Restarting the myth

Chapter 300 Either on the table or on the menu

Landau Manor, study.

The big trash can invited the small trash can to discuss important matters, holding ancient silver coins and looking slightly unhappy.

In comparison, the small trash can looks great.

I work as a secretary when I have something to do, and I work as a secretary when I have nothing to do. I eat well and have fun. I feel that my life has reached its peak.

Seeing Wayne's appearance, Auston became even more displeased. He frowned and said, "A lot of things have happened to the family recently. As the heir, you don't care at all."

"I focus more on international events than on small things at home."

Wayne waved his hand and said that he has been very busy recently. International events require his fierce criticism. The world cannot move without him. In comparison, Auston can just watch and deal with the trivial matters at home.

With Auston's crude wisdom, these little things couldn't trouble him at all.

On the contrary, when the two buttocks got together and exchanged opinions fiercely, what was originally a small matter turned into a big deal.

Auston did not refute Wayne's fallacy. He had refuted it before, but was dragged into a familiar track by Wayne. Because his playing style did not suit the needs of the environment, it seemed that he was making trouble unreasonably.

"A lot of big things have happened recently. Prussia attacked Bologna and captured the opponent's capital. The Rosch Federation also attacked Bologna yesterday. This country is finished." Auston said regretfully.

Too fast!

Like a flash of lightning, it was over in a flash!

Wayne first nodded, expressing his consistent optimism for Prussia, and then mocked: "Windsor and Frank declared war on Prussia at the beginning of the month, but ended up declaring no war, not even sending out a dog, and only providing Bologna. All aid other than aid has become an international laughing stock.”

It's really fast, even Hell Joke updates so diligently.

"No, we helped, but Polonia didn't listen. She can't blame others."

Auston took the words and defended Windsor a few words. Bologna was being served by two powerful countries in turns because he wanted to die. They both said that they could negotiate, but Bologna insisted on rushing forward.

As for the Rosch Federation's invasion of Bologna, it is indeed suspected of adding insult to injury, but it is also related to the grievances and grievances between the two countries. There are already many conflicts, and it is natural to take advantage of the opportunity to deal with it.

"But anyway, Bologna is no longer on the map."

Wayne shrugged. Every time there is a war, small countries suffer first. Even if there is no war, it will be the same. The world map is very big but also very small, and cannot accommodate too many chess players.

Either serve it to the table or serve it on the menu!

Auston shook his head slightly: "This may be a good thing. Windsor and Frank can wait for a while to see what happens after Prussia and the Rosch Federation border."

Better fight!

Oston represents Windsor's strategic interests. From Windsor's perspective, he hopes to see a strong but not so powerful Prussia.

Advance can hold Frank back, retreat can resist the Rosch Federation.

Windsor doesn't have to do anything, just sell arms and humanitarian aid across the sea and shout long live justice and world peace.

Wayne knew from his tone that the upper management of Windsor still had full confidence in Frank and believed that the world's best army could stop Prussia's lightning torrent.

It is understandable that in this era, words such as impregnable and the world's best army are still very valuable.

Frank: God chooses a street in mainland China to find out who the father is.

Prussia: I’ve asked about it, it’s me!

Wayne once again mentioned that the defense line was unreliable and hoped that Auston could convince the Queen to change Windsor's current foreign strategy. Instead of just watching the show, she could be more serious about it.

It will be too late to cry out in pain when planes are flying all over the sky and fireworks are being set off everywhere.

Having said that, Wayne also knew that what he said was all nonsense. The geographical location meant that Windsor would not be able to rush to the front. The Queen also hoped that the war would break out on the border of Frankia and Prussia.

It's best to keep going back and forth, and after both sides are hurt, Rosch Federation comes in to take advantage, and then all three companies stop fighting.

At that time, Windsor, who had made a lot of money, stood up and took charge of the overall situation. While shouting that you should stop fighting, he also called on everyone to sit down, value peace, and re-sign a stable world order agreement.

Simply perfect!

Every time the international situation revolves around, Wayne and Auston urinate in the same pot, unable to convince each other.

From Allston's point of view, Wayne has little understanding of the situation on the mainland, but is obsessed with Prussia. He is suspected of being a spiritual Prussian and a treacherous man.

From Wayne’s perspective…

Well, actually he wasn't very sure. The version was fully strengthened. Maybe Frank wouldn't raise his hand this time.

Wayne wavered back and forth, asking what the Prussian stereotype was. Auston was too lazy to continue talking nonsense and got straight to the point: "The queen has been very active recently. She is concentrating power, taking back the power of the Tulip family and actively preparing for war."

Auston's statement is very objective. From the subjective perspective of other Tulip families, the Queen took back power in the name of war, which seriously undermined the core interests of each family.

Although the Tulip family exists for this reason. They are the royal family's piggy bank + talent reserve center + tentacles. The royal family has the right to take back everything at any time, but...

It's easy to eat and difficult to spit out, and asking them to bleed out of the blue is really more uncomfortable than killing them.

A similar situation happened once twenty years ago. At that time, the royal family's actions were far less tough than they are now.


Wayne raised his eyebrows: "What has the Queen done to make our loyal Tulip family give a bad review of 'tough'?"

"The Queen recalled some distant relatives of tulips, mainly targeting the tulip families engaged in finance and business such as Boswell, Bayford, Cavendish, and Spencer."

Auston glanced at Wayne: "There is also our Landau family. A distant uncle of mine came back with his family, and he wants to treat me to dinner tonight!"

Wayne frowned: "No way, our family has always been declining, and there is only one male like me in the inheritance. Where did this stinky beggar come from?"

"They settled in the city north of Windsor. They were originally losers in the family competition and were expelled from Lundam, so they had a lot of opinions about me."

Auston looked at Wayne playfully: "You are a smart man, I don't need to say more."

The Queen has a way to die!

Wayne looked stern, and he probably understood Auston's subtext: "What did the other Tulip family heads say? Have you contacted them? Is there a treacherous jester around the queen?"

The queen listened to the slander and caused trouble to the court and cut off her hands and feet. The ministers were not angry and gathered together to discuss the idea of ​​clearing the emperor.


It’s long overdue!

Wayne nodded secretly. His plot was relatively long. It was written very clearly in the history books. Since ancient times, virtuous ministers chose their masters and devoured them, and they constantly suffered the consequences. It's time to storm Buckingham Palace with your sword in hand and pledge your loyalty to the Queen.

Auston rolled his eyes. The heir was growing more and more crooked. Instead of growing any flesh, he was only growing bones.

There are all kinds of revolutions when the royal family is mentioned. If you don't know, you might think that they are undercover agents of the Rosch Federation.

Laughing to death, there is no reason for capitalists to revolutionize themselves.

He said: "Several heads of the Tulip family hold the same attitude as me. Our wealth is given by the Queen and she can take it back at any time. As for those distant relatives..."

"Lundan is not a countryside, it is a big city. The air is bad. They cannot adapt to the harsh environment here, and they are very likely to die collectively one day in the future."

"The Queen hopes so too."

Auston glanced at Wayne: "As for the situation you imagined, I can tell you with certainty that it will not happen."

The queen did not attack all the tulip families in a big way, but only the richest families. The other families did not see the loss of their lives, but only saw the expansion of their own interests. In addition, the fourteen tulip families themselves had constant conflicts, which was impossible. Nor will they unite together.

Not to mention Qing Junzi, thank God for not adding insult to injury.

"A group of short-sighted guys who only know how to clean up their own troubles. Today the Queen asked us to bleed, and tomorrow it will be their turn. They can't understand this. Fortunately, they are still politicians. Working with this group of insects, I'm a big Windsor You will die sooner or later!" Wayne said dissatisfied.

Yes, the power of the Tulip family was indeed given by the queen, but the queen only gave the power. How much they can earn depends on the ability of each family.

The money was obtained based on one’s ability, neither stealing nor robbing, it was just cheating and swindling, and at the same time exploiting the working people. The money was pure and clear, so why should it be handed over if it was not hard-earned money?

It’s easy for capitalists to make some money!

Take Auston as an example. In order to maintain his family business, he went around trying to be the big brother. He coached secretaries during the day and managed relationships with leaders at night. He made his wife so angry that she ran away from home.

Wayne: e=(′д`*)))

"Auston, it's not easy for you!"


You seem to be thinking about something very rude!

Auston did not ask Wayne what he was thinking about, and was too lazy to respond. He made his attitude clear: "Don't think that short-sightedness is a bad thing. No one knows what the future will look like. It often changes in three to five years. I can make so much money. It’s because I focus on the present.”

"The Landau family firmly supports all the Queen's decisions in exchange for the tragedy of my uncle dying of illness in Lundan. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, but I'm still unhappy. The queen wants it today, and if you give it to her, what will she do tomorrow? What will she do if she asks me for it again after you die?"

Wayne pouted, he didn't care why Auston made so much money, he only knew that he temporarily asked Auston to take charge of the money, and it was all his money.

It doesn't make sense to take money from his pocket and still have such a tough attitude!

"Wayne, take a long-term view, use your brain more, and don't choose to solve problems with your fists just because you are stronger." Auston warned.

Ever since Wayne came back from the Frozen Continent, he has been drifting, which is not good.

As a young man, it is understandable that he hopes Wayne can regain his cautious attitude as soon as possible.

Being timid is not a bad thing!

"Just now you said it's better to be short-sighted, but now you're telling me to take a long-term view."

Wayne curled his lips and said, "It's up to you. Cherish the days when you are still the head of the family. When I go up, it will not be up to the Queen whether she speaks in a strong tone."

Auston sighed and placed a document on Wayne's desk: "This is my uncle's information, including their family's temporary residence in Lundan. They are all relatives. You are going to the banquet tonight. Don’t make it difficult for them, but don’t make them too happy either.”

"Say for a long time, you yourself are very dissatisfied with the queen."

Wayne took the information and readily accepted the task. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Can the Death Knight visit them?"


"What about the Dark Knight?"

"No way."

Auston knew what Wayne wanted to say and blocked him directly: "All knights are useless. Use other forces, forces other than the Tulip Family."

Auston stopped there. He was loyal to the Queen and represented the loyalty of the Landau Family. The heir Wayne was different. Young people always make mistakes when they are too passionate. If the Queen pushes too hard, it will be difficult to guarantee the heir's loyalty to the royal family in the future.

Wayne understood immediately and asked curiously: "Is it okay? The Queen will not be furious and then revoke my heir status in a meeting?"

"A good politician will not be angry, but will test each other and compromise. I have already compromised. It's the Queen's turn to compromise."

"It's really troublesome. My evaluation is that the fist is fast and steady."

Wayne still refused to accept it. The amazing wisdom told him that it was time to use super strength.

Thinking of this, Wayne asked curiously: "What about the other Tulip families? Do they have their own face-slapping plans?"

"I don't know about that."

"Tsk, so loyal!"

Wayne took the documents and turned left. He saw the black cat Monica hunting butterflies on the lawn. He stopped for a moment and ignored her, and went straight to the location of the eldest lady's villa.

Veronica was not there. Wayne sniffed the smell in the air and found her in the underground base.

Not only Sif was hit during the trip to the Frozen Continent, but also Veronica. Senna's evaluation was vivid in her mind, and she felt palpitations every time she thought of it.

Sina: weak, helpless, pitiful, and especially easy to bully.

Among her peers, Veronica was undoubtedly the best one, and she used to think so.

Later, she couldn't do it, and met a cheater.

Veronica didn't know that Wayne was cheating, she only knew that Wayne's talent had crushed her in all directions. If Wayne didn't want to, she couldn't learn from Sif to release human cannonballs anytime and anywhere according to her mood.

Although it was later proved that Xifei could release Auston anytime and anywhere, it was purely Auston's concession, but this was not the point. The point was that Veronica was stimulated.

Veronica thought that the old witch was right. If she was strong enough, her fiancé's mount would not be the old witch, and she would not have to keep warm and let Willy get too far.

According to the gossip that Willy inadvertently revealed, she was pregnant in Wayne's house.


Veronica punched the wall, and the solid cement wall fell off. Upon closer inspection, there was a note with Willy's name on it.

There were two more pieces of paper next to it, the smashed Wayne and the spotless Chris.

She still couldn't bear to attack Bai Yueguang.

"Veronica, why are you here?"

Wayne asked knowingly, planning to check Juno's condition again in the near future. If there is no problem, he will perform surgery on Veronica. Auston was also urging him to do it. He estimated that the teacher had reached the critical point of patience.

It's almost time to do it!

Veronica's eyes were fierce. In her sight, Wayne was hugging Chris and Willie with big bellies on his left and right, smiling like a social scum.

She shook her head and looked over again. Wayne was hugging Willie, smiling so much that he deserved a beating.

The afterimage flashed, and Veronica rushed straight to Wayne. The latter dodged sideways and said in a panic: "No, we can't practice today. I still have a task to do. Don't damage the file."

Veronica stopped chasing and looked at Wayne hesitantly: "What file, where is it, why can't I see it?"

"Oh, in my golden wizard's personal space."



The string representing rationality was snapped directly. Veronica was furious, angry, and furious. She chased Wayne and attacked him. A few minutes later, she grabbed Wayne's collar and hung him on the wall.

"Why don't you run away? Why don't you keep hiding?" Veronica raised her fist and clenched it until it made a crackling sound.

"My heart is in your hands. No matter how far I run, I will come back. I can't run away." Wayne sighed and said that his life was over.

"Hehe, how many parts of your heart have you divided?"





The camera turned, and Veronica turned around and left the underground base, step by step, with an extremely fierce momentum.

Wayne followed behind like a punching bag, covering his nose with one hand, and blood kept gushing out from his fingers.

In terms of playing misery, he is much more professional than Auston.

His physique is here. Auston will die if he loses too much blood. He can make as much as he wants.

"What are you doing with me? Go back to your home?"

"This is my home!"

"Hmph, senior sister and Willie are waiting for you at home. This is not your home."

"That's right, I'm leaving now."

"Asshole, come back here."

Veronica was furious. She grabbed Wayne's collar and dragged him back to the eldest lady's villa. She found a way out for herself: "Tell me, what mission? Did the old asshole arrange for you to go on a long trip?"

"Veronica, you can't say that about my father, at least not in front of me." Wayne said seriously: "You know, we haven't gotten married yet. The old asshole is the head of the family. If he hears it, he will say that you have no family education and will not agree to this marriage."

Veronica: (_)

"Don't worry, I like you so much. If he doesn't agree, we will elope."


Veronica rubbed her temples with a headache. Getting married, what a beautiful and sacred word. She had also imagined her own wedding.

It was a sunny afternoon, the sun was shining, white doves were released, and mother Healy handed her hand to Wayne. With the blessings of the bridesmaids, a sea of ​​petals fell from the sky, and the couple was bathed in romance.

It's not okay now. The bridesmaids are wearing wedding dresses like her, which is not romantic at all.

Veronica hated herself for not living up to her expectations. She had made up her mind to break up with him before, but because of the attack in the alley, she couldn't help but forgive the scumbag.

Whenever I think of this scene, I can't be cruel.

And Willy, I must beat her to death next time!

"Tell me, what task did the old bastard give you!"

"A family tree."

In Veronica's envious eyes, Wayne waved his hand and took out a document from the dark realm: "You may not believe it, the Landau family has many poor relatives outside, and they have now moved to Lundan."

Veronica frowned slightly, took the document and read it: "What do you mean, you are going to help them?"

"No, they are not kind, they are here to fight for the family property, and Austin asked me to take good care of them for a while."


Veronica returned the document and secretly said that it was boring.

"This involves the game between the royal family and the Tulip family. As the heir, I have to show a completely different attitude from Austin. If you have heard any rumors about me recently, don't believe it. I am acting for the queen." Wayne warned.

"Stop looking down on me. I can tell whether it's a rumor or not, and whether it's related to the family's interests."

Veronica said unhappily: "You don't have to tell me all this. Just do whatever the old bastard tells you to do. Since my mother supports him, I will support you."

Wayne was very relieved: "I feel relieved when you say that. I will start tonight."

"Wait a minute!"

Veronica raised her hand and called a pause, and said suspiciously: "What exactly is the rumor? It sounds like something is wrong."

"Tonight I will use the power outside the family. The other party is a beautiful woman."


"Don't worry, it's Chris's teacher."


Veronica was even more worried. What's wrong with the teacher? Senna is still the teacher's teacher, and she still tasted the sweetness.

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