same time.

Senna was stunned. Wayne showed his ability to surpass the chosen knights of God. In a very short time, he created fourteen followers with limited materials.

Moreover, the life forms of these followers are completely different from hers.

As expected of her faith, new secrets can be revealed every time she approaches...

Senna knew that this idea was wrong. Curiosity would generate attraction, followed by depravity, but she did not suppress her admiration. The scene in front of her was worthy of admiration.

Wayne did not observe the beautiful scenery around him. The twelve saint candidates brought him a lot of abilities, and each of them had affinity with the element of fire.

The same abilities were repeatedly superimposed, and the quantitative change led to qualitative change, bringing Wayne's affinity for the element of fire to an unprecedented level.

He looked strange, turned around and looked at Senna, his eyes were fiery and bright red, and a high-temperature beam suddenly shot out.

Hot vision!

Senna was not allowed to fight back, and she was hit in the face and felt hot. Her beautiful head evaporated and disappeared in an instant.

"No wonder I can't meet my Clark. It turns out that Superman is me."

Wayne looked at the skill bar. Flying, super hearing, super vision, affinity for the element of fire... These newly acquired or secondary enhanced abilities are almost all closely related to the Phoenix.

Especially the affinity of fire element, which can be divided into several parts, fire element immunity, fire element energy absorption, and energy release.

Thermal vision is a kind of energy release, which can be released by eyes or other parts.

Wayne took a deep breath and suppressed his eagerness. Now is not the time to talk about this. The most urgent task is to subdue the fourteen spirits of revenge.

He looked around and was more and more shocked. The girls were more amazing than each other. Pick any one of them, and their looks are extremely durable.

It's bad. It seems that he has bad intentions and saves people to open a harem.

Why are they so beautiful? Now it's good. The misunderstanding is too big and can't be washed away.

Wayne raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat. Surrounded by fourteen fragrant beauties, his eyes were either surprised or confused, and there was also a lot of admiration. He subconsciously straightened his chest.

"Girls, are you ready for revenge?"

"..." x14

The beauties were stunned at first, and then gathered together to whisper.

"Have you read the indenture? It's too dark. Only by obeying him can you get magic power. What if... he is a bad guy?"

"No, Wayne is not that kind of person."

"Yeah, I think so too. He is a knight chosen by God. He can't be a bad guy."

"The Pope is also a good person. He represents the goddess and the church, but what is the result?"

"After all, he is chosen by God..."

"Wake up, three goddesses chose him!"

"Isn't that even more powerful!"

"Now that you put it that way, it's really powerful."

"I want revenge. I won't refuse him. What about you?"

"I miss home..."


After a brief exchange, the saint candidates put forward two representatives.



Wayne: "..."

After discussing for a long time, you chose the traitor. You are really amazing.

Wayne glanced at Otilia, who raised her lips slightly, indicating that she would stand on Wayne's side and help take down these good sisters.

Wayne was so touched that he rejected Otilia's kindness. They were all poor people. He didn't want to take advantage of them. He just had to follow the contract.

Otilia smiled even more and turned to look at her good sisters. What did she say? This guy is still okay.

Sisters, let's go!

"Uh, Master?!"

Regina spoke according to the contract and felt her mouth burning.

If it was a knight chosen by God, it wouldn't matter if he was called master, but she knew Wayne and had fought with him before. They were competitors and had equal status.

Although he didn't win, he was severely punished.

"I don't like this name, just call me by my name."

Wayne took a step back. Master or something, fourteen maids, all so beautiful... something will happen sooner or later, forget it.

God has mercy on him, he really came to save people, and he didn't want his original intention to become hard one day.

"We discussed it and thank you very much for your kindness. If you can help us fulfill our wish, we are willing to become your spirit of revenge." Regina said.

"Who do you want to take revenge on?"

"The church."

"The scope is too large, I can't do it." Wayne waved his hands repeatedly. Xifei and Veronica are also members of the Church of Nature, and Xifei is the high priest.

"Then the Pope."

"This is OK..."

"This is not OK either!"

Just when Wayne nodded in agreement, Senna interrupted, walked quickly behind Wayne, and whispered: "The Pope is the highest authority in the church, he can't die."

After the words fell, the fourteen beauties glared at her.

Senna's expression did not change until Wayne also glared at her, then she changed her words and said: "At least the Pope cannot die while in office. His death will have a major impact on the church, the Life Alliance, and even the entire belief structure of the Chosen Continent..."

Senna talked about a lot of great truths, and she also wanted to kill the Pope, but now it's not possible. The Pope's status and position determine that he cannot die during his term of office.

"The Pope can't die, but Ludwig can." Senna insisted.

As she said, she talked about the Pope's strength, the suppression realm, and he could become a demigod at any time. Only the Natural Knight has the ability to kill him.

To put it bluntly, fourteen little girls are not the Pope's opponent even if they rush up. Forget it, change a revenge target.

The beauties were indignant. This is not okay, and that is not okay. Life is really boring. It is better to die.

"Not that it is not okay..."

Wayne looked at the three knight swords in front of him and squinted his eyes and said, "The Pope cannot die. Ludwig can. He can't always be the Pope. Sooner or later, he will step down."

The beauties were delighted and praised Wayne's handsomeness. The latter was expressionless.

He only told the truth. He really doesn't know how to praise people!

"Don't be happy too early. The Pope has been in office for two hundred years. He can hold on for another two hundred years. Can you really wait that long?" Senna sneered repeatedly. Although she didn't know what Wayne did, she understood part of it. After Wayne reshaped the vengeful spirits, he gave them a fair and just transaction contract out of consideration for their pity.

No matter what level, she didn't get fair treatment!

Senna herself was unhappy and couldn't bear to see others happy. She put forward facts and reason to make the vengeful spirits quiet down.

"I am willing to become the spirit of revenge. I believe Wayne will help me fulfill my wish."

Otilia stood up: "It's been too long. I don't want to waste time in this ghost place. Anyway, I'm going to wait outside."

Regina weighed it for a moment. Revenge is important, but her sister's life is more important. She followed Otilia and voted for Wayne.

Blind obedience, human individual dependence.

When a person encounters difficulties or problems that cannot be solved alone in life, he tends to rely on others, subconsciously give up thinking, and seek the sense of security of the crowd.

Under the leadership of Otilia and Regina, twelve beauties followed suit.

Spirit of Vengeance +14.

Wayne: (一`一;)

Looking at the innocent Otilia, and then at Senna who sneered, he was choked for a moment and didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, he decided to follow his heart.

"Since you trust me so much, I won't say anything empty and pretentious. I can't kill the Pope now, but I can help you collect some interest..."

Wayne looked at everyone: "The mastermind behind this is the Pope, and there are others who killed you. Tell me their names and I will bring them here."


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