Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 111: Dark gray dream

The sound of gunshots and chainsaws continued to sound at the other end of the two cars, but it was these deathly cold sounds that made me feel a detached silence surrounding me. Me and Shirai looked at each other quietly. I thought our eyes seemed to be communicating, but maybe nothing.

The beast-like pupils made my throat seem to be stuffed with a burning charcoal, hoarse, chapped, as if every breath, the mouth was full of the bitter taste of almonds.

Lost everything. In order to avenge the guy who lost everything, he eventually abandoned himself, leaving only a beast-like body.

I don't want to be so miserable.

The guy named "White Well" crouching in front of me now seems to let me see my future reflection.

One day, the power I have will make me lose everything, will I end up with such a final result?

This unstoppable thought turned into a mass of fear that swallowed my soul.

"Speak, Shirai, is this your wish? Can this be your wish?"

I yelled at him, and Shirai just breathed for a long time, the night wind pulled the bandage on the side of his face, and the open and closed pupils seemed to be thinking. The light moonlight scattered on his body as the clouds drifted, making me feel very sad.

I don't want to be like him.

"No, no, I still have Fujiang. Fujiang will not die as easily as Morino."

Just thinking about it, I seemed to hear Fu Jiang ’s screams. I turned my head and saw that the world opposite the car was twisted, deformed human body, transposed sound, extremely bright colors, extremely tragic conditions, countless The intelligence instantly reversed into my brain along my line of sight.

I yelled, my heart seemed to stop beating for a few seconds.

what is this? Is the superpower of spatial nature?

I turned my eyes back to Shirai's body in disbelief. His head seemed to be occupied by the wild pupil in an instant. Blinking again, the outline named Shirai seems to leave only the vertical pupil in a flash. When I opened my eyes in horror, I suddenly realized that Shirai was still squatting intact.

What I saw was just an illusion.

I felt like a red needle was inserted into my head, which made me feel so painful that I held the forehead involuntarily.

The pain made my mind clear. I knew I had made a big mistake. I should n’t have thought about these things in battle, but these thoughts seemed to be silt deposited at the bottom of the pond and were stirred by a force He rolled up involuntarily. It made me feel very clearly how my brain became cloudy.

At this time, I seemed to hear a voice from the depths.

Hello, Gao Chuan.


In a dream, everything comes to life.

What dream?

The only way to wake up is to realize that something is not right.

Who is talking?

It's me, Gao Chuan.



I began to feel that something was wrong, and everything I saw, thought, and heard became strange. Although there is no erroneous feeling in the sense, a more mechanical, cold and rational thinking makes it all look like Picasso's abstract painting.

It's like ... I'm getting out of control.

Loses control of thinking and actions, an invisible force is interfering with my self-control.

As a top student, I don't allow myself to lose control.

But the voice deep in the soul was saying, why not try to get out of control?

"Because I am Gao Chuan."

"I am also Takakawa." The voice said in front of me: "I want to try to get out of control."

I let go of the hand holding my forehead and raised my head. I was shocked to find that Shirai's head had changed into another look. It was no longer a silhouette wrapped in bandages, but a cold and cruel face.

That is the mask of the murderous ghost Takakawa!

Am I ... dreaming?

"Yes, you are dreaming, but in this dream, everything comes to life." The murderer of Facebook stood up, grabbed a kitchen knife in his hands, and placed a cross in front of him, wrapped in bandages. Her body became extremely strong as if inflated.

"Beheading in your heart. If you are injured and died here ..." The murderer galloped towards me and laughed wildly, "Nothing will happen when you wake up!"

I immediately raised my weapon to shoot, but there was no suitcase in the raised hand. The killer came to me in an instant. The terrible facial mask was less than a centimeter from my nose. The only eye that was not covered by paint was the same pupil as Shirai.


He laughed wildly, before my rigid brain had time to react, he stabbed the kitchen knife into my stomach. While the painful signal was transmitted in the nerve, the cross-shaped cold light flashed on my chest and abdomen. .

Shirai jumped back like a gust of wind, leaving me staring at the place where he was injured.

Ripped the belly, like a carton that was cut open, the muscle layer was torn, and the inside was completely exposed to the air.

There was nothing in it!

The body I opened had no internal organs, only a gray mist swirling slowly. It is like the heart, like the Milky Way, like the center of the universe, spinning itself quietly.

The intense pain poured into the brain.

I couldn't help but screamed.

"What's the matter? Honorary student, are you in pain?" The murderer jumped around and attacked me again.

I quickly backed away, groping for a weapon all over my body, but there was nothing left except the dagger. I endured the severe pain and pressed the flapped stomach back, stabbing him with a dagger when the murderer entered the attack area. Panicked, without any rules, he naturally flashed away easily, disappearing in front of me incomparably light.

I followed my residual image and moved my eyes. When I caught the Facebook on the right, the two kitchen knives almost took off my arm. I finally used a dagger to hold his kitchen knife, but he was kicked in the chin with a round kick, and the violent impact almost broke my neck ~ ~ Then he grabbed his arm, and in an instant, I The world before me suddenly turned upside down.

I was slammed to the ground, twisted to the arm behind me, and was cut off by the murderer.

I didn't care about screaming, just wanted to get away quickly, and I hid to the side, and the murderer didn't catch up. He raised his head, opened his mouth, and stretched out a lizard-like tongue to greet the blood flowing from his broken arm.

The blood volume of the broken arm is so large, it is like a stream, and when the murderer closes his mouth and looks to me, he still drenches his face in a bright red, and the wild murderous eyeball is also A piece of blood. Although I felt pain, but my arm was broken but there was no blood or white bones, and the muscle tissue was wrapped in a thick gray mist.

This is just a dream. I tried to persuade myself to ignore pain and restore calmness.

"I don't like your eyes." The murderer said to me: "Whether it's unrestrained emotions or blood boiling, you always have to control them."

"I don't think so." I took a deep breath and replied: "I will do things that are not in my own interest on a whim."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this way of talking." The murderer once again put the two knives together, "Ask! After the thought, the impulse, can it still be an impulse? After the measured feelings, is it really surging? ? When you decide to boil blood, is it really boiled? "

Reply! He didn't wait for me to speak, and immediately shouted loudly. The impulse is not thinking, the unrestrained feelings need not be measured, and the passion is the action before the decision.

"So ..." His voice and body shape turned into a gust of wind, "Your existence itself is a paradox, the top student is Gao Chuan."

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