Restarting the myth

Chapter 293 Dark Goddess: Give you a task

Projection space.

A world of chaos and darkness.

Huge tentacles waved in the air, covered with suction cups and claws, with disgusting mucus on the surface, and spitting out highly corrosive acid.

On the ground, all kinds of strange life are wandering. They have some similar physical features to Togugeye, but according to the evolutionary route, they are not the appearance of faith.

They can only be regarded as similar branches, which is a wrong evolution.

These monsters are Togugeye's creations, created according to the diversity of life. Togugeye is thinking about his own beliefs, classifying the knowledge he has mastered, creating a large number of randomly long creations, and then by observing their changes, he is closer to the ancient gods he believes in.

This is a world full of evolution!

For the three knights, this world is not friendly. Endless whispers have created endless monsters. Even if they are killed, they will be resurrected and reborn because of the immortality of information.

The followers of the ancient gods still have the ability to fill the chosen continent of God in an instant. The horror of the ancient gods can be imagined.

In the projection space, the three knights could not fully exert their power. The chaotic information blocked their communication with the outside world, and they could only fight with their own strength.

Take the Dark Knight as an example. In the darkness, his power is endless. The Twilight Despair will transform infinite darkness into infinite energy.

The three knights encountered an extremely embarrassing situation at this time.

Cannon fodder-level monsters could not cause harm to them. Even if there were thousands of them, they would be given away in vain. They did not need the three to go all out. Just stand up and perfunctorily deal with it.

Like Leo, he can also rub a lot of small suns. He can plant any kind of mushroom he wants.

The three people's target is Togugeye, but the cannon fodder blocked their way forward. Looking at Togugeye, he took a step back and launched a charge to the back, trying to lead the three out of the projection space and go deep into the land of the ancient gods.

This is very troublesome.

The three knew that in the projection space, they could defeat and cut off Togugeye's tentacles and even his head, and go deep into the land of the ancient gods. It is hard to say who is the dish and who is the knife and fork.

"Togugeye is retreating, which is a good thing. Drive it out of the projection space and completely cut off the connection between here and the frozen continent, so that it can't come to the world." Delain said.

At this time, the Moonlight Knight rode on the flying dragon mount, with holy silver lines on her cheeks, pushing her iceberg beauty temperament to the peak in one fell swoop.

Behind it, four huge arms condensed by the moonlight drew bows and arrows, madly venting energy arrows, and the arrows must hit the target. Wherever they passed, all the monsters fell apart instantly.

"Togugeye will not retreat suddenly. It has always wanted to come to the world. Don't go deep. It is tempting us." Mura said rationally.

What if we really enter the land of the ancient gods and look up and see the ancient gods?

Togugeye turned like the wind and went wherever he wanted. Behind them was the frozen continent, and there were not many choices.

The three knights were very puzzled. How could Togugeye, who was extremely angry just now, suddenly become clear-headed and not stubborn?

You are a follower of the ancient gods, charge forward. Is it worthy of your faith to shrink back and live up to your powerful power to destroy the world?

The three stopped in the gap between the projection space and the follower's land, looking at the endless monsters and the end of the darkness, and Togugeye who occasionally showed up and blinked, all chose to stop.

"Deleon, you are responsible for cover."

Mura made a prompt decision: "Leo, the two of us cut off the projection space so that it will never come to the world."

Once the projection space is cut off, the three will lose contact with the follower's land, and similarly, they will lose the opportunity to return to the frozen continent, wandering in the void with this space, exiled to unknown corners.

Leo didn't think much, and didn't even think about this question. Deleon thought about it and got the answer that he could play cards to kill time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The white flying dragon appeared everywhere on the battlefield like teleportation, and the mobile turrets vented firepower crazily, setting up a life restricted area with its own strength, and defending the battle line that stretched for hundreds of miles.

Groups of white light burst out and shine densely, countless information converged, creating more monsters.

Born fast, die faster.

Delain was too good at shooting, the energy in her body seemed endless, and with the White Night's Words in hand, she unilaterally suppressed the speed of Togugeye's explosion.

Leo held the Dawn Mantra in his hand, and the golden war spear spread out a dazzling light.

In the endless chaos and darkness, a bright light cut through the sky and condensed into an extremely huge golden war spear.

Then, a giant wearing golden armor rose from the ground, holding a war spear and emitting a strong brilliance that was impossible to look directly at. The aura was so powerful that it seemed to have the power to destroy the world.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the giant chopped down with the war spear in his hand. Where the spear tip passed, the space was torn in an instant, revealing a bottomless crack.

The crack swallowed everything around it, and while dispersing it, it also pulled the projected space towards the land of the ancient gods.

The golden giant did not stop there, and continued to chop forward, tearing the crack bigger and bigger, until the entire projection space was divided by this crack.

After doing all this, the golden giant disappeared, and Leo stood there panting, explaining: "I play cards every day and every night, and I haven't exercised for a long time. I can't bear the sudden strength..."

"Starting today, quit drinking!"

Leo completed his task, and then it was Mura's turn. He held the elemental mantra in his hand and released the terrifying energy in his body.

The four elements of earth, fire, water and wind spread out with boundless momentum, forging mountains, rivers, and forests, supporting rolling mountains, and crossing the edge of the projection space, injecting a state of competition for all things into this lifeless chaotic space.

With the earth-shaking changes in this world, the original chaotic darkness was completely dispelled, and replaced by a new and unfamiliar world.

The speed of the black crack pulling the projection space came to an abrupt halt, because it was unfamiliar and could not continue to lead it to the land of the ancient gods.

"Roar, roar, roar————"

Togugeye roared in a low voice. It could not care, but it could not be taken away.

With this roar, the monsters went completely crazy, rushing into the attack range covered by Delain, using themselves as shields to pave the way for those who came later.

Delain's pressure soared, his eyes bloomed with cold moonlight, and twelve silver arms appeared behind him. Countless arrows vented down, pushing the approaching battle line back again.

Mura held the elemental mantra in his hand and completed the shaping of the projection space. He spent a lot of thinking and stood side by side with Leo, panting.

Their mission was completed, and it was up to Delain to support them next.


With a crisp sound, the projection space officially separated from the ancient god's land of vassalage, moving away from the black crack, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

It's done! x3

Just when the three were overjoyed, Togugeye made a move. Four huge tentacles extended from the land of vassalage, facing the overwhelming and violent attack of Bai Ye Zhenyan, and rolled towards the distant projection space.

Three of the four tentacles were blown up, and one still touched the projection space when it was about to break.

Once the contact was made, the information was transmitted.

Mura saw the mountains and forests withering and returning to the original dark chaos, so he had to raise the elemental mantra.

The three realized that Togugeye was in the land of vassalage. After fully awakening, his power became stronger. It would be difficult for them to cut off the projection space alone.

"It was just a little bit short!"

Delaine was secretly angry because her failure caused all the previous efforts to go to waste.

Now, there was nothing left to play.

Suddenly, the three of them shuddered and looked behind them at the same time.

There, the weak power of the knight was calling them. Guided by this power, the three found a way out of the projection space.

"It's Anastasia, she's here."

"Anastasia can't use our power, it should be Wayne..."

"The projection space can't be defended anymore, do you want to retreat?"

"You go first, I'll hold Togugeye back and don't let it launch a counterattack!"

Delaine insisted on staying behind to provide cover. Mura and Leo did not refute and evacuated to the exit as quickly as possible. As long as they could return to the frozen continent and contact the outside world, they would have a way to rescue Delaine.

In the direction of the exit, Wayne released the form of the pale knight. It was too weird and difficult to explain. He would be regarded as an undercover of the ancient god.

He held three gems in his hand, stimulated the power inside, stood on the edge of the crack that was about to close, and saw two rays of light approaching rapidly from a distance.

Soon, almost in the blink of an eye, Mura and Leo came to Wayne's side.

The two of them didn't say much nonsense, and began to seal the space crack, trying to delay the time of Togugeye's return and minimize the crisis threatening the Chosen Continent.

At this time, every second counts, and every step completed will increase the difficulty of Togugeye's return.

Wayne said weakly: "You two, what should we do with Delaine? She hasn't come out yet."

"She will be here soon."

As the voice fell, the crack was only the size of a grain of rice, and a beam of arrow light shot out like a thread, hitting Wayne who was looking around.

The arrow light pierced Wayne's chest, but did not cause any damage, dispelling negativity, healing injuries, releasing purification, injecting energy, and expelling fear...

A series of buffs fell down, and Wayne felt that he was strong enough to kill a dragon.

What a powerful look!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems nothing special, just a dragon, he has tamed two of them.


The moment the arrow light in front of Wayne's chest dissipated, Delain jumped out and hit Wayne's chest.

She stopped on the spot and it was okay, Wayne flew away in a daze.

Void worm peeking out.jpg

Three God-chosen knights peeking out.jpg

The void worm weighed the pros and cons and disappeared inside the space tunnel.

"What's going on? Why are there void worms here?" Leo asked.

"I heard that void worms have many uses. This is the first time I have seen this kind of star beast. It's a half-soft and half-hard meat worm. It looks really ugly." Delain shook his head repeatedly.

Unbelievable, it is said that void worms have high medicinal value and are very popular in the Kingdom of God. Many people kneel down to eat a bite. Anyway, she can't open her mouth and it's disgusting to look at.

Wayne walked over speechlessly, rubbed his chest, and secretly said that it was a hard head.

"Hey, Wayne, what a coincidence that you are here too." Delain raised his hand and greeted.

"Yeah, what a coincidence..."

Wayne curled his lips, and then said: "Three of you, this is the void, and there is chaotic knowledge everywhere. I can't stay here for a long time. Let's talk about it when we get back."


The sealed land.

It should be said that the sealed land in the past.

The four people returned along the original route, and they were all surprised to see the mountains that had changed greatly. After asking, they realized that they had fallen into a trap and almost let Togugeye steal their home.

It's not just a matter of stealing the home. Under the pincer attack from both sides, Togugeye will definitely come successfully.

Mura, who was formulating the tactics, was sweating profusely. Inadvertently, he almost ruined the whole world. He was scolded by Delain with a melancholy face. He lowered his head and stood steadily.

"Wayne, why did Togugeye leave?"

"I don't know. It was about to succeed, but suddenly it went crazy..."

Wayne gestured to describe it. His language ability was limited, and his explanation was ambiguous. He never got to the point: "In short, it seemed to have received a call and disappeared by itself."

The dark elves left before the war. The witnesses who saw the death breath and the pale nest in the field were all his own people. Wayne had a lot of room for operation. According to his own strength, he made up a correct answer that he didn't know anything.

Don't ask, if you ask, you don't know, and you won inexplicably.

The three knights had no doubt that what they saw and heard in the projection space, Togugeye did suddenly give up the attack, and almost took them to the land of the family all the way away.

It seems that Togugeye may have received the call of the ancient god after waking up.

"What a pity. It was such a good opportunity, but because of me, I didn't completely cut off the projection space." Delain blamed himself.

The two companions comforted him. The strategic goal has been achieved. The cracks in the projection space have been filled. Togugeye cannot come at any time. The hidden dangers in other parts of the Chosen Continent have been eliminated. Togugeye cannot launch an attack from the inside. It is a great victory.

At this point, Mura looked at Anastasia in confusion.

When he saw Wayne holding three gems, he thought Anastasia had died, but she was alive and well. Not only did she not die, but she also found her lost body.

It's strange. Anastasia's body has been contaminated.

It's unreasonable!

"Anastasia, why haven't you died yet?"

Delain asked directly: "What's wrong with your body? Togugeye brought your body here too?"

"When Togugeye's head came, my faith took back my body for me and dispelled Togugeye's pollution." Anastasia did not hide it and told the truth.

"It turned out to be the Dark Goddess."

The three knights suddenly realized and thought about the reason why Togugye left, which was also due to the Dark Goddess.

The news is very important. After this great victory, the goddess must be informed of the information. x3

Also, the election of the three gods is too cruel. I hope the goddess will have more faith in her knights. x3

Except for the failure to completely cut off the projection space, everything in this battle was extremely satisfactory. The three knights are ready to rebuild the sealed land on the ruins and take turns to guard it in the future.

"Wayne, the tasks in the future will not be so heavy, and I will be much more free. Remember to familiarize yourself with the elemental mantra. You are the man who will become a natural knight." Mura spoke first.

This caused strong dissatisfaction between Leo and Delain. No one could convince anyone, so they chose to sit down and play cards.

After two wins in three games, Delain won the final victory. In great joy, he directly overturned the card table.

The knights recovered some strength and re-arranged the aurora defense above the sealed land. Austin, who was transformed into a dark knight, joined in. The four-color light bands fell and dispelled the gloomy black sky.

The mission in the Sealed Land was completed. Austin was not going to stay for long, fearing that the three chosen gods would abandon him. After completing the Aurora, he rode the black dragon and left.

Looking at the backs of the two people, Wayne gave Xifei a look, Teacher, they are running so fast, I am afraid they are going to the beach villa to make a baby!

Xifei rolled her eyes, she couldn't stand hearing this recently, so she asked Wayne to stop talking.

The Sealed Land was in ruins, the dark wizards returned, the infrastructure project was in full swing, the goblins were interspersed everywhere, planting trees and cultivating flowers, and it took only two days to build a paradise.

Moonlight Sealed Land.

"Eat the arrow!"


Wayne held the White Night's Words in his hand and shot an arrow, fast and accurate.

He put down his bow and arrow and complained, "Delaine, I've been playing cards for two days and I can't play anymore. Let me go. I'm leaving tonight."

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's better to practice archery instead of playing cards!"

Delaine said earnestly, "If you leave the Frozen Continent, your will will only be corrupted by the upper-class aristocratic life. Think about the fame and fortune that tarnish the morals of the knights, think about the beauties who come and go at your beck and call, think about the laborers you enslave..."

"Well, what I mean is, instead of wasting time on your girlfriends, why not stay and I'll teach you archery."

Forget it, you just want to play cards!

Wayne refused. He wanted to leave in the first place, but after listening to Delaine's advice, he became more eager.

He had made up his mind to leave the Frozen Continent tonight and return to Lendan to enjoy the corrupt aristocratic life and challenge the soft underbelly of money, beauty and power.

Seeing that he couldn't keep him, Delain sighed: "That's it, you go first, I'll find you in Lundan after I finish the work at hand."

"Why are you looking for me?"

Wayne was scared, it's just playing cards, as for chasing Lundan, Mura and Leo are both good players at the card table.

"I won the card game, Mura and Leo are out, you will be my successor in the future, I must be looking for you to train you." Delain said with a serious face, goddess above.

The appearance of the iceberg beauty is very convincing. If he wasn't too familiar with her, Wayne almost believed her lies.

Also, it's unreliable to decide the heir only by playing cards. Mura and Leo will definitely not give up.

That night, Wayne said goodbye to the three knights and took Senna, Xifei and Veronica to leave the sealed land.

He didn't say hello to Anastasia. Although the saint was nice, Wayne had no interest in her. He just returned the body to let her live. The starting point was to save people.

As for what will happen in the future, Wayne didn't think about it and hoped Anastasia could stick to it.

At this time, Anastasia was not in the sealed land. Through the portal, she came to a secret stronghold in the frozen continent.

After leaving the sealed place, she took the initiative to contact the Dark Goddess as a saint, hoping to use the goddess's hand to make herself disappear.

In the dark hall, Anastasia remained in the form of a dark elf and heard the voice of the goddess.

"Anastasia, what's going on with your body?"

Leng You's voice sounded from an unknown place. It was impossible to capture the location, but it accurately reached Anastasia's ears.

The saint who had abandoned her faith lay on the ground, quietly waiting for the judgment of the Dark Goddess.

"Speak, what happened? Who snatched you away?"


Anastasia said nothing because Wayne had not imposed any restrictions. Her will allowed her to communicate with the goddess. This was the limit. She could not tell Wayne's name or confess the truth.

"You are as pious as ever..."

The goddess's voice rang in her ears, and Anastasia felt severe pain sweep through her body, and a great will descended and took over her body.

Anastasia stood up, stared at her hands, and scanned the memories in her mind. A smile gradually appeared on her lips.

"The five gods of darkness, death, sun, moonlight, and nature are chosen..."

"I don't remember when I chose him..."

"However, he did steal the power of darkness and thus mastered the true meaning of life."

Anastasia murmured to herself, a thread of thought sinking into her body, and she frowned after a moment.

The Dark Goddess sensed infinite vitality and infinite possibilities in Anastasia's body. Under the influence of Wayne, this body was filled with light.

So bright that it pointed out a clear path for the Dark Goddess.

Due to the nature of the life of the Dark Goddess, she could not and would not like Anastasia's physical body, but a miracle happened during the recent contact that made her very interested.

God’s thinking is influenced by the flesh!

Although it is trivial and can be ignored, impact is impact, and the Dark Goddess will not deny this.

"Only high-level lives can affect low-level lives..."

"His life form is above mine..."

"The evolution of the ancient gods... is it the arrival of the ancient gods, or is it the descendants of the ancient gods?"

"Young boy, you are so outstanding!"

"Whether you stole the power of Twilight Desperate or not, you have become my knight. This is an indisputable fact..."

The smile on Anastasia's lips grew stronger, and she realized that her body was beginning to surround her mind. Without knowing the truth, she rationally chose to leave.

Anastasia woke up from her daze, prostrated on the ground, and listened to the goddess's oracle.

"Anastasia, you don't need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. On the contrary, you did a good job. You are still the saint of the Dark Church." The goddess affirmed Anastasia's betrayal.

This surprised Anastasia: "Goddess, my faith is no longer there. I have my own master. Can I really be a saint like this?"

Anastasia: Goddess, I am not trying to scare you. I may lose my purity at any time.


The Dark Goddess insisted that it was okay if she said yes, even if Anastasia lost her purity, her faith, and herself, she would still be the saint of the Dark Church.

Anastasia smiled bitterly, as smart as she had guessed the goddess's thoughts, and said bluntly: "Goddess, I can't betray my beliefs. If you have other plans for me, I can only say that I can't complete the task. !”

"It doesn't matter, do what you think and embrace your faith with all your heart."

The Dark Goddess said slowly: "Anastasia, I will give you a task to go to Lundan to establish a dark church stronghold. From now on, you will stay in Lundan and serve your faith."

Anastasia: (_)

Goddess, I have served you for so many years, do you really have the heart to see me degrade?

Okay, okay, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!

The former faith was too cold, and Anastasia subconsciously compared it. The new faith would not be so ruthless, and the master would only feel sorry for her.


Anastasia shook her head repeatedly to dispel the random thoughts in her mind, and said directly: "Goddess, I will tell the master these things, I can't hide them."

"I will erase this memory and you won't know what happened."

The voice of the Dark Goddess sounded: "At the same time, I will leave something in your body to ensure that I can contact you in the future and descend into your body."

Anastasia's scalp was numb and she smiled bitterly: "Goddess of Darkness, what do you want?"

"Go and contact Wayne, leave his information, and I will naturally get what I want..."

"What exactly?"

"Life! Evolution!"

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