Restricted Area

Chapter 15: Idol

At the beginning of Jiang Chijing's employment, the work computer in the library had its own default password: 1234.

Usually no one comes to the office area of ​​the library, and no one comes to use the computer, so Jiang Chijing has not deliberately changed the computer password.

Thinking about it now, this may be a wrong decision.

The password of 1234 is too simple. If Zheng Mingyi paid attention to it, he might have guessed it based on Jiang Chijing's gestures.

Jiang Chijing opened seven sub-folders one after another, until he was sure that the icons of the monitoring software were hidden and could not be found, he was relieved.

Before, for safety reasons, Jiang Chijing hid the monitoring software. He believed that even if Zheng Mingyi had used the computer while he was not there, he would definitely not be able to find the hidden location of the software.

He clicked on the browser again and looked at it, and there was no new browsing history.

Could it be that Zheng Mingyi just accidentally touched the mouse?

impossible. According to the contacts these days, Jiang Chijing is more inclined to believe that Zheng Mingyi did use the computer and that he must have deleted the browsing history.

But then again, what does Zheng Mingyi do online?

Without any social software on the computer, he can only look at the web.

For most people, web pages are used to retrieve information. If it is economic information, Zheng Mingyi understands it every day, so why hide it?

Jiang Chijing soon thought of another possibility, that he would delete his browsing history after reading it-on

…How can it be.

Jiang Chijing has been thinking about it for a long time, but he has not figured it out. Until the next morning when he went to the prison building to deliver the letter, his mind was still full of why Zheng Mingyi had to use his computer.

Prison Building No. 3 is the closest to the Public Affairs Building. Zheng Mingyi’s cell is next to the corridor. Every time Jiang Chijing goes from the Public Affairs Building to the Prison Building No. 3, he will pass in front of Zheng Mingyi’s cell for the first time.

But today, it is strange that Zheng Mingyi was not in the cell in the morning during the housekeeping time.

"1017? He was transferred to Building 2." The head of Building 3 said to Jiang Chijing.

"Why so fast?" Jiang Chijing asked.

Inmates who are in jail for the first time will stay in the "novice zone" for at least a month or longer before being transferred to an ordinary cell. And Zheng Mingyi has been in jail for less than two weeks, so logically speaking, he should not be transferred so quickly.

"Because Lao Jiu is back." The building leader said in a low voice, "The people in the cell of 1017 protested to share with him. It is estimated that Lao Jiu let go."

Most of the new prisoners don't want to cause trouble. If Lao Jiu made these words to isolate Zheng Mingyi, then no matter which cell he was placed in Building 3, there would be prisoners protesting.

"Isn't it dangerous to transfer him to Building 2?" Jiang Chijing asked with a frown.

Although Lao Jiu is in Building No. 1 next door, building No. 2 is a mixed bag, and there are many of Lao Jiu's younger brothers.

"It'll take care of it over there," the building manager said, "have found him the safest room."

Jiang Chijing couldn't help speeding up the pace of delivering the letter, and even the prisoner was too lazy to say hello to him. After going around in Building 2, he finally saw Zheng Mingyi in the cell on the corner of the first floor.

The five prisoners in the same room with Zheng Mingyi are still considered duty. Among them, only one person named Chen Er has a relationship with Lao Jiu's social circle. Jiang Chijing had seen them play cards in the entertainment room during the surveillance.

As long as it's not four or five people beating one person, it's just Chen Er. Jiang Chijing believes Zheng Mingyi can do it himself.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Zheng Mingyi in the cell, then resumed his usual pace and continued to deliver the remaining letters.

When time came to nine o'clock in a blink of an eye, Zheng Mingyi arrived at the door of the library on time.

Here Jiang Chijing just came up from the mail room on the first floor. He took out the key to open the door of the library and asked casually: "Are you still used to it?"

"It's okay." Zheng Mingyi followed Jiang Chijing's pace, "Thank you, Officer Jiang, for your concern."

Jiang Chijing glanced at Zheng Mingyi faintly, wanting to say that I didn't care about you, but in the end he was too lazy to speak and walked straight into the office area.

This time when Jiang Chijing entered the computer password, he deliberately moved the keyboard completely to his side, and entered a series of super complicated passwords, so complicated that he almost didn't remember it.

He didn't shy away from Zheng Mingyi's probing eyes because he just wanted Zheng Mingyi to know that he had changed his password.

In his expectation, Zheng Mingyi must be thinking about where he was showing his feet at this time, and he felt anxious because of this. However, it was unexpected that Zheng Mingyi would take the initiative to ask: "Have you changed your password, Officer Jiang?"

You dare to ask.

Jiang Chi Jingyi pointed out: "Of course, lest anyone touch my computer."

Having said it so clearly, Jiang Chijing thought to himself that Zheng Mingyi should feel guilty no matter what.

As a result, Zheng Mingyi still had no response, but he nodded in agreement and said: "It is indeed time to change, the previous password is a bit low-level."

Jiang Chijing: "..."

Sorting out the dialogue between the two can probably be simplified into the following version.

Jiang Chijing: I know you moved my computer.

Zheng Mingyi: Who makes your password so low-level?

Jiang Chijing turned his head, facing the direction of the window, closed his eyes and let out a suffocated breath.

Zheng Mingyi admitted that he used Jiang Chijing's computer, but he didn't think Jiang Chijing could do anything to him, so he didn't feel guilty at all.

Jiang Chijing had that feeling again. The old **** Zheng Mingyi was shaking the big tail behind him on the ground, but he just didn't let Jiang Chijing catch him.

"Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi touched Jiang Chijing with his knee. "The central bank should release the data."

Jiang Chijing finally seized the opportunity to regain a city, and said in a bad mood: "See it for yourself!"

"You know I can't see it." Zheng Mingyi said, "Are you angry with me?"

Jiang Chijing didn't answer, but he picked up the newspaper and read it, making it clear that he was too lazy to take care of Zheng Mingyi.

"All right," Zheng Mingyi said helplessly, "I can only force myself to watch it."

Zheng Mingyi opened the webpage and stared at a few lines for a long time, but he never went down. Although Jiang Chijing was holding the newspaper in his hand, his eyes remained fixed on the computer screen.

After a while, Zheng Mingyi suddenly turned his head, and Jiang Chijing quickly turned his attention back to the newspaper.

"Officer Jiang, which of these two lines is the increase in the consumer index?" Zheng Mingyi asked.

Jiang Chijing looked at the newspaper motionlessly and turned a deaf ear to Zheng Mingyi's problems.

The two stood in a stalemate for a while, and finally Zheng Mingyi exhaled and said softly: "Don't be angry, Officer Jiang, I apologize to you."

All right.

Unexpectedly, this big-tailed wolf would still know how to be soft for him, Jiang Chijing admitted that he was slightly refreshed in his heart.

"Where?" Jiang Chijing put down the newspaper and asked while holding a shelf.

"These few lines." Zheng Mingyi raised his chin, "read them all to me."

When Zheng Mingyi looked at the stocks, the two of them were basically in peace. Jiang Chijing still reads the book "Strawberry Planting Techniques", while Zheng Mingyi is thinking about the stock trend and can hardly speak.

Someone once said that men who work hard are the sexiest. Although Zheng Mingyi looks at stocks in prison is not considered a job, his serious thinking is indeed very attractive.

Whether it's moving and punching, or calming down to think, as long as he starts to concentrate, he always gives people a different feeling.

The time soon came to 9:30. Before Zheng Mingyi left, Jiang Chijing stopped him in a ghostly manner and said, "Do you know that Lao Jiu is back from the hospital?"

Zheng Mingyi stopped and looked back at Jiang Chijing and said, "I know."

"Be careful of Chen Er." Jiang Chijing reminded, "He has a relationship with Lao Jiu."

Zheng Mingyi lowered his eyes and fell silent, then looked at Jiang Chijing again and asked, "What is his charge?"

Jiang Chijing said: "Rape."

Zheng Mingyi nodded thoughtfully, and then left the library.

Jiang Chijing didn't dare to say that he knew Zheng Mingyi completely, but instinctively told him that Zheng Mingyi did not casually ask Chen Er's charge. There was a faint anxiety in his heart, and at this moment, there was a sudden howl from the infirmary opposite.

"It hurts, Doctor Luo."

Jiang Chijing came to the door of the infirmary, leaned on the door frame, looked at Yu Guang who was sitting on the single bed, and said, "Why did you get beaten as soon as you came in?"

There are obvious scars on the corner of Yu Guang's mouth, and Luo Hai is frowning and applying medicine to him.

"The people in the cell think he is too noisy." Luo Hai's expression is not very good, but the movements on his hands are still very gentle.

Jiang Chijing couldn't help feeling amused: "Can't you be quiet for a while?"

"No, you don't know that God of Go has appeared again." Yu Guang avoided the cotton swab in Luohai's hand, chattering to Jiang Chijing and said, "God has disappeared for a long time, and finally appeared on the forum yesterday. NS!"

Jiang Chijing looked at Luo Hai puzzledly and asked, "Who is Go God?"

Luo Hai held the restless Yu Guang, and returned to Jiang Chijing and said, "What kind of **** he is on the forum."

"What breaks the forum," Yu Guang said dissatisfied, "Is that the most famous forum for stock trading, okay?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chijing immediately found the blind spot, raised an eyebrow and asked Luo Haidao: "Did you let him use the computer yesterday?"

"Cough cough." Luo Hai cleared his throat unnaturally, "I'm staring at him, I didn't do anything bad."

There is also a computer in the infirmary, which of course cannot be used by prisoners, let alone Yu Guang is a hacker. Jiang Chijing also didn't expect that Luo Hai would be so unprincipled with this kid.

"This is not the point, do you really don't know who God Go is?" Yu Guang asked.

Jiang Chijing really didn't know him, after all, he didn't trade stocks.

According to Yu Guang, Go God is a legend on the stock trading forum, and he predicted a major stock market crash a few years ago. He analyzes the stock market on the forum every week, provides stock trading advice to retail investors, and has accumulated a large number of loyal followers.

But more than a month ago, Go God suddenly disappeared. Many people were worried about his safety. Until yesterday, he reappeared on the forum and briefly mentioned a few bullish sections.

"What's so legendary about this, isn't it a magic stick?" Jiang Chijing has never believed in any stock trading expert, but is just talking nonsense and cheating Leek.

"You are not allowed to say that about my idol." Yu Guang said with a serious face. "There have been several times when the money of the listed companies was swindled by the stockholders. It was Go God who saw through the truth and asked the retail investors to stop the losses in time."

Jiang Chijing felt strange: "Are you also trading stocks?"

"Of course we must use capitalist means to deal with capitalists." Yu Guangyi said sternly, "Go God is our leader."

"This kid likes to worship some heroes blindly." Luo Hai put away the medicine cabinet with a headache, "How can there be so many heroes in this world?"


If heroes are so good, then the streets are full of heroes.

go god? Jiang Chijing thought boredly that the name had not been creative at all.

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